Thread: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India? Reply to Thread

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11th January 2016 09:53 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

is gate exam required for getting admission for marine engineering after mechanical engineering
22nd August 2015 10:53 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

I am a student of. ECE dept, currently pursuing my 3rd year. Which course should I join to become an engineer in ship
9th June 2014 01:23 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

13th February 2014 05:00 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

i am student of production engg in final year,can i apply for gme course in marine?which one year course is suitable for me?
30th June 2013 11:37 AM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

i got 84% in 2 can i get seat in government engg college?
27th June 2013 10:05 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

can I get seat in government marine engineering college. I socred 970 in intermediate 2013
15th June 2013 03:43 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

fees structure for GME course in govenmental college in india
entrance procedure for admission in this course
15th June 2013 03:37 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

fees structure for GME course in govenmental college in india
27th April 2013 02:54 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

sir, i am naveen studying mechanical engg..3rd year sir i want to do marine engg after completion of my do i have any chance to do so. if there is a chance then i want the course period and the fee structure and the best trades that are offered in marine engg...
thank u..
3rd April 2013 10:47 AM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

after completing diploma in mechanical can i apply for in marine engg.??? what is fee structure??
16th January 2013 03:29 PM
Narendra k.
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what all i should do to joing the marine engg courses after btech mech engg? is there any government colleges providin marine engineering courses in india? can you share the fee details of the marine engineering courses?
Any ship, cruise or sea vessels functioning has two basic pillars - 1) Chief Engineer and 2) Captain.

Chief Engineer has number of engineers under him and all of them work under the Chief's instructions. Similar is for Captain. Captain has number of cadets and officers for helping him in smooth running of ship.

Since, you interest is in Engine department of Merchant Navy lets discussion something relating to that.

For getting into Engine side of course one should be engineer in relative stream. Major work are handled by MArine Engineer.

Being a mechanical engineer almost 50% work is done to achieve your way to Marine Engineering.

Any candidate who is not a Marine Engineering degree holder but a MEchanical engineering degree holder can get into Engine department and work just similar to Marine engineer. For that you have to get training in MArine engineering.

Number of govert aided as well as private institutes offer 1 year training in MArine engineering to Mechanical engineer. This course is famous by name - Graduate Mechanical Engineers (GME).

Eligibility: Criteria fluctuates from Institutes to institute, however in general terms any Mechanical Engineering graduate having minimum of 55% aggregate can opt for this course.

Age limit: 24 years.

Selection: On the basis of Merit. A merit list of selected candidate will be published. Advertisement for admission will be announced 2-3 months prior to the commencement of training in leading news papers.

Best Government Institutes in India for GME course:

Training Ship Chanakya, Navi Mumbai.
Marine Engineering & Research Institute, famous by name MERI, Kolkata.
Marine Engineering & Research Institute, famous by name MERI, Mumbai.
Lal Bahadur Shastri College of advanced Maritime Studies and Research, Mumbai.

13th December 2012 11:08 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

what to do to join marine engineering course after 10 2
4th July 2012 11:28 AM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

Hello sir.... Now i am studying BE in mechanical final year.... I am very much interested in marine engg so please send some information about marine engg and fee structure to my email id.... My email id is "[email protected]"
16th May 2012 11:01 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

what courses I will need for marine engineer after s.s.c. exam in Bangladesh?
24th April 2012 02:28 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

I am third year student of mechanical engineering.I am very intrested to joining in engine dept. of any ship. so I want to take training from any institute. can you tell me the name of any institute? please tell me.......
contact: email: [email protected]
1st March 2012 06:25 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

hey there!!!!
i m mechanical engineering student studing in pre-final year.. in Gujrat..........
i have interest in marine stream but due to some family problems can't stay in see for such a long time...........
is there any other line related with marine which i can do om port or on land without going in see.............
if is there any please let me know...............
my email id is "[email protected]"
thank you............
1st March 2012 02:30 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

is GME courses are offered in any govt institutions in cochin
28th February 2012 04:18 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.E Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

i want to join marine engineering after B.E mechanical,now i am studying B.E mechanical 1st year
21st January 2012 09:28 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

I am 3rd year{mech engg} student and i like to study marine engg course in south india.would you please tell me the fee details for the completion of 1 year course after my
21st January 2012 09:24 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

I am 3rd year{mech engg} student and i like to study marine engg course in south india.would you please tell me the fee details for the completion of 1 year course after my
8th January 2012 03:53 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

i am pursuing {mechanical engg} nw i am in 4th year... how many year course i have to do for marine engineering? is it of 1 year? if yes then what is the fee structure for that and how can i apply for it?
5th December 2011 09:00 PM
[email protected]
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what all i should do to joing the marine engg courses after btech mech engg? is there any government colleges providin marine engineering courses in india? can you share the fee details of the marine engineering courses?

