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17th May 2019 12:17 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Colleges offering LLB Correspondence course in Pune are :

- Deccan Education Society's Law College

- Bharathi Vidyapeeth New Law College

- Symbiosis Society's Law College

- University of Pune, Faculty of Law

- Abhinav Education Society

- Shri Shivaji Maratha Law College
22nd March 2018 07:19 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

I`m Ganaesh Ghusale, 37 years from Maharashtra, I`m DME from Pune University, i can i go (part time) Externally for llb, Please guide me for the admission also suggest me if any collage near to aurangabad
19th September 2016 05:20 PM
labanya kumar
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Colleges for 3 years correspondence

>Deccan Education Society’s Law
>deccan education society laww college
>university of pune
>Patil Prathishthan’s Law College, Pune
>Shri. Shivaji Maratha Law College
>Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college
>Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College
>Vidhya Pratishthan Law College
>Abhinav Education Society
>Symbiosis Society’s Law College
>Balaji Law College
4th July 2016 05:31 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

i got a information about Kallinga university , they offer LLB course in correspondence mode , please guide me kalinga university is fake or actually good
22nd December 2013 01:59 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Sir I want to do LLB through correspondence from any university in punjab. I have completed my BA with 54% marks in 2003. Please guide me.
26th June 2013 05:59 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune


Law colleges in Pune :
Shri shivaji maratha society's Law college

ABMSP's yashwantrao chavan law college

Rajashree shivraj pratishthan's Law college

New Law college

ILS Law college

AK Khan Law college

Abhinav education society's

Department of Law

Symbiosis society's Law college

DES Law college

PES Modern Law college

Balaji Law college

Singhad Law college
26th June 2013 12:00 AM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

dear friend.....

Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

1.Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune
2.Vidhya Pratishthan Law College, Pune
3.University Of Pune, Faculty of Law.
Reply With Quote
4.Deccan Education Society’s Law College, Pune
5.shri. Shivaji Maratha Law College, Pune
6.Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college, Pune
7.Abhinav Education Society 13, Katraj, Pune
8.abmsop Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Parvati, Pune
9.Vidhya Pratishthan Law College, Pune
10.Symbiosis Law College, Pune
11.Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Law College Pune
12.Symbiosis Law College, Pune
13.Bharati Vidyapeeth’s New Law College, Pune
14.Balaji Law College, Pune.
15.Deccan Education Society’s Law College
2nd March 2013 07:01 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Can u tell me how many fees to l.l.b. Course.
Fees type 1st year.
2nd yr.
3rd yr.plz give me full information about total fees of l.l.b.
3rd January 2013 08:17 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune


Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

1.ils law coll.
2.abhinav education society
3.abmsp yashwantrao chavan law coll.
4.shri shivaji maratha law coll.
5.univ. of pune
6.deccan edu. societys law coll.
7.symbiosis societys law coll. vidyapeeth new law coll.
9.dr.dy patil law coll.

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2nd January 2013 02:26 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi all,
pls. tell me the college names in pune which are affiliated to university of pune offering the 3 yrs. correspondence LLB course. this is little urgent. Please reply as soon as possible.
Thankns and regards!!:-)

list of top LAW colleges in pune

DES Law college

Balaji Law college

Singhad Law college

Shri shivaji maratha society's Law college

Rajashree shivraj pratishthan's Law college

Symbiosis society's Law college

ABMSP's yashwantrao chavan law college

New Law college

AK Khan Law college

Department of Law

PES Modern Law college

1st January 2013 09:24 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Kurukshetra University - Kurukshetra, Haryana

Surreal Education - New Delhi, Delhi

Amity University - Noida, Uttar Pradesh

College of Engineering - Pune, Maharashtra

Medical College - Pune, Maharashtra

Sinhgad Law College - Pune, Maharashtra

Dr Ambedkar Law College - Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh

good luck
1st January 2013 09:20 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Kurukshetra University - Kurukshetra, Haryana

