Thread: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam? Reply to Thread

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12th June 2013 08:16 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

What about arihant written by B S sijwali ,Indu Sijawali...
Is this good book 4 preparation or R S agarwaal is best??
3rd August 2012 08:53 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

sir iam now entered in third year ece ,i have intrested in hardware&networking field . tell about the field vacancy like infosys,ibm.tcs,wipro for all mnc company.what are all the job expectation need for joining the mnc company,tell me sir i have to improve myself,reply quickly sir i m waiting.........
1st January 2012 04:07 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

what are the tpics that shold be covered under quantitative aptitude
7th December 2011 07:07 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

hai iam dng my degree vth optionals maths,stats,computerscience i hav campus selection in tcs company how to prepare for that and suggest any book for preparation
and tell the pattern of written test
2nd October 2011 11:48 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

plzz send me details quickly what is d exam pattern for mahindra satyam and for each session hw many marks they are allocating
2nd October 2011 08:05 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

hai am dng my btech final year within 10 days am geeting satyam mahindra company to our clg can u plz tell me hw should i have to prepare for xam
24th September 2011 07:34 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

what are the important topics in the aptitude test ..?? pls tell me as soon as possible...
17th September 2011 08:11 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

thnq frnds the information given is so helpful
3rd September 2011 02:33 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Please tell me the important topics in mathematics to prepare for Infosys Exam...thanx in advance .......
3rd September 2011 02:31 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

22nd August 2011 06:30 PM
amaan khan ak
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi fnd. gud evening..
i am doing my mca final year,now it is time for campus interviews, but i dont how to prepare for the written exam and for technical interview for infosys and TCS
pls suggest me.
Hi friend
You have good time to do prepretion for a written exam.You can work on your aptitude.There are many questions related to aptitude.Also you should do preperation for maths.For refrence you can take R.S. AGARWAL as a refrence.You should also work on your english.
Last ten years question paper helps you a lot for a written exam.
Try to do regular practice for written exam.

15th August 2011 04:57 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

topics given sir for infosys written exame
25th April 2011 03:13 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

now i am doing project work(MCA) i have less percentage in tenth , inter and degree(BSC COMP) so i am not eligible for campus interviews tell me what i do please
15th April 2011 08:18 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

thank you
13th April 2011 08:54 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

For infosys you need to refer all these books to crack infy

Puzzles to Puzzle you - Shakuntala Devi
More Puzzles - Shakuntala Devi
Puzzles and Teasers - George Sammers
Brain Teasers - Ravi Narula
Quantitative Aptitude - R.S Agarwal
Verbal Reasoning - R.S Agarwal
Previous Papers
24th February 2011 02:01 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
pls tel me the suggetions to prepare for software job.pls send me the details and previous papers to my mail i.d [email protected]
hello friend....

Suggestion to prepare for software jobs are...

1) Prepare for the aptitudes by knowing the pattern followed by the individual companies.

2) Develop good communication skill.

3) Be strong in basics of your subjects.

I have attached some of the question paper patterns in this post like mahindra satyam, TCS, Accenture....

If you want to practice online test with several other companies follow the link given below....

21st January 2011 08:07 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

pls tel me the suggetions to prepare for software job.pls send me the details and previous papers to my mail i.d [email protected]
15th January 2011 05:29 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi fnd. gud evening..
i am doing my mca final year,now it is time for campus interviews, but i dont how to prepare for the written exam and for technical interview for infosys and TCS
pls suggest me.

For written test you need to prepare aptitude, reasonong , english and puzzles(for Infosys).
you can consult books like RS Aggarwal and Barron's GRE to clear these exams.

All the Best..
13th January 2011 11:49 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

thanks frnz!!!!!!!!!!!!! for givn up dis hlpful infrmtn......
8th January 2011 06:18 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

How to get into Big IT Company with a B.E. (CSE) Degree - 2010

Hi I am 2010 Passout (Fresher), How can I get into TCS, Infosys or in any big Company,
But my percentage in class 10th is - 58.67
and Percentage in Class 12t is - 59.60

Please someone reply soon....
I am waiting...
4th January 2011 05:03 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

For campus selections, aptitude and numerical ability will be given primary importance which will be your first round for selection. So for this, Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. Agarwal will be the best book. For technical and non- technical skills in English grammar, GRE Barrons and again R.S. Agarwal will do.
The next round will be your technical interview where you need to get into thorough of the subjects that you state in you resume.
Then you can take out the previous year question papers for the respective companies and try working out with that.
If you do ever get the questions from the people who recently attended the campus interview then that will also be very useful.
4th January 2011 04:50 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Preparation for Infosys and TCS written exam & Campus interview.

