12th November 2011 11:07 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? where do i get offline IIT forms in delhi plz let me know? |
24th October 2011 08:13 PM | ||
SUBHO010 |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? The important dates regarding to the availability of AIEEE forms are as under: Start of Online application process: Monday October 31, 2011 Closing of Online application process: Saturday December 10, 2011 Start of Offline OMR Application Forms sale at Bank Branches: Friday November 11, 2011 Close of Offline OMR Application Forms sale: Monday December 5, 2011 Last date of receipt completed IIT-JEE 2012 Application Form: Thursday December 15, 2011 IIT-JEE 2012 examination day: Sunday April 8, 2012 The forms will be available in the following banks for different IIT Zones: CANARA BANK BRANCHES (IIT Bombay Zone) UNION BANK OF INDIA BRANCHES (IIT Delhi Zone) STATE BANK OF INDIA BRANCHES (IIT Guwahati Zone) STATE BANK OF INDIA BRANCHES (IIT Kanpur Zone) AXIS BANK BRANCHES (IIT Kharagpur Zone) INDIAN BANK BRANCHES (IIT Madras Zone) PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK BRANCHES (IIT Roorkee Zone) All the best |
19th October 2011 09:55 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? sir, we are presently at port blair andaman and nicobar islands (.) when and from where we will be able to get the application for iit and aieee (.) regards |
1st October 2011 01:43 PM | ||
meeeanki |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? dear friend sorry to say the iit forms are already out and online registration also.you can do this year for online registering please log on to www.iitjee.org this form will publish on november or offline plz you have to go IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK all the best |
1st October 2011 10:49 AM | ||
shrijan00 |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? if u stay near to any of the iits u can also collect application from there.............or if u acess internet from home then u can also apply online..... for all other details visit the official website....www.jee.iitd.ac.in or if you want to buy from market then iit forms are available from 1st week of november |
1st October 2011 01:57 AM | ||
nitz90 |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? The IIT-JEE forms shall be available from the first week of November and its last date of submission will be around first week of January You can buy the forms from your nearest Union Bank of India branch or contact your nearest book depot Eligibility for IIT-JEE 1) You need to be a 12th pass-out with 60% or above in PCM 2) You can appear for the exam only twice,once in the year of passing of 12th and the next in the very consecutive year.. all the best.. |
1st October 2011 01:03 AM | ||
umathkavi |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? The form of IIT will be available in the month of november and you may get it from different banks for different zones. You may also apply online. |
1st October 2011 12:40 AM | ||
dimple.simple |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? you want to apply for it online then you can log on to www.iitjee.org or if you want to fill the hard copy of it then you can it from the following places :- IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT ROORKEE ZONE: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK |
30th September 2011 11:32 PM | ||
rahul4490 |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? For more details, check out this !! http://jee.iitd.ac.in/ http://www.iitjee.org/ |
30th September 2011 11:13 PM | ||
rahul4490 |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? For more details, check out this !! http://jee.iitd.ac.in/ http://www.iitjee.org/ |
30th September 2011 07:29 PM | ||
saurabh abhijeet |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? hello dear, IIT notification have been commenced.... important dates regarding exams; -online application process- 31 october- 10 december 2011 -sale of offline application- 11 november- 05 december -last date for recipt of complete application forms(offline or printed copy of online)- 15 december 2011 -date of examination- 08 april 2012 for more details you can visit the following link... www.iit.org |
30th September 2011 02:09 AM | ||
coolsam.9 |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? Hi dear, IIT forms are already available from 01.11.2009 till 07.12.2009 (on-line) and from 01.11.2009 to 16.12.2009 (off-line),availability of form depend on from which zone you belongs. IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK IIT ROORKEE ZONE: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK all-india helpline no-044-4292 5020 / 21 Thanks |
29th September 2011 09:36 PM | ||
dil-jale |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? hi dear IIT form notification is second week of novmber and last date of fill up the form is third week of december. you can get it online or from selected centeres of SBI or CANNARA, PNB or SYNDICATE BANK's o you 1st need to be specific about the zones IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK IIT ROORKEE ZONE: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK thanks |
29th September 2011 01:33 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? i want to appear IIT,AIEEE AND BITSAT entrances...when will be the application forms available??plzz reply as soon as possible.... A.Shwetha |
28th February 2011 01:52 AM | ||
danish_khurana |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? you can download forms from: http://www.successcds.net/engineeringentranceexam/IITJEE/IIT-Joint-Entrance-Examination.html#bank Institute – website IIT Bombay – http://www.jee.iitb.ac.in IIT Delhi – http://jee.iitd.ac.in IIT Guwahati – http://www.iitg.ac.in/jee IIT Kanpur – http://www.jee.iitk.ac.in IIT Kharagpur – http://www.iitkgp.ernet.in/jee IIT Madras – http://jee.iitm.ac.in IIT Roorkee – http://www.iitr.ac.in/jee |
16th January 2011 03:56 PM | ||
edgeineervinay |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? Quote:
canara bank state bank of india axis bank union bank of india punjab national bank |
16th January 2011 01:42 PM | ||
Thumarrushik |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? [QUOTE=mepoulomi91;2596]I want to give IIT,so may i know when and from where i wil get the form? from 01.11.2009 to 16.12.2009 off-line,availability of form depend on from which zone you belongs. IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK IIT ROORKEE ZONE: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK |
15th January 2011 07:10 PM | ||
subho19 |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? Quote:
You can get IIT form in online otherwise you can collect it from the IIT zonal center... |
14th January 2011 03:29 PM | ||
amlendu |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? Dear, IIT forms are already available from 01.11.2009 till 07.12.2009 (on-line) and from 01.11.2009 to 16.12.2009 (off-line),availability of form depend on from which zone you belongs. IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK IIT ROORKEE ZONE: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK all-india helpline no-044-4292 5020 / 21 or visit the following site- www.jee.iitd.ac.in Thanks. |
