Thread: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements? Reply to Thread

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23rd September 2017 11:20 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Sir I had a question as I had back log in second semester engineering and I cleared it but at the same time I had given paper for revaluation but due to certain circumstances I was unable to check my revaluation result and now I am in final year will it now possible to check my revaluation result of second semester and will it affect on placement scenario
5th August 2017 03:19 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I have a backlog in 1st year drawing I attempted the exam but it's not cleared now am 4th year what can I do now ?
17th March 2017 04:19 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I have failed in engineering mechanics in first semester. If i not clear the supply in 3rd semester will this affect in my campus placement ?
9th December 2016 04:34 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Hi , I have a backlog in FPL 1 and basic electrical and my scores are 68 percent will I be placed if I plan and work hard and achieve an all clear all four years with 80 percent???
27th April 2016 12:27 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I am doing EEE.I had an arrear in engineering graphics but I cleared does it affect my placement
31st March 2016 01:29 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I have my 6 sem back in B.E, even though my 7,8 sem are all clear, so can I appear for govt jobs which asks for degree in B.E ?
2nd January 2016 09:09 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I was absent in my electronics paper and iam from electronics branch and my internal marks was44 and then also they said be that you have back in electronics paper I want to ask that do placement company consider always no back paper students first and the students having back paper are considerd last
18th April 2015 11:10 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I have failed in maths n basic electical engineering in 1st sem and i m from Ec branch...i want to know that it will effect my campus selection in future....reply as soon as possible plzzz....
31st March 2015 08:57 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Sir, i've got 3 backlog in 1st sem of btech (ece) so i'm thnkg of to quit btech! So which course will be better for me ?
14th January 2015 11:42 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Hi.. Am a first year student.. I have got a backlog in engineering physics subject.. Will it affect my placements though I clear it with top marks in the next semi..????? Do advise.. Plss...
31st December 2014 02:18 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I have failed in basic electrical engineering and engineering mechanics in first sem ..then will this affect the campus selection / campus placements.?
31st December 2014 02:12 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I hav failed in basic electrical engineering and engineering mechanics in first sem ..then will this affect the campus selection /campus placements?
23rd November 2014 09:34 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I am 1st year civil engineering student .just few days ago i have completed my 1st sem computer aided engineering drawing exam .i think i will not pass in that exam .please please tell me that it will affect my job apportunities even i cleared it.please reply to my question .plz plz plz .
3rd November 2014 05:27 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I m a 2nd year electrical student. Nd got a blockage in 1st sem.. in electrical.. will it affect in placement
2nd September 2014 10:53 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

i have 1 backlog in 5th sem. will it affect on placements?and will i get good placement after working hard from 5th sem?
2nd September 2014 10:36 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I am in 5th sem now and i have 1 backlog in 4th sem....plzz tell me it will affect on placements?
N how can i get better placement in final year by working hard from 5th sem?
4th August 2014 07:21 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

bhai im a student of b.e 1st year rtmnu and i clear only 5 sub in first year and i have gap after 1st year so plz help me im right or roung plz reply friends
4th July 2014 08:53 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

i have arrear in my first sem ug.j have cleared it and now i m doing my pg 3 year with an aggregate of i eligible to attend the placements
1st July 2014 03:39 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Sir i scored 87% and 91% in 10th and 12th but due to medical issues i got fail in my 1st year of b tech, will it create problem for me in campus placement.
8th June 2014 09:49 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

i have completed 10th board in 2013 and failed in 11th nd going to complete my 12th board in 2016 ,will it effect me at campus placement in engineering colleges
8th June 2014 09:48 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

i have completed 10th board in 2013 and failed in 11th nd going to complete my 12th board in 2016 ,will it effect me at campus placement in engineering colles
20th May 2014 03:57 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

sir i have 2 years gap in acadamic. now i cleared all subjects but my gap is after 1st year and after 2nd year also. will it affect on my campus.??
13th March 2014 08:06 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Backlogs will always be a trouble for the candidates until and unless they are not cleared by the candidates.

As per your profile, you have cleared your backlog well in advance in the first attempt. So, it will not be a problem at all for campus placements.

But the thing is don't have any more backlogs in the next semesters.

If you have backlogs,
-It will reduce your confidence levels
-You can concentrate on your academics
-You may worry about placements as well

So, try to clear all the subjects in regular exams itself so that there won't be any pressures on you and you can easily carry out preparation for other stuff like
-Entrance Exam to join higher academic levels
-Campus Placements etc,

Here is the criteria for B.Tech Freshers to appear for Campus Placements

You should have scored a minimum of 60% of marks in all your academic levels right from SSC.

You should not have any pending backlogs.

Your academic gap should not be more than 2 years.

If you are good enough in subject knowledge of your academics and communication skills, you will easily get the job.

Try to start your career with an MNC so that you will get good salary in the very beginning of your career itself.

In addition you will be having timely promotions and onsite opportunities as well which will make your career fruitful.

