Thread: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf? Reply to Thread

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22nd March 2014 12:29 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

I have completed my degree in Biotechnology(BE) but I am interested in maths. Being a biotech student can I select mathematical science in net exam? Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
30th August 2013 10:27 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

dear sir, i m btech in electronics & i eligible for ugc net??
30th March 2013 05:30 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Originally Posted by megha kumar View Post
HI I AM B TECH BIOTECH final year student can i apply for csir-ugc net/jrf?
Yes you can apply for the exam..
27th March 2013 06:59 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

well dear Megha, here are the eligibility and educational qualification required fo rthe exam ::--
M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects Chemical Science, Earth Atmospheric Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates; 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D. degree holders who had passed Master’s degree prior to 19th September 1991.

A candidate can also apply for the Test under RA (Result Awaited) category, if he/she is appearing or has appeared in his/her final year (III/IV Semester where Semester system is there) of M.Sc. or equivalent degree examination in subjects mentioned in above during the academic session 2009-2010. Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (given at the reverse of the application form) duly certified by the Head of the Deptt./Institute over his/her signature and rubber stamp (with address and name) from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared in the final year M.SC or equivalent degree examination. However, such candidates shall be admitted to the Test provisionally. They shall only be considered eligible for JRF-(NET)/LS-(NET), if they are able to produce the proof of having passed the Master’s Degree examination in the relevant or related subject with the requisite percentage of marks and within the stipulated time frame.

so you can be eligible for the exam only after you do MSc in life science as biotech comes under the life science section..
hope you got my point..bbye take care..
good luck..
26th January 2013 11:36 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i want to clear all of you people that is equivalent to M.Sc and one of my friend after in biotechnology has cleared the csir-jrf and now doing phd in iit delhi...i myself has seen her score card..
so biotech go through which paper engineering science or life science??
17th February 2012 06:46 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
there are so many answers saying yes or no... plz can some body tell it with authencity... any B.E/B.Tech person who has given NET.. plz write here for authencity.

i want to clear all of you people that is equivalent to M.Sc and one of my friend after in biotechnology has cleared the csir-jrf and now doing phd in iit delhi...i myself has seen her score card..
12th December 2011 06:32 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

what is the difference between csir ugc exam ana ugc-net exam what arts student take. I hv done M.Sc in biotechnology can i appear for ugc net other than csir
24th September 2011 08:44 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

friends only students who have done engineering ie btech or be in biotech are only eligible for csir net exam ,icmr, dbt and other engineering graduates who have done engineering from branches other than biotech are not eligible.Its really sad that mca and msc in computer science are eligible but not btech in computer science or in IT , as i am also btech computer science.And msc and mca in cs are considered equivalent.But what can we do , rules are rules. But biotech guys are lucky ,special provision for them.
And friends this information is correct 100%.For all other subjects u have to be a post graduate.But i was talking about engineering graduates.
2nd September 2011 10:34 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

can bsc biotech (3 years courses )appear in ugc jrf
18th August 2011 05:27 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Are Msc through distance mode graduates eligible to give CSIR-NET?
16th August 2011 01:07 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

i hav done btech from aicte approved college and doing mtech from deeemed university (ugc approved) i need to qualify net for lectureship
24th June 2011 02:38 PM
amit gaur2065
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

I have no correct knowledge, for proper knowledge you can
vist ugc link;-
16th June 2011 06:02 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

i dont have any e mail i.d
16th June 2011 06:00 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

i have filled application form of net but dont get my admit card.after two days exam will be conducted how i can know that i am selectd for this test or not/
25th May 2011 01:31 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

FROM ABOVE DISCUSSIONS I CAME TO KNOW THAT POST GRADUATION IS MUST FOR BOTH UGC NET AND UGC NET CSIR.WHETHER OR BTECH OR BSC.IF U HAVE DONE BSC ONLY THEN FIRST COMPLETE UR MSC IN UR BRANCH AND IF U HAVE DONE BTECH ONLY THEN FIRST COMPLETE YOUR MTECH IN YOUR FIELD THEN U PEOPLE WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR THESE EXAMS.I myself have completed my btech in 2011 in computer science and got 90% in gate.I have not got admission in iit's but hoping for some other govt college.So i just want to know is there any other exam (apart from these ugc net and csir in both of which mtech is necesssary ) in which only btech students can appear for research fwllowship.If yes then please mail me on my id as i dont have much time and i want to take admission somewhere.Please i shall be highly obliged.My id is [email protected]
10th May 2011 01:26 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

I have M.Sc. in Computer Application, not MCA....
I would like to take Phd in Statistics with CSIR/JRF..
And, so is it possible that I can attend CSIR NET in Mathematical Sciences
8th April 2011 11:32 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

there are so many answers saying yes or no... plz can some body tell it with authencity... any B.E/B.Tech person who has given NET.. plz write here for authencity.
18th March 2011 01:53 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

12th March 2011 06:22 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

can m pharma students apply for csir-ugc net/jrf?
25th February 2011 06:17 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
you cannot apply
becoz u can become engineer but M.Sc Students are scientists.

i would advise you to clear your basics about the degrees and their significance in various subjects. B.Tech is biotechnology is engineering is a layman's language. Your post is really misleading..
14th December 2010 06:02 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Respected Sir / Mam,

M.Sc(I.T) completed with 58% but failed in three subject which was cleared. Can apply for UGC NET exam ?

