Thread: What is the future of Physiologist? Reply to Thread

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14th October 2011 05:44 PM
Re: What is the future of Physiologist?

There is no future for a plant physiologist coz privious ones have diminished it. you have a completely dark future unless you dont have any JUGAAD or Money to get a job if luckily any vaccancy comes. Start right now for other obtions coz you have a single life and dont let the physiology to destroy it. good luck
22nd January 2011 04:44 PM
Re: What is the future of Physiologist?

Physiologists have to understand and learn about the functioning of living beings. It also includes the study of neuro- physiology, cell and tissue functions. Physiologists are more often absorbed in laboratories and research institutions. Few even enter into teaching and work in different universities. They can also work with healthcare institutions. Other than this they can enter into agricultural and veterinary research institutes too.
22nd January 2011 06:47 AM
Re: What is the future of Physiologist?

There is a great scope i this field as it has very less technically qualified people. You can work in any of the many Agricultural research institutes as Junior Research Scientist. You may opt of M.Phil. or Ph.D. in the area that interests you. A lot of research is presently going on Bacteria and viruses that affect the crop by altering its physiological process of crop production and the preventive measure that can be taken to prevent this.
19th January 2011 10:19 PM
Jaya Tumdam
What is the future of Physiologist?

I am a student of M.Sc.Agri. in plant physiology. I want to know the future of physiologist so please suggest me?

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