26th May 2018 09:08 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I have Non creamy layer certificate 2018-19. Am I eligible for requirement PWD Mumbai of month MAY 2018 |
26th May 2018 09:04 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I have a Non Creamy Layer certificate valid up to march 2017. then I got make another Non creamy layer certificate in month of May 2018 which is of year 2018-19. therefore i want to know that is any solution to make it continuous |
4th December 2017 08:22 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? My father and mother are government employees for creamy layer is sum of their incomes are taken into consideration or only my father's? |
15th July 2017 08:27 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Hi, my question is unmarried daughters of family is a government employee and her income is above non creamy layer(8,00,000/- per annum). and my brother of age 26 years old will be dependent of me? and i want to know whether he will come under non creamy layer? |
1st July 2016 02:55 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Kindly tell me the Criteria for Non Creamy Layer in Open Category for 30 % ladies reseravation. Is all Family Members income is considered for calculating Total Annual income for Non Creamy layer. |
26th April 2016 10:14 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Sir, Mother is Govt Employee. Whether DA and other allowances is countable for income regarding non creamy layer |
28th February 2016 02:26 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am OBC from U.P. and married in Rajasthan my husband also belongs to OBC category but caste is different. can I get OBC certificate from Rajasthan bades on the caste of my husband |
23rd February 2016 05:38 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Family income included applicant income or only Father and mother |
3rd January 2016 10:06 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? My father is a class 3 government employee having salary more than 7 lakh per annum. Whether I am eligible to get non creamy layer certificate for women's in open category. |
16th December 2015 04:16 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am from open category.....but i want non creamy layer certificate for women reservation. and my fathers income is above 4 lakh. so how do i get non creamy layer certifiacte? plz guide me |
6th December 2015 08:27 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Hi I am Ashwini Ghorpade form Maharashtra. I completed my BE and recently had applied for AVO MAHADISCOM exam. I am belong to open category and my father is school teacher and his annual income is 5.76 lacs. Please tell me, Can I get non creamy layer certificate for women reservation. If I get then what is the process to get it. |
6th October 2015 11:07 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am BCE caste holder and income is less then 2lacs.I come under non creamy layer but for BCE Shaik and Mohammed is not eligible for non creamy certificate. What should be my next step can anyone please? Help me out.it is important for me. Mail me. At shaiknayeem1994@gmail.com |
7th April 2015 11:46 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am working in iocl gujarat refienary as non officer worker my annual income is more than 6 lakhs if i can get non creamy certficate pl reply me immediately on mail dcpatel1215@gmail.com. |
9th December 2014 07:19 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Dir,/Madam, My father is officer in Nationalise Bank. Am I eligible to get non creamy layer certificate I am belongs to General category . |
23rd November 2014 06:29 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Iam a govt employ.my income is 250000 pa .my father has no income. I need to get obc non crmy lyr crtfct. I need to know wheather the authorities provid non crmy crtficate on my income or my father income or both |
27th October 2014 10:09 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am class 3 employee ofpsu having salary income 625000.00 P.a will my daughter get non creamy layer certificate? |
27th October 2014 10:03 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am lic psu sector class 3 employee having salary income RS.625000.00 for f.y.2014.15 Will my daughter get noncreamy layer certificate |
27th October 2014 09:39 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am class 3employee of public sector. My f.y.2014.15 salary income will be RS.625000.00. as eligible ter will eligible to get noncreamylayer certificate after 1.4.2015? |
12th September 2014 11:30 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Am a govt employee having 4 lac per annum, I want to change my job and apply for a new job . Am I eligible for obc non creamy certificate |
7th August 2014 04:36 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? My anual income is more then 6 lakh,but my parents anual income is less than 50thousend.can i belong to non creamy layer or not,please answer me. |
6th August 2014 12:52 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Mai sprtsman open categeory me hu muze non creamylayer certificate chai ye to non creamylayer certificate milta hai kya |
19th July 2014 11:50 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? my father retired in class 1 officer in may-2014.now i can get non creamy layer certificate |
1st July 2014 01:38 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Sir,my father's native is u.p.my father come to in Gujarat to earn money,my birth is in Gujarat ,and I m study in Gujarat ,my every documents is from Gujarat,my cast is chauhan and sub cast is Hindu noniya in obc category according to u.p. state,sir my problem is ,I should not get any benefit of obc cast here .According to Gujarat state my sub cast is not coming underunder the obc cast of Gujarat ,so I doesn't get obc and non crimilayer certi from gujrat ,and ultimate i doesn't get any benefit of it though I m coming in obc category.so I requested u to give me a solution . |
26th June 2014 06:32 PM | |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? sir i am working as a sectional engineer in Govt. of maharashtra & my salary is more than 6lakh /ann .can i get non creamy layer certificate for my son who is going to appear for UPSC. pls guide me with regards |
19th June 2014 10:25 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am class I excutive in PSU,but I have joint in service as class C non executive. At present my total salary is more than six lakhs.Whether my son will get non creamy layer certificate for higher studies.I belongs to OBC category. |
10th April 2014 04:27 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am working in private company. My annual salary income is more than 6 lacs. In such case my children do not eligible to get creamy layer OBC certificate. I wanted to know what is the use of creamy layer OBC certificate, if I opt for for my children, what benefits they get? or no benefits...can any one answer please |