Wish you all the best.
5th March 2014 07:23 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Hii I m pursuing (6th sem) under WBUT with 71% aggreate ,department is cse and I have one backlog in 1st semester and i hav cleared
so ,will it problem create in my campus placement.
24th December 2013 10:07 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

i have 1st btech ece with 83% n 2nd year with 3 backlogs ,does it effect my career
24th November 2013 09:27 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Vil first year mrks be counted for placements?
15th November 2013 09:52 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I had backlogs in 3rd and 4th year of B.E. Degree Certificate will be given for the first attempt marks from 5th to 8th semester. So which aggregate marks should I put in my resume?
30th July 2013 07:49 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

will first year aggregate count for campus placements
14th January 2013 05:50 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I m a 2nd year B.E food technology student. i have 4 backlogs in 1st year,rite now i appeared for 3rd semester exams and i m appearing for 1 st year backlogs. If i get good cpi in left semesters. will i get admisssion to a good institute for M.E and will be allowed to writE entrance exams such as GATE, UPSC and CAT.
14th December 2012 11:32 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Originally Posted by purnaswamy View Post
i have completed my btech 2nd year and now entered in to 3rd year...i have 1 backlog in 1st year and i cleared that in 1st attempt..will it effect while iam joining in companies and campus interviews
Do you mean that you have cleared your backlog without any loss of year. If that is true, then you will not have any problem. Also if you have a year gap then also the problem will not be that much. Mostly IT companies follow the norm that a candidate within maximum 2 year gap will be allowed. So based on this standard you will not have a problem. But in future also you have to maintain this thing and make sure that the year gaps, if any, do not cross the limit of two years. Also at the time of campus recruitment you must not have any pending backlog. Or else the company will straightway reject your application. So successfully complete your 3rd year and go for campus placements in companies in your final year. Good Luck.
1st December 2012 03:03 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

If backlog in any one subject in 1st sem, then any problem in placement?
9th November 2012 10:43 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

i have got backlog in 1st semester...and if get resupply then what will be happen.......? in wbut
6th October 2012 03:38 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

my 1st year in engg.was any effect about future for get job???.. plzz tell
29th July 2012 01:53 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

hii. I had one backlog in 1st year but i cleared it in 1st attempt.from there on i have had no backlog & have also scored distinction in 3rd year.
now i am in 7th sem so that backlog in 1st year will affect my placements?
23rd July 2012 01:18 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

will a back log in the 1st sem will affect the change of stream i.e., from medical electronics to computer science?? VTU
6th June 2012 02:16 PM
bob clo
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

i m in 4th year n in 2nd & 3rd year i have got 80% in , but i hve 1 back log in first year but i cleared that , in class X & XII i hve got 75% , so i wanna knw can i eligible for campus placement, i am in shrda university , is first year marks mendetory 4 campus placement ....???
3rd June 2012 12:54 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

i am in third year and i have got a backlog in 4th sem of 2nd year , will it hinder my campus placement?
20th May 2012 03:54 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I m in 3rd in VNITnagpur doing in electrical and electronics engineering and have cleared all my 4 backlogs in the first
attempt. my cgpa is 7.40.will i get a job in a
reputed core ece company?
20th May 2012 03:51 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I m in 3rd year from vnit nagpur in electrical and electronics engineering and have cleared all my 5 backlogs in the first
attempt. my cgpa is 7.40.will i get a job in a
reputed core ece company?
4th March 2012 03:33 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

i have a backlog in fist year will it effect my placement??
2nd March 2012 12:01 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

i have cleared all my 4 backlogs in the first attempt. my cgpa is 7.40.will i get a job in a reputed core ece company?
1st March 2012 07:22 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

hi ..i m doing B.E. & i have a backlog in first year will it effect the placements?
22nd February 2012 08:09 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

21st January 2012 12:54 AM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

dear friend,
A backlog in first year of course will not have any impact on the placements if you have cleared it..

But if you have not clear a pending backlog then it can create a massive problem for your further study or any kind of placement..

If you have clear a pending backlog and got a clear result already then you just not need to worry..

All the best..
20th January 2012 07:25 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

there is not much problem with that backlog..
Before entering into final year , you have to clear that subject..
Ofcourse , some companies wont see how many backlogs you have at the time of recruiting in your college..
Some companies will prefer ..

Its better to complete now in 3rd sem or in 4rth sem..
20th January 2012 07:24 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

there is not much problem with that backlog..
Before entering into final year , you have to clear that subject..
Ofcourse , some companies wont see how many backlogs you have at the time of recruiting in your college..
Some companies will prefer ..

Its better to complete now in 3rd sem or in 4rth sem..
20th January 2012 09:37 AM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

I m law student i have a backlog in one subject in semister , does it will make effect on my placement
14th January 2012 01:54 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Hii i am in First Year..Results are yet to be announced but i am worried for 2 subs..
just wanted ur guidance..if by chance ther are 2 backs in my 1st sem..
will i wont be eligible for campus placements...???? i am too worried .. plz do help me ..!!! :(
2nd December 2011 12:04 PM
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Hey frnds i got a drop in 1st year of mech engineering (mumbai) and im not from any reputed college will it affect my carieer
25th November 2011 12:30 PM
sahaja mallarapu
Re: Will a backlog in first year affect my chances during placements?

Hi Friend,
you need not worry about the placements. your first year backlog will not effect your placements but make sure that you clear this backlog and by the end of you 3 year 2 sem you should not have any backlog and you should have above 65% aggregate.
All The Best
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