Thread: How is the future of MBA in telecom management? Reply to Thread

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15th August 2014 02:29 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

hi greetings to you all, mba in telecom is one of the best course where it leads us in to bright future,as we all know that telecom is the fastest growing sectors in our country, and we hardly have few best telecommunication course in india, as i am also an mba graduate in telecom & IT, i would like to suggest ISTTM (international school of telecom technology &management) offering PDGM/MBA, it is the only telecom b-school offering in hyderabad with best faculty of IIM's, ISB, they have good faculty where they cost only 4,00,000 for 2 years of mba full time,which is very cheap compare to ISB,AMITY and other b schools, but they offer more better than any of the b-schools,please do visit their website, you would defenetly love their b-school,
thanking you,
2nd August 2014 01:06 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Hi Sir/Madam Myself Rahul Kumar Sharma. I have done BCA in my last qualfication in 2011. I am working in bpo as a date entry operator, but I am not satisfy with this career. and now I want to make my career in telecom managment. so Should I do mba in telecom management. and Sir Plese tell me that, Is it suitable carrer for me or not , If yes so tell me what are the growth oppourtunites for me.
My e-mail Id is, and my mobile no. is 07533046631, 09411091123.
24th May 2014 10:53 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Symbiosys will be good for this according to reviews..but i am not sure whether bangalore branch provide telecomm management course or not.
16th April 2014 12:58 AM
amira shaikh
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Telecom is playing a big role now and play abigger role in future. The Telecom companies will need executive to manage the business at all level even upto position of Managing Director. The scope is very big.
14th April 2014 10:55 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hello!!! I am a final year student and I would like to do mba in telecom mgt. Can anyone tell me whether there are any colleges in Chennai offering this course???
Don't know of any in Chennai...but if you are firm on your decision on doing MBA in TM then why get hung up on Chennai...go for the best of the best.....SITM is the pioneer in this domain, started in 1996, years before many copycats....
4th April 2014 09:05 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Hello!!! I am a final year student and I would like to do mba in telecom mgt. Can anyone tell me whether there are any colleges in Chennai offering this course???
6th August 2013 05:34 PM
jessi 23
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

telecom management courses in chennai n cimbatore ???can u plz suggest me clgs in chennai n coimbatore wid this course
14th July 2013 02:12 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

i have completed my B.E. in electronics and comm.i am planning to do MBA from telecom management whether it has great scope in future or not? Or it will be more better to do MBA in finance
19th June 2013 10:16 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

how many years course is mba in telecommunication?? any job apportunity abroad after completing mba in telecommunication??
18th March 2013 10:59 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

i have done my B.E from EXTC. i am planning to do MBA from telecom management whether it has great scope in future or not? or it will be more better to do MBA in finance or any other field? and which are the best colleges for telecom management? plz help me
8th December 2012 03:39 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?


I am presently working in a telecom company. I have done my UG. and looking forward to telecom mgmt. In my knowledge, India has already deployed 4g networks in some parts which we call as LTE. Its totally a packet switching technology and evrything in future will be IP based(Packet Switching). So in my opinion taking up IP will be the best option as it has huge opportunities both in India and abroad. IP also opens the door for switching overto IT sector as well.
18th September 2012 11:21 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Life in the telecom industry for management executives have become difficult due to the current market scenario.Even top level executives have been experiencing lot of insecurities and their positions are under jeopardy.Summarizing there is no clarity over employments surrounding telecom industry in these times which have been its worst by far.
31st January 2012 10:47 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Hi friends

you should do mba in travel and tourism because you have experience in this field and today travel and tourism is fast growing sector in this thousand of job created

so you do mba and with your experience you have good post in this sector and also have good package

31st January 2012 08:48 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

It is good to do mba.
Mba which is related to the financial accounts
not only we can choose to do the mba.
We have to choose the bst college.
Nmims university is in 14 rank and also some of the best colleges are there in mumbai.
Best of luck.
24th January 2012 12:33 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

The future of MBA in telecom sector is very bright. The Indian telecom market has huge potentials.India has become the World"s second largest wireless market. New telecom companies are entering the Indian market to exploit the untapped rural & local market.

