Thread: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech? Reply to Thread

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22nd December 2021 11:39 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Hi just now I got admission in dypatil and my branch is BTech IT now am in confused that shall I join any class or some course and which course should I do plz suggest me
5th April 2015 10:52 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

sir which stream should i choose if fail to get cse as it is in high demand nowadays in which i get a good package both national and international. please suggest . suggest best suited for girl
6th June 2014 03:44 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Is it compulsary to take computer science group to do b-tech ECE?
If we opt bio in 2 will we lack some basic ideas? ??
22nd December 2013 08:47 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

sir i belong to ECE branch;but i want to change it to EE my decission is correct?
3rd June 2013 09:36 AM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

is electronics and instrumentation branch good for girls? what's it's scope in future
18th April 2013 01:06 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

is B.ARCH suitable for girls
3rd February 2012 07:31 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

i am a girl & now doing 12th science(pcm) but i don't have interest in computer science.Will ECE(electronic & communication engineering is good for me?
21st August 2011 12:53 AM
amaan khan ak
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by View Post
Which branch suits the best for girls in Please list the branches which are suitable
u have many options for engineering.there are many branches which is suitable for girls.

computer science engineering,information technology,electronics and communication,electronics and instrumentation,ceramic engineering.

these are soe engineering branch which have very good scope for your future.

u can choose computer science branch.its a easy one and also if u want to be a programmer then u should choose computer science branch and along with this u can also learn any programming language.

all the best
12th August 2011 02:52 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Branches which suits the best for girls are,
civil engineering
chemical engineering.
These are the branches which would not involve more physical work which is considered tough for the girls.
11th August 2011 07:39 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

hi friend,
at present girls are there in every field any they are equal to boys so dont restrict yourself to particular field. you can choose any stream in her engineering and get good job after completing your course. so choose a branch according to your interest.
in general, girls can opt for branches like
computer science and engineering
information technology
fashion technology
electronics and communication engineering
electrical and electronics engineering
electronic and instrumentation engineering
before choosing a branch think well friend.
Gud Luck
11th August 2011 07:35 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

hi friend,
at present girls are there in every field any they are equal to boys so dont restrict yourself to particular field. you can choose any stream in her engineering and get good job after completing your course. so choose a branch according to your interest.
in general, girls can opt for branches like
computer science and engineering
information technology
fashion technology
electronics and communication engineering
electrical and electronics engineering
electronic and instrumentation engineering
before choosing a branch think well friend.
Gud Luck
9th August 2011 09:21 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

For girls the best branch is Computer science and you can also take Electronics and communication engineering.
9th August 2011 05:49 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Iam a student having 80 percent marks in12 std can i finish btec ec sucessfully
7th August 2011 06:16 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Best course in B-tech that suits for Girl's are

Computer science
Information Technology
Electronic and electrical Engineering
7th August 2011 01:16 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Computer and IT suits best
4th August 2011 03:32 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

i wanna take ece cource in engineering is this cource has better future for girls can u give suggestion for me
22nd July 2011 11:44 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

the best department for girls are
THESE are departments which will be very helpful for girls because the work will not be very hard when compared to the other departments
20th July 2011 05:47 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

IT is best for girls? and why?
15th July 2011 08:02 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

15th July 2011 07:57 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

which branch suits the best for girls-EC/EE??
13th July 2011 10:05 AM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Engineering branches are not differentiated on the basic of gender. All the branches of the engineering are designed in such a way that girls and boys can complete the course successfully. Usually girls prefer a branch which requires minimal physical pressure. So they tend to avoid branches like mechanical, chemical, automobile etc. The branches which can give them a comfortable career and less physical pressure are civil, ECE, CSE, IT and EEE.
13th July 2011 03:09 AM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Branches which suits girls in Engineering are

Electronics and Communication
Information Technology
Computer Science
Electrical and Electronics

Rest of the branches are mostly outdoor and need stamina. So i would like to suggest the above branches. Choose one of the above branch according to your interest.
12th July 2011 09:30 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Nowadays girls are excelling in each and every field they are putting their hands in...
Computers and electronics is the best branch for it does not involve field they can have work at office without wandering here and there too much
They can also opt for chemical and biotechnology as the scope is great in these areas
12th July 2011 05:59 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

For girls the preferred branch is CSE and IT...

