Thread: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education? Reply to Thread

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15th May 2014 07:13 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

my name is neha ... i am doin my bcom from ignou. but after completing my 12th i dropped 1 yr. and next year i took admission in bcom through distance. is this gap will create problem in future?? i can write cat xam or not. ?? will i be able to get admission in mba college or not????? plllz help me out. rpy me
24th July 2013 05:05 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

I have completed i want to study in IIM' i eligible for writting cat.please help me!plz replay to [email protected].
thank you.............
17th July 2013 12:03 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

Originally Posted by jgitesh View Post
i'm doing bcom through distance education from vinayaka missions university , will i be eligible to give cat, mba cet, gmat,etc. after i complete this degree?

CAT Eligibility

The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree, with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA [45% in case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Differently Abled (DA) (It may also referred to as Persons with Disability (PWD) category)], awarded by any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India. The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in the bachelor’s degree would be calculated based on the practice followed by the university/institution from where the candidate has obtained the degree. In case the candidates are awarded grades/CGPA instead of marks, the conversion of grades/CGPA to percentage of marks would be based on the procedure certified by the university/ institution from where they have obtained the bachelor’s degree. In case the university/ institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks, the equivalence would be established by dividing the candidate’s CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100. Candidates appearing for the final year of bachelor’s degree/equivalent qualification examination and those who have completed degree requirements and are awaiting results can also apply. If selected, such candidates will be allowed to join the programme provisionally, only if he/she submits a certificate latest by June 30, 2013 from the Principal/Registrar of his/her College/Institute (issued on or before June 30, 2013) stating that the candidate has completed all the requirements for obtaining the bachelor’s degree/equivalent qualification on the date of the issue of the certificate. IIMs may verify eligibility at various stages of the selection process, the details of which are provided at the website Applicants should note that the mere fulfillment of minimum eligibility criteria will not ensure consideration for shortlisting by IIMs.
Prospective candidates must maintain a valid and unique email account and a phone number throughout the selection process.

For more details:
17th April 2012 06:59 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

for mah-cet 50% recognise of last year only or the aggregate of ssc hsc
15th November 2011 11:26 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

the eligibility of the cat exam is the slandered of the all the management

entrance exam,and the eligibility of the cat exam is as The minimum educational

qualification required to write CAT is a bachelor's degree from a recognized

institute with at least 50% marks or equivalent CG PA for general candidate.
15th November 2011 11:02 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

the eligibility of the cat exam is the slandered of the all the management

entrance exam,and the eligibility of the cat exam is as The minimum educational

qualification required to write CAT is a bachelor's degree from a recognized

institute with at least 50% marks or equivalent CG PA for general candidate.
15th November 2011 02:17 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

HI dear,

CAT- The minimum educational qualification required to write CAT is a bachelor's degree from a recognised institute with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA for genaral candidate and 45% in case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) .

MBA CET- The minmum educational qualification required to write MBA CET is a bachelor's degree from a recognised institute with at least 50% marks in aggregate for general candidate and 45% in case of candidates of backward class categories belonging to Maharashtra State only.

GMAT- There is no minimum educational qualification requirement for taking the test. One needs to write GMAT, if willing to pursue MBA abroad.
14th November 2011 09:50 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

do we actually need work experience for appearing for cat and gmat and for how many years????
14th November 2011 05:02 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

Hello sir,Hello friend,

CAT- The minimum educational qualification required to write CAT is a bachelor's degree from a recognised institute with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA for genaral candidate and 45% in case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) .

MBA CET- The minmum educational qualification required to write MBA CET is a bachelor's degree from a recognised institute with at least 50% marks in aggregate for general candidate and 45% in case of candidates of backward class categories belonging to Maharashtra State only.
9th November 2011 10:03 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?


CAT ELIGIBILITY ==> Should have degree qualification from a recognized university of India. Minimum marks required =50%
For Reservation students it is 45%.

CET ELIGIBILITY==> Should have degree qualification from a recognized university of India. Minimum marks required =50%
For Reservation students it is 45%.

GMAT ELIGIBILITY==> There is no minimum education qualification needed. Candidates who want to pursue MBA abroad take this exam.

All the best
6th November 2011 04:52 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i done my graduation and i am going to cet, my english week. pls help me i go for cet mba or not
20th October 2011 07:22 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

14th October 2011 01:46 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

It does not matter at all if you are doing the Degree through Correspondece,

What matters is:-
1. It should be a recognized University/College
2. You have to get the Percentage specified for Eligibility.
12th October 2011 08:44 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

dear sir,
i m a 1st year student of bba..i want myself 2 prepare 4 gmat from now onwards so my question z is dere ny minimum criteria 4 preparing
plz suggest sumthng..
9th September 2011 08:48 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

dear sir,
plz tell me what is the difference between CAT ,MAT and GMAT exams ? i am so confused that after completing my this year for which exam i should write?
7th September 2011 02:08 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

Dear Sir,

What is the eligibility to join MBA through GMAT?.
which are the B scholls in INDIA to join through GMAT.
Is ISB Hyd is in that catogory?

