Thread: For bank clerk how much percentage is required? Reply to Thread

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26th November 2014 03:05 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Hi.. I m graduated with low percentage. I hve passed 12th with 53%. Can I apply for bank clerk exam
8th October 2013 07:49 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Hi.i have passed graduation complete .59% do can i fill the form bank.
20th July 2013 12:51 PM
bat cool
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

  • Hello friend
  • Educational qualification :
  • You must either complete 12th or degree
  • Marks percentage required :
  • You must have atleast 60% marks in 12th to write Bank Clek exam
  • There is no such restriction for degree holders
  • Age limit :
  • For any candidate the age limit is same i.e., 18 - 28 years
  • You must write IBPS exam to get job as bank clerk
  • all the best
20th July 2013 12:27 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

you have Complete 10th marks must be above 60% then you are eligible for IBPS CLERK exam. OR

You have completed 12th with above 50% are eligible for IBPS CLERICAL exam.


Candidates age must be between 18 years and 28 years.

Age relaxations will be extended as per govt rules.

Candidates must have passed 12th standard with 60% marks.

General and 55% marks for SC/ST/EXSM/PWD candidates (or) must possess a Graduate Degree from recognized University.
20th July 2013 11:08 AM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have passed 12 class i have 43% do can i fill the form bank
No with such marks in class12th you cannot apply for the BANK Clerks Exams

Educational Qualifications for the SBI Clerical exams is 12th Pass with Minimum 60% marks or Graduation Pass

Age- Minimum 18 years
Maximum 28 years
OBC candidates get 3 years age relaxations
SC/ST candidates gets 5 years age relaxations.

Eligibity for the IBPS BANK Clerks exams:
Min educational qualifications is Graduation Pass
Age should be between 20 and 28 years
OBC gets 3 years and SC/ST gets 5 years age relaxations
19th July 2013 11:47 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Bank Clerical Examination generally conducted by SBI and IBPS(Institute of Banking Personal Selection) for 20 Public Sector banks.

For IBPS bank Clerical Exam there is no percentage of marks required in any level of education.

The eligible candidate must be an Indian National having completed Graduation Degree in any stream from a recognised University within the age of 18 to 28 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate, can apply for IBPS Clerical Exam.

For SBI Clerical exam there is percentage of marks criteria in 12th which is 60% and there is no percentage of marks criteria in Graduation level.

The eligible candidate must be an Indian National having completed 12th in any stream with 60% marks from a recognised Board or having completed Graduation Degree in any stream from a recognised University within the age of 18 to 28 years with upper age relaxation for reserved candidate.
19th July 2013 02:20 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Hi friend…

For bank clerk normally 60% marks, minimum 50% marks in your 12th standard is required.
But this criteria depends upon the banks you are appearing for.

Eligibility criteria for bank clerk :

The candidate should pass 10+2 examination from a recognized board.

For SBI Bank Clerical examination, You have to completed your 12Th examination in any discipline form a recognised board and you have scored minimum 60% marks in your 12Th examination, Final year candidates are not eligible to apply for Bank examination

The age of the candidate should be within 18 to 28 years.SC,ST,OBC will get the age relaxation.
If you are Interested to apply for IBPS Bank clerical examination, then for this you have to complete your 10Th examination with minimum 60% marks OR you have completed your 12Th examination with minimum 50% marks OR you have passed in your graduate degree course, means you have to fulfill any one of the Eligiblity.

All the best…..
18th July 2013 03:07 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

I have passed 12 class i have 43% do can i fill the form bank
18th April 2013 07:04 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Dear There,

First of all, I would like to tell you that Banking examinations need not any percentage criteria.

Banking examinations are conducted as Clerk and PO every year by both SBI(State Bank of India) and IBPS(Institute of Banking Personnel Selection).

The eligibility criteria required for the SBI Clerk examination are prescribed as below:-

* Completion of graduation in any stream from any recognized college or university.

* Final year contenders are not eligible.

