Thread: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming? Reply to Thread

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8th July 2016 05:40 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I want to do the job of engineering m I completed my btch studies but i 1 percent also knowledge not there about my studies should i get a job r not
28th June 2015 06:35 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?


Yes, you can go in different different fields.
There are number of fields available:-

->You can go in the field of Networking.
->You can go for MBA and try to clear the exam of CAT.
->You can prepare for Bank,There are many vacancies which comes.
->You can go for the preparation of IAS,PCS.

I hope you got it.
21st April 2015 03:03 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I am a B.Tech (IT) 2014 graduate. I am doing MBA now. I am not good in programming. I have no confidence in programming. I am looking for a job. I have good communication skills. Can you please suggest me some field where i can look for job. Which will the best for me?
19th October 2014 10:41 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I am a btech 3rd year cse student I want to know what are the other jobs other than programning available for us
17th August 2014 06:16 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

Hello its a 2nd yr btech cs student want to ask how can we become a gud programmer...plz help me want to just be a good programmer...
17th August 2014 12:41 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

what can i do after btech??
i'm not good at programming& not atall intrested in it....
but i like to work for bank???
what all exams are i needed to come across & could you proposed me some courses supporting this
6th June 2014 11:20 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

Can i get admission in gndu wid 84.2% in boards and 91 marks in JEE? Help me plz.
17th March 2014 03:06 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

i am student of cs third year and my programming is not so good.... i want to know about what kind of course is suitable for me in sap after completed my And what is the fees structure of that course and also duration???
17th March 2014 12:49 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I have done BE in computer science.but I am not soo good in programming language.but I wanted to do sap it good for me or my future.if anyone is there plz help me.should I do the sap course.if I should the sap course.which module I should focus on.there are many module in sap.
17th February 2014 06:13 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

sir i'am an engineering student.Though i'am a computer science student i don't know much about programming languages.And i'am not planning to study anything after this degree...
so please tell me the kind of jobs or short term courses which i could apply
3rd September 2013 12:36 PM
A.prashanth yadav
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?


YOU guessed it right....

Yes you are right management is for you.So go for an MBA after your B.Tech

Bell the CAT###

After you B.Tech you can for CAT and try to get in to top MBA college in India. If you get in to the IIMs you life will be smooth.

You have the required talent

So don't worry you got talent in management filed so without any thought opt for it.

An MBA will be the best for you

In an MBA course you will get what you want like you say you are good at presenting things so you can be really successful in this field.

best of luck!!!!!!!!!
3rd September 2013 02:33 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I completed B-tech in Computer Science. And having throught the academics 50 of '%'.
Can i do SAP course...? If it is, which course is suitable BASIS or BI or any other...? please suggest
3rd September 2013 02:21 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I completed B-tech in computer science after diploma, can i do SAP course....?. If it is, which module is suitable...? BASIS or BI or any other....?
And i'm having 50 of % in throught the acedemics..
31st July 2013 10:03 PM
sreenivas 44
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?


you are really good and much interested in management then go for MBA and inprove your managing skills

after doing this you will be getting much better job of your choice and you will enjoy it too.

so go for MBA in some good field like finance and banking
20th June 2013 02:43 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

hi am an b.e cse 3 years back with 89.5%.i had trained in php 2 years b4.due to some pbms am nt work anywhere. i didnt search job. after that had trained in .net somewhat.still nt getting any job bcoz of not having sufficient knowledge in dotnet.what can i do now.pls help it possible after 3 years can i get job in IT field? if it is possible what i can do now? pls help me
5th June 2013 11:29 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

hello freinds...
im a student of 3rd year of CSE. actually im really confused about my studies after im not that good in prog languages, and also really scared of giving presentations. what do you think about my carrier? what should i do?? should i start taking classes for CAT ?? and if i do MBA which field will be good for me?? plz help... really confused!
16th April 2013 01:01 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

hi m persuing in btech computer science final year.i have no interest in programming..even can't afford for mba..pls tel me wat should i opt for to earn handsome salary..
thank you
2nd March 2013 06:21 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

Originally Posted by gagandeep1st View Post
I am a student of BTech Computer science with integrated MBA .. i wanna ask that what are the career options after btech,,actually i am not good in programming,,,so what are the other job opportunities rather than a programmer...I am good in presenting thing so is there any option in management?? if yes plss tell me in detail..
If you are good at management then you can apply for the corporate sector and can get job in management field.

