Thread: TCS Campus Interview Questions? Reply to Thread

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5th June 2016 05:02 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

please send question and answers fresher interview for MCA.
email I'd:
[email protected]
11th February 2014 12:35 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

please send full questions, answer and tips about campus interview for mca
my Email is : [email protected]
18th January 2012 01:22 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

IT is developing sector now a days. Top most MNC's are hiring based on their recruitment.
This year TCS recrutited 50,000 employees. The basic thing needed is you should have minimum 60% cut off in order to attend the campuses.
Recruitment procedure:
Firstly you should clear your written exam.
written exam carries Aptitude
Soft skills
Secondly you will be called for TECHNICAL INTERVIEW
Thirdly you will have your HR interview.
If you are confident with your skills then you will be selected very easily
Good luck..!
18th January 2012 01:06 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

Originally Posted by uttamkumarsk View Post
Please send me TCS campus interview questions fast

Please reply

"Hello dear,

The selection procedure of TCS consists of following 3 rounds

1. Written Test
2. Technical Interview
3. HR Interview

here is New and fully solved TCS

Previous years questions asked during the Placement.

Hope for yor Best.

with great regards
11th January 2012 07:26 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

i am student . 10th-69.5%and 12th-52% now i am doing final year -6.75%.this is my secured marklist.please tell i am eligible for your company?
10th January 2012 04:53 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

i am a botany student. can i attend the campus iterview for your company.
6th January 2012 06:40 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

i am ece student .10th-82.4% and 12th-78%now i am doing final year ece 1-6th sem -73.45% and 3-6th sem -75.5% .this is my secured marklist. Pls tell iam eligible for your company
9th October 2011 08:11 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

im a management student..m i elgible for the tcs campus interview,if yes wat are the questions i shud prepare ..coz i heard our colg will soon be cumn up with the tcs interviews..plz reply soon
23rd September 2011 11:34 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

i am MCA 3 sem student.i will face the interview open campas 26 plzzzzzzzzzz send me tcs question with answer.
and kya kya puch skte h.
[email protected]
23rd September 2011 11:29 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

i am MCA student.i will face the campas 26 sep. so plzzzzz send me tcs question with answer.
and aur kya question kr skte h.plzzzzzzz could u tell me.
[email protected]
19th September 2011 01:05 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

tcs vale mechanical engg. se kya question krte he?
mechanical subjects se .....ya computer subjects se?
17th September 2011 10:14 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

please mail me the TCS intreview questions with answers
17th September 2011 10:11 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

please send me the TCS intreview questions with answers
16th September 2011 10:05 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

TCS comapny is basically for computer science company and while taking interveiw in campus it goes from three phase:
1>apttitude test
2>group discussion
3>personal interview
in apptitute test it ask from some IQ base question and also from c++ and java language too.
in personal interview they basically ask from the syllabus you learn in your engineering and some genral ability questions.
good luck
16th September 2011 03:02 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

TCS techinical interview (HR round)

  1. Tell me about your project?
  2. Few questions on final year project.
  3. What are Java beans?
  4. Alternative feature for AWT in JAVA
  5. Additional features in JDK1.5.1 compared to JDK 1.4.1
  6. (springs, framework.)
  7. What is a servlet?
  8. Describe portability?
  9. What are your favorite subjects? ans C,java,SQl
  10. Is platform independence useful property in Java?
  11. What is redundancy?
  12. He started with sql
  13. What is denormalisation?
  14. How can u invoke Servlets?
  15. What is data structure?
  16. What are the various forms of data structures?
  17. What are the advantages of normalisation?
  18. What is a kernal?
  19. What is a view? diff b/w view and a table
  20. What is the difference between array and vector?
  21. A question on group-by clause?
  22. What are the difference between sequential and index file system?
  23. What are the functons of kernal?
  24. Write a C program
  25. if str1=”anil samal”
  26. str2=”sa”
  27. str3=”b”
  28. if str2 is found in str1 then replace str2 with str3?
  29. The TCS HR interview:
  30. Tell me about yourself?
  31. Tell me about your family background
  32. What you will be in next five years?
  33. (I answered as consultant as it was one of the post described in ppt)
  34. What do u know about TCS?
  35. Why TCS?
  36. Can you shift anywhere globally?
  37. Are you willing to sign the bond for 2 years?
  38. Any more queries?
16th September 2011 01:21 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

my dear friend
if you want tcs question please refer in internet like go to google and enter what you want it will shows
all the best
16th September 2011 01:19 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

my dear friend
if you want tcs question please refer in internet like go to google and enter what you want it will shows
all the best
16th September 2011 05:05 AM
divyashri rajwaniya
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

Originally Posted by uttamkumarsk View Post
Please send me TCS campus interview questions fast

Please reply

gud mrng..

here are some links below which will definitely help you:


i hope this info will help you alot!

16th September 2011 01:36 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

Below are some of the good TCS papers for practice i have attached......
16th September 2011 01:35 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

find the attachments for the TCS interview question and tips how to deal with them

all the best
16th September 2011 01:08 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

technical tcs interview qs related to electrical engg n c-lang
16th September 2011 12:53 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

hi dear
TCS placement question paper you can get from .
you can get from tcs official website.

good luck......
16th September 2011 12:51 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

hi dear
TCS placement question paper you can get from .
you can get from tcs official website.

good luck......
15th September 2011 04:33 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

plz send me tcs recently asked inteview questions both in technical and hr round?
13th September 2011 12:54 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

9th September 2011 08:21 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

thank you................
5th September 2011 12:13 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

what r questions in interview for civil enggineers..?
20th August 2011 10:07 PM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

iam a final year student of BE(CSE).whether they include marks from 1st sem to 6th sem or 3rd sem to 6th sem for campus interview for aggregate calculation.for toppers of dept,they conduct direct interview?iam maintaining 90.3%.
20th August 2011 10:03 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

if a person is weak in language but he is stronger in subject like dbms,soft.eng,oprating system,camputer network.
then,will tcs select to that person?(if he have not time to learn language but he know feature of oops).
1st July 2011 12:24 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

TCS comapny is basically for computer science company and while taking interveiw in campus it goes from three phase:
1>apttitude test
2>group discussion
3>personal interview
in apptitute test it ask from some IQ base question and also from c++ and java language too.
in personal interview they basically ask from the syllabus you learn in your engineering and some genral ability questions.
good luck
29th June 2011 11:04 PM
amit gaur2065
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

There are many questions side of TCS, they ask firstly
>Tell me about your self.?
>Why do you want to join our organisation?
>how will you improve our organisation?
and for more question you can see on
20th January 2011 08:56 AM
Re: TCS Campus Interview Questions?

Originally Posted by uttamkumarsk View Post
Please send me TCS campus interview questions fast

Please reply

Please download the attachments for TCS placement questions.
19th January 2011 08:40 PM
TCS Campus Interview Questions?

Please send me TCS campus interview questions fast

Please reply


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