For Written exam you have to prepare Aptitude, Reasoning (Verbal & Non-Verbal) and Technical questions related to your qualification / professional course.

For Technical questions you have to prepare programming subjects ( such as C, C++, Java, VB & etc.), DBMS.

For Technical Interview you have to prepare only Technical part such as C, C++, Java, VB & etc.), DBMS.

But in some campus interview One part is also there which is called GD (Group Discussion), so you have to prepare yourself for that also.

Best Wishes & Good Luck
4th January 2011 02:46 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

You should prepare previous TCS papers and and also your technical question is more important. So Be prepare in technical as well as other questions.
You can take help from the website providing online test and placement papers for all major IT companies.
Check this reference link for such preparation...
4th January 2011 01:27 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Send a walkin interviews for me.My email id is [email protected]
4th January 2011 11:59 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

hi friend,
compared to other comanies TCS and wipro mainly concentrate on written exam to eliminate students. recently all companies are concentrating much on aptitude rather than reasoning. for aptitude refer R S Agarwals quantitative aptitude and for verbal section refer Barrons GRE 12th edition book, also refer some previous question papers of those companies.

website which may also help you more

be confident definitely succes will follow you
4th January 2011 10:49 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi fnd. gud evening..
i am doing my mca final year,now it is time for campus interviews, but i dont how to prepare for the written exam and for technical interview for infosys and TCS
pls suggest me.
Dear friend,
I will give you some placement papers of TCS and infosys check it...
4th January 2011 10:04 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

for Infosys and TCS there are one written aptitude test. you must clear it to go to the next round.

in aptitude test there few portion like verbal, Non-verbal, analytical reasoning, logical reasoning etc.

you must study good books to clear this aptitude test. you have to develop your power to solve aptitude after practicing carefully. some good books are
Reasoning By R S Agarwal etc.

give attention to the time management. because you have to answer so many question in 30 or 45 minutes. so you must be prepared so that you can solve the aptitude problem easily.

here i am attaching some TCS aptitude question. you may go through it. also attaching recruitment procedure for TCS. for more recruitment paper visit the website

best wishes.
4th January 2011 09:03 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi fnd. gud evening..
i am doing my mca final year,now it is time for campus interviews, but i dont how to prepare for the written exam and for technical interview for infosys and TCS
pls suggest me.
dear friend.

general tcs conduced there ways.aptitude,technical,interview.there is a lot of
websites has free analytical,technical,logical reasoning test conducted.and try it.which level are you technical.And see the previous papers.that will help you.
And R.S.AGARWAL books see that.and i am some links see that.

best wishes................
3rd January 2011 10:38 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Dear Friend
As i know the written exam for the Infosys and TCS is not much difficult.
They asks aptitude,reasoning,technical skill,communication skill questions.
you can prepare for it by some books,and you have to solve previous year papers.
you can get previous papers in pdf format from
good luck....
3rd January 2011 10:30 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?


to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam
Preparing for Infosys and TCS is not a hard task. Since you are a PG graduate, the interview would be more technical and they will test your skills completely.

For the written exam in Infosys as you may know, it will be only testing your analytical thinking, arithmetic reasoning and your communication language.

For TCS an additional test of psychometric test is conducted.

for your reference I have given two links for the complete profile of Infosys and TCS regarding test preparation and interview. Go through it :

good luck.
3rd January 2011 09:49 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

You have to concentrate on your branch subjects.Also focus on Aptitude and reasoning part.Prepare for GD.Best of luck!
3rd January 2011 09:41 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi fnd. gud evening..
i am doing my mca final year,now it is time for campus interviews, but i dont how to prepare for the written exam and for technical interview for infosys and TCS
pls suggest me.
I have attached the study material required for TCS and Infosys placement.
Find them into the attachments.

