Thread: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)? Reply to Thread

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7th October 2012 12:22 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?


You have a chance to do many of the coureses but the basic thing is that what do you want to do the list is that :MCA
and other courese depend on the sciene field..MBA is good if you are intrested ..
MBA has many streams but it totally depend on you in which stream you have lot of interest.

Information Technology
Human Resources
Financial Management
International Business

ALL THE BEST...........
27th February 2012 01:38 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

For going in banking line, is the banking in mba wil help after bsc.ct?
11th October 2011 02:41 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

wat should i do after my bsc ct, i am interested in porogrammin, do i hav anythin in iit's?
11th October 2011 02:38 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

i am interested in programming, so wat should i do after bsc ct, anythin in iit, lik that ?
10th July 2011 07:18 PM
Gita Irudhayaraj
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

Hi dear, You have done your B.Sc (computer Technology).
Now you are in confusion which you have to take in MBA.

In MBA ,there are many specialization.
BUt being in CT, you can go for HR or Marketing or Systems.

Other than that you can also opt for Finance,Banking etc., these two also has high scope.

In which area you have interest choose that line. After this message you will able to choose it anyone, I suppose.

All the best.
21st April 2011 12:46 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

which specialisation to choose after bsc computer science
19th April 2011 09:00 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

hi i hav done B.Sc.IT
so i should opt for mba in IT or Mba in Operations
n also in systems d syllabus is same which i did in
so wats a good specialization for me??
19th March 2011 03:54 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

I have chemistry background,can i select operation mgt as a specialization in mba?
Kindly suggest me Proper stream.
17th February 2011 10:12 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

My name is Bhaskar Jha.I have done my graduation in i am Pursuing MBA .So i am confuse regarding my specialization and ther is dual please suggest me any two specialization subject as a major and minor in finance,marketing,HR,System.
21st October 2010 07:14 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

As far as MBA specialisation is concerned you can go for anyone which suits you r personality.
If you are an introvert type than doing Marketing will be uselss.
since you are IT background you can go in OPeration
19th October 2010 03:30 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

my name is deepak sharma. i have done my graduation in science). now i am pursing mba. so i am in confusion regarding my specialization and there is dual specialization (equal weightage). so please suggest me any two specialization subject among marketing,finance,hr,system, operation.
19th October 2010 03:28 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

my name is sumit kanojiya. i have done my graduation in chemistry). now i am pursing mba. so i am in confusion regarding my specialization and there is dual specialization (equal weightage). so please suggest me any two specialization subject among marketing,finance,hr,system, operation. Well i have interest in marketing.
28th August 2010 05:15 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

my name is sharath. i did my bsc(physics,mathematics,electronics) now i doing Mba 2nd year(finance). my bsc degree effects my carreer in Mba degree. can i have opportunity to get job in finace field please suggest me?
27th August 2010 08:36 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

dear friend

there are many options for you in MBA

here is a list of specializations

2.telecom management business



i will suggest you to go for MBA IN IT.


all the best
27th August 2010 05:26 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

dear friend
u should do financial management in mab.i think it will be best for u.
good luck.
27th August 2010 04:07 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

Originally Posted by Revathi rajan View Post
which specialization should I choose in my MBA?.....I have now completed my UG in BSC(CT)....
you hve completed your bsc with ct so in mba also you can choose ct ity will be more benificial for you.
because you will becomme the master of your trade
best of luck
27th August 2010 12:44 PM
ajay barik
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

hi friend
as u have completed u are suit for mba in communication.
good luck!!
27th August 2010 09:55 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

there is the wide range of the course .....
among them some of the demanded field/sector is as following:-



operational research

27th August 2010 08:20 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

Dear friend,
you can choose MBA from IT or system or marketing.since you are Bsc from computer science if will suggest you to go for It as that will be suitable for you and you have a very bright future in that.system MBA is mainly done by do not go for that.
All The Best!!!
27th August 2010 05:37 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

dear friend,

you can choose following specialization....

MBA in Human Resources

MBA in Health Care Management

MBA in Communication

MBA in Marketing

MBA in Hospitality & Tourism

best of luck.
27th August 2010 02:09 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hai i am jan.i am a bsc botany i join aiim,tvm to take my mba degree.which specialization is suit for me ?

Well, if you have a flexible type of personality, then any branch of MBA you can opt for no problem at all.

Howevr, in my opinion you should either opt for "Marketing" or "Human Resouces" or "Real Estate" Management are better one's for you, keeping mind your Biology background.

If you will opt for any other branch then you have to face problems.

For example: MBA (Finance) candidates having good knowledge of Accounting or finance are flexible with it.

MBA (Production/Operation/System) are generally opted by Engineers and are also meant for them.

MBA (IT/System) person from computer or IT background are flexible.

26th August 2010 10:14 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

hello Friend
You can either opt for the MBA -IT or MBA-Human Resource or MBA-Marketing...

