Thread: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science? Reply to Thread

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7th October 2012 11:14 AM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

i'm doing my B.E in computer science .which subject i have to choose
31st March 2012 11:49 PM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

Which subjects and what is the number of subject can a B.Sc.(IT) student choose to face the IAS exam?
24th February 2012 01:46 PM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?
20th August 2011 11:53 AM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

as am doing my INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (2nd year) willing to write ias exams...after cmpletin my degree..can any1 tel me....wich subject may i choose.....
18th August 2011 04:22 PM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

Originally Posted by tina.gray View Post
Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

Dear friend,

Best optinal subjects for b-tech computer science:-

Optional subjects for IAS main exam:

Economics , Electrical Engineering,Geography, Geology ,History, Law,Management,Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science and International Relations, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology,Statistics, Zoology, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Anthropology, Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Commerce and Accountancy.

You can choose the subject in sense of your strength . Because this is dependable to you.

10th August 2011 02:31 PM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

31st July 2011 11:04 PM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

Which subjects are necessary for IAS exam
23rd June 2011 02:45 PM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

Which subjects to choose for IASexam after completing Electrical?
26th May 2011 06:28 AM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

What are the oppartunity for sc category students to become ias officer? Abhishek Vt gulbarga
4th May 2011 05:58 PM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

The strategy for Selecting optionals must be in this way

you should give the max importance to your

interest because you have to spend a lot of time in studying your selected

subjects if you don't have interest in what you have selected then

it will become mere waste in will be suffered with boredom so don't listen anyone's suggestion go through the syllabus and topics of each and every optional

select the subject in which you are most attracted and have a 80% interested topics in the syllabus

this is how you have to select the optionals

this should be your target and you have to rock the preparation time interestingly not boringly

so, if you are interested in any optional select it

even if every one says it as the toughest one ..

this is all the opinion of my friends who are preparing for the same

Take the guidance of successful and unsuccessful candidates

As yours is a branch which doesn't have any subjects relatedly you can select subjects like Maths

geography and so on

While selecting think twice

18th April 2011 09:01 PM
Re: Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

Keeping Arts subjects is easier to crack the IAS exam.However you can keep subjects according to your own preference.
9th July 2010 02:14 PM
Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?

Which subjects to choose for IAS exam after completing B.Tech computer science?


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