Thread: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force? Reply to Thread

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17th February 2012 04:11 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

Originally Posted by amit04051988 View Post

there is no exam other then cds to get in to armed forces.
But you can join armed forces as short service commission for 14 yrs,for this there is no exam conducted, you are selected only through ssb(interview,gd)
if you cleared cds then you will get permanent job in armed forces
what about be biotech studant
1st January 2012 06:14 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

Originally Posted by amit04051988 View Post

there is no exam other then cds to get in to armed forces.
but you can join armed forces as short service commission for 14 yrs,for this there is no exam conducted, you are selected only through ssb(interview,gd)
if you cleared cds then you will get permanent job in armed forces
Hey...can u send me all the details regarding this id is: [email protected]
15th August 2011 02:55 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

How many Students selected through CDS are high ranking airforce officers in flying branch of the reputed IFA?
8th August 2011 11:52 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

i am aman from jalandhar doing diploma in electronics i am in final year my 4 semesters are clear with 64% i will give my 5th semester exam in december i have given exam for ncc c certificate can i apply for indian air force or navy plese reply i detail at [email protected]
29th May 2011 06:51 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

Hi dear,

there are a lot many ways to enter into the elite cadre of the reputed defence forces and for a gradute they are as follows :::
the eligiblity is ::

a graduate with minimum 65% and above in all its semisters can go for UES entry i.e university entry scheme..

a graduate with same eligibility as above can also go for TGE entry i.e technical graduate entry ..

a graduate with average score in i.e 50% or above can apply for CDS entry or OTA entry i.e for short service ....

but you have asked for the entries other than that of CDS so these are all the aspects other than the CDS that you can give a try after your graduation for entry into defence forces.. best of luck to you and hope you suceed in your aim.... bbye take care..
22nd May 2011 04:10 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

sir m girl doing bse ag..and i want to join how many path i have...if i tlk abt ues than ...our univertisy do not provide that facility that officer come ther and selects students... so hw we can waiting for ur kind response..
28th April 2011 01:28 AM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

what is minimum percentage in b tech to join indian army by cds
19th April 2011 06:09 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

i m in 6th semester of btech ...can i apply for cds examination?
17th March 2011 02:11 AM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

there are a lot many ways to enter into the elite cadre of the reputed defence forces and for a gradute they are as follows :::
the eligiblity is ::

a graduate with minimum 65% and above in all its semisters can go for UES entry i.e university entry scheme..

a graduate with same eligibility as above can also go for TGE entry i.e technical graduate entry ..

a graduate with average score in i.e 50% or above can apply for CDS entry or OTA entry i.e for short service ....

but you have asked for the entries other than that of CDS so these are all the aspects other than the CDS that you can give a try after your graduation for entry into defence forces.. best of luck to you and hope you suceed in your aim.... bbye take care..
2nd March 2011 10:10 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

4th February 2011 12:08 AM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

I m a girl i want to join indian army . i m a student of 3rd year with e.c.e. can i give only c.d.s. exam
or another exam like sscw .piz sir suggest me.
27th January 2011 06:52 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

i am civil engg student and also ncc cadet i join indian army and air force please suggest me on email [email protected]
24th September 2010 10:02 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

i am a girl . i want to join air force. what is the cost and is exam without gd possible
21st September 2010 02:15 AM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

reverend sir
i am the student of 3rd year b-tech.I want to join an army after the completion of my b-tech.
so can u tell me that how should i start prepration for the test.
9th September 2010 05:15 AM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

dear friend,

apart from CDS there are few exams after passing them you can join defence sector.

some of them includes...

EKT- engineering knowledge test.

UES- university entry scheme.

OTA- officers training academy etc.

you have to face SSB prepare well for SSB interview.

good luck.
8th September 2010 08:40 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

dear friend,

in case of indian army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force it is possible to apply in
after 6th semester

good luck
6th September 2010 05:00 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

I have heard that UES is only for Electronics/Mechanical Engineering students. I want to know, what about I.T. Engineering students?
Is there any option other than CDS for them?
31st July 2010 10:29 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

Originally Posted by Piyush godara View Post
As an engineering student of 6th semester, apart from CDS examination what are the other options to get into indian army, navy or air force?
what are the exams conducted?
when are they conducted ?
only one way to join armed force that is cds exam.which you have to clear
ok best of luck
29th July 2010 10:19 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?


Apart from CDS you have the SSB which is the university entry scheme.

In SSB, officers from NAVY/ARMY/AF, come to your college for an interview, if they find you eligible, you will be selected for training which is held in 2 phases.

You will be required to sit for a written exam on selection and on scoring well, you will be sent for training.
After completion of first phase of training, you will enter the second phase, where your physical fitness, group dynamics etc will be tested.
On the successful completion of the 2 phases of training, you join the required defense service as an officer.

Jai Hind!!
1st June 2010 05:41 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

what is the medical standerds for technicl branch in air force?
i have some problem in right ear.can i eliggible?
10th May 2010 12:15 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

10 2with 50% pcmb please guide me tojoin marine or navy
the posts which you can apply for according to your qualifications are available at
10th May 2010 12:12 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

s an engineering student of 6th semester, apart from CDS examination what are the other options to get into indian army, navy or air force?
what are the exams conducted?
when are they conducted ?
you can go for IAF Permanent Commission Engineering Officers : (University Entry)
the deatils are available at
9th May 2010 10:27 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

10 2with 50% pcmb please guide me tojoin marine or navy
4th May 2010 02:09 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

What r d way of getin into armed forces through ues scheme
25th March 2010 12:57 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

there is no exam other option.

all the best
8th March 2010 03:30 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

dear friend u can apply for ues means university entry scheme ....and for ssb
22nd February 2010 03:29 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

dear friend.
if you are interest in the armed force field...............then
you have many more options rather than C D S ..................
if you want to give the exam ...........related to Indian army,or navy or airforce ........
then you can give the exam .............of
U E S (university entry scheme).........and like that lot of more exams are conducted........
but out of those U E S is best...........
so you can try for it.......
good luck
21st February 2010 09:44 AM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

no friend there are no any option apart from CDS ....
good luck...
20th February 2010 11:32 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

there are a lot many ways to enter into the elite cadre of the reputed defence forces and for a gradute they are as follows :::
the eligiblity is ::

a graduate with minimum 65% and above in all its semisters can go for UES entry i.e university entry scheme..

a graduate with same eligibility as above can also go for TGE entry i.e technical graduate entry ..

a graduate with average score in i.e 50% or above can apply for CDS entry or OTA entry i.e for short service ....

but you have asked for the entries other than that of CDS so these are all the aspects other than the CDS that you can give a try after your graduation for entry into defence forces.. best of luck to you and hope you suceed in your aim.... bbye take care..
20th February 2010 03:49 PM
Re: What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?


there is no exam other then cds to get in to armed forces.
but you can join armed forces as short service commission for 14 yrs,for this there is no exam conducted, you are selected only through ssb(interview,gd)
if you cleared cds then you will get permanent job in armed forces
19th February 2010 07:23 PM
Piyush godara
What other exams besides CDS can an engineering 6th semester student give to get into Indian Army, Indian Navy or Indian Air Force?

As an engineering student of 6th semester, apart from CDS examination what are the other options to get into indian army, navy or air force?
what are the exams conducted?
when are they conducted ?

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