Thread: What preparation or certification programs should I do while doing MCA to get good job after MCA? Reply to Thread

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30th October 2012 02:41 PM
Re: What preparation or certification programs should I do while doing MCA to get good job after MCA?

Hi ,

No, you can't do MBA after copleting diploma.
you should have completed graduation to apply for MBA.
Today the demand of MCA student are more then Msc IT student so, it is batter to choose MCA.......

Future scope for MCA:

You can get job at following companies like..........

All the best
thaxsssss friendsss
26th April 2012 05:49 PM
Re: What preparation or certification programs should I do while doing MCA to get good job after MCA?

I am persuing MCA then I have no programing in knowledge so you reply me & so what can i do ?
I intrested softwear dovloping. then reply me who lenguage in most reply me ?
16th October 2011 12:51 AM
amaan khan ak
Re: What preparation or certification programs should I do while doing MCA to get good job after MCA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am doing MCA and my programming skill not strong.
I am interested in web designing and web development.
What preparation or any other certification should I do while doing MCA so that I can get a good job after MCA?
What are the other options other than s/w development where a candidate can go for if his/her programming is not good?
Pls reply.
my email id is: [email protected]

If you want to do any certification and if you have interest in web designing

then there is some short term courses are avialable for you from which you

can do certification on any perticular language.

If you have interest in web devoloping then these are some short term

courses which are best for you.




So you can choose any one of them..Net is the best option for certification.

So choose this language.

There is so mauch scope and you can do certification course along with mca.

So all the best.
12th October 2011 03:44 PM
Re: What preparation or certification programs should I do while doing MCA to get good job after MCA?

i am pursuing mca. i am perplexed. my programming skills are not good enough. so what are the other courses offered?
6th October 2011 05:07 PM
Re: What preparation or certification programs should I do while doing MCA to get good job after MCA?

what i do after mca ?
2nd September 2011 02:30 PM
Re: What preparation or certification programs should I do while doing MCA to get good job after MCA?

what course I can do while doing MCA to get good software job after MCA?
13th July 2011 06:16 PM
Re: What preparation or certification programs should I do while doing MCA to get good job after MCA?

If you don't have strong programming skills, then you can do following courses as your specialization:

Hardware Technology.
Management Information Systems
Systems Management.
Systems Development.
Systems Engineering.

You can get jobs in areas like:

Computers and Related Electronic Equipment Manufacturers.
Database Management
Desktop Publishing.
Design Support And Data Communications.
Embedded Technologies
Government Agencies.
Schools and Colleges.
Software Development Companies.
Security and Surveillance Companies.
Stock Exchange.
System Maintenance.
Technical Support.
Traffic Light Management.

So don'y worry, you can still get jobs in many fields other than software companies....
13th July 2011 11:17 AM
What preparation or certification programs should I do while doing MCA to get good job after MCA?

I am doing MCA and my programming skill not strong.
I am interested in web designing and web development.
What preparation or any other certification should I do while doing MCA so that I can get a good job after MCA?
What are the other options other than s/w development where a candidate can go for if his/her programming is not good?
Pls reply.
my email id is: [email protected]

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