Thread: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it? Reply to Thread

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13th April 2017 07:39 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I am Suhasini anant Parkar.I have completed my R.G.N.M in civil hospital oras in 2015 .I have 2 yrs of experience in Ratnagiri civil hospital. I need a job in gov industry or in hospital. Please, send me details to following email address - [email protected]
Thank you
17th June 2016 07:32 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I have completed my bsc nursing and has two years experience in nicu department can you please give me information abtout central government jobs.send it to this mail [email protected]
23rd November 2014 10:44 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

sir.i m a msc nsg 2nd yr student in paediatrics.i have 3 yrs of experience in teaching .i would like to know about the details of upcoming centralgovt . job oppurtunities,requirements,exams.....i am more interested in teaching ,so kindly send me detauils to my [email protected]
19th September 2014 12:23 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i want well qualified staff of doctors & nurses for my hospital. to whom i contact?
1st September 2014 01:23 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am fresher b sc nursing i am search to job.kindly requst please help me sir or mada
25th August 2014 05:50 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I am nursing 5yrs Experience.i would like to know the vaccany for staffnurse in central government hospital in india,qualification needed,salary,,how to apply and necessary details.please send me the details to the following email [email protected]
21st August 2014 11:35 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Sir I want to know list of exams..for central government hospitals in India.
14th July 2014 02:59 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respected sir/madam this is shailin Rodriguez I 've done my gnm nursing and have 1 experience. Will u plz tell me how to apply central government job in Karnataka. I am anticipating ur reply.
Thanking you.
Mail me.= [email protected]
14th June 2014 06:30 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respected Sir/Madam,myself R.Sasikala , i have completed my g.n.m nursing in 2013,and i am a registered nurse and i request you to give me instruction regarding how to apply for goverment and central goverment job in both chennai and tamilnadu ,and also i request to please send me the current vacancies and opportunities to my email..Anticipating your reply at the earliest.
Thanking u Your's Obediently

my mail id :[email protected]
11th June 2014 07:51 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am a bsc nurse freshers i just want to apply job central goverment hospitals in india please send further details and how to apply to this e mail address

[email protected]
11th June 2014 07:42 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

[QUOTE=NIMHANS;44300]i am a BSc nurse fresher .i would like to know the vacancies for staff nurses in central government hospitals in india ...qualification needed,salary,how to apply and necessary details ..please send me the details to the following email address.

[email protected]
27th May 2014 05:31 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am bsc nurse staff working. i just want to know the dates of filling form for central government examination? And also the eligibility and vacancies for ST.
5th February 2014 12:11 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

4th January 2014 09:09 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I am finshed g n m ihave 2 year experience pls send job vaccancies and detail mini [email protected]
2nd January 2014 06:51 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I m nursing fresher iwant to know how to apply for central government job and how to apply please send me an answer at [email protected]
29th November 2013 09:15 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I have 2 years experience nd I hav finished my gnm course.plz send the job details to my email id [email protected]
24th October 2013 03:58 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I am a nurse with 4 years exp.i would like to work under kerala govt as a industrial nurse.pls give me a favourable [email protected]
7th September 2013 07:46 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I have completed my D.G.N.M course in govt.kilpauk.medical.collage. can i have staff nurse post in central government of India?
11th March 2013 07:52 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respected Madam/Sir,
I have completed my g.n.m in 2010. i needed govt job please help me and sed the job vaccancies details to my mail id;
[email protected]
Thanking you.
28th December 2012 02:30 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respected Madam/Sir,
Myself Tintu,completed my B.Sc Nursing on 2009.I have 2.5 yr experience.Can i get the information regarding government vaccancy for tutors? plz send the reply to my e-mail id: [email protected]
Thank You.
30th November 2012 08:18 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respect sir/madam i am shoba i have completed my G.N.M. nursing course in 2007 i need govt job please help me and please send the job vacancies details to my mail id. Shobak [email protected],
26th November 2012 10:58 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respected sir/madam, i am gomathi i finished my diploma nursing course. And i have experience in cmc vellore 3years . Any vacany in singapure with good salary
11th November 2012 11:53 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respected sir or madam, Iam Chicku Augustine. I have completed GNM at chitradurga (karnadaka) in 2010-February and I have 2years experience in B.M Bira Heart Research centre kolkkatta.I would like to know the vacancies for the staff nurse in central Gvt hospitals.please send the details to my E-mail address [email protected]
9th November 2012 08:52 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I have finish my(G NM) iam having2'/2year experience.please inform me about[email protected])
21st October 2012 04:36 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
inform me about the government job vacancies.
i have finished my I have one year experienced.Inform about the government job vacancies.
1st October 2012 05:56 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

inform me about the government job vacancies.
5th September 2012 08:42 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respect sir/madam i am sivakumari.y i have completed my G.N.M nursing course in 2007 i need govt job please help me and please send the job vacancies detils to my mail [email protected]
31st August 2012 08:53 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respect sir/madam iam vedavathi.G..i have completed my B.S,c Nursing i need govt job please help me please send the job vacancies details to my mail [email protected]
23rd August 2012 03:18 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

respecte sir/ madam, Im Jini.J.. I have completed my nursing in obstetrics and gynaecology department AND also completed MBA in hospital management..i would like to join in any one of the govt industry,insurance companies or college or please send the details to my mail id ........ [email protected]
15th August 2012 12:57 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respected Sir or Madam,I am Jithin.k.g. I have completed G.N.M at Bangalore in 2011 Feb. I have 1year expereance.know I am working in RTIICS hospital kolkatha,India.

