17th November 2011, 05:26 PM
How may I get the last 5 years solved question papers(for both phase 1&2) for RBI group B exam?
i am working as a taxes officer under finance dept. Govt. of Tripura for the last 4 years.i am willing to appear in the fothcoming rbi exam.i need your help.so, kindly send me the question papers and answers of rbi gr b exam for the last 5 yrs(both for phase 1&2). i shall remain ever grateful to you. my e_mail id : [email protected] |
27th May 2013, 09:25 PM
i am working in uco bank since last 5 years. i am very eager to face rbi grade b officers exam for my better career.i need your help arranging rbi grade b officer's question & answer for both the phases 1 and 2.please send reply and way to get the aforesaid materials. my email id is [email protected] |
11th August 2013, 10:08 PM
yes I have qoution papera
24th January 2014, 12:05 AM
i will prepare myself for RBI Economics Research officer Examination. i need your help arranging rbi grade b officer's question & answer for both the paper 1 and 2.Please provide me.. my email address is [email protected].