Thread: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL Reply to Thread

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30th January 2012 06:25 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Dear sir,
sir, I am going to attend the written exam in SSC supervisour trainee .I am fresher candiate ,so i have no any idea in this exam. sir plz help me in this exam and send me ssc previous solved question paper of last 5 yr.My id [email protected]
13th December 2011 03:48 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Hello sir,
sir plz suggest me an ideal questions for electrical superwiser exam.
my mail id : [email protected]
thanks with regard.
19th September 2011 05:42 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

i want circuit breaker moving contact material
18th September 2011 05:22 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

syllabus for supervisor trainee(finance) written test
10th September 2011 07:35 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

sir, I am going to attend the written exam in BHEL supervisour trainee .I am fresher candiate ,so i have no any idea in this exam. sir plz help me in this exam and send me bhel previous question.My id is [email protected]
26th August 2011 08:07 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Please provide me a syllabus for mechanical supervisor trainee exam, which will be held on 25 sep11. email i/d [email protected]
16th August 2011 07:50 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

In depth knowledge about subject so better to study all BE syllabus
14th August 2011 08:04 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee (Electrical) in BHEL

sir, I am going to attend the written exam in BHEL supervisour trainee .I am fresher candiate ,so i have no any idia in this exam. sir plz help me in this exam and send me bhel privious question.My id is [email protected]
13th August 2011 05:12 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Dear sir,I want a model set of question paper of supervisor trainee(ELECTRICAL) ,which help me for getting written test on 25 september please send a set of previous question papers to my [email protected].

Thank you.
13th August 2011 12:09 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

You can get the previous year question papers from the nearest book shop.However I've attached some files for your betterment.
13th August 2011 01:10 AM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Sir i have completed my diploma in electronics & comm. engg. and i am a fresher so pls send me the syllabus & sample paper for the supervisor trainee of BHEL on my id [email protected]
8th August 2011 02:08 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Dear Sir, Pls. send me the previous years question paper for the post of Supervisor Trainee (Mechanical), BHEL. My mail Id- [email protected]
6th August 2011 05:28 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Dear sir
I have no idea about BHEL exam, which type of question they asking. I am a fresher(Mechanical). please suggest me how to prepare for engr trainee,and how to manage time in exam hall. plz help me , my mail id is [email protected], any suggestion pls send me.

thank you
6th August 2011 01:13 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Dear sir,
Please send me previous years question papers for the entrance exam of supervisor trainee(electronics instrumentation and control engg.) to my email id: [email protected]
5th August 2011 11:07 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

i am a fresher.i am going to attend the written exam.plzsend me prev. emil is [email protected]
4th August 2011 08:29 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Hello sir,
I need to know wt type of questions will be asked in supervisor trainee for finance exam. can u plz help me sir. my mail id is [email protected]
4th August 2011 06:17 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Dear Sir, Pls. send me the previous years question paper for the post of Supervisor Trainee(Cvil), BHEL. My mail Id- [email protected]
4th August 2011 03:34 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

sir, i am going to attend bhel supervisor trainee exam (finance).I am not having any idea regarding the question pattern. please help me to provide an idea regarding the question pattern. pls send me previous question papers. my mail id [email protected]
4th August 2011 09:26 AM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

respected sir
i have an written exam i bhell supervisor trainee. i am a fresher candiate, sir plz help me pls send me a sample of questions so i can preaper my id is [email protected]
3rd August 2011 08:04 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

sir ,i have completed my diploma in mechanical engineering.kindlysend me the mechanical related question papers
3rd August 2011 10:09 AM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

sir, I am going to attend the written exam in BHEL supervisor trainee .I am fresher candiate ,so i have no any idia in this exam. sir plz help me in this exam and send me bhel privious question.My id is [email protected]
22nd October 2010 10:18 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

I have completed my diploma in Computer Enineering..kindly send me the computer and electrical related questions..
20th October 2010 08:50 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

Respected Sir
I am doing diploma in ELECTRICAL ENGG. branch. please give me the model question paper set for supervisor trainee my e-mail id [email protected]
16th October 2010 01:34 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

syllabus for supervisor tranee in electrical engg
16th October 2010 10:00 AM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

please give me the old question papers for supervisor trainee
15th October 2010 01:54 PM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

syllabus for supervisor tranee in electrical engg
11th October 2010 03:08 AM
Re: Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

well its very nice of you that you are attending the exam of BHEL. which is one of the best in the public sector.. so no doubt the competition is neck to neck. you have to be very keen in your respective branch, you could not even ignore any small point and for the previous year papers you could go for the link
10th October 2010 02:56 PM
[email protected]
Previous question papers for the post of supervisor trainee in BHEL

sir, I am going to attend the written exam in BHEL supervisor trainee .I am fresher candiate ,so i have no any idia in this exam. sir plz help me in this exam and send me bhel privious question.My id is [email protected]

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