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10th March 2012 11:13 AM
Re: How to prepare for AIEEE Exam? Which books to prepare for the Exam?

Which type of quetion bank wil help me in the prepartion of aieee.
12th January 2012 09:51 PM
Re: How to prepare for AIEEE Exam? Which books to prepare for the Exam?

Can i get the question paper pattern for aieee?
2nd November 2011 12:05 AM
Re: How to prepare for AIEEE Exam? Which books to prepare for the Exam?

how to solve difficult problems in short period of tym
23rd October 2011 07:31 PM
Re: How to prepare for AIEEE Exam? Which books to prepare for the Exam?

See AIEEE is really easy if you prepare for it in the right way. Here are a few ways which can really help you out in your preparation of AIEEE.

1. Its all based on CBSE syllabus so prepare the board syllabus of CBSE completely.

2. Solve as many questions as you can rather than just taking a view of them.

3. For Physics go for H. C. Verma.

4. For Chemistry go for Pradeep objective Chemistry.

5. Solve the last 10 years question paper of AIEEE.

6. For maths go for R. D. Sharma objective.

All The Best
10th September 2011 06:14 PM
Re: How to prepare for AIEEE Exam? Which books to prepare for the Exam?

hi, there are some steps which are helping you in preparing AIEEE exam::

step1-- clear all the concepts of syllabus which you have been taken in +1 & +2,

step2--after that you should prepare your time table according to your time left in AIEEE exam

step3--then you should marks all the important derivation result in your mind and regain that

step4--after that you should know the paper pattern of AIEEE and you should know how to manage your time in AIEEE exam per your subject

step5--for perpare the AIEEE exam give more concentration on the neumreically part of all the subjects

now books for AIEEE exam you can taken are of many publishers i.e pradeep,MC-graw hill
10th September 2011 05:03 PM
Re: How to prepare for AIEEE Exam? Which books to prepare for the Exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how a student must prepare for the aieee exam and which book it must refer?whiuch publications book.

To score good marks in AIEEE exam is to start the preparation from the start of your 11th grade or even before.... Some of the tips which might help you for your preparation are as follows....

-> KNOW THE PATTERN OF THE EXAM : This is very much important i.e to know the pattern of the exam before you prepare for it, this helps you to concentrate more on the questions related to the exam... most of the questions in AIEEE exam is based on your higher secondary studies i.e physics, chemistry and maths so concentrate well on them...

-> Other way to know the pattern of the exam is to refer the previous year papers of AIEEE exam...

-> I have attached some of the previous year model papers of AIEEE exam in this post for your reference.. just check it over...

-> Go through the papers and try to find out the pattern and prepare for the exam accordingly...

-> PREPARE A SCHEDULE : As you will be studying your daily subjects in your school, you must prepare a day schedule well in advance where you can spend time daily for AIEEE preparation....

-> So try to order the schedule like one subject on a day and try to cover it on the same day...

-> REFER GOOD BOOKS : There are many books available in the market which helps you to prepare for the exam...

-> I have also attached the list of reference books in this post.. just check it over if needed...

-> Some of the other recommended books which you can get it from the market are as follows...

Complete Mathematics For AIEEE,2011
ISBN: 0070703442

Complete Chemistry For AIEEE 2011
ISBN: 0070703450

34 Years IIT-JEE + 10 Yrs AIEEE Chapter-wise Solved Papers (PCM) (Set Of 3 Books)
ISBN: 9381250174

Complete Physics For AIEEE 2011
ISBN: 0070703434

AIEEE Solved Paper With Explanations 2012 (including Practice CD)
ISBN: 8183550606

Complete Physics For AIEEE 2012
ISBN: 0071332170

Target AIEEE : 2011
ISBN: 5111100330

-> And finally HARD WORK is what needed to climb into success.. so just put your hard work for preparation and sure you will come out with flying colors...

All the Best...
9th September 2011 03:01 PM
How to prepare for AIEEE Exam? Which books to prepare for the Exam?

how a student must prepare for the aieee exam and which book it must refer?whiuch publications book.

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