22nd June 2012, 12:56 PM
How can I do CA and B.Com Together? I am studying in 1st year B.Com
Sir, I am studying in 1se year b.com. i am registered for cpt exam also. but i am going to daily college for b.com morning. after passing cpt how i cam do ca and b.com together. if i go to night college for 2nd year b.com can i able to do ca also?
23rd November 2012, 06:01 PM
how to prepare for cpt exam sir? im studying b.com 1st year in the eve coll.. im not able to manage the time, as there are continuous tests in my coll daily..
3rd June 2013, 05:59 PM
I have given exam of b.com 2nd year. Is it better to do c.a