These MNC's along with Indian telecom companies are hiring thousands of potential candidates. So you have a good chance of working with a telecom major. And if you perform well you will get promoted with huge incentives.
23rd December 2011 12:01 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

I have completed in Bsc.IT and I wan to higher Education in MBA in Telcom then Tell me sir, How is the my future of MBA in telecom Management?
17th November 2011 08:42 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

can i go for it I'm graduated in Application).
24th October 2011 07:47 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

I have a diploma in telecom from CUSAT and. BA in English communication from Annamalai university.Can i get admission in MBA Telecom Management now.Iam now retired from Indian Navy after serving for 15 years in communication branch.Please. reply
23rd October 2011 01:32 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
hello everybdy, nice to see all above discussion about telecom management. Well i can say one thing their are great oppotunities in telecom management sector for fresher as well as experianced candidate.

In india around 9 telecom verticals are practicing their business in very aggression. Hence the students who wants to make carrier in telecom should join telecom management institutes.

I would name few of the top telecom management institutes in india who offers good curriculum & placement as well.
1. Bitm(balaji is no.1)
2. Sitm
3. Cettm

these are the top telecom management institutes in india unfortunately no bdy noticed the 2nd ranked mit pune's school of telecom management.

Thank you
balaji is among top insitute for mba in telecom but it takes through out 70 % students
4th September 2011 12:36 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

i passed my in 2010 and working in telecom sector. now i am looking for mba in telecom management, please tell me about distance course in mba in telecom management. which college wiil be best.
31st August 2011 12:44 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

hi friends

There is a tremendous growth in the telecom sector now in India .This is the right time to do telecom management in good institute
ISTTM (international school of telecom and technology management )is the exclusive telecom B-school in India which is completely a telecom institute
half of the students got placed in telecom companies during their course .so choose the right college

techno pearl ,hiteccity
4th August 2011 06:34 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

I am an engineering graduate in ECE, what is the good specialization for me in MBA, I WANT TO DO MBA IN TELECOM, IS IT GOOD FOR ME OR NOT? PLZ REPLY ME?
28th July 2011 01:03 AM
Gita Irudhayaraj
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Hi friend,
There are many oppurtunities in the telecom field, That too for MBA student it is very emerging field,because of MBA in Information Technology,Banking sectors are being studied.

So,be sure there are lot of scope in Telecom Industry for an MBA students.
All the best.
Help the needy!!
15th July 2011 08:25 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

the future of MBA in telecom management is glorious. there is a tremendous growth of telecom sector in india. so job opportunity and scope is also increasing with the time. so future is good for telecom management.

There are not many institutes,but
few are
1.SITM - Symbiosis Institute of Telecom management,Pune
3.Balaji Institute of Telecom and Management,Pune
4.Amity Business School
13th July 2011 09:51 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

The Telecom Industry never dies. This the only industry which was never affected by recession and will never be. The opportunities for MBA's in Telecom are huge. However industry requires right fit and is ready to pay a huge amount of money for them.

The World's No.1 Telecom Business School, has been opened to create the right fit for the industry. International Institute of Telecom Management(IITM) offers integrated Telecom MBA, an initiative of IIM, XLRI grads and top executives of telecom industry. The course highlights are

UGC Recognized Telecom MBA degree
International MBA degree
Chartered Telecom professional(CTP) from an internationally recognized university
10+ Industry Certifications(Microsoft, Solaris, Cisco, Ericsson...etc)
Free Laptop and Business Suit
Free International Study Tour(for 2 weeks)

at a very low price.What else is required to produce the right fit for the industry? Guys who are aspiring to get into telecom industry can contact

Mr.Roshan. BDM. 7207458426
College Location: Punjagutta, Hyderabad
22nd May 2011 02:45 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Originally Posted by Kistapuneni Sreenu View Post
How is the future of MBA in telecom management? Which colleges offering MBA in telecom management in Vijayawada?

Future of MBA holder in Telecom Management

The future of MBA holder in the telecom management is really good.

