Thread: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS? Reply to Thread

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1st March 2012 01:02 AM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

where to get the application from my native place .my native place is salem .can i send dd .if i want to send dd means for what address i want sent . can you pls reply me
22nd February 2012 05:28 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?


i would like to know when and from where can i get the application forms for jipmer.
please reply me as early as possible.

thank you
[email protected]
7th February 2012 09:52 PM
Syed Mohammad Arfat
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

From were to get mbbs forms, am from hyderabad , A.P and wat will be the cost of completing mbbs for jipmer i.e.admission fees , hostel fee...etc....and i want to know when r da last dates for submmission of forms , and watz the procedure, means wer to write da exam.........

Can you please reply

24th December 2011 09:50 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

When JIPMER MBBS Entrance Examination Forms for 2012 will be avialable online ?
23rd December 2011 02:04 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

from whereto get jipmer form of mbbs
22nd December 2011 11:16 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

from which date applications issued for Jipmer 2012 entrance exam?
30th November 2011 04:49 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

Where to get the application forms for jipmer entrance exam
1st October 2011 08:56 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
From where will we get jipmer application form for mbbs?

Can you please reply, i request, please provide the details

Can you please reply, i request, please provide the details

Can you please reply, i request, please provide the details

Can you please reply, i request, please provide the details
30th July 2011 12:18 AM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

You can get the forms of jipmer

1. through counter of SBI, JIPMER campus

2.through postal request to professor Academic with DD

3.through official website

no of seats-100
28th July 2011 11:19 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

Application forms for JIPMER 2011 was available on cash payment at State Bank of India.
It can also obtained by sending the request letter to the Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Pondicherry along with the DD of the required fees drawn in favor of Accounts Officer, JIPMER payable at Pondicherry.Therefore it is expected that the application forms for JIPMER 2012 will be available soon.
you can either apply online or download the application form from the official website
26th July 2011 10:05 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

what is the fee structure?
26th July 2011 09:00 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

what is the fee structure? what is the elligibility?
19th April 2011 06:29 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

from where to get jipmer application for mbbs
31st March 2011 05:53 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

how to apply online
30th March 2011 02:40 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

in which branch state bank of india in and around thiruvanmiyur.reply me immediately pls.
29th March 2011 08:35 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

what is the speciality of the passport size photo to be affixed ? will a normal DD suffice instead of a MICR DD ?
26th March 2011 01:16 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

What is the cost of dd to be taken and sennd with the downloaded application form
21st March 2011 11:25 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

hi you can get it online from
Important dates

Prescribed closing date for receipt of completed application: 03rd January, 2011 (5.00 p.m.)
Entrance examination: 13th February, 2011 (10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.)
Display of merit list on or before: 19th February, 2011
First counseling: 18th/19th March, 2011
Commencement of course: 1st April, 2011
21st March 2011 08:19 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

from where to get form for mbbs
19th March 2011 04:59 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
From where will we get jipmer application form for mbbs?

Can you please reply


Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER)
is known as a good medical college of India.
Application form:
Application cum prospectus for MBBS course is obtained by one of the following method:
1. From the counter of SBI, JIPMER campus from 6/3/2011 to 25/4/2011.
2. Postal request to professor Academic from 6/3/2011 to 18/4/2011 accompanied by a Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/ fro UR/OBC and Rs. 650/- for SC/ST drawn in the name of "Accounts officer, JIPMER" Payable at Pondicherry.
3. Online submission through JIPMER website from 6/3/2011 to 18/4/2011.
For more information:-
15th March 2011 10:57 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
where to get jipmer application for mbbs 2011
Prospectus-cum Application are available on cash payment at state bank of

India,JIPMER branch,Puducherry only from 7.3.11 - 25.4.11 before 4.00 P.m.