* Percentage criteria is not required.

* Age limit:- 18-28 yrs.

*Age relaxation:- 3 yrs for OBC and 5 yrs for SC/ST contenders.

* Nationality:- Indian.

The eligibility criteria required for the IBPS Clerk examination are prescribed as below:-

* Completion of graduation in any track from any accredited college or university.

* Final year contenders are also eligible.

* Age limit:- 18-28 yrs.

* Age relaxation:- 3 yrs for OBC and 5 yrs for SC/ST contenders.

* Percentage criteria is not required.

* Nationality:- Indian.

The selection procedure for the SBI Clerk examination is mentioned as below:-

* Written examination.

* GD(Group Discussion).

* Personnel interview.

* Medical examination.

The selection procedure for the IBPS Clerk examination is mentioned as below:-

* Written examination.

* Personnel interview.

* Medical examination.
14th June 2012 08:09 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

first you should be graduate.

Bank PO exam eligibility criteria:

Graduation from any recognised recognised university.

Age should be 21 to 30years and the relaxation for the reserved candidates.

Candidate should be an indian.

Question paper pattern:

Quantitative aptitude --- 50
English - -----------------50
reasoning ---------------- 50
QUESTIONS General awareness - ----50
computer ----------------- 50
15th March 2012 10:52 AM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

I am passed 12th exam from 59% and i m belonging from obc categorary, can i apply for sbi bank clerk
4th March 2012 01:40 AM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

I have passed with 53% in 10th and 52% in 12th, can i apply for bank clerk
4th January 2012 09:44 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

What percentage of marks in matriculation or !0 2 required for clerical posting in SBI for SC/ST/OBC category students ?
19th December 2011 04:39 AM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

So madam,if i have scored above 60% marks in matric..but if i scored only 47% in 12th science and 36% degree is there any chance to sit for any exam either clerk or p.o,,,is it useful the master degree marks for appearing the exam?and iam s.t student.
20th October 2011 12:30 AM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

for Bank clerk exam,you should have min 60% marks in class 10 and
class 10th+2 also.before completing the class 12th,you can not apply for this exam.
you can also give the exam after your graduation.for that,you must be scored 60% in your degree.if you will take the exam after your graduation then the designation of your post should be increased.

thank you.
19th October 2011 11:12 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Percentage of marks with educational qualification differs from bank to bank.

Different grade of clerical job requires different educational qualification and percentage of marks:-

1.For the post of clerk and typist:-

Bachelor"s degree with 50% marks in Higher Secondary


Passed with 50% marks in aggregate in Diploma in Banking recognized by Central/State
Government or U.T. Administration.


Passed with 60% marks in aggregate in Matriculation/SSC (old pattern)/SSLC/ l0th standard of 10+2+3 pattern or equivalent.


2.For the posts of Stenographers, Data Entry Operators, Telephone Operators:

A pass in Matriculation/SSC (old pattern) SSLC/ l0th standard examination of 10+2+3 pattern or equivalent.

3.For the posts of Agricultural Clerks:

A degree or Diploma in Agriculture (including Agricultural Engineering) from a recognized University/Institution


Passed Higher Secondary/ 12th Standard of 10+2+3 pattern or Intermediate or equivalent examination with Agriculture as a subject with 50% marks for all candidates except SC/ST/OBC/XS/OBC/OH candidates in whose case the eligibility is a mere pass in these subjects.

Age Limit For Bank Clerical Grade Exam

Not below 18 years and not above 28 years. Relaxation in upper age limit is as per rules for specified categories including SC/ST/OBC etc.
19th October 2011 10:53 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Dear pal,
Clerks exams are conducted by different banks for their recruitment .The aspiring candidate need to satisfy the below requirement

The aspirant must have completed a degree from a recognised university.You must have the basic computer knowledge.
The minimum age for applying for the exam is 18.And the general category aspirant will be prevented from writing if he/she is above 28 years of age.
The selection for the exam includes two stages namely
written exam
personnel interview
The aspirant clearing the written exam is eligible for the interview
19th October 2011 09:56 PM
Rohit Vashisht
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to know for bank clerk how much percentage we required?...coudl u please tell me the date for it
All the leading commercial banks jointly conduct Common Written Examination (CWE) for the recruitment of various posts of clerks and Probationary Officers (PO).

