Thread: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college? Reply to Thread

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28th May 2015 03:31 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Can i appear for bitsat twice ? I appeared bitsat 2015 can i appear for bitsat 2016 one more time? Please rply soon......
11th November 2014 09:39 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Can I write bitsat exam twice in the same year.
just like I could write the test for manipal
27th July 2014 08:12 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

sir i joined in an engn clg and now i got seat in bits.can i join in bits now ,should i pay any fee to my previous institution.
1st July 2014 04:04 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

sir, i've completed my 2 in 2013 but i didnt appeared bitsat in 2013. i appeared in 2014,can i give bitsat 2015 as i gave bitsat only once i.e in 2014.. and i appeared for improvement exam in 12 in 2014
plzzzz. reply........
1st July 2014 03:47 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

sir, i've completed my 2 in 2013 but i didnt appeared bitsat in 2013. i appeared in 2014,can i give bitsat 2015 as i gave bitsat only once i.e in 2014.. and i appeared for improvement exam in 12 in 2014
plzzzz. reply........
26th June 2014 06:04 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

i have not taken bitsat exam with 12th. Can i have 2 attemps now also 4 next 2 years.
26th June 2014 05:54 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

sir i have completed 12 in 2013 nd i have not taken bitsat exam with 12. I have taken this exam in 2014. Should i also give this exam in 2015. Because i have not attempt my both chances.
23rd May 2014 11:18 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

how will you rank the colleges in rajasthan ?
MNIT , LNMIIT , JECRC , SKIT ,BIT MESRA jaipur , BKBIET pilani ???
11th July 2013 01:43 AM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Originally Posted by pamitraj View Post
I just wanted to enquire that can I write BITSAT next year. I have joined a local private engineering college. And if I score well next year will the college authorities give my certificates back which are very much essential for my admission into BITS??

Eligibility To Write BITSAT

BITSAT stands for Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test

It is regarded as one of the best colleges for engineering all over India..

The BITSAT examination is conducted for admissions to the following campuses of BITS :-

> BITS Pilani, Rajasthan
> BITS Goa
> BITS Hyderabad

The exam is purely online and continues for a duration of 3 hours..

The online window for the test is going to be from mid-May to mid-June..

The minimum requirements to appear for the BITSAT are :

> You should have completed your class 12th from a recognized board..

> You should have secured at least 80% aggregate in Physics,Chemistry and Maths and at least 60% in each individual subject..

Note :- Board toppers have direct entry to BITS..

For more details about BITSAT you can Click Here

all the best..

With Warm Regards
5th July 2013 10:21 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
if i passed 12th in the year 2013 can i prepare for BITSAT one year and write the xam on 2015 .is it possible
NO, if you have passed your class 12th in the year 2013, than you can only write the BITSAT exams in the year 2014 only

You would not be allowed to write BITSAT 2015 exams

Eligibilty for the BITSAT exams is;
>> 12th Class Pass
>> Subjects in class 12th should be Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, english
>> Candidate should have scored minimum 60% marks in individual subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
>> Total aggregate percentage of marks in subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics should be 75% marks
>> Candidate should have passed the English Subjects

BITSAT exams are held in the month of May
Forms would come out in January 2014

Only candidates who have passed the 12th Class in the year 2013 and will pass in the year 2014 can apply for the BITSAT exams that will be held in 2014
5th July 2013 12:50 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

if i passed 12th in the year 2013 can i prepare for BITSAT one year and write the xam on 2015 .is it possible
5th June 2013 12:50 AM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

i have passed my 2 in 2012 and appeared for bits 2013 can i also appeared for it in 2014
3rd June 2013 03:09 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

I have completed my intermediate and had written bisat for first time,and i have joined long term and again written bisat,i want to write again,is there any chance to write
22nd May 2013 03:18 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

i scored 206 is bitsat. will i get a seat?
21st May 2013 11:09 PM
robert harish
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

thats not the problem ,,,
you can attempt bits next year .
candidate can apply for bitsat after completing +2 ..
later again you can join asually to continue your regular studies by providing the reason which is a formality for them..

bitsat is only a 3 hour test which is conducted from particular centres on the computers
for any type of help like admission or duartion or fee or time to receive certificate or anything you can visit this website
21st May 2013 06:55 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

can i complete whole physics and chemistry in 8 months
they are only my enimies
21st May 2013 06:47 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

can i finish physics and chemistry in 8 months
i am staring from 0
and i have in high spirit of studing
i lose bits and iit because of only these two subj
18th May 2013 03:15 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

can i appear for bitsat 2014 but i have passed my 12th examination in 2012 and have just attempted bitsat in 2013 ......
15th November 2012 12:28 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Leave any college any time . it's neva a issue .if you have passed +2 this year than surely you can attempt BITSAT 2011 next year .

if you get admitted to bits next year than you have to give them a official reason for having a gap b/w +2 and admission
also repeaters are given more preference in deciding tie-breakers .

your colleges will definitely hand over to you the certificates which are provided by you at the time of admission.