2nd April 2014 04:31 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? plz tell me is non creamy layer certificate require for general category women reservation in jobs of maharashtra govt? |
29th March 2014 04:10 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? For married women for non creamy certificate does her husband annual income is counted |
21st March 2014 09:42 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? What is limitation of income for non creamy layer certificate for female of open category. if she is married and husband as well wife are working then what is income limitation for non creamy layer certificate of open category |
20th February 2014 03:54 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I m from Open Category. To avail the Women reservation I need to submit the Non Creamy Layer certificate. How Can I get the same. Please Advice at the earliest. Regards, Simran |
6th February 2014 02:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? my caste is RAWAT and my mother's income is4.30 lakhs per annun working as a govt servant then I eligible toget benefit for OBC non-creamy layer and how can I apply for OBC non creamy layer certificate |
11th December 2013 10:49 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? My father is retired govt. servant.I am his daughter applying for class-I post for higher category.His annual income is pension(58,000) rent and bank interest which comes to last year 7,16,000Rs.He was not class one officer in government of gujarat.Mamlatdar is asking for the proof that the pension salary should not be counted(GR) and am I entitled for the noncreamy layer certificate on this ground?My father's income is counted in this case or only the position is counted for the issue of non creamy layer certificate? |
8th December 2013 12:58 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am Open category. My confussion is non creamy layer certificate is need for open category. |
8th October 2013 01:07 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? My father is class I officer (promoted after 40 years) in ONGC .i fall under obc category. Can i get non creamy layer certificate?? |
22nd June 2013 08:23 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? both parents are maharashtra state govt. class iii employees. annual income is rs 5 lakhs. am i eligible for non creamy layer certificate |
12th June 2013 04:55 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? hi, i am married and come under OBC category but i want to know that whether i come under OBC non creamy layer or not as my parents salary does not exceed 450000 but my husband annual salary is approx 10 lac. |
30th May 2013 12:50 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I am a Class III bank employee and my wife is a Class II (promoted) Higher Secondary School Teacher. We belong to Hindu-THiyya in Kerala which comes under OBC list. I get Rs.504000/-p. a as salary and my wife gets Rs.528000/-as salary. I have a land holding of 7 cents and she has 9 cents. My son is preparing for admission to IITs in the year 2014-15. Can we considered under OBC NON CREAMY LAYER? |
3rd May 2013 09:08 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? i am working as an assisstant professor? Did i get OBC reservation and age relaxation in civil service exam? |
1st April 2013 11:42 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? i belongs to obc caste. my father is post o.a/ retail manager in bsnl. and his income is more than 4.5 lacs per annuam can i apply for obc non creamy layer certificate. |
29th March 2013 09:06 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? my father annual income is 6lakh,can i get obc certificate |
9th November 2012 04:26 PM | |
AAI .. |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? HELLO SIR.......... Eligibility to get non creamy layer certificate the criteria are,u must belongs to obc category.the annual income of your parents must be 2.5-4.5 lakh persons whom parents are either class-1 or class-2 direct recruitment occurs in this case. ALL THE BEST............... |
8th November 2012 06:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
7th October 2012 02:27 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Hi,My work for myself and my annusl income is 350000 and i fall in obc category,am i eligible for non creamy layer |
21st September 2012 07:01 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? My father expired , he was a doctor but my mom I'd a pensioners whose income is 150000 annua lily am I eligible for non creamy layer certifica the obc |
4th June 2012 11:05 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? I have heard now income to get non creamy layer certificate is incrested to 7 lakhs. Can any body confirm it? Is there any govertnment notification for this? |
4th April 2012 04:51 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? i belong to obc n my father is a business man whose annual income is Rs.3,67,500 n mother is unemployed. can i get non creamy layer reservation ? if it is der do i hav to submit a certificate for dat in the application form of KEAM? Or if income certificate is necessary?? |
28th March 2012 11:31 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? my father recently got promoted nd now his annual income from salary is 4.8 lacs...he works in a psu and joined it initially as a technician...am i eligible for non creamy layer status??? |
4th March 2012 10:31 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Hi my father's current annuanl income is 4.8 L.This year end ,he will retire from PSU. He is working in non executive cader .Please tell me after his retirement I am eligible for NCL certificate. |
2nd March 2012 05:50 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? Dear Sir, I belongs to OBC caste which is in the Central List of OBCs category. My father Is retired from a Pvt Ltd company and now getting Pension of Rs.36000/- P.a. and no any other source of income of my house and i am preparing for Banking Exams so m i eligible to get Non creamy Layer certificate asi need age relaxation for the job ? please suggest me the proper guidence and process to get the same ! thanks in advance. |
12th January 2012 11:56 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Am I eligible to get Non Creamy Layer Certificate? sir my father is head master in school education is annual income is above 4.5 lakhs but he was promoted is class 1 officer after the age of 40 years. my mother is a class III govt. teacher. both are employed in rajasthan. i am unemployed and preparing for competitive exams. do i fall in non creamy layer category??? plz reply its urgent... thanks in advance |
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