I need a job in Govt. Ple send me details following E mail adress.
[email protected]
9th August 2012 07:53 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

central government savindha ki koi vacancy aayi hai kya sitapur up india se staff nurse ke liye
23rd July 2012 11:14 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

For vacancies of Staff Nurses type this url:-
23rd July 2012 06:08 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am a registered staff nurse(GNM)I have work in one of the reputed private hospital in Modinagar GZB before this course for 7 years .please send me the upcoming vacancies of staff nurses in central government id is [email protected]

11th July 2012 04:54 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i amcompletam completed in( b sc nursing) course in 2011(year) . .i would like to know the vacancies for staff nurses in central government hospitals in tamilnadu or bangalore ...qualification needed,how to apply and necessary details ..please send me the details to the following
email [email protected]
10th July 2012 04:21 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respected sir or madam,i am vasuki.i have completed G.N.M. at chennai in 2012.i have 1 yr experience in life line hospital in chennai. know i am doing Bsc( medical sociology).i need a job in govt.pls send me details following E mail address;[email protected]
2nd July 2012 12:40 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am a registered staff nurse(GNM) working in one of the reputed private hospitals in Delhi for the last 4years.please send me the details of upcoming central government hospital vacancies for staff email id is [email protected]
2nd July 2012 12:35 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am a registered staff nurse(GNM) working in one of the reputed private hospital in Delhi for the last 4years.please send me the upcoming vacancies of staff nurses in central government id is [email protected]
30th June 2012 04:24 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am a BSc nurse fresher .i would like to know the vacancies for staff nurses in central government hospitals in india ...qualification needed,salary,how to apply and necessary details ..please send me the details to the following email address..
[email protected]
26th June 2012 09:29 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I am amos ardhalkar a registered staff nurse and request you to pls send upcoming dates for recruitment of staff nurses in central government of India my email id is [email protected]
24th June 2012 02:45 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am a msc nurse fresher .i would like to know the vacancies for staff nurses in central government hospitals in india ...qualification needed,salary,how to apply and necessary details ..please send me the details to the following email address..
[email protected]
19th June 2012 08:09 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I have interestd to work in railway hospital,bsc three and half yr experience,what i want to do,email:[email protected]
26th May 2012 06:02 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respected Sir/Madam,myself Malini Michael , i have completed my BS.c nursing in 2011 august month,and i am a registered nurse and i request you to give me instruction regarding how to apply for goverment and central goverment job in both kerala and india ,and also i request to please send me the current vacancies and opportunities to my email..Anticipating your reply at the earliest.
Thanking u Your's Obediently
Malini Michael

email [email protected]
27th April 2012 09:54 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respected Sir Or Madam, I am Mayuri B.Ghugare.I have completed my R.G.N.M. in Nair Hosp. in 2009;I have two years of exeperience in JASLOK Hospital.Now i am doing MBA ( HEALTH CARE ). I Need a job in GOV. Industry or in t hospital.Ply.send me a detail to the following email address [email protected]
20th April 2012 06:04 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am completed in( auxillary nurse-midwife) course in 2003(year) . .i would like to know the vacancies for staff nurses in central government hospitals in tamilnadu or bangalore ...qualification needed,how to apply and necessary details ..please send me the details to the following
email address.. [email protected]
19th April 2012 01:50 AM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

Respcted sir, myself liji working as a staff nurse in medanta gurgaon i completed my GNM course from Bangalore now i have 2years of experience.I need to know that wat i have to do for this job hope u ll answer me lijis31@ this is my ID. Waiting for ur Answer thank u sir
26th March 2012 08:17 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

[QUOTE=NIMHANS;44300]i am a BSc nurse fresher .i would like to know the vacancies for staff nurses in central government hospitals in india ...qualification needed,salary,how to apply and necessary details ..please send me the details to the following email address..

respected sir,
i have complete my BSc nursing,i am working st.john's medical college in bangalore .i wishyou to join the central i request you to provide me the information regarding govt job through my e-mail[[email protected] &mob:08904104800]
13th March 2012 07:02 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

I Have done Nursing From J.L.N.Hospital Ajmer and i am pursuing post basic B.Sc Nursing From GMCH Udaipur . I Have 1 year Experience In Reputed Hospital
20th February 2012 03:21 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am a staff nurse completed 3 and half year course at bangalore
and having one year experience.i wou
ld like to know vaccancy in central goverment.kindly give me information through this email [email protected]
27th January 2012 04:19 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

QUOTE=NIMHANS;44300]i am a gnm in 2 year experience .i would like to know the vacanies for staff nurses in central government hospitals in bangalore or tamilnadu...qualification needed,salary,how to apply and necessary details ..please send me the details to the following email address..

[email protected]
23rd January 2012 02:20 PM
Re: Vacancies for staff nurses in Central Government Hospitals in India? Qualifications needed and how to apply for it?

i am a BSc nurse fresher .i would like to know the vacancies for staff nurses in central government hospitals in india ...qualification needed,salary,how to apply and necessary details ..please send me the details to the following email address..
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