Thread: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies? Reply to Thread

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28th June 2013 02:32 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

You can go for MBA,M.TECH after your B.TECH in mechanical engineering.If you will do MBA then there is very good scope for this.You will have dual degree.One of engineering and one of Marketing.Your salary will be more then simple B.TECH student.And if you wants to go for M.TECH then i will advise to do it from top institution like IIT or NIT because there is no value of M.TECH if you have done it from local college.There is very good scope in M.TECH also.You can go for any of it.Both are profitable.
22nd June 2013 03:24 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

my son is in his 3rd year mechanical engineering, he has told me that he wants to do Ms in Computer aided design. I think he should be doing engineering design, as cad is one of its subjects and more vast? any suggestions.
16th November 2012 05:24 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

which subject is good in M TECH for mechanical engineers. Also is there any option for employment other than mtech, mba and company
11th April 2012 02:54 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

how many subject is there in bio medical engineering
5th December 2011 07:27 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

is autocad,proe,ansis s important for mechanical students????
14th November 2011 06:42 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Originally Posted by Ritu Agrawal View Post
I will suggest you go for the Masters degree it may be MBA, because its right time for M.B.A aspriants to get themselves admitted into good B-shool to reap the benefits of this major job boom .
if nyone is having financial problem.. and he's good at academics.. wat r othr option to flow wth.. riju.jack@gmail
14th November 2011 06:42 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Originally Posted by Ritu Agrawal View Post
I will suggest you go for the Masters degree it may be MBA, because its right time for M.B.A aspriants to get themselves admitted into good B-shool to reap the benefits of this major job boom .
if nyone is having financial problem.. and he's good at academics.. wat r othr option to flow wth..
20th September 2011 04:54 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Hai I am karthick i am studying mechanical engineering (2nd year) after complete My course what kind of jobs here or any additonal course i will studied
10th September 2011 06:29 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?


there is always a question lingering in the mind of students is that what to do after completion of their studies whether to do a job or go for higher studies..the answer is that they should decide it according to their preferences.

-if you are interested in studying further then they can go for phd and those who wish to venture in the corporate sector can find an employment.

Key points:-

-the focus today is on acquiring multiple skills and cross functionality rather than specializations: Today organizations are not made up of different departments each of them having a focused task and a limited role; instead today they are made up of teams.

-if you are economically efficient and don’t need a job, it is better you go for your further studies. A.. Specialization will always earn you more salary as well as priority during interviews and of course sound grip over subject. Otherwise you can find some job.

-government job vs a promising career is actually a tough question. You are studying a course which will not allow you to continue both study and job togather. Now it is up to you how you can cope with the situation…

so choose wisely..

Good luck..
30th August 2011 02:17 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

HI dear,

You have choosen a good branch.
No one can tell you to do job or go for higher studies.
How any one can tell.
You better understand your potential, your financial status and your knowledge status.
If you are in good financial condition then go for higher studies because after that you get mastery in your branch.Graduation degree is only the first step if you need good pay scale you must have higher knowledge and higher degrees because now a days there are many people having pages full of biodata then in that case how a person like you stand first.
So, go for higher studies

29th August 2011 10:46 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

after mech engg mtech which field is good in this decade so that i can go in usa and get a good post in a big company
17th July 2011 06:07 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

I'm a 3rd yr student of mechanical engineering.i wanted to know which all fields is still open for me?
I'm more interested in field work rather than sitting in an office room.
i'm also interested in ships,mining,aeroplanes.i'm quite confused where to go & how to go.plz help
3rd July 2011 05:00 AM
Er.Abhilekh choudhary
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

I am a (M.E) and i suggest you go for indian army and save our india...its your choice you go or or not intrested in army so than you complete your b-tech with good knowledge and bo kar jo tujhe acha lagta h okay.....mare advice hain k mechanical k konwledge k baad kuch aise invent kar ki tujhe us kiye p proud ho.............main to aisa hi krne bala luck
15th June 2011 12:26 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Originally Posted by trupti_9227 View Post
well i will suggest you to go for further studies. but jump into a job only if you are a very good scholar and very clear about all your concepts only then i will suggest you to go for a job. i wonder most of the students jump into the jobs and after a certain period get thrown out because of their lack of professional as well as academic knowledge and i prefer when you are entering into a professional world in search of a job better be prepared for it not that just get into any job.. i hope you understand all i am saying is learn to dive before you dive that will be helpful.. you can go for MBA as well as Mtech but do your educataion 1st and then go for job with a mature mind and full preparation..
good luck .. this way you will achieve greater heights in your career....
shall we apply off-campus in any col ?
4th June 2011 10:31 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

except MBA and what can i do after mechanical engg.Please advice me some other interesting courses.
30th May 2011 01:51 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