21st December 2010 11:07 PM | ||
jitendradagrt |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? available from month of December and have to fill and submit within the mid of December from various branches:- IIT bombay-CANARA BANK IIT delhi-UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT kanpur-SBI IIT guwahati-SBI IIT kharagpur-AXIA BANK IIT madras-CANARA BANK |
20th May 2010 05:25 AM | ||
sg3125 |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? Iits give full avertisememt.open up your eyes, the forms comes in the month of november for iitjee.one can get it at designated bank, like sbi.find more details at www.iitm.ac.in. |
30th March 2010 03:43 PM | ||
nalanda |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? hi friend, the form was available at the canara bank, also in the office of the iit, but the last date is over so you can not get it now, o k all the best |
30th March 2010 01:33 AM | ||
rajeshingarhwa |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? prepare for next year sorry for this year it is over.. but it could be available from: IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK good luck |
29th March 2010 12:26 AM | ||
vanshu |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? as now dates are over and in future you can get them from the canara bank branches and you can also apply on line |
14th March 2010 04:52 PM | ||
ansh_ansh |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? hey friend, actually it was available in the syndicate bank, but now the date is over so you can not find it now o k |
13th March 2010 03:22 AM | ||
mike shinoda back |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? hi friend you can download the form from the website: http://www.desihotmasala.com/2009/11/iit-jee-2010-iitjee-entrance-exam-2010.html or your nearby banks where the forms are available..... |
13th March 2010 03:22 AM | ||
mike shinoda back |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? hi friend you can download the form from the website: http://www.desihotmasala.com/2009/11/iit-jee-2010-iitjee-entrance-exam-2010.html or your nearby banks where the forms are available..... |
10th March 2010 12:05 PM | ||
nitishinmit |
9th March 2010 04:05 PM | ||
asish |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? dear friend the forms are available at the following outlets IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK IIT ROORKEE ZONE: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK to download the IIT form visit http://www.desihotmasala.com/2009/11/iit-jee-2010-iitjee-entrance-exam-2010.html but this year the forms are not avaiable anymore so you can try nest year the forms are out generally in the month of november all the best |
9th March 2010 03:39 PM | ||
asish |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? dear friend the forms are available at the following outlets IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK IIT ROORKEE ZONE: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK to download the IIT form visit http://www.desihotmasala.com/2009/11/iit-jee-2010-iitjee-entrance-exam-2010.html but this year the forms are not avaiable anymore so you can try nest year the forms are out generally in the month of november all the best |
8th March 2010 06:28 PM | ||
rahul k |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? http://www.getvidya.com/forum/index.php?topic=627.0 and download the pdf file, then you can see where to get the form.... or you can purchase from punjab national bank, canara bank, axis bank near by you. |
26th February 2010 11:12 AM | ||
vijay the winner |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? you have to purchase from your nearest bank ok sbi, pnb and manny more just visit bank or get detail from officail site of iit. |
23rd February 2010 09:33 PM | ||
princearyan |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? sorry for this year it is over.. but it could be available from: IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT ROORKEE ZONE: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK (For hard copy) and for online application form: www.iitjee.org |
5th February 2010 03:53 AM | ||
rrmohantysmile |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? you can get it online or from selected centeres of SBI or CANNARA, PNB or SYNDICATE BANK's o you 1st need to be specific about the zones or aska ny local bank authority about the same or for more details write to me with full details all the best to you and good luck |
5th February 2010 02:20 AM | ||
bond007 |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? if you want to apply for it online then you can log on to www.iitjee.org or if you want to fill the hard copy of it then you can it from the following places :- IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT ROORKEE ZONE: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK |
4th February 2010 11:41 PM | ||
gautam d wonder lover |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? sorry friend lasty date is being passed away. better in next time. |
4th February 2010 11:41 PM | ||
gautam d wonder lover |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? sorry friend lasty date is being passed away. better in next time. |
30th January 2010 11:03 PM | ||
monikavats.2103@gmail.com |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? iit form are available in canara bank branches you can apply online also . |
30th January 2010 06:31 PM | ||
edward |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? the iit forms are already out and it is there for online registration also.for registering please log on to www.iitjee.org |
30th December 2009 09:25 PM | ||
anurag kumar |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? IIT form is available in the onth of NOV-DEC of the year and it will got from the canara bank of the area where you reside and available at the ALL IITs. |
6th December 2009 12:56 AM | ||
amarjit |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? if u stay near to any of the iits u can also collect application from there.............or if u acess internet from home then u can also apply online..... for all other details visit the official website....www.jee.iitd.ac.in here u will find various medes by which u can fill online form....... best of luck |
5th December 2009 08:26 PM | ||
vetriselvi |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? can be applied online through the respective websites or can get in the iit itself. |
5th December 2009 11:35 AM | ||
faiyaz |
Re: When and where to get IIT form? IIT forms are already available from 01.11.2009 till 07.12.2009 (on-line) and from 01.11.2009 to 16.12.2009 (off-line),availability of form depend on from which zone you belongs. IIT BOMBAY ZONE: CANARA BANK IIT KANPUR ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT DELHI ZONE: UNION BANK OF INDIA IIT KHARAGPUR ZONE: AXIS BANK IIT GUWAHATI ZONE: STATE BANK OF INDIA IIT MADRAS ZONE: INDIAN BANK IIT ROORKEE ZONE: PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK all-india helpline no-044-4292 5020 / 21 |
28th November 2009 02:45 PM | ||
mepoulomi91 |
When and where to get IIT form? I want to give IIT,so may i know when and from where i wil get the form? |