Thread: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed? Reply to Thread

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8th July 2015 11:08 AM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

hi i am preparing for tcs exam.after checking the previous papers i am feeling that i cant be able to answer for those please ask easy questions for this year.
14th December 2012 08:07 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Originally Posted by kousi View Post
I came to know that TCS question paper format was changed and the people who had attended said that no questions came from previous year papers. Can anyone please tell me how to prepare for TCS
Yes you have heard this thing right. And not for this year only the previous year also this changed pattern of questions were used. earlier TCS used to concentrate onto the logical reasoning and English more. Nowadays the question pattern has imbibed only mathematical questions and that too from probability or permutations or trigonometry etc. The question level is very tough. So unless you are really good in mathematics, no good will be in going for this examination.
In my opinion it is better to go for CTS or IBM or Tech Mahindra or Google or ITC or Accenture or CapGemini and other IT sectors. The working environment is quite good over there and also the salary is equivalent as those of TCS. The competitive environment is a little less in the companies I mentioned, so you don't get pressurized by work.
10th October 2012 10:17 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

can anyone send me the lattest tcs changed pattern...
to [email protected]
29th September 2012 06:35 PM
Tcs gitam hyd 2012

1. There are 5 wheels (4 normal and 1 spare tyre). All the 5 wheels are used equally. The car travelled total distance of 40,000km. What was the distance travelled by each tyre?a.10,000 b.32,000 c.8000 d. 40,000
Ans: 32,000

2. Three dices are rolled. What is the probability of getting a sum of 10.Ans: 27/216=1/8

3. Given below is a 3*3 magic square. Find x+y.

w 28 z
130 v x
181 y 79

Ans: 362 + 51*8= 362+408=770

4. A tree of height 36m is on one edge of a road of width 12m. It falls such that the top of the tree touches the other edge of the road. Find the height at which the tree breaks.
Ans: simple Pythagoras theorem

5. X,Y and Z take 12,18 and 10 days respectively to complete a job. X,Y and Z together work for 3 days and then X and Z leave the work. The rest of the work is finished by Y only. How many days does Y take to finish the remaining work?

6. A 9*9 Sudoku is given. Very Basic!

7. A product costs L Rs/kg for the first 30kg and Q Rs/kg for each extra kg. 33 Kg of this product costs Rs 1167 and 36 Kg of this product costs Rs 1204. What is the cost of 10kg of this product?
Ans: Rs350

8. A cow and horse cost Rs 200000. Cow was sold at a profit of 20% and Horse was sold at a loss of 10%. Profit earned in the entire process was Rs 4000. Find the cost price of the cow
Ans: Rs 8000 I think

9. 60% of the registered candidates in an election are from congress and 40% of the registered candidates are from BJP. If 3/4th of the registered Congress candidates and 1/5 of the registered BJP candidates fight election. What is the percentage of people fighting elections?
Ans: 53

10. 24 Men and 16 Women work 1600 units/day. Half these men and 37 women also do the same work. Find the work done by a single man.
Ans: 350

11. f(x^2) = [f(x)^2] = f(f(x)).How many polynomials of degree greater than 2 satisfy the above equation.
a.0 b.2 c. more than 10

12. George takes 30 days to do a piece of work and Mark takes 45 days for the same work. For the first 15 days only George works. Then Mark also joins him. Find the time taken to complete the entire work.
Ans: 24

13. J takes 16 days for a work. P takes 24 days for the same work. J, P and H do the same work in 8 days. Then find the number of days taken by H alone to complete the entire work.
Ans: 48 days.

14. The value of a product at the end of a year, declines to 3/4 of the value at the beginning of the year. If the starting value of product was Rs 40,000. Then what is the value of the product at the end of 3rd year.
Ans: 16875

15. M is 30% of Q. Q is 20% of P. N is 50% of P. Find M:N ratio.
Ans: 3:25
26th September 2012 12:35 AM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

plz mail new pattern of tcs n sample tcs papers to [email protected] m appearing for tcs campus placements in few days
21st September 2012 08:02 PM
naga tejaswini
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

pls snd me the new pattern for tcs written test to my mail [email protected] its very urgent
20th September 2012 10:14 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

plz send me new pattern for tcs written test to my mail [email protected]
16th September 2012 08:38 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

please send me tcs latest papers to mail [email protected]
10th September 2012 10:12 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?


Dear friend,
If you are interested in TCS
Then you must have these criteria

1.You must have 60% marks throughout your academic career
2.You should not have any active backlogs
3.There 2 years of study gap is allowed

If you have all these criteria
Then you are eligible for TCS


1.Aptitude test.
10th September 2012 05:49 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

plz send me the latest placement papers of tcs i m a fresher of 2012 in on my mail [email protected] plz make it soon . help me out pls
29th July 2012 12:37 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

plz send me the latest placement papers of tcs i m a fresher of 2012 in on my mail [email protected] plz make it soon . help me out plz
13th July 2012 12:48 AM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Dear friend,
If you are interested in TCS
Then you must have these criteria

1.You must have 60% marks throughout your academic career
2.You should not have any active backlogs
3.There 2 years of study gap is allowed

If you have all these criteria
Then you are eligible for TCS


1.Aptitude test.