You can also download get question papers at:
3rd January 2011 07:30 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

Nothing to worry about,prefer books of GRE Barron and R.S Agarwal so that you get cleared about the aptitude,reasoning and technical part.

You need to develop your communication skills so that you get yourself comfortable of the various tests taken part

Here am attaching you a sample paper of the Infosys which may provide you information about the type of questions being asked.
3rd January 2011 02:33 PM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

TCS and INFOSYS had following schedule in my college
Its common for all


(a) 08.30 a.m - PPT and Q&A Session
(b) 09.30 a.m - Application Filling
(c) 10.30 a.m - Written Test (Arithmetic Reasoning and Analytical Thinking)
(d) 11.20 a.m - Test of Communicative English
(e) Personal Interviews

1.Arithmetic reasoning consist of

Synonyms,Antonyms,fill in the blanks, and there will be unseen passage.

2. analytical thinking

Time and distance,Problem on ages,Profit and loss,Boats and streams,Chain rule,Time and work,Series,Percentage

Books to refer for aptitude test and English
3rd January 2011 10:34 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

dear friend,
First you have to strong preparation in aptitued, reasoning and technical skills.

Second check and see the previous year question paper of infosys and tcs question, go through that paper what type of questions, which model and interview they asked. More questions of infosys, TCS, etc in many sites.

after that you will get idea about exam.
3rd January 2011 09:59 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?


Preparing for Infosys and TCS is not a hard task. Since you are a PG graduate, the interview would be more technical and they will test your skills completely.

For the written exam in Infosys as you may know, it will be only testing your analytical thinking, arithmetic reasoning and your communication language.

For TCS an additional test of psychometric test is conducted.

So solve as many as questions like this, make your mind broad minded.

for your reference I have given two links for the complete profile of Infosys and TCS regarding test preparation and interview. Go through it :

All the best.
3rd January 2011 09:29 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

For preparing for written exam for MNC there will be a different pattern but if you prepare a common subject it will be useful for all companies like
for maths refer r.s agarwal
for English you refer barron book for gre..

if you are through with this you can clear any mnc exam trust me!!

and exam pattern of infosys is

The minimum %requirement is more that 65% in but some time it increases to even 68% to be eligible for written test.

It consists of
  • aptitude question ,
  • completion of sentences,
  • correction of sentences ,
  • reading comprehension,
  • synonyms,
  • antonyms.

all are multiple choice question and they may put sectional cutoff in aptitude and verbal so pay weightage to both parts.

and exam pattern of TCS is

Aptitude test basically had three sections.


10 Synonyms, 10 Antonyms, 7 fill in the blanks with 10 to12 options provided, 1 unseen passage.

Go through GRE ..

For Antonyms there r five excercises in GRE, go through all of them. And rest of this section was really tough. Don't worry, there was no sectional cut-off.


be through with the following chapters OF R.S.Aggrawal:

1.Time and distance

2.Time and work



5.Problem on ages

6.Profit and loss

7.Boats and streams

8.Chain rule

Odd one out from previous TCS papers.


There was 12 question in this section. Actually there was 3 critical reasoning having 4 question each. Follow strictly GRE 12th edition. All the 3 reasonings were from there only. Rather if u r unable to understand the logic by heart the answers.
3rd January 2011 08:55 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

for written exam you can do practice with RS Agarwal quantitive aptitude books. foe interview you brush up basic knowledge of c,c++, & DBMS. that is sufficient.
3rd January 2011 08:00 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

For infosys and tcs ,please refer r.s agarwal book for mathematical reasoning..thats enough..English grammar part will be very tough so please go through last five years question papers.
3rd January 2011 05:56 AM
Re: How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

These companies will be giving an aptitude test. They will be testing you on logical reasoning. Also there will be tests related to analytical skills. It is a must for those who aspire to be programmers.
2nd January 2011 09:59 PM
How to prepare for Infosys and TCS written exam?

hi fnd. gud evening..
i am doing my mca final year,now it is time for campus interviews, but i dont how to prepare for the written exam and for technical interview for infosys and TCS
pls suggest me.

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