28th August 2011 09:19 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

I completed B.Com through correspondence from Madras University last year. Am i eligible to write TANCET?
10th August 2011 02:20 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

10th August 2011 02:18 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

Hi I have completed my graduation from jamia Hamdard (Distance learning). Still managed to get 65% and 68% in both I and II year. Awaiting the third year result by end of November.

I am keen in doing MBA regular and that too from a Top B-School.

I have started my preaprations and joined AIMCAT. Due to some circumstances I could not go for regular graduation.

I have a work exp of 45 months. Pls let me know am I eligible for FMS,IIFT,CAT, XAT, CET and SNAP???

Would appreciate a quick reply. :D
10th August 2011 02:11 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

Hi I have completed my Graduation from Jamia hamdard ( distance learning) this year. Still awaiting third year result..though got 65% and 68% in I and II yr. I have work exp. of 45 months along with that.

I have just started with my MBA preprations. I am keen in doing MBA regular and that too from best top B-School . Due to some circumstances I could not enroll my self in regular graduation fron D.U.

Am I eligible for FMS,IIFT, CET, CAT, XAT and SNAP???

Would appreciate earliest revert back.
9th June 2011 03:34 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

if doing graduation through distance learning what documents needed post securing provisional admission?
what all documents i need to collect from my distance learning university apart from mark sheet?
8th June 2011 01:13 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

education after B.Com or higher education in accounts & finance
24th May 2011 03:58 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i am doin my undergraduate program in arts . . sociology. . will i be eligible to write CAT?
12th May 2011 01:03 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

sir, i am pursoing 3year can i eligible cat ,mat and other mba exam please help me
11th May 2011 01:48 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i completed btech in rajasthan vidyapeeth university . i can eligible for pgpm or mba
4th March 2011 12:20 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

Sir, I have completed my bcom distance education,which is best for my carrier to learn after regular course mcom or mba where i can find this
13th January 2011 10:39 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

Originally Posted by jgitesh View Post
i'm doing bcom through distance education from vinayaka missions university , will i be eligible to give cat, mba cet, gmat,etc. after i complete this degree?
Dear friend,
MBA is a Masters degree so a graduation degree from the recoganised university is required for MBA...
And also try to secure atleast 50% of marks in graduation...
10th January 2011 08:52 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i m in 3rd yr of computer engineering.i want to knw the difference betwwen full time mba course n part time mba course n distance education mba course n is there necessity to give cat or any entrance exam for part time mba course.please help me out
5th December 2010 07:04 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i have completed my graduation from sikkim manipal university distance mode. can i elegible cat mat ..... etc?
5th December 2010 07:02 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i'm doing my bbm n i have apporx 56%... can i take gmat for doing mba in abroad, if not what can i do fr mba abroad..?
7th November 2010 04:37 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i am completing my bba regular.i have a query;what is the minimum percentage for applying GMAT ?
12th October 2010 01:39 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i have completed my btech from distance i eligible for cat,mat....etc. exam???
5th October 2010 02:22 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

any cap reservation in GATE
14th September 2010 10:34 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

Does it matter if an individual is pursuing his graduation through correspondence....i am really scared of ppl saying you ain't be able to get admission in any of the excel management institutes.....Ppl Help me out of this dilemma
12th September 2010 05:45 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

dear friend

yeah,you can eligible for to do MBA course.

because the criteria to admission in MBA.......

1.minimum you have must passed graduate in any stream.
2.must qualify entrance exam like CAT,MAT........etc

it is better if you get 60% in your graduate label.

some college where you can take admission after qualify entrance exam like CAT,MAT......and if you have 60% in graduate


Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad)
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Contact No : 91 79 2630 8357, [email protected]
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Indian Institute of Management (LUCKNOW)
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Indian Institute of Management (Kolkata)
Address : Diamond Harbour Road Joka, Kolkata (Calcutta) - 700104, West Bengal, INDIA
Contact No : +91-33-2282-4598, +91-33-2467-9178
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Indian Institute of Management (Kozhikode)
Address : IIMK Campus P. O., Kozhikode 673 570, Kerala, India
Contact No : +91-495-2803001
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Indian Institute of Management (Indore)
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Indian Institute of Management (Bangalore)
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Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University (FMS)(New Delhi)
Address : Faculty of Management StudiesUniversity of DelhiDelhi - 110007
Contact No : +91 11 2766 6382 / 6387 / 6388
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Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (Mumbai)
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Contact No : +91 - 022 - 22024133 / 22024118 / 22025153