12th July 2012 06:14 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

plz send the new pattern for tcs written test
17th June 2012 03:07 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Is english,reasoning & verbal section included for 2012-13 batch ?
17th June 2012 03:04 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Pls tell me new tcs pattern for 2012 batch
17th June 2012 02:51 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

What is d pattern of tcs(written test) for 2012-2013 batch ?
5th June 2012 02:30 PM
[email protected]
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

can u send exact 2012 new pattern for tcs
what all sections and what all portions that has to be covered importantly plz
its urgent
28th May 2012 10:35 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Kindly find the attachment of latest TCS papers from the link given below.

TCS placement papers?

Best of luck
28th April 2012 10:41 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Kindly find the attachment of latest TCS papers from the link given below.

TCS placement papers?

Best of luck
26th April 2012 01:27 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Kindly find the attachment of latest TCS papers from the link given below.

TCS placement papers?

Best of luck
25th April 2012 10:53 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Kindly find the attachment of latest TCS papers from the link given below.

TCS placement papers?

Best of luck
1st April 2012 06:11 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

no tcs pattern is not changed.language of questions and figure may vary but logic will be dont worry,work hard you will surely get success.also pay kind attention towards technical.
17th March 2012 08:20 AM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Originally Posted by kousi View Post
I came to know that TCS question paper format was changed and the people who had attended said that no questions came from previous year papers. Can anyone please tell me how to prepare for TCS
plz send new tcs placement papers plz plz plzp plz pl zpl z i dont know..................
i hope u will send
29th February 2012 07:44 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Can any1 send the model question paper of the new pattern ( 35 question pattern ) ... very urgent please

[email protected]
29th February 2012 07:43 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Can any1 send the model question paper of the new pattern ( 35 question pattern ) ... very urgent please
[email protected]
17th February 2012 07:50 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

plz......... send me the tcs latest placement paper & also the idea about interview questions ... at --"[email protected] ".......
5th January 2012 03:48 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

my friend attended tcs in 2011 for her pattern s nt changed its s true r nt....
28th November 2011 01:15 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

NO the new pattern of tcs donot contain verbal part.
The entire paper of 35 questions is concentrated on Quant
As the test is conducted online you should be able to manage your time effectively
17th November 2011 01:52 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

hello sir,

dis s sathiya, day after tomorrow i have interview, but i am weak in English, i completed MBA ,i cant communicate in English not well, please can u tell how get english part in aptitude test,i want latest aptitude test question paper and answers...
20th October 2011 11:38 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Can any one tell me about the new test pattern of TCS...I m hainv test on 31 oct...please help me...not geeting idea how to pepare...aptitude qns come from barron?
20th October 2011 05:31 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Please let me know what is TCS question paper format for Clinical data management (CDM)?
4th October 2011 11:37 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

what are the specific areas in which we have to concentrate more?
2nd October 2011 12:14 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Send me tcs test interview papers last 5 year
27th September 2011 11:58 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Hi daer,

Yes what U have heard is Absolutely right.Now I'll tell U the new pattern......

1)35 Ques in 1 hr.

2)There is negative marking.....
1 for right ans....
-0.33 for wrong ans....

3)No verbal section........

4)Questions from GRE barrons only.....

5)No go through of old papers...

Good luck.

A.Mohamed Bilal

27th September 2011 10:15 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

i am doing final year in erode i want a new model format
24th September 2011 04:00 PM
chandana Reddy
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

the pattern contains 35 questions...its only about quants...for every correct answer you will get one mark and for every wrong answer ,1/3 rd of the mark will be deducted from the total.

good luck..
15th September 2011 12:40 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

which book should i exactly prefer for preparation for tcs exam..Plz reply soon...waiting for ur reply.
13th September 2011 11:49 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

does the tcs question paper format contains verbal section and vocabulary part?????
2nd September 2011 12:19 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

plz.plz..send me questions of new pattern (35 puestions ) as soon az possible..also tel me the most eff. Book & areas of expected questions.
26th August 2011 10:52 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

hi! can anybody please tell me
1)Are there synonym,antonym,complete sentences (English verbal) in tcs written examination this time?
2)What section for Barron is asked basically(eq.Data interpretation, quntitative comparision) that is which edition of barron would be beneficial for TCS written examination as there is huge change in GRE pattern hence in barron?
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz rply!!!!!:)
25th August 2011 06:06 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

If you want to get more knowledge about this written exam ,then i am attaching a file with it.
You can also visits the official sites :

25th August 2011 12:06 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Dear friend,
this year i appear for TCS(2011) and get recruited , the pattern was all puzzle , but you can not say they will repeat it again , untill and unless they take any campusing you have to wait.
25th August 2011 01:51 AM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

tcs apti combination pattern
24th August 2011 07:48 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

what is the pattern of tcs for batch 2011 ?????????????????????????????
21st August 2011 08:54 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

send me the latest papers of tcs. is gre barrons 12th edition is enough for preparation. my email is- [email protected]
21st August 2011 03:33 AM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

Tcs placement paper in SRK Bhimavaram
20th August 2011 08:24 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

i heared that tcs aptitude test pattern(2011-2012) has been changed.. can u mail me the format of new paper...
20th August 2011 08:22 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

i heared that tcs aptitude test pattern(2011-2012) has been changed.. can u send me a format of it...
19th August 2011 06:40 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

i heard that the tcs pattern has changed for this year which includes 15 aptitudde,15 verbal and 50 reading comprehension and 70 it true??????
please suggest me.....
15th August 2011 09:03 PM
Re: TCS new pattern? TCS question paper format was changed?

can anyone tell me abt new pattern conducted in vit august 2011 by tcs
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