Surreal Education - New Delhi, Delhi

Amity University - Noida, Uttar Pradesh

College of Engineering - Pune, Maharashtra

Medical College - Pune, Maharashtra
6th November 2012 06:07 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Dear Friend,

The Colleges Offering 3 years LLB Correspondence Course in Pune are :

* Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college, Pune

* Symbiosis Society’s Law College, Pune

* Dr. D.Y. Patil Law College, Pune

* Deccan Education Society’s Law College, Pune

* University Of Pune

* ILS Law College

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
6th November 2012 02:16 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Universities offering courses in law through correspondence in pune:

Symbiosis Law College, Pune(Est: 1977)
Senapati Bapat Road, Pune-411004
Tel: 020-25655114

ILS Law College, Pune(Est: 1924)
Law College Road, Pune-411004
Tel: 020-25656775

Gurunanak Dev University

Kakatiya University

Kurukshetra University
13th October 2012 03:02 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune


Best law colleges in Pune with other contact information... : -

Shri. Shivaji Maratha Law College
Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College
Balaji Law College
Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college
Abhinav Education Society
Deccan Education Society’s Law College

ALL THE BEST............

7th June 2012 09:37 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

hello dear friend

These are some colleges who offers 3 years correspondence LLB course in pune. So please check these colleges -

Abhinav Education Society 13, Katraj, Pune

Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college, Pune

Deccan Education Society’s Law College, Pune

Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune

ABMSP’s Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Parvati, Pune

Shri. Shivaji Maratha Law College, Pune

Symbiosis Society’s Law College, Pune

Dr. D.Y. Patil Prathishthan’s Law College, Pune

Vidhya Pratishthan Law College, Pune

ILS Law College Road , Pune

University Of Pune, Faculty of Law....
good luck
thank you....
2nd June 2012 10:16 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Mr. garg.satish as list given by you below no any college provide LLB 3 years through correspondence . Kindly give correct information.

if you are a girl than you can look for the admission into
S.N.D.T.Women's Univ. , which is affiliated to pune university .

other colleges which are well renowned and affiliated to pune university as well as bar council of india (BCI) and does provides 1 , 3, 5 yrs. correspondence LLB courses are :

~University Of Pune, Faculty of Law

~Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Law College Pune

~Deccan Education Society’s Law College

~ABMSP’s Yashwantrao Chavan Law College

~Symbiosis Law College, Pune

~Indian Law Society Law College, Pune

~Bharati Vidyapeeth’s New Law College, Pune

for more details about them , please visit their official websites .
2nd June 2012 10:13 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

garg.satish0;107373]hello guest!!!

if you are a girl than you can look for the admission into
S.N.D.T.Women's Univ. , which is affiliated to pune university .

other colleges which are well renowned and affiliated to pune university as well as bar council of india (BCI) and does provides 1 , 3, 5 yrs. correspondence LLB courses are :

~University Of Pune, Faculty of Law

~Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Law College Pune

~Deccan Education Society’s Law College

~ABMSP’s Yashwantrao Chavan Law College

~Symbiosis Law College, Pune

~Indian Law Society Law College, Pune

~Bharati Vidyapeeth’s New Law College, Pune

for more details about them , please visit their official websites .
29th February 2012 09:46 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

List of Law colleges in Pune :

ILS Law college

Abhinav education society's

Symbiosis society's Law college

ABMSP's yashwantrao chavan law college

New Law college

AK Khan Law college

Department of Law

DES Law college

Balaji Law college

Singhad Law college

Shri shivaji maratha society's Law college

Rajashree shivraj pratishthan's Law college

PES Modern Law college

Padmashree Dr.D.Y.Patil Law college

Marathwada mitra mandal's Law college
1st January 2012 12:52 AM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

loyd law college,
action business school,
aakriti institute for art,
surreal education ,
school of law indore
9th August 2011 03:46 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune


Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

* Indian Law Society Law College

* Deccan Education Society’s Law College

* Singhad Law College

* Symbiosis Society’s Law College

* Abhinav Education Society’s Law College

* University of Pune

* Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Law College

* Shivaji Maratha law college

* Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College

Thank you
9th August 2011 08:42 AM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Hello Friend

List of Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune are given below.

