19th November 2017 01:39 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? Sir/Mam, I'm pursuing my B.E in ECE ... I have to apply for ATC post regarding entrance can you help me in study materials...and syllabus ..the contents provide by you will be helpful for my future....so send me details in ([email protected]) - (Afridi) |
28th May 2015 11:36 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? Sir kindly refer me book for the post of junior executive-technical(mechanical). send me previous question papers for below mail id or send link [email protected] |
4th May 2015 09:55 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? Sir kindly send me the best book for the post of junior executive mechanical department .I have applied for this posts.please send me previous question papers too to this email I'd [email protected] |
1st February 2015 09:45 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? Sir kindly send me the best book for the post of ATC and junior executive electronics department .I have applied for both of these posts.please sendpprevious question papers too to this email I'd [email protected] |
24th December 2012 09:50 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? sir, I want to get some model question papers fr the post of junior executive fire service |
20th March 2012 04:41 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? i am first writing exam on junior executive (airport operations) i dont know the syllabus can anybody tell the syllabus and send some previous papers to my email [email protected] |
12th March 2012 04:16 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? i have applied for jr.executive(technical) wat r the questions or materials can be read |
25th November 2011 02:40 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? which book is the best for preparation of Jr. executive engineer post in aai for electronic &communication engineer. my e. mail is [email protected] |
18th August 2011 01:33 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? Which book is the best for preparation of general manager post in AAI for ECE student |
20th July 2011 12:30 AM | |
angeleye |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? Hello, For appearing into the Airport Authority of India entrance exam of Jr.exe(ATC) exam there are many best books to be followed but i will suggest you to go for the Khanna publication for the technicals and Arihant publication for the non-technical papers. However, you can also download the study materials from the official website of AAI concerned. The study materials consists of the questions which are commonly asked in these exams. You can also solve the previous five years of AAI. |
19th July 2011 09:56 PM | |
Dhavalv |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? try http://allexamquestionpaper.blogspot.com/2010/08/aai-junior-executive-electronics.html |
17th July 2011 06:33 PM | |
jiit |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? hello, i have applied for aai jr executive(atc). Can u suggest the best book for both technical & non technical part??? pls ...my mail id is [email protected] Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/best-book-both-technical-non-technical-part-aai-jr-executive-atc-31772.html#ixzz1SML5kJ6I |
17th July 2011 01:46 PM | |
Snehal Mariappa |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? AAI Jr.Executive (ATC) held on 20-12-2009. TECHNICAL QUESTIONS asked for the Jr.Executive (ATC) held on 20-12-2009. syllabus is: subjects covering General Knowledge, Intelligence, Reasoning, General English, Electronics, Tele Communication, IT, Electrical, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science etc. duration is TWO hours. here are only technical questions asked in the paper, hope helpful for u... 1. question on Ruth's criterion. 2. charecteristic equation for stable state. 3. common collector amplifier (current, voltage relations...). 4. FET transconductance, Gm is directly proportional to... 5. at 3dB frfequency line, gain reduces to... 6. maximum distortion occurs in which amplifier? 7. class B pushpull amplifier suffers from... 8. Barkhausen's criterion for sustained oscillations.. 9. low frequency response of RC coupled amplifier ( characteristics) 10. ideal operational trans conductance amplifier ( i/p & o/p impedance relations) 11. radiation resistance of folded dipole is ....ohms. 12. IC timer 555, low on pin4(reset), what happens? 13. decimal to binary conversion... 14. question on full adder circuit( no of i/p o/p digits) 15. ckt involving: oscillator -> divider -> schmitt trigger -> flip flop -> o/p= ? ( -> represents followed by symbol ) 16. a ckt: op amp ->diode and capacitor -> o/p; name the ckt? 17. pblm on binary adder ( 6 bit) 18. feedback factor is 0.1, forward gain of system is 10, sensitivity w.r.t f/b element? 19. linux is implemented as? 20. feedback control system characteristics? 21. phased locked loop is used in ? 22. a pblm on random variables... 23. freq response char of ideal comm chnl.. 24. best error performance for same avg energy per bit (options 16QAM, 16ASK, 16PSK, QPSK) 25. Tx band width od SSB? 26. nyquist interval.. 27. r/n b/n spectral density &auto correlation fpor a periodic function. 28. thermal noise power in a conductor is proportional to... 29. numerical on modulation index... 30. question on radar range.. 31. question on doppler radar... 32. microwave signal follows earth curvature, phenomenon called as... 33. flex klystron functions as... 34. microwave junction matched at all points is called...' 35. numerical on schmitt trigger ckt operation on a sine wave. 36. question on assembly language ( up ) . 37. assembly language ( up ). 38. assembly language (up)/(uc). 39. operating system architecture. 40. o.s architecture.. 41. protocol to receive mails from server.. 42. question on ethernet involving distances( 2500 mts ). 43. pc to hub distance in 10base T ethernet. 44. ip-sec is an internet security mechanism for ? |
17th July 2011 01:24 PM | |
Tribhuwankumar1990 |
Re: Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? AAI Junior Executive(ATC) details Friend , first of all you need to satisfy the eligibility criteria which is you need to get Airport authority of india conducts an entrance exam to recruit students to it's electronics , civil and ATC for which the last date to apply is 20.08.2010 and you need to send the application form in the prescribed format . Engineering Degree in Electronics / Tele Communication /Radio Engg. / Electrical with Specialization in Electronics with Ist class .... OR M.Sc Degree or its equivalent with wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engg. as a special Subject. OR Equivalent with 1st Class ... Exam is of objective type and after [B]written exam you need to give an interview for this post .. Exam paper is of two hours and exam paper consists two sections :: technical section and non technical section. however there are no fixed number of questions in exam some times total number of question may be 100 or some time it may be 150. Technical section contains questions from electronics / communication / microwave / digital electronics / control system / computer / information technology ... Non technical section contains questions from general knowledge, English language, reasoning and general mathematics .... Attaching you sample questions , go through them .. For the exam , you must be strong in technical subjects in which aptitude will contain the major portion . you can refer to books such as ::: Kennedy R.S.Agrawal for vacancy details , you can visit the website http://www.aai.aero/employment news/adv1108.pdf for more details , you can visit the official website http://www.aai.aero Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/reference-books-whole-syllabus-jr-executive-atc-30457.html#ixzz1SL608xbG |
1st August 2010 06:37 PM | |
donnaveen89 |
Best book for both technical and non technical part of AAI Jr Executive(ATC)? hello, i have applied for aai jr executive(atc). Can u suggest the best book for both technical & non technical part??? pls ...my mail id is [email protected] |