You will have to do the STCW COURSES to be eligible for the job.
25th November 2011 08:38 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

hai my name is vivek,i am studying final year mechanical engineering,i am interested to work in ship as marine engineer,please send any information about colleges and fees structure to my e-mail id [email protected] you
22nd November 2011 12:40 AM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

fees structure of marine engineering 1 year course after completing mechanical engineering
31st October 2011 04:10 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

17th October 2011 05:29 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

i have 53.5% aggregate in mechanical engineering. Can i do GME in any institution?
8th October 2011 03:40 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

now, i am persuing & branch is machenical.after that what is the process to join in marine?
27th September 2011 09:17 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

what is starting salary in marine field.
26th September 2011 11:50 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

1st September 2011 10:32 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

I have comleted B. Tech. in mechanical engineerin with 53.5 % & i m SC candidate. I want to do graduate mechanical engg course of 1 year in marine institute. Am i eligible for that course in an institute ?
26th August 2011 10:43 AM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

16th August 2011 06:55 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

can you please say when the entrance examinations are held for the admision of marine engineering after btech mechanical
9th August 2011 04:15 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

i am studying BE aeronautical engineering in final year what i do next to improve my self and where job is there about my field
3rd August 2011 11:25 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

How can i get marine engineering codes of conduct?
31st July 2011 05:13 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

how about the salary after marine engineering....???
28th July 2011 01:30 AM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

i am studying mechanical 4th year, i want 2 work in marine for this what i have 2 do.
26th July 2011 10:12 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

my 12th marks is 57% can i admitted in marine engineering colleges this year however my aieee rank is 509431
24th July 2011 12:04 AM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

I am studying in Mechanical,I need to study in marine engineering please tell me the details about Marine engineering in,also the available jobs and salaries for that jobs
12th July 2011 02:55 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what all i should do to joing the marine engg courses after btech mech engg? is there any government colleges providin marine engineering courses in india? can you share the fee details of the marine engineering courses?
list of government and private colleges providing marine engineering-
1.Governmental - Indian Institute of Port Management 2.Governmental - Indian Maritime University 3.Governmental - Kunjali Marakkar School of Marine Engineering
4. Governmental - Marine Engineering and Research Institute
5. Governmental - Training Ship Chanakya
6- Private - AMET University
7-Private - Institute of Technology and Marine Engineering
8-Private- International Maritime Institute
9-Private -Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies
10-Private- Tolani Maritime Institute Private Vels Academy of Maritime Studies IndiaEligibility: Criteria fluctuates from Institutes to institute, however in general terms any Mechanical Engineering graduate having minimum of 55 % aggregate can opt for this course. Age limit: 24 years. Selection: On the basis of Merit. A merit list of selected candidate will be published. Advertisement for admission will be announced 2- 3 months prior to the commencement of training in leading news papers.
12th July 2011 01:51 PM
Re: What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

Any ship, cruise or sea vessels functioning has two basic pillars - 1) Chief Engineer and 2) Captain.

Chief Engineer has number of engineers under him and all of them work under the Chief's instructions. Similar is for Captain. Captain has number of cadets and officers for helping him in smooth running of ship.

Since, you interest is in Engine department of Merchant Navy lets discussion something relating to that.

For getting into Engine side of course one should be engineer in relative stream. Major work are handled by MArine Engineer.

Being a mechanical engineer almost 50% work is done to achieve your way to Marine Engineering.

Any candidate who is not a Marine Engineering degree holder but a MEchanical engineering degree holder can get into Engine department and work just similar to Marine engineer. For that you have to get training in MArine engineering.

Number of govert aided as well as private institutes offer 1 year training in MArine engineering to Mechanical engineer. This course is famous by name - Graduate Mechanical Engineers (GME).

Eligibility: Criteria fluctuates from Institutes to institute, however in general terms any Mechanical Engineering graduate having minimum of 55% aggregate can opt for this course.

Age limit: 24 years.

Selection: On the basis of Merit. A merit list of selected candidate will be published. Advertisement for admission will be announced 2-3 months prior to the commencement of training in leading news papers.

Best Government Institutes in India for GME course:

Training Ship Chanakya, Navi Mumbai.
Marine Engineering & Research Institute, famous by name MERI, Kolkata.
Marine Engineering & Research Institute, famous by name MERI, Mumbai.
Lal Bahadur Shastri College of advanced Maritime Studies and Research, Mumbai.

12th February 2011 01:04 PM
What to do to join marine engineering courses after B.Tech Mechanical Engineering? Any government colleges providing marine engineering courses in India?

what all i should do to joing the marine engg courses after btech mech engg? is there any government colleges providin marine engineering courses in india? can you share the fee details of the marine engineering courses?

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