The telecom sector is growing fastly in our country and many demand

from many company in this sector. So if you want to do MBA in that field

then don't worry it is a good field and after completing your MBA in this

field you will get a good job in a big company. Many college offer for this


College offering MBA in Telecom Management in Vijyawada

->K.L university.

->Centum Learning center

->Cygmax Institute of Management Studies.

->Montessori Mahila kalasal college.

These are the good college who offering MBA course. For any more
information about this college please see the website of respective

20th May 2011 05:22 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

gaduate from mumbai hindi vidyapeeth eligible for mba
16th May 2011 12:32 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Hi dear,

Future of MBA in telecom management -

The future of MBA in Telecom Management was quite good in India. So, please dont worry, telecom market is having a tremendous growth in now a days.

Symbosis Instittute is the best for Telecom Management course. So, if you are interested in this course, then please check this college.

MIT School of Telecom Management, Pune is also the best college and the placement of this college is quite good. So, please dont worry, after completing a degree in telecom management you will get a good job in future. So, the telecom professionals job opportunities are open in the area of marketing of different telecom services.

Which colleges offering MBA in telecom management in Vijayawada -

These are some given colleges offers MBA in Vijayawada. But, i am not sure that, they will offers MBA in telecom management Or not. So, please check these colleges -

Cygmax Institute of Management Studies, Vijayawada

K. L. University, Vijayawada

Centum Learning Centre, Vijaywada

Montessori Mahila Kalasala College, Vijaywada.

12th May 2011 02:04 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Which colleges offering MBA in telecom management in distance education in hyderabad?
27th April 2011 12:16 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

which r the colleges in bangalore offers telecom menagament.....
27th March 2011 01:33 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

I am planning for mba in telecommunication and my MAT score is 510 out 700. so,i got a call from AGES in mumbai and bangalore.any feedback for these college and is there any other good option for me .
18th January 2011 09:26 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

BITM Balaji Institute of Telecom and Management offers Telecom Management,..
There are dual specialisation also like Telecom & Marketing Mngmt...
It has a very very good pakages.. Like Info Recruited a lot of people for a salary of 6.75 lakhs/annum...
2nd January 2011 09:49 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

By saying ATM, Whcih college are you refering too...........
20th December 2010 04:04 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Hello everybdy, nice to see all above discussion about Telecom Management. Well i can say one thing their are great oppotunities in telecom management sector for fresher as well as experianced candidate.

In India around 9 telecom verticals are practicing their business in very aggression. Hence the students who wants to make carrier in telecom should join telecom management institutes.

i would name few of the top Telecom management institutes in India who offers good curriculum & placement as well.
3. ATM
4. Balaji Institute (not sure whether they offer telecom or not)

These are the top telecom management institutes in India unfortunately no bdy noticed the 2nd ranked MIT Pune's school of Telecom management.

Thank You
20th October 2010 12:19 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

My son is B.Tech in CSE. Now studying MBA in telecom management in Pune in Balaji Institute. I want to know the name of company/institution providing summer internship programme in the year 2011 in India/kolkata.
12th October 2010 02:29 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

the future of MBA in telecom management is glorious. there is a tremendous growth of telecom sector in india. so job opportunity and scope is also increasing with the time. so future is good for telecom management. there is some college in Vijaywada in which MBA in telecom management is available. you may take admission in these institution.

Cygmax Institute of Management Studies, Vijayawada
Montessori Mahila Kalasala College, Vijaywada.

best wishes.
12th October 2010 01:13 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Thanks for the reply.

Could you please let me know if there is any good college in Bangalore to do the MBA in Telecom.
11th October 2010 02:57 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

it has very bright future in the next coming days ypu will get handsome salary by compeleting your MBA in telecom management,
log on to the site for jobs
10th October 2010 10:50 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Hi Friends,

I want to do the MBA in telecom management from Bangalore.

So could anyone please suggest me the colleges in Bangalore which is good for MBA in telecom.

Nitin Kapoor
18th July 2010 04:03 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

hi friend, MBA telecommunication management field is really growing can do for sure but with good concentration and the thing is choose wright college for doing your masters........recently hindu newspaper has said about the scope of telecommunication management in vijayawada jus check out
these are the website for your informations
Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada
18th July 2010 09:59 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Hi friend,

There are not many institutes,but
few are
1.SITM - Symbiosis Institute of Telecom management,Pune
3.Balaji Institute of Telecom and Management,Pune
4.Amity Business School
and at present only symbiosis offers it seems...!!!