Online :

Apply online by the using website :

Important dates :

Online-Access To Application : 6.3.11 - 18.4.11

Last date for receipt of Application : 25.4.11

Date of Entrance Examination : 5.6.11

More details,visit the website :
14th March 2011 03:52 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

10th March 2011 02:02 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

where to get jipmer application for mbbs 2011
5th March 2011 10:59 AM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

is online application for mbbs 2011 to jipmer has begun
can we register now ...??????
4th March 2011 10:31 AM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

please let me kno how 2 apply for ipmer under graduation -2011
how 2 apply online if possible...
im not finding them on site
3rd March 2011 01:17 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

has da notification for mbbs 2011 been made for jipmer????pls reply???
1st March 2011 02:05 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

From where to get JIPMER MBBS Entrance applications.
1st March 2011 01:54 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

Are the forms for jipmer MBBS available now?please reply.
1st March 2011 01:39 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

From where to get JIPMER MBBS Entrance applications.
28th February 2011 08:46 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

you give mbbs application again one more time haaa
28th February 2011 02:20 PM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

Please inform whether notification for JIPMER MBBS., Entrance was issued. If so, please inform from where I have to get the application
28th February 2011 12:16 AM
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

you can fill jipmer forms online so no need to buy forms from anywhere

it is the easiest way to apply

just log on to Log on to

and apply according to the given instructions

for offline applications you will have to get the forms by post

from JIPMER itself which is a lengthy and

risky process.However the details are available online you can just

follow them to get offline forms.
27th February 2011 02:40 PM
kapila Chaudhary
Re: From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

APPLICATION Procedure for JIPMER 2011

[1] Prospectus cum applications are available on cash payment at State Bank of India, JIPMER Branch, Puducherry only from 1-12-2010 to 03-01-2011 (4.00 pm.)

[2] Prospectus cum application can also be had from 01-12-2010 to 31-12-2010 from Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Puducherry-605 006 through postal request, accompanied by M.I.C.R. Demand Draft for ?.1,000/ (for Unreserved/OBC) and ?.800/- (for SC/ST) issued by any Nationalized Bank, drawn in favour of "Accounts Officer, JIPMER" payable at Pondicherry-605006.

[3] On Line Application: JIPMER MD/MS 2010 Applications can be submitted by an ON LINE process (Internet based) by accessing the website: from 1-12-2010 to 31-12-2010. The Prospectus can be downloaded from the available link.

[4] Applicants may opt to remit the prescribed cost of the Prospectus cum Application Form (Examination fee included) through one of the following methods.

(a) Direct cash payment at State Bank of India (SBI) counter, JIPMER Campus only. No
Application will be issued directly from the Academic Section.

(b) Bank Draft M.I.C.R. Demand Draft for 1,000 (For SC/ST : 800 only) issued by
any Nationalized Bank, drawn in favour of "Accounts Officer, JIPMER" payable at

(c) Account Transfer: Applicants who maintain account with Banks other than SBI may remit the fee by account transfer using the National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)
using the following details.

Account Number : 30749579504
Branch : JIPMER Branch (2238)
IFSC Code of the Branch : SBIN0002238

Such applicants opting for payment through this mode of account transfer are required to enclose their original challan with the UTR (Unique Transaction Reference) Number from the remitting Bank duly stamped. For those with SBI Account, the SBI Journal Number must be noted in the original challan enclosed. Bank charges for such a mode of payment are to be borne additionally by the applicant only.
Instructions for On-line Applicants for JIPMER PG Admissions 2011

1. Log on to and navigate to link "apply online" MD/MS Admission 2011.
2. After due completion of all fields, your application number for online will appear. Note this down for any future reference.
3. Take the complete print-out (till "End of OLA") containing the application number of your online Application.
4. Affix your recent passport size photograph, signature and finger prints in the appropriate spaces indicated in the printed format.
5. Complete Applications with the enclosures should be sent to the The Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Puducherry-605 006 so as to reach on or before the prescribed closing date, i.e. 3-1-2011.

24th February 2011 10:30 AM
[email protected]
From where to get JIPMER forms for MBBS?

From where will we get jipmer application form for mbbs?

Can you please reply


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