But as you are studying in private college than they can have some additional rules regarding this matter since they won't like to vacant any seat by a student
11th November 2012 04:15 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

i am already in BITS can i again write the entrance exam to bits again?
6th June 2012 09:07 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

i got only 75% in 12th exam & may i appear bitsat second time?
24th February 2012 11:37 AM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

if you get admitted to bits next year than you have to give them a official reason for having a gap b/w +2 and admission (just a formality)

also repeaters are given more preference in deciding tie-breakers .

your colleges will definitely hand over to you the certificates which are provided by you at the time of admission. But as you are studying in private college than they can have some additional rules regarding this matter since they won't like to vacant any seat by a student

start preparing well if you wan't to get admitted to bits since the competetion is increasing year by year in it.

so it will be better if you can contact your authorities regarding this matter
18th October 2011 01:20 AM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

i have joined an engineering college if i get selected in bitsat 2012 what are the reasons i have to give fo gap b/w 2 and admission into bits
22nd September 2011 09:30 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

I have joined KIIT university and hoping for appearing BITSAT 2012 if i qualify will KIIT university give back my documents or will i have to pay some FEES ?
4th September 2011 01:05 AM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Sir, if you have passed +2 this year then you are surely write BITSAT exam next year.

All the best
13th July 2011 10:50 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

hiii...i have passed my 2 xam in 2009 and dropped for a year for the prepration.Unfortunately I didn't managed to get any good college in the second year and taken admission in an average university to save my one year.However,I am not satisfied with the college as it is charging too much fees and providing nearly no placement.Also I got 2 re-appears with only 5 CGPA which dishearten me as I stood last in my branch.I am feeling not comfartable in engineering want to leave it at this stage.My family economical condition is not so good and bank has also denied to sanctioned loan due to poor name of institution and due to my poor performance.I am felling myself lower these days as many of my class mates have already completed there 2 nd year with good marks..What should I do now???
20th June 2011 10:33 AM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

pls hepl i gave my 12 this year n i scored 87% but due to some reasons i wasnt able to give bitsat this year........but i had fill the forms .....den i want to know how much attempts are left for it 2 or 1.......
16th May 2011 01:14 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

how many times i can appear for the isat?
29th March 2011 01:25 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

I compleated my 10 2 in 2008-2010 batch.Now iam joined in a private engineering college.I dont apply for BITSAT till this time.I want to write Bitsat exam in 2012.Shall i eligible for for that exam which is to be conducted in2012
18th March 2011 12:50 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?


YES,You are eligible for the BITSAT next year exam.

How to Apply for BITSAT 2011

How to apply: Interested candidates should register for BITSAT-2011 by applying in the prescribed application form at

The print out of the filled form along with the prescribed fees of Rs 1500/- (Rs 1000/- for female candidates) should be sent to admission officer, BITS, Pilani-333031

Options for payment of fees are given at the website

Deadline to apply for BITSAT-2011 by submitting a printout of the completed form to the undersigned is 5.00 p.m. on 31st January, 2011

BITSAT-2011: It is a 3 hour test, offered to candidates on computers at dedicated centers in different cities in India and at the Dubai campus

The test will have objective type (multiple choices) questions only

The test will be conducted between 11th May - 10th June, 2011

The syllabus and other details of the test are available in BITSAT-2011 brochure, which will be available from the website

BEST OF LUCK..............
11th February 2011 03:24 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

when is it ideal to write the bits exam...
11th December 2010 02:48 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

i m in first year engg ....buh i want to leave and go to symbiosis bba ....
so is it possible to leave the college ..??? its a private one ....and students say if we want to leave college we have to pay full fees it true ..??
30th November 2010 11:42 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

yes definitely

You can attempt for 2 times in consecutive years.
26th November 2010 03:30 AM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Originally Posted by pamitraj View Post
I just wanted to enquire that can I write BITSAT next year. I have joined a local private engineering college. And if I score well next year will the college authorities give my certificates back which are very much essential for my admission into BITS??
you are eligible for writing BITSAT exam.

