Thread: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)? Reply to Thread

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12th December 2012 12:35 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

Respected Sir,

I am iti,also Orthopaedically Handicapped(40%).I request to give me the information about how to get a government job according to my qualification and physical condition.

Yours truly,
PH NO 9831011562
2nd August 2012 08:25 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

am doing in bioinformatics after finished the B.E. in information science moreover am a deaf. could u plz suggest me how to get govt. engineering clg lecturing jobs in karnataka..
29th October 2011 01:28 AM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

Hi dear,

Your specialization is good enough to get you a decent job and ofcourse a job that

suits your physical condition. If you try for private company then you will get a

software developer kind of job.

You should not worry for the type of job at all.

If you are willing to take up some government job then you should apply to following

companies when they publish notification for recruitment.


You marks in Graduation is okay for PD or PWD category.

If you are interested in Teaching profession then first do M.Tech. and then apply for

NET examination. You will be a lecturer in a Govt./Private college if you qualify this exam.

However, you can get a job in some private institution through just an interview

but that will not raise you to Professor.

28th October 2011 11:20 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

companies when they publish notification for recruitment.


Read more here:

Your specialization is good enough to get you a decent job and ofcourse a job that
24th October 2011 03:19 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

This is Renuka physically challenged ,and am compltd my in 2011 vt d aggregt of 68% ,i wat to go software side ,i hav a gud communicatn skills nd percentage also,bt still am phasig so many pbms, dats y mai i knw d info of hw to get a gud software job sir.....
4th August 2011 12:39 AM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

Originally Posted by sudeepkumarap View Post
Respected Sir,

I am B.E. Computer Science and Engineering,also Orthopaedically Handicapped(60%).I request to give me the information about how to get a government job according to my qualification and physical condition.

Yours truly,
A.P. Sudeepkumar.

the govt job for b-tech computer science engineering . the govt jobs are given below-

also you are applicable for private sector jobs are-

all the best
27th July 2011 01:45 AM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

im a physically handicapped please tel me how much percetage required for ecil exam
28th April 2011 08:40 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

How to get admission in Government Engineering Colleges without giving any entrance exam?
28th April 2011 08:23 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

Syllabus of BHEL exam? How much percentage required to write the exam? Any reservation quota?
28th April 2011 08:17 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

ou B.Sc 2nd year what is difference between prime ideal and maximal ideal .
28th April 2011 06:29 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

I want computer science seminar topics of 2011
28th April 2011 06:15 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

if A=1/3 B and B=1/2 C,than A:B:C is
28th April 2011 06:08 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

G.C.D of 1.08, .36 and 0.9 is
28th April 2011 06:05 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

solve the L.C.M of 3,0.09 & 2.7 is
28th April 2011 06:01 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

solve 0.6+0.66+0.666+6.606=?
28th April 2011 05:58 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

solve 31/10*3/10+7/5=?
28th April 2011 03:38 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

Originally Posted by sudeepkumarap View Post
Respected Sir,

I am B.E. Computer Science and Engineering,also Orthopaedically Handicapped(60%).I request to give me the information about how to get a government job according to my qualification and physical condition.

Yours truly,
A.P. Sudeepkumar.
your qualifications are good enough to get a govt jobs in big companies like ISRO, DRDO, BSNL ETC
28th April 2011 03:36 PM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

Originally Posted by sudeepkumarap View Post
Respected Sir,

I am B.E. Computer Science and Engineering,also Orthopaedically Handicapped(60%).I request to give me the information about how to get a government job according to my qualification and physical condition.

Yours truly,
A.P. Sudeepkumar.
your qualifications are good enough to get a govt jobs in big companies like BSNL,OSRO ETC
28th April 2011 01:05 PM
stunning angel
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

companies when they publish notification for recruitment.


Read more here:

Your specialization is good enough to get you a decent job and ofcourse a job that
28th April 2011 10:43 AM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

Careers in govt job

The Govt Sector has widened its Opportunities for Young degree holders

for example take the case of Engineers the B.techhies

they have a lot of opportunities along with their core groups

Especially in Govt Sector

A Graduate can go into these many fields as listed

-> First and most favourite option is IES(Indian Engineering Services)

->Next according to the interest one can select Civil Services as options so that he/she can become IAS,IPS,IFS officers .., remember these posts are regarded as the best jobs of INDIA

->Coming to next category one can select Govt Aided companies like
->BHEL(Bharath Heavy Electronics Limited)

->If you are interested in Research organisations you can go with it too

that is you can go into prestigious research organisations like ISRO,NASA and DRDO

and many more

these are also the Govt Jobs and

all these are the opportunities for a Grads


28th April 2011 09:00 AM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

Dear Friend

Your specialization is good enough to get you a decent job and ofcourse a job that

suits your physical condition. If you try for private company then you will get a

software developer kind of job.

You should not worry for the type of job at all.

If you are willing to take up some government job then you should apply to following

companies when they publish notification for recruitment.


You marks in Graduation is okay for PD or PWD category.

If you are interested in Teaching profession then first do M.Tech. and then apply for

NET examination. You will be a lecturer in a Govt./Private college if you qualify this exam.

However, you can get a job in some private institution through just an interview

but that will not raise you to Professor.
28th April 2011 07:50 AM
Re: How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

Whenever vacancies are there in Government organisations it is a must that they issue notifications of the same in all leading newspapers. It will be specifically mentioned as to who all will be eligible. For most jobs the Government does reserve at least some seats for those who are handicapped. You will be eligible to apply in Banks, IT oriented companies etc. Check out these notifications carefully before applying.
27th April 2011 11:33 PM
How to get a government job after completing B.E Computer Science(60% Orthopaedically Handicapped)?

Respected Sir,

I am B.E. Computer Science and Engineering,also Orthopaedically Handicapped(60%).I request to give me the information about how to get a government job according to my qualification and physical condition.

Yours truly,
A.P. Sudeepkumar.

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