Thread: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream? Reply to Thread

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13th May 2020 04:31 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Hi, Now I'm studying in 2nd puc arts stream
I want to make labtacnious, or nursing in medical my combination are... History, economic, sociology, political science, Hindi,English, help me out
19th November 2019 05:49 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

I had searched many colleges and universities for BA hons (english) in india and i found many like :- DIT university, Hans raj college, Quantum university, Uttaranchal uniersity etc .BA (english) is a very good course and you will learn to designed to prepare yourself to understand and use the english language effectively, build vocabulary and introduce them to current ideas and issues and for that I visited and choose few colleges and found Quantum university best for it. Now I have completed BA (english) from Quantum university. It is situated in Roorkee, Uttarakhand. It is private university. Teachers have impressive education degrees and education level is excellent. Quantum university teaches best than any other college But competition is more because there are many talented student studying there. The placements are good . The university provide major and minor courses with your regular degree which is a unique thing. It is a place to grow skills, and knowledge.
28th November 2017 10:54 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

After completing my degree which is suitable job an prospective job eligible so in future help me to go further an accomplish my dream that I had since when I past out 10th exam with a 90%
12th June 2017 04:05 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What type of course I do after 12th arts (only one year courses) please suggest me
Hi.. 1 year courses available for you after 10th or 12th are the diploma and certificate courses in Fashion Designing, Hotel management, Mass Communication, Library Science, Interior designing etc. You can avail details on the courses by vising the websites of the institutes like Delhi university, Lovely Professional University, Pondicheri University, Ashoka university, Jmi, SRM university etc. You may can avail scholarships also if you are pursuing your course in institutes like LPU.
11th June 2017 11:08 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

What type of course I do after 12th arts (only one year courses) please suggest me
11th May 2017 01:19 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

I am Simran, i am history, economic, political science, opposition Kannada, student ...
Please any idea to next I'm which subject join?
12th March 2017 08:20 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

What if I want to join the Canadian government or want to be an IO(intelligence officer)?
2nd August 2016 09:32 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

I have completed my 12th class with arts stream with 74% . And now iam doing job so which course better for me with good salary
21st May 2016 07:40 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Now I am pass 11nt arts an I goes 12th arts . I confuse what to do ? What can I do after 12 ? I want nice job . I don't want to do first year also
18th November 2015 10:44 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

I have completed my 12th standard from arts stream and pursuing graduation from sol delhi university. iam 1 st year student please give me a good suggestions for my career.
6th June 2015 04:51 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
are there any colleges for admission in august 2011 for fashion designing?
Yes there are colleges such as NIIFT[National Institute of fashion Technology] in Delhi , Mumbai , Kolkata and Chennai.There are also many private colleges providing many options in this course. $o BEST OF LUCK
31st May 2015 12:30 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hello , now i m in 12th class of arts stream student. what type of courses i can do after 12th ? and whats the scope of arts stream. n what i can do mass communication 12th after? abc
After passing B.A you have many option like:-
> B.A.

> B.A Hons

> B.A Animation

> Fashion Technology

> Hotel Management

> Law

> B.B.A

> B.C.A

> Tourism Management
30th May 2015 01:33 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

I am a science student and just completed my 12th , so which is best course from arts stream for me please suggest me. I have score 52 percent in board exam
15th May 2015 11:52 PM
bablu kumar 121
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

here are various career options
for you after completing your
10+2 with Arts streams. Some of
the courses that you can pursue
• Bachelor of Arts (B.A)
• Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA)
• English Hons
• Political Science Hons
• History Hons
• Economics Hons
• Animation & Multimedia
• Journalism & Mass
• Fashion Designing
• Interior Designing
• Textile Designing
• Integrated Law
• Hotel Management
13th April 2015 07:29 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

I have only 47 present marks in greguate so I can you done bed and I'm qlifide this exam? Please some option to restart now the study my aim is teacher
25th March 2015 08:12 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

After passing 12th in Arts Stream you have many options opens for you. Firstly decide in which direction your career should move taking in mind about your potential.
You can go for
1. Graduation if you want to pursue higher education.
2. Teaching after enrolling yourself in DIET/ETE/JBT course.
3. Vocational courses - Automobile repairing, cutting, tailoring etc.
I am attaching a pdf file for your help, please go through it for better career option for you after 12th.
12th March 2015 12:18 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

I am student of art.
Kya main jaan skta hoon ki arts wale student ka fation designing main ho skta h?
4th February 2015 10:20 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

My son is in 12 arts.........I want to know what course should I make him do after 12 .He is weak In maths subject. .........I totally confused.......Pl help
16th October 2014 06:30 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

i m 12th student what is best for me after 12th any courses nd somthing my sub is hindi english eco homescience history plz say somthing
11th July 2014 11:49 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Now i am in class 12 science PCM group but after this i want to go in arts stream. I want to be a IAS. What can i do plz tell me???
23rd June 2014 08:38 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

I have completed my 12th in arts stream having subjects like english,hindi,,econimics and physical education so what courses are the best with job replacement plz tell me. . .
12th June 2014 07:04 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

11th June 2014 11:11 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

hi i m sonali, and i m in 1 and i have subjects-english, hindi, geography, economics, and history.
and main thing is that i want to become a please tell me that after taking this subjects can i do this job..
and also tell if i do this job then which degree should i do after 2...
31st May 2014 03:50 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

i have passed 12th from U.P board arts stream.......
i also have done 1 year dmlt course....
what can i do after dmlt course.
26th May 2014 10:03 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Im a arts student and I want study in canada so which should i flow for 12 stander.
11th May 2014 03:28 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hello , now i m in 12th class of arts stream student. what type of courses i can do after 12th ? and whats the scope of arts stream. n what i can do mass communication 12th after? abc
Answer: B.A.Civil services degree course is best for become ias/ips and other competative exam because upsc syllabus taught in three year degree course. for that you can join gurukul Residential Training college of Civil services, Karmad Dist. Aurangabad, Maharashtra state recognised by state govt. and state university.for detail
10th May 2014 12:56 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

hiiiiiii i am anibrata roy from malda. i can do after B.A general arts so plz discus me anyone what can i do? my no 9735085980
9th May 2014 08:06 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Ii have appear in plus two arts and am keep to persue further studies, what are the causes available and how do on apply?
11th February 2014 08:54 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Soon after the completion of 12th class in Arts stream, you are eligible for number of courses to join.