1)ABMSP’s Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Parvati, Pune

2)Vidhya Pratishthan Law College, Pune

3)Deccan Education Society’s Law College

4)Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune

5)Dr. D.Y. Patil Prathishthan’s Law College, Pune
9th August 2011 12:37 AM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

exam time table oct 2011
16th July 2011 09:41 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

can u plz let me know the fee structure for distance L.L.B?
15th July 2011 07:41 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

sir can get sum 3 years course correspondce collges in mumabi.............
17th June 2011 02:46 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

hi friends i want to take addmission for LLb it is possible to i take this course in marathi or hindi language if yes please reply.
can i do any where in maharashtra plse call on 9860161197
7th May 2011 10:11 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi all,
pls. tell me the college names in pune which are affiliated to university of pune offering the 3 yrs. correspondence LLB course. this is little urgent. Please reply as soon as possible.
Thankns and regards!!:-)

Hey friend,

I have mentioned the colleges for LLb in Pune and the courses offered in the respected colleges.

Colleges for LLB in Pune

Pune University

Courses offered:

1. B.S.L.LL.B-Programme(Five-Year)
2. The LL.B Programme (3 Years)

ILS Law College
(BCI Approved)(Affiliated to Pune University, Pune)
ILS Law College,Law College Road
Pune - 411004
Maharashtra ,India
Phone: +91 2025678678 / +91 2025656775
Fax: +91 2025658665
Email: [email protected]

Courses Offered:
BSL (Five-Year Degree Course)
LLB (Three-Year Degree Course)
DTL (Diploma in Taxation Law)
DLL&LW (Diploma in Labour Law &
MLL&LW (Masters in Labour Law & Labour Welfare)

Abhinav Education Society’s Law College
(BCI Approved)(Affiliated to Pune University,Pune)
Sr. No. 13, Ambegaon (Bk),
Katraj-Dehu Road by pass,
Pune – 411046.
Phone No.–(020)24319097/99
Telefax - (020)24319098

Courses offered:
LL.B Course
B.S.L / LL.B Course
D.T.L (One year Diploma in Taxation Laws)
1 year Certificate Course in Forensic and Medical Jurisprudence

Symbiosis Society's Law College(BCI Approved)
Senapati Bapat Road , Pune - 411004. (India)
Tel.: +91-20-2565 5114,
Fax: +91-20-2567 17 11
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]

Courses offered:
B.A. LL.B.: (seats50)
B.B.A.LL.B.seats 150)

ABMSPS’s Yashwantrao Chavan Law College (BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Pune University, Pune)
Parvati Ramana, Parvati, Pune - 411009
Tel: +(91)-(20)-24221002,24224607,24224607

Courses offered:

Bharati Vidyapeeth’s New Law College
(BCI Approved)(Affiliated to Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune)
Erandwane Campus,
Paud Road,
Pune 411 038.
Phone No. : 020-5444616

Courses offered:
LL.B.(6 Semester Programme) (seats:240)
LL.B.(10 Semester Programme) (seats:160)
D.T.L(Diploma in Taxation Laws) (seats:60 )
D..L.L(Diploma in Labour Laws) (seats:60)
D.H.R. (Diploma in Human Rights) (seats:60)
Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights(seats:60)
LL.M.(P.G. course) (seats:40)

A.K.Khan Law College
(BCI Approved)(Affiliated to Pune University)
2390 - K. B. Hidayatullah Road,
New Modikhana,
Azam Campus, Camp.
Pune - 411001
Tel. : +91-020-26442068
Telefax : +91-20-26447257
E-mail : [email protected]

Courses offered:

Department of Law,
University of Pune,
Pune - 411 007.
Maharashtra, India.
Telphone No :- (+91)-020-25601261
Email: [email protected]

Courses offered:
LL.M and PhD

D. E. S. Law College(BCI Approved)
(Affiliated to Pune University,Pune)
Gate No.3,
Fergusson College Campus
Pune -411004
Telephone +91-20-25450052
Fax +91-20-25452469
E-mail: [email protected]

Courses offrered:
B.S.L. LL.B (seats:160)
Dip. in Taxation Laws (seats:160)
Certificate Course in Forensic & Medicine Jurisprudence(seats:60)

Balaji Law College
(BCI Approved)(Affiliated to Pune University, Pune)
Survey No. 55/2-7,
Tathawade, Opp.
Wakad Police Station,
Off Pune-Mumbai Highway,
Tel.: +91-20-2293 2928,
Tele fax: +91-20-2293 2928.
Email: [email protected]

Courses offered:
B.S.L.LL.B Programme (Five Year)
LL.B Programme (3 Years)
Diploma in Taxation Laws ( D.T.L)
Masters Degree in Labour Law & Labour Welfare ( M.L.L.& L.W)

Singhad Law College
(BCI Approved)(Affiliated to Pune University, Pune)
44/1, Vadgaon(Budruk), Off Sinhgad Road, Pune 411 041.
Telefax: 020-2435 4721.
Email: [email protected]

Courses offered:
Certificate Course in Forensic & Medical Jurisprudence

Shri Shivaji Maratha Society’s Law College
(BCI Approved) (Affiliated to Pune University,Pune)
425,Shukrawar Peth,
Pune - 411002
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Courses offered:

Rajashree Shivraj Pratishthan's Maharastra Law College
(BCI Approved) (Affiliated to Pune University, Pune)
Establishment: 2003

Courses offered:
3Year & 5 Year Law Course

P. E. S. Modern Law College
(BCI Approved)(Affiliated to Pune University, Pune)
S No.85/86, University of Pune
Circle, Pashan Road, Ganeshkhind,
Pune -411053.
Tel: 020-25678987, 020-64007513, 020-25664890
Fax: 020-25673396
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Courses offered:
B.S.L. LL.B (5 years)
LL.B. (3 years)
Diploma in Cyber Law (DCL)
Diploma in Taxation Laws (DTL)
Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (DIPR)
Diploma in Labour Laws & Labour Welfare (DLL&LW)
Certificate course in Medical Jurisprudence and Forensic Science(MJFS)
Master in Labour Laws & Labour Welfare (MLL&LW)

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Law College
(BCI Approved)(Affiliatedto Pune University, Pune)
Establishment: 2001
Pimpri / Pune / Maharastra / India

Courses offered:
3 Year & 5 Year Law Course

Marathwada Mitra Mandal's Law College
(BCI Approved) (Affiliated to Pune University, Pune)
University of Pune
302/A, Deccan Gymkhana
Phone-No: (020) 25121977/25651410

Thank you.
7th May 2011 06:46 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Here is the list:

-Pune University
-ILS Law College
-Abhinav Education Society’s Law College
-Symbiosis Society's Law College
-ABMSPS’s Yashwantrao Chavan Law College
-Bharati Vidyapeeth’s New Law College
-A.K.Khan Law College
-D. E. S. Law College
-Balaji Law College
-Singhad Law College
6th May 2011 07:50 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

I have completed m]B|MBA in 2009. Now I am doing job in channel sales in an American mnc. I am looking for further a course that will glitter my carrier please suggest...
6th May 2011 02:04 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

can i see the information about LLB admission date forms fees ranking.
20th April 2011 12:57 AM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

I have checked the web sites of all the above mentioned law colleges and non of them is offering correspondence LLB course.