I am a student of mechanical engg.(1st year).how can i prepare for gate exam
15th April 2011 02:19 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

I have completed in mechanical engg. ,i got the job as a estimation engineer in Heat exchanger company but i am confused -can i continue the job or go for higher study i.e. M.Tech
1st February 2011 11:47 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

My son passed out from NIT in Mechanical engineering in second class. He did nt get a job in campus interviews. Now he is preparing for GATE. Which are the best engineering colleges equillent to NIT rankings allowing for M Tech admission who is having 5.5 CGPA
31st January 2011 03:46 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

My son will pass out his mechanical engineering this year from Anna unviersity. He wants to do his psot graduate studies in Aeronautical engineering inthe states, What are the courses that is suitabel

8th November 2010 07:53 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

after completion of wat type of job i have get
1st September 2010 12:09 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

dear friend
according to my opinion higher study will be right choice.because after completing ur mechanical engg, u must get ur salary will not be more.and u will not get higher post in any company.for that reason u must do higher study.such as MBA or M.TECH.after doing MBA u get jobs in big companies like
3.GODREJ that company u will get M.D or manager post.and after u will also get higher post.
so take decission & make ur future bright.
good luck.
30th August 2010 05:58 PM
rajesh gupta 1
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Dear friend;

From my opinion you go for higher studies; After

mechanical engineering. you can go either for

MBA or M.Tech. But you go for M.Tech because

it maks you specialise of your field.
18th August 2010 05:28 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Hello friend
i would suggest you to for the higher study,because it will give you the more job opportunity in the respective field....

You wll get more scope if you go for the higher study.all the best..
17th August 2010 11:22 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

This is your interest that you want to do higher study or job after mechanical engineering.

There are many fields after graduate in mechanical engineering. you can go for M.TECH in

mechanical engineering in different fields like THERMAL ENGINEERING,POWER ENGINEERING can do higher study part time if you want to do job in company.

other hand, if you want to go for buisness you can choose MBA line also....

17th August 2010 11:21 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Originally Posted by Aakash Malhotra View Post

I m pursuing my mech. engg.(2nd yr), what are the fields to which i can jump after it, whether it is furthur studies or job?
please Give full details!!
1st u do ur B.Tech peacefully.It dpend on ur choice that u would do further studies or job.But according to me u should join job for 2-3 years then after u should do M.B.A. in industrial management.
best of luck.
17th August 2010 03:05 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

dear friend,

after completion of ur u can go for a job. if u get a good job then u can continue it.. as mechanical is a core brunch so u can apply for govt. jobs ..

if u r interested i higher study then u can continue ur study...

u can do

all the best
15th August 2010 12:40 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

dear friend,
after completion of your B.Tech you have a lot of options available at that time.

You can do further studies like M.Tech or MBA.
for this you have to appear in either GATE or CAT/MAT exams.

Also you can do job, because as you a student of mechanical science, a lot of govt. jobs are available like in IES,IAF,Indian Army,Railway as well as in public sectors also.

i would like to advise you kindle prepare for govt. jobs, which will secure your future.

good luck.
14th August 2010 01:02 AM
ravi k
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

dear frnd,

as per my advice you should go for higher studies..

bcz after doing higher study you can earn much more money.

but if your financial condition doesn't permit now then go for job.

after some time you can go for higher studies.

all the best.
13th August 2010 02:31 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

after mechanical engineering simply sitting is very good
9th August 2010 01:37 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

ive completed mechanical eng recently ,bit confued with chioce either mtek or mba ,am interested in both ,could u tell which could make more money in terms of salary in years to come ,after all v do it for good life ahead
31st July 2010 05:31 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?


Well, seeing todays situation and the competition, it is always advisable to go for higher studies to increase the weightage in your CV.
However, if you get a campus placement or a job anywhere directly after completing your graduation, then there is no harm in joining in for some time. It will just add to your experience.And thereafter you can go for higher studies to increase your job prospects.
Also, well qualified people get a better renumeration than others.

So what i suggest is after B.Tech you can go for MBA or MTech and im sure thereafter you will surely get a good job.

Good Luck!!
31st July 2010 03:29 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

dear friend,
after completing your mechanical engineering you can either go for higher studies like M.Tech or you can do job .but as per my concern it will be better if you do your from good college After completing mechanical engineering only you have to qualify GATE exam with good percentile.
all the best
31st July 2010 02:26 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

well i will suggest you to go for further studies. but jump into a job only if you are a very good scholar and very clear about all your concepts only then i will suggest you to go for a job. i wonder most of the students jump into the jobs and after a certain period get thrown out because of their lack of professional as well as academic knowledge and i prefer when you are entering into a professional world in search of a job better be prepared for it not that just get into any job.. i hope you understand all i am saying is learn to dive before you dive that will be helpful.. you can go for MBA as well as Mtech but do your educataion 1st and then go for job with a mature mind and full preparation..
good luck .. this way you will achieve greater heights in your career....
31st July 2010 01:15 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies? is best.
because if you complete,you may gain more knowledge in the mechanical field.
and scope is also best than
so do
in future this is very useful to you.
write GATE exam and get good rank.
after that join in any university or IIT also .
but 96% is required in IIT's.
you must have 60% in
all the best.
31st July 2010 09:13 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