i think you are thinking of writing BITSAT exam 2011,

its possible because as per as ELIGIBILITY criteria of bitsat says only Students who have passed 12th examination in 2009 or earlier are NOT eligible to appear in BITSAT-2011

now cheers to BITSAT 2011.
yeah good luck.
16th November 2010 12:43 AM
chandana Reddy
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

yes,you can appear for the exam...
the maximum number of attempts is two..

good luck
31st October 2010 08:01 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

how many times can we appear for bitsat, isat?????
3rd September 2010 10:08 AM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Yes definately
If you dont have appear in BITSAT exams, then you can appear two times but
if you have attempt one time, then you have only one chance left. So, dont
worry, you can appear this exams, if you have get admission in an engineering
2nd September 2010 01:26 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

I have passed out my 2 in 2009,i didnt appeared in dat year,i dropped a year and i appeared this year 2010,,unfortunately i wasnt selected due to insufficient score.
so i want to enquire,whether i can attempt it next year 2011,as two attempts are available.
29th August 2010 08:11 PM
rajesh gupta 1
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Dear friend;

You are eligible for the BITSAT next year exam.

You prepare hard and score good marks.
26th June 2010 06:32 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

dear friend

u can leave an engineering college at any time u want.

obviously u can write BITSAT next year if u will score well than u will be get admitted.

the private college will definitely provide u the certificates.

u dont worry 4 the certificates . and go for BITSAT.

all the best.
26th June 2010 03:25 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Originally Posted by pamitraj View Post
I just wanted to enquire that can I write BITSAT next year. I have joined a local private engineering college. And if I score well next year will the college authorities give my certificates back which are very much essential for my admission into BITS??
of course you can give BITSAT again but do get those certificates back from college authorities
all the best
26th June 2010 04:50 AM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Yes its allowed to do so. You can attempt BITSAT another time when in college. According to FAQS of BITSAT its possible.

And dont worry about the certificate thing.College will surely give it to you. You will need a leaving certificate which you will get after you leave the college and so next year after you clear BITSAT submit it there.

So prepare hard for BITSAT when in college. It will be little tough to manage both college and BITS preparations but i think you will be able to manage

26th June 2010 01:03 AM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Dear friend,

Yes you can sit for BITSAT next year. I don't think there will be major problem regarding certificates.
In that case, you must sort out this problem talking with your present college administration.

Good luck!
25th June 2010 10:20 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Yes you can apply for BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college.
Maximum two times you can apply for BITSAT exam.
25th June 2010 07:58 PM
rahul k
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

dear friend

Yes, definately you can appear the BITSAT examination next year. If you join an engineering college, then its not a problem because in BITSAT examination, you
will get only two attempts.

If you dont have appear in BITSAT exams, then you can appear two times but
if you have attempt one time, then you have only one chance left. So, dont
worry, you can appear this exams, if you have get admission in an engineering

If you have scored well in BITSAT exams, then definately you will get your
certificate back, but for more detail please contact the college authority,
they will provide you clear information.
25th June 2010 05:51 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

yes , definitely!!!

you can leave any college any time . it's neva a issue .

if you have passed +2 this year than surely you can attempt BITSAT 2011 next year .

if you get admitted to bits next year than you have to give them a official reason for having a gap b/w +2 and admission (just a formality)

also repeaters are given more preference in deciding tie-breakers .

your colleges will definitely hand over to you the certificates which are provided by you at the time of admission. But as you are studying in private college than they can have some additional rules regarding this matter since they won't like to vacant any seat by a student

start preparing well if you wan't to get admitted to bits since the competetion is increasing year by year in it.

so it will be better if you can contact your authorities regarding this matter .They will provide you the details regarding this matter ..

best of luck!!!
25th June 2010 05:27 PM
Re: Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

Maximum two attempts are permissible for BITSAT in a consecutive year.

For Example:- If you have appeared for it this year then 1 more attempt is left for next year.

Since, you are in 1 year of your Engineering thats not a promlem at all to appear for it next year But the real problem is the "Certificate".

However, I dont think they must be any problem Each year Thausands of Students do this.

Talk with the college Authority I dont think they must be much problem, yeah it must cost you something but its not impossible.
25th June 2010 03:00 PM
Can I write BITSAT next year after joining an engineering college?

I just wanted to enquire that can I write BITSAT next year. I have joined a local private engineering college. And if I score well next year will the college authorities give my certificates back which are very much essential for my admission into BITS??

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