You can attend jobs fests as there are no. of companies who look for MBA students and you don't need to worry about your programming skills.
17th February 2013 08:36 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

hello sir my self murali
i have completed b-tech and now pursuing m-tech cse what are the options that im haying in my carrier to get settled.
if in a s/w company what is the course that i should learn to go in networking or in data base admin other than programmer
my email id [email protected]
13th February 2013 08:14 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

Originally Posted by Saikiran M View Post
Dont worry about anything as you have already completed your graduation now, you can get many jobs. if you have any other interests go with them.

For example.. you are intered in any govt. jobs,etc., apply them.

you are a gradate now you can get thousands of jobs. Tell me your main interest in
your life, i'll give the list of decent jobs for you.

Any job not requirng progming and that gives high salary...
PLz suggest.
12th December 2012 08:02 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

Hi friend,
if you are not good in programming then do not worry....
there is many more option for this......
and you can make you carrier in marketing as well as HR field
16th October 2012 11:45 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

i completed btech(cse) in 2012 .i am intresting softwre job but i dn'tany communication skills then how it possible plz help me
25th July 2012 07:26 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

plzz give me the details of SAP ??? what actually is a SAP course
19th July 2012 02:33 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I completed my B.TECH in Computers.Which option is best & why??
2) MBA finance
pls help me out??
15th July 2012 08:27 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

what are the job options for a computer science student who is not interested in programming but intending in jobs of his own field?
17th June 2012 07:35 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i know neither my strengths nor my weaknesses can u help me???????????????????
i need to live in this world!!!!!!!!!!!in some respectable position.....plz..
i was abandoned by everyone i dont know y???but my ignorance made people to ignore me?????????can i be back with my friends??????????????
see you should not be neagative about position you are very good son/daughter becouse you are trying. see you are telling me which you want to happen with you so be positive and start with a new energy anf find your goal...........
5th May 2012 02:26 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

hey i am btech(computer science) final year student...what career option i can choose other than mtech or mba????
pls sugest something new....some different fields
29th April 2012 08:47 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

i am a b tech graduate in electronics and communication engineering.i have poor programming skills.can you suggest a field that requires no or less programming?
2nd April 2012 01:00 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I am a b.e student from computer science branch i m good in programming as well as my presentation skills presently i am selected for 3 companies . I am from a small state where not many companies come for campus recruitment i have been sected for wipro bpo, elux india as a develpoer and in collabera as a technical recruiter so far i have faced these 3 interviews only and i have cleared gate exam also, my last semester is going to end i am totally confused what should i choose.I want to see myself as the c.e.o of some big company or at some powerful position one day please help me choosing the best career option.plzzzzz reply thanks in advance
13th March 2012 08:34 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

After doing MCA one can be called as software developer.
But,After doing one can be called as Computer Engineer.
finally software developers only concentrate developing software coding part,
but engineers concentrates with verity of platforms such as developing,
technical support , mentenance etc .
So as a MCA stud these/both are as nearly same.
13th March 2012 12:44 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

i want to join Indian Army after ma (Bsc-IT) i'm giving my last semester now.... so what should i do after my graduation to join Indian army .... please suggest me the right way .....thank you !!!!!
27th February 2012 08:23 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I am pursuing btech(CSE) final year with aggregate 56% upto sem 4-1,is there any chance to get job in software companies after completing with aggregate 58%, my 10th marks are 81%,12th marks 74.3%?
18th January 2012 03:03 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

im pursuing my btech final year in comptr science field ....i wud lik 2 know wt aditional skills do i need to get placed in top mnc n othr career relatd to my field help me as im very confusd...........
10th January 2012 11:40 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

sir i'm studying btech 3rd year cse.. i have so many backlogs.. but i want to do job after 4th year so is any short courses to study from now.. plzz anyone help me?
8th January 2012 05:46 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

i have done btech with information technology i am not good in programming ...i am not getting job .... what should i do
25th November 2011 07:15 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

Hi i m student and i want to make my career in telecom/networking. is it good for me bcoz m not good in programming?
4th November 2011 08:19 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?


See, if you have done Computer Science stream in your B Tech, but think that you would find it difficult to establish yourself in the market.

So you have got certain other options.

Firstly you can choose M Tech and change your specialization in that.

Or you can do courses on hardware of computers, etc and start working.

Otherwise start preparing for the CAT, ie MBA exam and get yourself a MBA degree. After that you can apply to MNC's for corporate jobs, sales, accounting, public dealing.

Some of the government jobs are also fit for you, but you have to divert yourself from the Computer Stream related to the programming and networking line.

