Thread: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE Reply to Thread

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26th September 2018 02:30 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

You can get all the detailed information about the GATE exam, if you join the Top Classes for GATE in Pune. The Top Classes for GATE in Pune are the best in the industry. These classes can provide you all important details like notes, books, previous year papers, and mock tests.
27th June 2012 07:26 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

sir, i need previous years gate question papers in earth sciences. please sennd them on my e mail id at [email protected]
25th February 2012 01:46 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

dear sir
i want 10 year gate question paper plese send my email id [email protected]
1st November 2011 01:31 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

i need a 10 years mathematics gate question paper with answer send me a link please... do the favour.. thank you
3rd October 2011 01:47 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

I am now preparing for Gate 2012 in XE(Materials Science) pls suggest me book for this, and also solved papers or any book...
thanking you
7th July 2011 10:38 AM
master mithilesh kumar
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

plz send me aerospace gate 10 year qustion paper .i am waiting .............
28th June 2011 01:34 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

I have attached last 5 years question paper.
It will help you in understanding the question paper pattern.
So download them & use it for practice.
10th May 2011 05:24 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

I have attached the Instrumental engineering Gate papers.
Download it from here.
10th May 2011 02:27 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

gd aftnon sir
plz send me previous papers of written test of tech mahindra company
10th May 2011 02:23 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

As you requested, here i am providing some of the previous year papers of GATE exam for Instrumentation engineering

Go through them and make the most out of them
15th April 2011 04:37 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

how i prepare for GATE 20012?
6th April 2011 11:05 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

please show the gate pharmacy paper 2009 entrance test
2nd April 2011 09:36 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

plz send me key for gate questions of previopus 10 years
14th February 2011 05:37 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

pls send the answer key for GATE 2011 as soon as possible...........
8th February 2011 08:19 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE


Its good to know that you are appearing for GATE exam.Well you can try for it and also you can refer to some books like G.K.Publication,J.P.Sinha,R.S.Agrawal etc.I have attached some sample question paper for GATE and syllabus too.You can refer it.You can make it through,prepare well.

All the best.
16th January 2011 08:26 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

sir i am preparing gate 2011 so please send me previous solved papper in gate EE thanking you.
14th August 2010 09:27 AM
ravi k
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

dear friend

u will find previous years question papers on the last pages pf any gate preparation book like

gate by M.H. HANDA


all d best.
13th August 2010 05:18 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE


You may find the required papers from the following links:

Refer to the following links:


Good Luck!
13th August 2010 11:09 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

please send me GATE video lectures or Links for computer science students.
1st August 2010 12:23 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

hello dear

you can get Previous 10 year question paper of GATE exam in given below sites


all the best.......
22nd July 2010 07:43 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

please send privious 10 years solved papers of gate(mining engg)to my email id
20th July 2010 12:43 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

send previous gate question paper of biotechnology
16th July 2010 08:21 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

please send gate pharmacy 2007 paper along with key plzzzzzzzzzzzzz
13th July 2010 11:08 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

you can download the papers for the gate exam from here and prepare well for the exam.

all the best
12th July 2010 04:39 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

Dear Friend
All the papers are not possible to send at this time ,I m sending you the papers of 3 years
to make you familiar to the question rest of the question you can get form the G.K Publishers book..

Here is the attachment for you ,just collect it soon.....
1st June 2010 12:45 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

one book by the name "made easy publication",delhi prints this book.
31st May 2010 10:58 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

dear friend, you can easily download the prvious year GATE paper with solutions from the following websites:

you can also buy the question bank which is published by GK Publishers.
good luck.
31st May 2010 04:52 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

hi friend,
here i am giving you the websites names from wher you can download the paper.
30th May 2010 10:25 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

dear friend,
the last 10 years GATE solved papers can be downloaded from the website
30th May 2010 04:39 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

download from here...
30th May 2010 12:24 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

you can download the papers from -
19th April 2010 12:52 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

question paper of GATE are available for download on the following links :-

there are some book which you can prefer for the preparation purpose :-

*Mathematical Logic:" Discrete Mathematics " by Tremblay and Manohar
*Probability:" Probability , statistics and queuing theory " by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor
*Graph Theory:" Intoduction to Graph Theory " by Narsing Deo
*Formal Languages and Automata Theory:" Formal Languages and Automata theory " , J.D.Ullman etal

all the best
18th April 2010 11:19 PM
rahul k
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

dear friend

dont worry, i will attach the gate papers of Instrumentation Engineering
from below, just get it from below attach files-
18th April 2010 06:56 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

I dont think GATE papers are available online for download. Yeah there may be some but its always better to use a book rather than E Book so check out some GATE books which contain past year papers.

You can check your local bookstore for that.

Or also you can enroll for some correspondence course which will really help you to score more in GATE

18th April 2010 10:45 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

Originally Posted by ranu kalita View Post
I want GATE question papers of compueter science.I think it is profitable for us.
i think you should go for postal course of brilliant tutorials ,it has all the previous question papers along with it it also provides many problems and also good theory for reading
all the best
18th April 2010 02:13 AM
Mahendra Barik
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

Originally Posted by ranu kalita View Post
I want GATE question papers of compueter science.I think it is profitable for us.
To download GATE question papers just visit the following link. All the files are in PDF file format which could be downloaded viewed easily. i.e.,
All the Best for your entrance preparation
9th March 2010 02:43 PM
mike shinoda back
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

if you are looking for 10 year question papers......then search the below websites.....

and also collect the questions from your seniors.........................
all the best.....
3rd March 2010 11:37 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

hello friend,
for the previous 10 years gate question papers you can visit the following site
or you can buy g.k publication book for gate exam.
best of luck for your gate exams.
it will be pleasure to help you.
26th February 2010 05:14 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

dear friend
if you are fully prepared for gate ....
after that only you should solved question papers or previous question papers of gate..
you can collect all previous years question from the gate forum..
or from the different sites
or you can collect those papers by purchasing g.k publishers guide..
good luck.
23rd February 2010 12:46 PM
ranu kalita
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

I want GATE question papers of compueter science.I think it is profitable for us.
19th February 2010 11:18 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

you can easily get it from gate forum.
best of luck.
15th February 2010 01:39 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

you can down load the Previous 10 year question paper of GATE from :-
6th February 2010 11:49 AM
[email protected]
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

simply friend you can get them from following books of following publishers available in the market
GK publishers
Mohammamad Ali Siddique
2nd February 2010 02:36 PM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

this link contain some papers and information check it out

best of luck
2nd February 2010 01:28 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

simply you should bought a guide of gk publication of gate 2010,and in this guide the prevoius year question is given.
or you can download it from
2nd February 2010 10:09 AM
Re: Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

hiiiiiiii..........u can get previous GATE question papers from gate forum.
from this website u can download previous GATE question papers
1st February 2010 08:48 PM
[email protected]
Previous 10 year question paper of GATE

respected sir,
i am preparing for my gate exams.gate 2010. please send me the previous 10 question papers with detailed solution for Instrumentation Engineering at my email id

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