Thread: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better? Reply to Thread

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25th September 2016 10:33 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Sir plz tell me can OTA cadets are playing in services ranji cricket team or not and if yes than how they selected?
31st July 2016 01:20 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

I had submitted my form for IMA and OTA both. Is it necessary for me to give the exam of mathematics ?
8th December 2015 03:51 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Is there any difference about pay scale and benefit after retirement between IMA and OTA ?
thank you
15th November 2015 10:56 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

sir please tell me
Is OTA give commisioned in all three forces Army, Navy, And Air Force or for only once?
because i want to join navy OTA officer
13th May 2015 10:45 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Neerja Singh here.....wants to know dat after selecting in Ota is there any condition for marriage or not,selected candidates can marry or not???????
29th October 2014 07:07 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

I am a student of cse 2nd year and after completing my bachelor degree ,i want to join cds in ima..but as i am a female candidate ,can i appear in the exam of cds in ima.???
26th March 2014 12:12 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

sir my question is that how can I join special forces like commando,marcos?
21st January 2014 12:02 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

please let me know whether OTA qualified candidates are sure to get permenant commission in future.
20th January 2014 11:59 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Please let me know whether OTA qualified candidates are sure to get permenant commission,in future if required.
2nd January 2014 08:46 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

i m only in tenth class...but i had a dream to join defence...i want science stream,but i m a lill bit confused what will i do after that as i want to do cds or ota...
9th December 2013 02:12 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

can an officer of ota change to an officer of ima???
Plz rply
12th September 2013 09:31 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

A cadet selected in OTA and becomes officer in INDIAN army , can get chances to go on war and fight with the millitants ?
3rd June 2013 08:38 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

what is duration day of results of cds exam
11th May 2013 02:08 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

can ota passouts can get permanent commission after 14 years...
30th March 2013 12:30 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

what is the difference between air force academy and OTA?
are girls eligible for air force academy?
7th February 2013 11:10 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

i have cleared my c d s exam for o t a when willbe my intrview
9th December 2012 10:05 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

My name is kumar i am already apply for OTA but i only one doubt for my height is 157.5 my eye power is low right and left eye power is 3.5 i am eligible or not in physical exam please replay me my mail id [email protected]
6th September 2012 06:13 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

what is minimum qualifying mark in CDS paper to go in SSB
6th August 2012 08:55 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

sir can a ota officer can take part in infantory operation. what is the difference between their training pattern.
21st July 2012 12:50 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Which is best from -IMA OR AIR FORCE
13th June 2012 11:51 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

I m doing BA-3 year,
can i join IMA&OTA course or, nt,,plz rpy ans of my Question,,,thank u,,!
4th June 2012 10:02 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

sir can married person apply for OTA
11th April 2012 07:30 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

hello sir,
i am doing my 1st year in Bsc in hospitality and hotel industry.can i join IMA or OTA after completing my graduation from this course?
26th February 2012 02:05 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Hello sir,
i have pased out wid commerce wid 80% and now i am doing my 2nd year in BA hons in english.
I want to serve the Indian Army but i have a problem with my eyesight i have power for my eyes still can i join the army?
21st January 2012 07:15 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

CDS is the combine defence exam which is held by UPSC twice in year.
When you are submitted your CDS form then you put your prefrences like
IMA stands for indian military acadamy and OTA stands for officer training acadamy.
your cds marks allow you in IMA or OTA.
You should prefered IMA first than OTA
12th January 2012 01:16 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

OTA(Officer training Academy) and IMA(Indian military academy)

To join for this you have to apply for CDS(combined defence services) exam which is conducted by UPSC(Union Public Service commission)

* Candidates should be the citizen of India.
* Candidates should be the graduate form a recognized university
* Candidates for OTA should have the age limit within 19-24 years
* Candidates for OTA can be either married or unmarried.
* candidates for IMA should have the age limit within 19-23 years
* candidates for IMA should be unmarried.
* There is no percentage criteria.
* Candidates should be physically fit


* Maths
* English
* General knowledge.

* Both OTA and IMA are better.