You don't need to worry about the career scope in the field of Arts. There will be good career scope for the candidates after completion of any of the course. But only thing is that the candidate should be strong enough in subject knowledge and communication skills.

Here are some of the professional courses to join

Chartered Accountancy course
Company Secretary course
Integrated MBA.

The admission for all these courses will be given on the basis of performance in the Entrance Exam.

My suggestion would be to opt for CA course if you are good at academics. The reason being it is not so easy to complete CA course. If you fail in one subject also, then you need to appear for all the subjects.

If you are not good at academics, then I suggest you to opt for any of the following 3 year Graduation level courses like
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Business Management
B.Com Computers etc.

Whatever the course you join, gain good subject knowledge and try to update your knowledge on market conditions and upcoming trends.

Then you will easily get the job.

Wish you all the best.
10th February 2014 08:42 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Hello I am Jaspreet From Punjab I am Intrusting in Mass Media So what can I Do firstly ......
16th October 2013 07:44 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

hello,i am amandeep, class 1, artr.
my subjects are pol.sci, history, eng., pun., elec.pun.

what can i do, if i want to make an advocate. plz rply ans. in detail.
24th September 2013 10:53 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

whts parcent required in IAS and IPS exam
25th August 2013 01:56 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Hi friend.........

Career after 12th Commerce :

Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Commerce in computers

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Management

Bachelor of Computer Application

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Bachelor of Commerce in Banking & Insurance

Chartered Accountancy

Fashion Designing

Interior Designing

Hotel Management

Tourism Management

Diploma in Retail Management

Diploma in Banking

Diploma in Human Resource

Diploma in Marketing

Diploma in Plastic Technology

Diploma in Entrepreneurship

Diploma in Hotel Management

Job Career :

Charted Accountant


Interior Designer

Fashion Designer


Human Resource

Tourism Sector

Hotel Sector

Banking Sector

Company Sector


All the best............
25th August 2013 01:42 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

hello dear friend

as per your details i am going to sugges about the some courses

These are as follows ..
4]Hotel management
5]Fashion designing
6]Interior designing
8]Diploma courses
10]Air force as a airman
11]Navy as a sailor

24th August 2013 11:58 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Swapnil Bhalerao
25th June 2013 08:54 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Can i do BBA distence education after 12th arts HEPS?
23rd June 2013 09:46 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

i am student of 10th class sub art which course after 12th
17th June 2013 01:58 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

I have arts in12th and got 68%in arts and igot very less marks in maths and economices please help me please
30th May 2013 10:51 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

I got 61% of 12th from arts stream
I am tense with my careear
please some suggestion that what i do
24th May 2013 02:02 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

i hav finish my 12arts n i confuse to do nursing or to continue study
29th April 2013 02:23 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

hey m sahil, nw m passing 12th fröm arts streat . . .nw what can i do m totally confused. . .so plz sugguest me,which course is better for my future!
26th April 2013 12:49 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

i am in 12th standard i take arts in 11 and 12th class i have arts but i am interested in science can i change my stream in graduation
26th April 2013 12:48 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

i am in 12th standard i take arts in 11 and 12th class i have arts but i am interested in science can i change my stream in graduation
30th March 2013 04:52 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Dear Sir / Madam ,
i belonged to arts stream with subject combination - English , economics, sociology, geography , business studies & 2nd language in class 12 . i want to know are best courses available after 12 apart from teaching? plz reply
21st January 2013 02:24 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

The courses that you can do after 12th arts are:

1. B.A in any subject!
2. BBA(Bachelor of Business Administration), after that you can go for MBA.
3. Fine arts
4. You can also make a good career in NGO.
5. Tourism Studies
6. Public Administration

You can also do mass communication course if you are interest in that course...after that you have the scope of becoming a journalist, news reporter etc....

Arts have also the same value as other streams like commerce and science.
16th January 2013 03:53 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

Dear Sir,

I did my 12th in IT. what course can I be do next?
30th November 2012 06:58 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

The courses that you can do after 12th arts are:

1. B.A in any subject!
2. BBA(Bachelor of Business Administration), after that you can go for MBA.
3. Fine arts
4. You can also make a good career in NGO.
5. Tourism Studies
6. Public Administration

You can also do mass communication course if you are interest in that course...after that you have the scope of becoming a journalist, news reporter etc....

Arts have also the same value as other streams like commerce and science.
24th November 2012 09:44 AM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?


These are some courses I can do after 12th Arts----------------------

1.Fashion designing
2.Jewelery designing
3.BA in Economics
4.Hotel management
6.Diploma courses

Hope It Helps!
Good luck......
23rd November 2012 02:21 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

i am 12th pass and i want to become a tour aperator, want to open my own travel agency,
so i want to ask u which degree i should do,
from which college, please suggest me the best college in india,
which language have the best scope.
5th June 2012 01:04 PM
Re: Which courses can I do after 12th Arts? Scope in Arts stream?

What can I do after passing 12th in Arts stream for RTO (Regional Transport Office)?
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