__________________________________________________ ______________________
Mukesh Deswal
Sr. Associate F&S // Convergys India Services Pvt. Ltd // IPLC : 801-579-2070 Extn : 75705
Cell : 91-9899806035 // Domestic : 91-124-4713500 Extn : 3292
1st April 2011 03:16 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

I wud likd to take admission in Deccan law college in L.L.B. 2011 so guide me
24th March 2011 12:50 AM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

hi dear,

These are some colleges who offers 3 years correspondence LLB course in pune. So please check these colleges -

Abhinav Education Society 13, Katraj, Pune

Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college, Pune

Deccan Education Society’s Law College, Pune

Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune

ABMSP’s Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Parvati, Pune

Shri. Shivaji Maratha Law College, Pune

Symbiosis Society’s Law College, Pune

Dr. D.Y. Patil Prathishthan’s Law College, Pune

Vidhya Pratishthan Law College, Pune

ILS Law College Road , Pune

University Of Pune, Faculty of Law.
27th February 2011 03:26 PM
omprakash sharma
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

There are some top colleges in pune who offered correspondence LLB in Pune -
1. bharti vidhyapeeth law college
2.abhinav education society
3. shivaji maratha law college
4. symbiosis society law college
5.ils law college
6. university of pune
7.deccan education society laww college
27th February 2011 01:02 AM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

these are the college in pune.

Abhinav Education Society

Balaji Law College

Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college

Deccan Education Society’s Law College

Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College

Shri. Shivaji Maratha Law College

ABMSP’s Yashwantrao Chavan Law College
26th February 2011 01:32 AM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune


Here are the colleges in Pune, which offer 3 years correspondence course in LLB:

#Abhinav Education Society 13, Katraj, Pune

#Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college, Pune

#Symbiosis Society’s Law College, Pune

#Dr. D.Y. Patil Prathishthan’s Law College, Pune

#Vidhya Pratishthan Law College, Pune

#ILS Law College Road , Pune

#Shri. Shivaji Maratha Law College

FOR more details please go to the official web site for these colleges.

best of luck.....................
12th January 2011 05:15 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

where is the best college to pursue the DIPLOMA IN TAXATION LAW COURSE IN PUNE ?
9th January 2011 11:24 AM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

hi friend there is no provision of corresspondence course in llb in india. you have to do regular 3 or 5' years course.
16th December 2010 09:21 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

There are some top colleges in pune who offered correspondence LLB in Pune -
1. bharti vidhyapeeth law college
2.abhinav education society
3. shivaji maratha law college
4. symbiosis society law college
5.ils law college
6. university of pune
7.deccan education society laww college
3rd December 2010 07:27 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Originally Posted by avinash kr. View Post
please search on the internet for college offering LLB in pune. you will get a required answer of your question.. thanking you. best of luck...
Dear avinash,
This is not like a Senior Member's Answer...
2nd December 2010 05:38 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi all,
pls. tell me the college names in pune which are affiliated to university of pune offering the 3 yrs. correspondence LLB course. this is little urgent. Please reply as soon as possible.
Thankns and regards!!:-)
Ans : The college name in pune is Bharti Vidyapeeth New Law Coolege which is affiliated to university of Pune which offering the three years correspondence LLB course. Thanks with regards.
8th November 2010 09:07 PM
avinash kr.
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

please search on the internet for college offering LLB in pune. you will get a required answer of your question.. thanking you. best of luck...
3rd November 2010 03:29 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

None of the college offer Correspondence LLB in Pune.
28th October 2010 04:44 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

[QUOTE=Unregistered;107172]Hi all,
pls. tell me the college names in pune which are affiliated to university of pune offering the 3 yrs. correspondence LLB course. this is little urgent. Please reply as soon as possible.
Thankns and regards!!:-)[/QUOTE hi i am also lookin for same course LLB and if u find some university to do this course please let me know email me gifts_only4u"
6th August 2010 03:29 PM
Jitendra malviya
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

dear friend

here best law colleges in Pune with other contact information...