For bank clerical aptitude examination, the candidate must be an Indian/Nepal citizen within the age limit of 20 to 30 years as on the date of joining. The candidate must have passed 10+2 from any of the recognised educational board, there is no minimum eligibility criteria for marks.

Furthure, eligibility guidlines of individual bank may vary.
19th October 2011 09:42 PM
g m bhagya
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to know for bank clerk how much percentage we required?...coudl u please tell me the date for it
For bank clerk its ok even if you do not hold any degree.But you should have passed in 12th having atleast 60%.
19th October 2011 08:12 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to know for bank clerk how much percentage we required?...coudl u please tell me the date for it

I have discussed here about IBPS exam and other BANK's Clerk exam.


IBPS exam is conduct for BANK CLERK for 19 banks .

Only those candidate have completed 10th are eligible for IBPS CLERK exam.

Your 10th marks must be above 60% then you are eligible for IBPS CLERK exam.


Those candidate have completed 12th with above 50% are eligible for IBPS CLERICAL exam.

Also all candidate age must be in between 18 to 28 years.Age relaxation is provide for SC/ST/OBC category as per govt rule.

Those are belongs from Indian ,Nepalis, Bhutanese and Tibetan eligible.


Those candidate have completed their 12th degree with above 60% are eligible for SBI BANK PO exam.

But your age must be in between 18 to 28 years.Age relaxation is provide only for SC/ST/OBC candidate .For Sc/ST candidate have age relaxation is 5 years and for OBC candidate it is 3 years.

SBI BANK CLERK exam consist of two steps 1) Written test 2)Personal Interview.

For written test you must be prepare for mathematics and general knowledge.Also you must have basic knowledge computer field.

The website for SBI CLERK exam is
19th October 2011 07:59 PM
rahul k
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to know for bank clerk how much percentage we required?...coudl u please tell me the date for it
Percentage Eligiblity criteria are vary form Banks to Banks, But to apply for the Bank examination you have to complete your 10Th examination (For IBPS Examination).

But for Other Banks, Intermediate is the Minimum Eligiblity criteria to apply for Bank clerical examination.

If you are Interested to apply for IBPS Bank clerical examination, then for this you have to complete your 10Th examination with minimum 60% marks OR you have completed your 12Th examination with minimum 50% marks OR you have passed in your graduate degree course, means you have to fulfill any one of the Eligiblity.

For SBI Bank Clerical examination, You have to completed your 12Th examination in any discipline form a recognised board and you have scored minimum 60% marks in your 12Th examination, Final year candidates are not eligible to apply for Bank examination.

For Punjab National bank Clerical examination, You have o complete your Graduation in any discipline form a recognised board with minimum 50% marks and you should have working knowledge of Ms-office. so, if you age should between 20 to 25 years, then you are eligible for PNB Clerical examination.

For SBI and IBPS Bank clerical examination, your age should between 18 to 28 years and the Upper age relaxation is applicable for SC/ST/OBC candidates.

So, the eligibility criteria are vary form bank to bank, please read the Notification carefully before apply for the examination and for more information check Bank official websites.
19th October 2011 01:50 PM
Re: For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

Dear friend,
For bank clerk normally 60% marks in your 12th standard is required.
But this criteria depends upon the banks you are appearing for.

Eligibility criteria for bank clerk :

1.The candidate should pass 10+2 examination from a recognized board.

2.The age of the candidate should be within 18 to 28 years.SC,ST,OBC will get the age relaxation.
18th October 2011 09:36 PM
For bank clerk how much percentage is required?

I want to know for bank clerk how much percentage we required?...coudl u please tell me the date for it

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