Best wishes
8th January 2012 02:35 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

i will turn 22 this march but while filling up the IMA form it showed that i wasnt eligible for IMA although it gave me an option to choose OTA..why so ??
4th January 2012 10:23 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

correspondence from madras university in bsc is valid for cdsc
17th December 2011 04:32 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Candidates appearing for IMA have to appear for written exam for Maths, English and General Studies,
whereas for OTA only English and General Studies are applicable.
IMA candidates undergo 1½ year and OTA Candidates undergo 11 months of training. at the end of which in both cases they are given the rank of Lt in Army. IMA candidates get permanent commission whereas OTA candidates get Short service Commission (SSC) for 10 years.

in my point of view IMA is the better when compared to ota.
16th December 2011 12:06 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Originally Posted by raviyadavimr View Post
Sir what is difference between cds ima and ota in cds and which one is better
There is no difference only thing is female candidates are eligible for Officer Training Academy and this is short service commission.

C.D.S stands for Combined Defence Service Examination and this examination is conducted twice in a year by Union Public Service Commission.
  • Military Academy
  • Navy Academy
  • Air force Academy
  • Officer Training Academy

Military Academy :- The candidate must have a graduate in any discipline from a recognized university or deemed university and age limit for this examination is 19 years and 24 years at the time of appearing for this examination.There is no minimum percentage for this examination and unmarried male candidates are eligible to apply for this examination.Candidates who are appearing in the final year of degree course can also apply for this examination.

Any eligible candidates like B.Sc,B,C.A,B.Com,B,B.M,B.E,B.Tech,M.BBS.....etc.

Officer Training Academy :- Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university or equivalent qualification. and age limit for this examination is 19 years and 25 years at the time of appearing for this examination.There is no minimum percentage for this examination and unmarried male/female candidates are eligible to apply for this examination.Candidates who are appearing in the final year of degree course can also apply for this examination.

Any stream like B,B.M,B.E,B.Tech,M.BBS,B.Sc,B,C.A,B.Com.....etc.
9th December 2011 12:00 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

i have filled the form of ima but i have to give the exam of ota? Can i give the exam of ota,inspiet of fill the form of ima.....
8th December 2011 10:43 AM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

As girls are only elligible for OTA, chennai.Is there is any way to join IMA, dehradun
29th November 2011 08:43 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Can a girl join IMA

yes a girl can join IMA
27th November 2011 10:53 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Can an officer of short service commission join the permanent commission?
Yes, an officer of Short service commission can join the permanent commission .
For this after 4year of service you have to qualify the entrance exam conducted by armed commission.

If you qualify the exam you have to go for Interview and after passing all your SSC will converted into Permanent Commission.

good luck!
27th November 2011 01:35 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

can an officer of short service commission join the permanent commission?
16th November 2011 01:49 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

What kind of work a girl have to do after passing cds (ota)exam?
2nd November 2011 08:00 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Can a girl join IMA
26th October 2011 02:47 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Hi sir,, im completed my in 2011 with an aggregate of 63% now thir is no backlocks ,, im intrusted to join in army officer entry ,, may i elijable or not
24th September 2011 11:22 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Can an officer of short service commission join the permanent commission?
23rd July 2011 08:04 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

What rank is awarded after the completion of cds(ota) course
2nd July 2011 02:10 PM
Re: Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Originally Posted by raviyadavimr View Post
Sir what is difference between cds ima and ota in cds and which one is better
Indian Military Academy(IMA) and Officer Training Academy(OTA) both are
the training institutes of the Indian Army training new officers. In both of the
institutes new officers of Indian army are trained.

The IMA is located in Dehradun and OTA in Chennai. The difference in both of the institutes is that in OTA a candidate will get the short service commission where as in IMA a candidate will get the permanent commission. The duration of service through short service commission is of 10 years which can be extent to 4 or 5 years.

As per my suggestion its better to make your first choice IMA because you will get the permanent commission through IMA. Other wise there not any difference in between IMA and OTA.
29th November 2010 01:22 AM
Difference between CDS IMA and OTA in CDS? Which one is considered to be better?

Sir what is difference between cds ima and ota in cds and which one is better

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