Abhinav Education Society
13, Katraj,
Pune, 411046
Phone: 020-24319097, 24319099
Courses: LLB, BSL.DTL, Certificate Course in Forensic Law & Medical Juriprudance

Balaji Law College
S. No. 55/2-7, Tathawade, Opp Wakad Police Station,
Off Mumbai- Bangolare Bypass, Pune, 411033
Phone: 020-66741102/ 03
Fax: 020-66741104
Email: professor-bala@
Courses: BSLLB, LLB, MLL& LW

Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college
1 B, MCC Rd,
Deccan Gymkhana, Pune, 411024
Phone: 020-25455854, 25444616
Email: [email protected]
Courses: LLB (Duration: 3yr), LLB (Duration: 5 yr)
Affiliation: Bharati Vidhyapeeth, Bar Council of India

Deccan Education Society’s Law College
Shivaji Nagar, Deccan Gymkhana,
Pune, 411004
Phone: 020-25650052
Email: [email protected]
Courses: BSL( Duration:5 yrs), LLB (Duration: 3yr)
Affiliation: Pune University

Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College
307/A, BMCC Rd,
Deccan Gymkhana, Pune, 411004
Phone: 020-25121977

Shri. Shivaji Maratha Law College
425, Shukrawarpeth, Pune city,
H.O., Pune, 411002
Phone: 020-24434024, 24431144

ABMSP’s Yashwantrao Chavan Law College
Pune, 411 009
Phone: 020-24221002
Fax: 020-24224607
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ycla
Courses: LLB, BSL LLB, Dip.TL, Dip. LL, LW, Certificate Course in Forensic Law & Medical Juriprudance, Dip in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Affiliation: Pune University

Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Society’s A.K. Khan Law College 2390, K.B. Hidayatullah Road,
Camp, Pune, 411001
Phone: 020-26442068
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 020-26447257

Symbiosis Society’s Law College
Senapati Bapat Road,
Pune, 411004
Phone: 020-25655114, 25651495
Fax: 020-25671711
Email: [email protected]
Affiliation: SIU

ILS Law College Road
Pune, 411004
Affiliation: LLB affiliated to the University of Pune
Phone: 020-25656775, 25678678 Fax: 020-25658665
Email: [email protected]

University Of Pune, Faculty of Law
Ganeshkhind, Pune, 411007
Course: LLB
Phone: 020-25696061 Ext: 2179
Fax: 020-25653899.
Affiliation: Pune University

Dr. D.Y. Patil Prathishthan’s Law College
Pimpri, Pune, 411018
Phone: 020-27421095
Courses: LLB (Duration: 3yrs),DTL (Duration: 1yr), BSL LLB (Duratioin: 5yr), DLL
Affiliation: Pune University

Vidhya Pratishthan Law College
Baramati, Pune, 413133
Phone: 02112-239191, 243341


good luck
3rd August 2010 02:42 AM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Date of registration and admission procedure & enrolment system
5th July 2010 01:42 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

hiii is there any university near by gwalior or delhi which offers llb program in correspondance...
26th June 2010 02:27 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

The colleges are
25th June 2010 11:04 PM
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

here is the list of law collages in pune.....
1-Abhinav Education Society
2-Balaji Law College
3-Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college
4-Deccan Education Society’s Law College
5-Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College
25th June 2010 02:23 PM
Amritansu subh
Re: Colleges for 3 years correspondence LLB in pune

Dear the following colleges areAbhinav Education Society 13, Katraj, Pune
Bharti Vidhyapeeth New Law college, Pune;Deccan Education Society’s Law College, Pune;Marathwada Mitr Mandal Law College, Deccan Gymkhana,Pune;ABMSP’s Yashwantrao Chavan Law College, Parvati,Pune;Shri. Shivaji Maratha Law College, Pune;
Symbiosis Society’s Law College,Pune;Dr. D.Y. Patil Prathishthan’s Law College,Pune;Vidhya Pratishthan Law College,Pune;ILS Law College Road,Pune;University Of Pune, Faculty of Law.
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