Thread: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees? Reply to Thread

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25th October 2019 10:11 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Please give information about 2010 -2013 batch andhra university bsc third year exam fee notification..
11th July 2019 12:41 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Respected Sir/Madam, I have studied B.Sc in 2001 in BHSR &VLM degree college, Devarapalli,West Godavari District and I failed 2 subjects (Final Year ,B.Sc)and unable to complete the subjects afterwards due to job but now,I want to complete the 2 subjects(Maths and Physics)therefore, I humbly request you, could you please help me in this regards to write exams and complete at the earliest waiting for your reply.
=>Can I apply and write supplementary exams ?
=>When can I apply and the fee for two subjects and where to apply?

10th October 2018 09:46 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Hi I am Srinu I studied degree in 2013 batch, but I am fail two subjects in final I want complete my degree. I want present degree supply exams fee date. how can I complete my degree it is possible.
11th June 2018 11:51 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Hi I am Srinu I studied degree in 2010 batch, but I am fail two subjects in final I want complete my degree. present degree exams turn in to semester how can I complete my degree it is possible.
20th December 2016 09:21 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

How do we pay online fee for advance supplementary for b.e. 2nd semester courses ? Please share the process.
23rd February 2016 12:05 PM
[email protected]
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?


I Want small information Ma English Supplimentry fees date @ exam date

Please send msg sir
9th May 2015 12:49 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

whats the fees for supplementary exams? And exam time table?
11th March 2015 11:35 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Sir this is girish I have 1 supplementary exam 2.2 how to apply online fee I don'know how to apply kindly request to give a valuable suggestion
24th January 2015 10:37 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Sir. I submit that I could not attend the examination in two subjects of in July 2014 due to some problems. Now I am intend to attend the examination and I will pay the examination fees of financial accounting and audit and cost and management and audit in 2015. Please inform in which date I will pay examination fees of above subject
24th January 2015 10:01 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Sir it is to inform I could not attend the examination of in two subjects in July 2014.ruquested to inform in which date and batch I will pay examination fees
9th October 2014 01:41 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

4-1 exmas yeppudu?
5th October 2014 08:19 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Hi sir/ madam.
I need final year supplemantary exams fees last date pls tell me.and exams date also pls pls pls reply to my mail
[email protected]
28th September 2014 07:51 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

sir I done 1,2 year BA but due to job I did not attend for exams for BA final yearfor 2 years.?
can I appear exam for this november
5th September 2014 06:49 PM
[email protected]
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

sir i am 2005 B.A (HEP) exam Failed But till may be continued of B. A exam 2015 so kindly reply please
24th June 2014 01:54 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Plz tel me andhrauniversity bsc computers third year 2013 advance supplementary exam timetable
19th June 2014 04:14 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

when is the 2nd year bsc supplementary exams will be conducted ?please send me the time tabel
3rd June 2014 07:47 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

when will the 1st year B.E/B.Tech supplementary exams will be conducted & what is the fees structure for single subject,two subject&three and above subjects,A.U conducted instant exams for B.E students who failed in 1st year theory subject.please reply my question iam waiting for ur reply its very very urgent for me please help me.
23rd May 2014 12:46 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

I want to know the examination date of au degree final year supplementary exams date
9th May 2014 10:31 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

When will conduct degree final year supplementary exams Andhra university
16th December 2013 06:32 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

will there be an advanced supplementary for final year 1st semester(4-1) b.e, in andhra university?
8th December 2013 07:23 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

hi sir gud evening i want bsc examination fee last date
28th November 2013 12:51 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Dear Sir,
I am a student of MA English distance education. I could not write my first year exams in June due to some technical problems. I would like to know about the supplementary/ re-exams for 2013 M.A English (first year) the previous paper dates and when to apply for the hall ticket. kindly do me this favor. Thank you.
10th November 2013 01:38 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

i want A.U degree 3rd year supplimentry exam fees last date and 3rd year exam time table
5th November 2013 03:03 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees? 2nd year
5th November 2013 02:55 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

i want second year supplamntry fess recipt
16th October 2013 09:14 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

bsc 2nd year suplementary exams of 2013 fees pay last date?
7th September 2013 11:21 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

sir,i want to knw the date and month of 3yr exams when it is going to held and 2yr supply date
29th August 2013 06:01 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

I am a stuent of govt. Degree college 2007 to 2010 in ichapuram. But one subject is fail frome b.a. Third year in 2010. So, present i want to exam the fail subject of b.a. Third year. But i dont know my examination notification of govt degree college ichapuram in andhra university, in this year 2013. So please give me some information about of it. My mail is; [email protected] and phone; 9963634513
28th August 2013 02:03 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

please tell me last date supply exam fees (msc.biochemistry)
25th August 2013 03:37 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

please tell me msc biochemistry 1st sem supply exam fees date
22nd August 2013 09:16 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

please say msc biochemistry 1st sem supply exam fees
26th June 2013 02:17 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

ply send notification 4-1 supply dates
9th June 2013 11:42 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Hi sir pleas tell me degree final year bsc bmbt supplementery exam time table
5th June 2013 02:19 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

sir plz tell me the exam dates and fee details for degree 3rd year supply of andhra university
26th May 2013 03:35 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

when 2-1 supplimentary exam for 2011-14 batch?
21st May 2013 01:54 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

sir please tell me about when will final year bsc exams will be conducted at andhra university who were failed in the month of march 2013. because i am other state. so please intimate me this mobile no 07351075277
20th February 2013 12:38 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

when will be conduct 4-1supply exam?
8th February 2013 08:29 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

hi friends, -

for supplementry dates information visit above links.
5th February 2013 07:28 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

hello friend, -

for supplementry dates information visit above links.
11th September 2012 06:32 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Originally Posted by khusi View Post
please tell which years exam are you talking about,
the supplementary exams for second and third year may be in february
pls send frist year degree mark my batch no is11-bc-1648
27th August 2012 12:36 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Andhra university supplementry exams bsc first year result date????????????????????
26th August 2012 08:04 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

degree second year suply results
31st July 2012 01:44 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;450401]hi sir when i will accpet BA third year 2010 SUPPL EXAM I WANT THE DATE AND EACH EXAM FEES
THIS IS MY EMAIL ID [email protected]
25th July 2012 09:24 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

i want 3rd year first semister advace supplymentary examination 2012 notification
25th July 2012 01:41 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

when did 2nd maths exams exam?
21st July 2012 12:01 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

hi friends, -

for supplementry dates information visit above links.
17th July 2012 02:27 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
when is the 2nd year ba exams will be conducted ?please send me the time tabel.
Where can i check the AU BPharmacy exam schedule dates.I am really worrying to get the data regarding the BParmacy IV/IV supplimentary exam schedule.Could any one help me..
15th July 2012 03:03 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

what is date of supplementry exams of third year and fourth year
3rd July 2012 05:12 PM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

i faild in 2nd year 2.1 one subject having any supplementary exam?
1st July 2012 10:19 AM
Re: Andhra university supplementry exams dates? fees?

i want to final year supply exam time table and exam fee and exam date
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