10th October 2010, 10:04 AM
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Syllabus of sanskrit for jpsc exams?

sir i want to know the syllabus for jpsc exams, sir i have searched a lot in net but unable to get the right answer for the particular question.

12th October 2010, 09:13 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of sanskrit for jpsc exams?

For syllabus see http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/Syllabus.html
for exam schedule http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/ExamSchedule.html
for exam results http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/Result.html
13th October 2010, 04:32 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of sanskrit for jpsc exams?

Like you said there aren’t any links to the syllabus. You could try preparing with the help of the syllabus given by upsc. You can also download old jpsc papers for practice.
19th December 2010, 12:43 AM
raja jeganathan
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Default Re: Syllabus of sanskrit for jpsc exams?


6 (Six) questions to be answered selecting not less than three questions from part I and II, Part –I (BOTANY)

Binomial Nomenclature of Plants with examples.

Cell structure of plants and function of cell organalles.

Structure and function of DNA.

Plant tissues, its structure and function.


Parasitic and saprophytic mode of nutrition in plants.


Photosynthesis and factors effecting photosynthesis.

Role of phytohormones in plants.

Reproduction in plants

Typical ecosystem, physical and biotic factors, food chain and energy flow.

Environmental pollution: Air, water and sound pollution and their control.

Part –II (Zoology)

Classification of animals up to class level with characters and examples.
Structure and function of Bio-molecules like Nucleic acid, protein, lipid, carbohydrates.
Mechanism of animal Cell Division, Replication, Transcription and Translation in Prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Mendel’s Law of heredity, Sex determination in Drosophila and man, Linkage and crossing over, Human Genetic Diseases, Mutation and their role in evolution.
Physiology of Digestion, Circulation, and Excretion in mammals. Mechanism of Nerve Impulse conduction and Reflex action.
Endocrine glands and their Hormones with special reference to reproduction.
Theories of Evolution Darwinism, Lamarckism and modern synthetic theory.
Human Diseases, causative agents, symptom, prevention and their control. (Caused by Bacteria and Viruses)
Deficiency diseases of Vitamins and Minerals.
10. Aquaculture, Apiculture, Sericulture and poultry farming and its economic importance.


6 (Six) questions to be answered selecting not less 2 (Two) questions from part I, II & III.


1. Atomic structure – Fundamental particles of matter, atomic model – Rutherford’s Hund’s rule, Pauli’s exclusion principle.

2. Periodic table, periodicity of properties, electro negativity, electron affinity and ionization potential.

3. Chemical bonding : Co-valent bond, lonic bond, Hydrogen bonding, Vander Waal’s forces.

4. Co-ordination chemistry : Double and complex salt, werner’s theory, Effective atomic number, Valence bond theory in complexes.

5. General chemistry of Gr IB, IIA and IIB elements of periodic table. Extraction & Properties of Silver, Boron, Phosphorous & and Chromium. Preparation, properties, structure and uses of their compounds.

6. Preparation, properties, structure and uses of following compounds – Hydrogen peroxide, Ozone, Hydrazine, Hydroxylamine, Hydrazoic acid, Potassium permanganate.

7. (a) Different theories of acids and bases, Hard and soft acids. Reactions in Liquid NH3.

(b) Principle involved in the separation of Cations, Solubility product, common ion effect.

8. Preparation, Properties, bonding and application of alkyls and acyls of Li and Sn.


1. Hybridization in organic compounds, nomenclature of organic compounds.

2. Alcohols : Classification, Preparation, properties and distinction between different types of monohydric alcohols, phenols – preparation and properties, comparative acidic strengths of alcohols and phenols.

3. Carbohydrates : Classification and nomenclature, Glucose, Fructose, chain lengthening and chain shortening of aldoses, Conversion of glucose into fructose and vice-versa. Determination of open chain and ring structure of glucose.

4. (a) Preparation and synthetic use of malonic ester & Griqnard reagent

(b) Preparation, properties and use of urea and Pyridine.

5. Explain Tetra valency of Carbon, Type of hybridization in organic Compounds (sp, sp2 & sp3) hemolytic and hetreolytic bond breaking Explain Free Radical, Carbonium Ion & Carbanion, and their formation and stability. Effects in organic compounds :- Inductive, Mesomeric, Hyper conjugation and resonance.

6. General Methods, Preparation, Preparation, Properties of Mono Carboxylic acid and their derivatives.

7. Types of isomerism – optical, geometrical and conformational, tautomerism.

8. (a) Synthetic polymers – Addition polymerization, free radical vinyl polymerization, condensation polymerization, polyesters and polyamides.

(b) Soaps and synthetic detergents, colour & constitution of deys and their synthesis, Oils and fats.


1. Thermodynamics : System and surrounding, types of systems, heat, work, Internal energy, Heat capacities and relation between them, Calculation of Q, W, E and H in isothermal and adiabatic expansions of gases, Efficiency and thermodynamic scale of temperature, Hess’s law and kirchoff’s.

2. Characteristics of catalyst, preparation, purification, stability and properties of colloids.

3. Crystal lattice, Unit cell, Bravis lattice, Bragg’s equation.

4. (a) Gaseous states – Kinetic theory of gases, Ideal and Real gases, Van der waal’s equation, Critical Constants.

5. Rates of reaction, mathematical characteristics of simple chemical reaction – I Order, II Order and pseudo- order, Determination of order of reaction, Arrhericus equation and its application.

6. Electro Chemistry – Specific, equivalent and molecular conductivities. Determination of specific and equivalent conductivities, effect of dilution on sp, equiv and molecular conductivities, Kohlrausch law, EMF of a cell and its determination.

7. Dipole moment and its determination, Refractive index and molecular refractivity, magnetic properties – Para magnetism and Ferro-magnetism.
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13th January 2011, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: Syllabus of sanskrit for jpsc exams?

refer to the following site-
For syllabus see http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/Syllabus.html
for exam schedule http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/ExamSchedule.html
for exam results http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/Result.html

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30th March 2011, 09:10 AM
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Default Re: Syllabus of sanskrit for jpsc exams?


Syllabus of sanskrit for jpsc exams
For syllabus see http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/Syllabus.html
for exam schedule http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/ExamSchedule.html
for exam results http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/Result.html

good luck
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22nd April 2011, 12:49 AM
Mayank Shekhar
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Default Re: Syllabus of sanskrit for jpsc exams?


For syllabus seehttp://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/Syllabus.html

for exam schedule http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/ExamSchedule.html

for exam results http://www.jharkhandjpsc.org/Result.html

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