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Xavier Labour Research Institute (XLRI) (Jamshedpur)
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Contact No : +91 - 657 - 398 3333
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SP Jain Institute of Management & Research (Mumbai)
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Contact No : +91-22-2623 7454 / 0396 / 2401
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Institute of Management Technology (Ghaziabad)
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Contact No : +91 0120 3002200
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Xavier Institute of Management (Bhubaneshwar)
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Contact No : 91.674 3012345
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International Management Institute (New Delhi)
Address : B-10, Qutab Institutional Area, Tara Crescent, New Delhi - 110016
Contact No : 2696-1437/3519/6143, 2686-3701, 2652-8276/9237/9338/9239
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Management Development Institute (Gurgaon)
Address : Mehrauli RoadSukhrali, Gurgaon - 122001INDIA
Contact No : + 91 124 2349831-36, 4013050-59
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FORE School of Management (New Delhi)
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Contact No : 91-11-41242424-33
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National Institute of Industrial Engineering (Mumbai)
Address : NITIE Campus,Near Vihar Lake,Mumbai 400087, Maharashtra, India
Contact No : 022 28575590
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Balaji Institute of Modern Management (BIMM)

Address: S. No. 55/2-7, Tathawade, Opp. Wakad Police Station,
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Contact No : +91-20-6674 1249, 6674 1250
Fax No : +91-20-6674 1242
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have a good day.
11th September 2010 10:37 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i have done my graduation from a college in new delhi which is in collaboration with oxford brookes university, lONDON. so i am not sure if i am eligible for XAT or not. PLease help.
25th August 2010 09:21 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

by varying your subjects you can complete all over.
mba doesnt depend whether you are commerce or something
24th August 2010 09:38 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

please tell me early b'coz i wan to do MBA its urgent & required for my future. am'i eligible to write mba CAT exam. i have backup in
24th August 2010 09:32 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

my name is saha but i have backup in
am 'i eligible to write mba CAT exam
23rd August 2010 01:39 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

dear friend,

the minimum criteria for the CAT exam , you must get 50% aggregate in your graduation.. the same criteria is also for MBA CET...

but for GMAT there is no such criteria...

so, you can go for CAT,MBA CET,GMAT..

it is the high time to prepare yourself for this type of exam..

all the best..
23rd August 2010 01:22 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

dear friend,

the minimum criteria for the CAT exam , you must get 50% aggregate in your graduation.. the same criteria is also for MBA CET...

but for GMAT there is no such criteria...

so, you can go for CAT,MBA CET,GMAT..

it is the high time to prepare yourself for this type of exam..

all the best..
21st August 2010 09:58 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i m nonkaralatak student.i m joining in i puc can i eligible to write CET xam
17th August 2010 11:54 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

dear friend,

the eligibility of the cat exam is the slandered of the all the management

entrance exam,and the eligibility of the cat exam is as The minimum educational

qualification required to write CAT is a bachelor's degree from a recognized

institute with at least 50% marks or equivalent CG PA for general candidate.
17th August 2010 02:36 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

Hi all,
I dont' have 50% marks in graduation(B.COM),but i do have 50% marks in L.L.B and M.C.A(70%).Can i appear CAT?
17th August 2010 01:30 AM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

dear friend,
it doesn't matter at all,you are eligible for the MBA exam if you are having the required marks as criteria...
best of luck
24th July 2010 09:11 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i can eligible for writing the entrance exams..any regional mba entrance ,GMAT,CAT.....all the best ..prepare well
24th July 2010 07:09 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

It does not matter at all if you are doing the Degree through Correspondece,

What matters is:-
1. It should be a recognized University/College
2. You have to get the Percentage specified for Eligibility.
24th July 2010 05:31 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

yes, correspondence students are also eligible to appear in the entrance exam of cat,mat etc.the main competition arises only after getting the score in it.
24th July 2010 05:31 PM
Re: MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

Hello friend,

CAT- The minimum educational qualification required to write CAT is a bachelor's degree from a recognised institute with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA for genaral candidate and 45% in case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) .

MBA CET- The minmum educational qualification required to write MBA CET is a bachelor's degree from a recognised institute with at least 50% marks in aggregate for general candidate and 45% in case of candidates of backward class categories belonging to Maharashtra State only.

GMAT- There is no minimum educational qualification requirement for taking the test. One needs to write GMAT, if willing to pursue MBA abroad.
23rd July 2010 03:16 PM
MBA exam CAT, MBA CET, GMAT Eligibility after B.Com from Distance Education?

i'm doing bcom through distance education from vinayaka missions university , will i be eligible to give cat, mba cet, gmat,etc. after i complete this degree?

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