As you have said that you are from the computer background so you will be definitely get benefited from the these MBA specialization...

So go for it...All The best..
26th August 2010 12:03 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

hai i am jan.i am a bsc botany i join aiim,tvm to take my mba degree.which specialization is suit for me ?
4th August 2010 09:13 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

I am student from Bsc(bzc) side and persuing MBA from sikkim manipal university.kindly help me in deciding my specialization.
4th August 2010 08:35 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

mba in IT.
Operation research
you can do MBA
1st August 2010 07:44 PM
siddharth yadav
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(pcm)?
1st August 2010 01:56 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

you must choose MBA specialization according to market demand.

as MBA is fully dependent on you have go with market situations.

some good specializations MBA courses are in IT.

4.Operation research.
31st July 2010 09:36 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

hello friend,
it depends on your interest just enter any of these fields

MBA in Health CAre Management:
MBA in Marketing:
MBA in Communication:
MBA in Human Resources:
MBA in Hospitality & Tourism

give your full input and attain a bright future

all the very best...
31st July 2010 07:40 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my name is ashok i completed my degree in bsc computers in mba i have to choose two specializations for major i want to take HR and for minor finance will you explain is it suitable for me... and also which specialization suite for me my email id is [email protected]
Your decision is right.
You can go for dual specialization in your MBA. So , you carry forward. In MBA it doesn 't matter what was your subject in ug so you can take any specialization. Dual specialization has its merit over single as you could work in both departments so companies like to hire people like you.
All the best
31st July 2010 02:58 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

Originally Posted by Revathi rajan View Post
which specialization should I choose in my MBA?.....I have now completed my UG in BSC(CT)....
you shuold choose MBA in Marketing: for your future.allthe best.
31st July 2010 01:41 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

dear friend,
now these days the specification specially fiance and marketing is very popular,
so i will suggest you for the course in this two specialization,and this field is mainly job oriented fields.
28th July 2010 01:21 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

hello friend

you must choose MBA specialization according to market demand.

as MBA is fully dependent on you have go with market situations.

some good specializations MBA courses are in IT.

4.Operation research.

all the best........
27th July 2010 08:47 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

my name is ashok i completed my degree in bsc computers in mba i have to choose two specializations for major i want to take HR and for minor finance will you explain is it suitable for me... and also which specialization suite for me my email id is [email protected]
24th July 2010 02:44 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

i have complete ba .i dont no maths more which mba can i take
27th May 2010 07:55 PM
rahul k
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

dear friend

If you are interested to do MBA after BSC (CT), then i will suggest you
just do MBA from IT, because MBA IT Program focuses on knowledge and
skills required by management professionals who plan to work for Indian and
multinational corporations IT companies.

Some of the universities like IIIT Allahabad offer MBA IT to any graduate. But
you need to have a CAT score.........
27th May 2010 06:34 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

You have completed your (Computer Technology) and want to Enroll for MBA.

IF so then I would suggest you to Enroll for MBA (IT or System or Marketing). Better switch to MBA (IT) as you are from Computer background it would be more suitable for you. However MBA system is also good but that course are generally persued by Engineers and is suitable for them.

Scope of it has also being promissing as it was never before. Provided that you have persuaded that course from a Good institute.

Best of Luck
27th May 2010 05:39 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

Dear Revathy,

A variety of MBA specialization are available now.
Depending on your interest and aptitude you have a lot of options left:

MBA in Health CAre Management:

You will be placed in Upper level position soon after completion in health care institutions, insurance, hospitals

MBA in Marketing:

This specialization is of high demand in all private sectors

MBA in Communication:

This opens to a different jargon as media, advertising, public relations.

MBA in Human Resources:

Needless to say, top multi national companies, hire such persons for their HR department.

MBA in Hospitality & Tourism

Different area but opens good opportunity

You have a lot of options, from which you can select the one which suits you most.

Best of Luck......
27th May 2010 02:11 PM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

Going by your Ug stream mba in systems is advised....Mba in operations is also a good field generally advised for engineers....It deals with optimal use of resources at your disposal be the resource manpower,raw material,transportation or any other thing.....Operations already has a very good scope and scope of systems is catching up very fast.....
27th May 2010 01:27 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

what is the best option after it is ms or am a student...please suggest me the right course... i am very confused.....what are the and ms courses offered?
27th May 2010 01:12 AM
Re: Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

Many times choosing a specialization in MBA is not strictly linked to your graduation, but to your personality and areas of interest. For example people choose marketing if they like to talk to people, like to do creative stuff etc. People choose HR if they like to talk and listen to other problems and so on. But if you have a technical inclination, you can opt for Systems. But my suggestion will be to attend 1st year MBA so that you will have a good idea on all stream and then you can choose one specialization or two areas depending on strengths you have.
27th May 2010 12:26 AM
Revathi rajan
Which MBA specialization to choose after BSc(CT)?

which specialization should I choose in my MBA?.....I have now completed my UG in BSC(CT)....

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