Overall telecom market is having a very good growth but i think it might give you limited edge in telecom field. anyway its better entering the field

to get some model questions visit this website: ent

it would be great if somebody please throws some light on future prospect of MBA in Telecom Management.
how would it be to pursue mba in telecom and what would be the best field to pursue mba, keeping on going corporate trends in can sure get succeed in life...!!

all the very best dude..!!
18th July 2010 08:50 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

hello friend,
i want to tell you that telecom market is increasing raoidly in india
and every company wants managers at each office throughout india.
so , you can judje very well what is the demand of telecom managers.
18th July 2010 01:53 AM
mini rani
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

The future of MBA in telecom sector is very bright. The Indian telecom market has huge potentials.India has become the World"s second largest wireless market. New telecom companies are entering the Indian market to exploit the untapped rural & local market.

These MNC's along with Indian telecom companies are hiring thousands of potential candidates. So you have a good chance of working with a telecom major. And if you perform well you will get promoted with huge incentives.
18th July 2010 01:33 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

hello dear

telecom is a very rapid going it has a very good demand in market.

so jobs opportunity in telecom management is very it has very good job prospect in can join in tele communication field easily...

all the best....
18th July 2010 01:26 AM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

MBA in telecom management is relatively a new course which was introduced seeing the expansive telecom market boom which is seen in india. But my personal experience is that you dont gain much in doing such a specialised course in some area like telecom or retail management, better to go for general management functional areas like Marketing, HR, Finance and so on. Once you get into an industry, start specializing. Otherwise you are limiting to one industry.
17th July 2010 11:18 PM
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Hi, now days telecom sector is among the fastest growing sectors in our country. Currently there are well over 45million mobile users in India. And this number is growing very rapidly. The broad-band/ digital cable demand is also increasing very fast in the country. Therefore, the future for telecom professionals is very bright. Professionals in the area of sales and marketing are required to market the products, which include mobile phones, broad-band technology, Internet services, computerised equipment etc... While the engineers manufacture, repair and maintain telecommunication gadgets, marketing professionals are required to explain to consumers the different areas of usage of the various products and services to ensure sales. This is a business activity that involves various aspects such as market research, product development, promotion, pricing, sales and distribution. A marketing professional could be employed mainly with mobile telephone service providers; satellite and cable networks; electronic shops and retail outlets; government and private sector companies etc... So, the telecom professionals job opportunities are open in the area of marketing of different telecom services. Several opportunities are emerging in the areas of networking, telecom protocols such as ISDN, wireless protocols such as GSM, as well as those providing the cables, the hardware and equipment that is going to provide employment in the future. A degree in telecom management will give a great boost to your career, particularly if you are from engineering background with E&C stream.

All the best!
17th July 2010 10:51 PM
rahul k
Re: How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

Dear friend

Future of MBA in telecom management -

The future of MBA in Telecom Management was quite good in India. So, please dont worry, telecom market is having a tremendous growth in now a days.

Symbosis Instittute is the best for Telecom Management course. So, if you are interested in this course, then please check this college.

MIT School of Telecom Management, Pune is also the best college and the placement of this college is quite good. So, please dont worry, after completing a degree in telecom management you will get a good job in future. So, the telecom professionals job opportunities are open in the area of marketing of different telecom services.

Which colleges offering MBA in telecom management in Vijayawada -

These are some given colleges offers MBA in Vijayawada. But, i am not sure that, they will offers MBA in telecom management Or not. So, please check these colleges -

Cygmax Institute of Management Studies, Vijayawada

K. L. University, Vijayawada

Centum Learning Centre, Vijaywada

Montessori Mahila Kalasala College, Vijaywada.
17th July 2010 10:11 PM
Kistapuneni Sreenu
How is the future of MBA in telecom management?

How is the future of MBA in telecom management? Which colleges offering MBA in telecom management in Vijayawada?

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