All the Best.
4th November 2011 01:49 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

programming isnt that much hard, as one thinks, only thing is one is not mentally prepared to enter and explore the complexity,
we often tend to avoid and ignore when we see the code is going to be complex. we read in our mind by viewing code that this is not going to get in to my head.
right from start if one thinks that "its not my cup of tea". then it is negative attitude.
The concept that person besides us is able to get solution, how did he got, how did he thought that way, why not me, why my brain didnt worked in that direction these things makes anyone panic. its all about mind. if u constantly think positive about a problem and if u believe that u r going to solve it, then even u will wonder how u were managed to get it?

programming can be interesting if one have interest, will to do.

my suggestion would be if u have done computer science u r capable to be a programer, only some brush up is needed and also will require to be thirsty.

first give it a full try and dedication for few months and they decide whether u can be a good programmer or not..

many expert programmer ahead us have failed many times before us we are just abe to see theri present succes we never look in to how many times they tried and how many times they failed. the problem we are facing are same as they faced..
16th October 2011 01:24 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

hi dear,
You guessed it right...

Yes you are right management is for you. So go for an MBA after your BTech.

Bell the CAT!!!

After you BTech you can prepare for CAT and try to get into top MBA colleges in India. If you get into the IIMs then your life will rock.

You have the required talent

So don't worry you got talent in management field so without any thought opt for it.

An MBA will be the best for you

In an MBA course you will get what you want like you say you are good at presenting things so you can be really successful in this field

15th October 2011 04:15 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I am a student of BTech Computer science i wanna ask that what are the career options after btech,,actually i am working in production Company in purchasing department , is this good or not ? is there life ? ?? if yes plss tell me in detail..
14th October 2011 09:50 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

You guessed it right...

Yes you are right management is for you. So go for an MBA after your BTech.

Bell the CAT!!!

After you BTech you can prepare for CAT and try to get into top MBA colleges in India. If you get into the IIMs then your life will rock.

You have the required talent

So don't worry you got talent in management field so without any thought opt for it.

An MBA will be the best for you

In an MBA course you will get what you want like you say you are good at presenting things so you can be really successful in this field

14th October 2011 12:53 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

Hi dear,
You guessed it right...

Yes you are right management is for you. So go for an MBA after your BTech.

Bell the CAT!!!

After you BTech you can prepare for CAT and try to get into top MBA colleges in India. If you get into the IIMs then your life will rock.

You have the required talent

So don't worry you got talent in management field so without any thought opt for it.

An MBA will be the best for you

In an MBA course you will get what you want like you say you are good at presenting things so you can be really successful in this field

13th October 2011 11:45 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I am a student of BTECH(cse). I am in 3rd year. I am in an average college i.e.,my college's reputation is not that much good. Only 60% students are placed and that too in TCS like companies. I want to do something which put some weight in my resume. I can go abroad too if a good quality institute is providing me research or something like this. I want to do some course so that i can get a job easily and every company is demanding me. IS there any such thing for me if yes then please reply me on " [email protected]"
6th October 2011 08:48 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

I am a B.Tech graduate with computer science .What are the career options for me in the field of .Net Programming. What should i do MBA or M.Tech?
28th September 2011 11:59 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

sir , i am studying final year cse i got 55(upto 3-2) , i am not good at any language then what should i do to get a job or there is any jobs in govt sector........or can i continue my study for further studied ....... i am totally confused pls tell what i have to do
26th September 2011 12:59 AM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

i am currently doing mtech (regular)from a government institute and good in java programming please tell me the opportunity after doing MTECH...........
23rd September 2011 08:28 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

hi dear,

after completion of B.Tech in Computer Science, you can do many things like

applying for higher studies. like you can do




you go for some jobs like as-










22nd September 2011 05:53 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

Originally Posted by gagandeep1st View Post
I am a student of BTech Computer science with integrated MBA .. i wanna ask that what are the career options after btech,,actually i am not good in programming,,,so what are the other job opportunities rather than a programmer...I am good in presenting thing so is there any option in management?? if yes plss tell me in detail..
hi friend,

Dont worry about your carrer, you have lot of oppertunities to get job

You have with integrated MBA so you better try for Management jobs.

In software also you are eligible for Human Resourse department. Where you get high salaries.

Another option is go for lecturer jobs
21st September 2011 06:36 PM
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

what is the minimum salary for a network designer?
21st September 2011 05:34 PM
Raja Azher
Re: Career options after Btech computer science if a student is not good in programming?

Originally Posted by gagandeep1st View Post
I am a student of BTech Computer science with integrated MBA .. i wanna ask that what are the career options after btech,,actually i am not good in programming,,,so what are the other job opportunities rather than a programmer...I am good in presenting thing so is there any option in management?? if yes plss tell me in detail..
Yes after getting you can get computer IT work, so there is no need to worry, you have better option for your career in HCL, Wipro,IBM.
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