Best Wishes
KK Reddy
12th July 2011 04:56 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Hi veena,
Computer science or information technology is best for girls
12th July 2011 03:38 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

hello friend,
i believe there is no such barrier that girls cant do well in some branches of engineering,if you wish you can do well in any of them depending on your interest.
But depending on the physical factors i think girls should avoid mechanical,civil etc branches because lot of physical work is involved there and they should go for software where they can do well like cse,it,ece.
good luck
12th July 2011 03:26 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Among the various branches of Engineering, most of the branches are suitable for both boys and girls.

Now-a-days, girls can also do all those hard work that a boy can do.

They are in no way inferior to boys.

But still people say that some branches are not suitable for girls.....but it depends upon that person who is doing the course.

If she is able to handle all the pressure and tasks, then nothing is impossible and so there will be no specific branches for boys and girls separately.

So always go for that stream in which you are interested, no matter whether that branch is suitable for girls or not.

The different branches in Engineering are:

Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and communication Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Bio Medical Engineering
12th July 2011 01:57 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Electronics & communication, Computer science,Information technology girls mostly prefer these branches . But for Carrer point of view Large scope in Mechanical & Civil as less no of Girls involving in this Branch.....
12th July 2011 12:50 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

After engineering which field suited in jobs for girls suppose i doi9ng in engineering in I.T. branch so which fields suited with me please give some information.
12th July 2011 12:43 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Well all branches in Btech/BE suits girls .There is no such branches which is not for girls.I can suggest you some branches which are best right now and in future there will be tremendous job opportunities in these branches for girls and boys both.

I would suggest you to take AIEEE AND IIT JEE exam or any other state entrance exam.These exams will help you to get admission in the best colleges of India and this will help you to get good job in MNC .

These are some of branches where the boom will be most in next four year::

Computer Engineering
Information technology
Electronics and communication
Civil Engineering
Automobiles Engineering
Electrical engineering
12th July 2011 12:31 PM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

hello dear

Branch which is suits the best for Girls in B.Tech is given below






6.biomedical engineering.


all the best..............
12th July 2011 11:59 AM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by View Post
Which branch suits the best for girls in Please list the branches which are suitable
There are various branches of engineering in which you can do your engineering.
From my suggestion select that branch only in which you have more interest.
Engineering is not so easy, so its good if you study that branch only in which you have interest if you you want to get success.

Below is the list of some branches are given as per their scope in India. So you can also select the branches as per their scope also. The various branches of engineering are given below.

Mechanical Engineering
Architecture Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics and communication
Computer Science
Information Technology
Metallurgical Engineering
Chemical Engineering and so on.
12th July 2011 11:15 AM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by View Post
Which branch suits the best for girls in Please list the branches which are suitable
dear friend,

the best branches of engineering in india

1)computer science engineering
2)information and technology
3)electronics and communication.

but 1st three department are perfect for girls. because this department are not belongs to physical hard work.

so you can choose any of these.

all the best.
12th July 2011 09:44 AM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

hi friend
in today's life girls are two step ahead than boys therefor there is no problem to choose any stream as a girl to take she can choose any stream as her wish .

it will be more better if they choose computer science, information technology, electronic & telecommunication .

good luck......
12th July 2011 08:49 AM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

i think computer science is a great branch that girls can pursue in there engineering course..i would surely also vote for information technology but as you can see this very specific course is lacking its demand nowadays...and civil is an on field if you have the guts you may step in to it.. but demand wise ofcourse mechanical, computer science and electrical (core courses) are a better overall if you like physics and circuits part then go for mechanical/electrical and if you have a craze for computer then go for computer science...
good luck..
12th July 2011 08:08 AM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

As my point of view IT BRANCH is the best for girls.

there is a reasion behind this that "girls has a sweet voice as compared to a man".
so, there is a high package for girls as compared to a man.because in IT field the sweet voice is very essential. it is a plus point for the employer.

and after this CSE(computer science and engg.) is also the best for girls.

and after this this is only depend upon your own interst. this is your choice.
good luck.
12th July 2011 03:41 AM
Re: Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Originally Posted by View Post
Which branch suits the best for girls in Please list the branches which are suitable
dear friend,

best branch in engineering field are

1)computer science and engineering
2)information technology.
3)electronics and communication

but 1 st three department are suitable for
11th July 2011 11:58 PM
Branch which suits the best for Girls in B.Tech?

Which branch suits the best for girls in Please list the branches which are suitable

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