for the mechanical engineering job nothing to worry.this is know as the ever green branch.and there is a lot of company for the mechanical engineering,
also the further study in this field is also more beneficial for now you decides where you have to go.
31st July 2010 09:06 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

hello friend,
i will suggest you to go for further studies.
jump into a job only if you are good and interested very clear about your concepts.
just do have any master degree in your hand can achieve great in your career....

all the very best..dude.@@@

good luck..@!@@
31st July 2010 02:45 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Originally Posted by Aakash Malhotra View Post

I m pursuing my mech. engg.(2nd yr), what are the fields to which i can jump after it, whether it is furthur studies or job?
please Give full details!!
you will do some software courses to become more valuable for the company
course like autocad
31st July 2010 01:52 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Originally Posted by Aakash Malhotra View Post

I m pursuing my mech. engg.(2nd yr), what are the fields to which i can jump after it, whether it is furthur studies or job?
please Give full details!!
you can do job after btech but if you increase your qualifications by doing further studies then you will get good placements very easily. You can do mtech by giving gate exam if you want to remain in technical line or you can do mba by giving cat exam, if you want to be in management line.
30th July 2010 11:14 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

how can a mechanical student come up if not placed in the campus interview?
27th July 2010 03:02 AM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

hi friend
after your btech you can even get the best jobs,but still i suggest you to do the master degree it will give you more benifit
26th June 2010 05:50 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Mechanical engg is a very interestin carrier but at the same time difficult also.
I suggest you that you first go for your higher studies, then go for job. I am sure that after your higher studies, you have more scope of getting job which fetch you high salary and a good working conditions.

25th June 2010 11:15 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

If you got a good placement in any company then you must join it and if not then go for further studies like M.Tech or MBA.
24th June 2010 10:48 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

i am little bit confused between MBA and Mtech
22nd June 2010 03:14 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Hi aakash,
Mechanical Engineering is a great field which has huge scope always. You are right now in third year. Try the core companies campus interviews and if you get good core job you can excel as Mechanical engineer and gain experience. Then if you need to become a manager, you can pursue MBA. Its your choice. If you want to earn more, you can apply for jobs in foreign countries where usually mechanical/electrical engineers are in demand. Take your own time and decide. All the best!!!
18th June 2010 01:38 PM
Mridul Dhawan
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

no doubt,, mechanical is vry good trade,,,
i advice, u must continue ur study....
17th May 2010 10:12 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

dear friend........
i think it depends upon you and your needs that you wanna to study or the job....................
9th May 2010 07:58 PM
Ritu Agrawal
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

I will suggest you go for the Masters degree it may be MBA, because its right time for M.B.A aspriants to get themselves admitted into good B-shool to reap the benefits of this major job boom .
9th May 2010 07:49 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

you can do both the things, simultaneosly my friend, with a job you can go for higher studies through correspondence,Tjis will help you in gaining experienceand then when you will finmish your higher studies you will be well equipped with both knowledge and experience.
if you want to go for further studeies you can go for MBA the most common or else MCA or anything.
9th May 2010 07:20 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

Originally Posted by Aakash Malhotra View Post

I m pursuing my mech. engg.(2nd yr), what are the fields to which i can jump after it, whether it is furthur studies or job?
please Give full details!!
Hi Aakash
You have choosen a good branch.
No one can tell you to do job or go for higher studies.
How any one can tell.
You better understand your potential, your financial status and your knowledge status.
If you are in good financial condition then go for higher studies because after that you get mastery in your branch.Graduation degree is only the first step if you need good pay scale you must have higher knowledge and higher degrees because now a days there are many people having pages full of biodata then in that case how a person like you stand first.
So, go for higher studies.
Good luck.............
9th May 2010 04:25 PM
Re: After mechanical engineering what should I do? Job or Higher studies?

well i will suggest you to go for further studies. but jump into a job only if you are a very good scholar and very clear about all your concepts only then i will suggest you to go for a job. i wonder most of the students jump into the jobs and after a certain period get thrown out because of their lack of professional as well as academic knowledge and i prefer when you are entering into a professional world in search of a job better be prepared for it not that just get into any job.. i hope you understand all i am saying is learn to dive before you dive that will be helpful.. you can go for MBA as well as Mtech but do your educataion 1st and then go for job with a mature mind and full preparation..
good luck .. this way you will achieve greater heights in your career....
take care. byee
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