Thread: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students? Reply to Thread

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24th October 2015 12:29 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how many under graduate m.b.b.s medical c.g.n.seats in gujarat Govt. medical college
Registered qouta is depend upon how many student pass from HSC in Gujarat board and central board and isce every year
27th September 2014 12:14 AM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

Please type your question or comment here and then click Submit.I am the student studying standard 12th from Rajasthan and my boarad is Rajasthan board nd i cleared standard .10th from gujarat board so i want to know that can i give the Gujcet of 2015
17th December 2013 02:12 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

There are 8,800 seats in the medical and paramedical courses in Gujarat. This year, the Admission Committee for Professional Medical Educational Courses (ACPMEC) has decided that marks obtained by students in biology, physics and mathematics in the four semesters of Class XI and XII is considered in giving admission to medical and paramedical courses in the state. The merit list is finalised on the basis of students' marks in the board examination as well as their score in the Gujarat Common Entrance Test (GujCET). The seat allocation is done according to the ratio between students of other boards and those of Gujarat board. For Central board students, the marks obtained in the HSC examination will be considered out of a total score of 210. The same board has also decided to prepare a common merit list for admission to seats in the NRI quota.
A total of 2780 seats in medical colleges, 1155 dental, 1325 physiotherapy, 1715 nursing, 135 seats in other paramedical courses, 260 Ayurveda and 1525 seats in homeopathy are available.
20th November 2013 02:06 PM
amit tyagi 5
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

I would like to know that how many medical seats are reserved for state board,cbse,and icse students in gujrat state after giving neet? Please reply earlier as i have to decide for my daughters board . Also i would like to know that what percentage is calculated from board result and how much is taken from neet exam? Thanks

21st June 2013 06:44 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

How many seats available medical college Gujarat, after clearing 12th from ISE board NEET? How to get addmission on payment seat
4th May 2013 08:14 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

quota in medical and engi. seats in gujarat state board for ISC BOARD STUDENTS.
2nd May 2013 04:31 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

govt medical college seats is 1080 total and self finance is 1700
19th March 2013 09:37 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
quota in medical seats in gujarat for X AMRY
Till date none for a state having CM stating " Nation / Country First"

Whereas Many states like Neighbour Maharastra have considered CHILDREN OF Armed force Pesonnel for special quota considering their unsettled/ seperated family life while SERVING nation
27th August 2012 06:48 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

what is the percentage of reservation for cbse students in gujarat?
26th August 2012 02:26 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

what will be the reservations for gujarat state board students in NEET exams
14th May 2012 06:43 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

can we get admission in MBBS in gujarat with just our ISC board marks ???
14th May 2012 06:40 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

can we get admission in mbbs, with just our ISCboard marks in gujarat?
10th May 2012 08:14 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

Total no of students in 2011 in CBSE Std XII Exams : 7,70,000
10% increase every year so 2012 will have 8,50,000 students, i.e. 30,000 per state (avg) for both streams together, out of which students opting for Medical would be ~ 30% or 9000
Total Guj Board students 2012 for HSC Exams were 1,12,000 out of which B stream students were 26,000
Total No of seats in medical in Gujarat are 1900 out of which 50% are reserved
So approx 1000 seats are open merit, out of which 100 (10%) for CBSE quota
Probability for CBSE vs Guj Board student to get admission in Medical:
Assuming % students passing in both boards are nearly equal (@ 70%)
CBSE: 100/9000*100 = 1.1%
Guj Board: 900/26000*100 = 3.5%
Thus, Guj Board student has 3.5 times better chance to get admission in MBBS compared to CBSE student.
13th April 2012 01:11 AM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

I would like to know that how many medical seats are reserved for state board,cbse,and icse students in gujrat state after giving neet? Please reply earlier as i have to decide for my daughters board . Also i would like to know that what percentage is calculated from board result and how much is taken from neet exam? Thanks
6th November 2011 09:37 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

6th November 2011 09:34 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

6th November 2011 09:33 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

11th October 2011 05:51 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

I would like to know whether there is any quota for state board and CBSE in medical colleges of Gujarat ? The reason for asking this is if there are more seats available in state board then it is better to shift to state board. This I am asking for my daughter who is now in 10 th in CBSE.

10th October 2011 11:06 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

how many under graduate m.b.b.s medical c.g.n.seats in gujarat Govt. medical college
23rd May 2011 06:56 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

quota in medical seats in gujarat for X AMRY
9th May 2011 01:01 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

Please let me know the quota for state board and CBSE in medical colleges of Gujarat ? I am asking for my son who is now in 10 th in CBSE and wil enter in class XI with science subjects for 2011-12 acadamic year.
22nd April 2011 03:19 PM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

what is rhe quota fur cbse students in medical and engineering colleges of gujarat
15th April 2011 12:15 AM
Re: Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

what is the quota for cbse students in medical colleges of gujarat ?
8th April 2011 11:58 AM
Quota in medical seats in Gujarat for state board and CBSE students?

I would like to know whether there is any quota for state board and CBSE in medical colleges of Gujarat ? The reason for asking this is if there are more seats available in state board then it is better to shift to state board. This I am asking for my daughter who is now in 10 th in CBSE.

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