17th November 2010 03:29 PM
megha ram singh
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Sorry.., after B.Tech. in Biotechnology you'll not be eligible becuase for NET exam you should have done your masters you should go for that first..
27th October 2010 10:34 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Can mtech student in computer science& Engg can take NET exam?
No Guess answer plz.... reply only if u knw properly
9th October 2010 12:08 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

can in I.T student eligible for UGC or not?
7th October 2010 08:36 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

look friend you will have to appear for csir net exam and not ugce net exam which are meant for social science stream.
so there was not any science subject.
so apply for csir net exam to appear for jrf
5th October 2010 04:05 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

lifesciences..msc post grads cant apply for ugc netjrf? please clear my doubt...... all social subjects are given... but there is no lifescience code given in that.......
21st September 2010 09:02 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The basic diffewrence between UGC net and CSIR net is only that
UGC net is meant only for social subjects which are related to humanitics like sociology, geography, hindi, Management etc.
But in case of CSIR net its meant only for science subjects like maths, physics, chemictry,biology, etc.
The former conducted by UGC whwereas latter conducted by CSIr which are their governing bodies.
The exams are basically conducted one week before for csir net than ugc net both in june and december each year
21st September 2010 07:50 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Dear friend, candidates who have done a master’s degree in Chemical Science, Earth Atmospheric Ocean and Planetary Science, Life Science, Mathematical Science, Physical Science with minimum marks of 55% can apply for this exam. Since Biotech is coming under the head Life science, you are eligible to apply for the exam.
21st September 2010 01:31 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Yes you are eligible 4 the csir-ugc net
just go to official website so that you can have full access of knowledge

All the best
21st September 2010 12:20 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

18th September 2010 12:12 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Is there UGC/NET exam conducted for M.Tech candidates?
13th September 2010 07:13 PM
Sushant Roy
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

hi friend,

CSIR-UGC NET Exam for Science stream is conducted by CSIR in the following areas: -(can check this @ )

1. Chemical Sciences
2. Earth Sciences
3. Life Sciences
4. Mathematical Sciences
5. Physical Sciences

For which only MSc student in this field are eligible(remember no btech degree is also offered in these field except chemical). Hence you are not eligible for this exam. However you can write UGC NET exam into which you will get your desired subjects.
30th August 2010 07:16 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Dear friend,
I am very sorry to say that you cannot sit for the CSIR-UGC NET exam as the eligibility criteria is you should be post graduate or Msc but since is equivalent to graduation you are not eligible for the can sit for the exam after you do your
All The Best!!!!
28th August 2010 08:27 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

yes friend student to do csir-ugc net which post of the teacher on the basis of net exam conduct by ugc.
elligibility as:
70% marks in
for more details
good luck
27th August 2010 08:59 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Originally Posted by megha kumar View Post
HI I AM B TECH BIOTECH final year student can i apply for csir-ugc net/jrf?
yes you can apply very well you are eligible for this
so start preparing it you should apply and also got
best of luck dear.
27th August 2010 09:16 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am Mtech final year student. Am I eligible for UGC-CSIR JRF(NET). On the basis of NET result I want to take admission in PhD.
Yes, you can appear for csirnet exams if you have minimum 55 % marks in your PG.
The csir net exams are conducted twice in a year.Through it you can get admission in Phd program as they are given preference as if they clear net or jrf over other candidates.
27th August 2010 12:17 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

for this you must have have a Master's degree or its equivalent
in general science and arts subjects from a recognized university
as a minimum qualification,so after the graduation go for the
master degree then apply for the NET exams.
23rd August 2010 07:42 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

I am Mtech final year student. Am I eligible for UGC-CSIR JRF(NET). On the basis of NET result I want to take admission in PhD.
15th August 2010 06:31 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

yes,you can give net also,net is a perperdicular examination to promote students working with postgraduation to work with educational institutions.
this through also you can do phd.
15th August 2010 06:08 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

mere bhai tussi great ho jo btech k baad hi csir net k jugar me ho...par afsos tum eligible nahi ho...
koi nai...tussi pareshan na ho tum DBT JRF k liye elijible ho...usi se kam chala lo...
10th August 2010 04:51 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

This is so sadastic......Multiple answers for one single question....can any one surely answer to this question and send a link to d same..."
2nd August 2010 01:34 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

iam a biotechnolgy graduate with 59% aggregate.Is am eligible for net csir exams
22nd July 2010 04:33 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

you cannot apply
becoz u can become engineer but M.Sc Students are scientists.
15th July 2010 10:25 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

Dear friend,

I regret that you cannot appear in CSIR UGC-NET exam.

Because the eligibility for appearing in NET exam is to have a Master's degree or its equivalent in general science and arts subjects from a recognised university.

You have to complete master's course first and then apply for NET exam.

Good luck!
14th June 2010 07:16 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

you can apply for it because is less /equal 2
7th June 2010 02:58 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

dear friend the minimum qualification for the ugc is so you cannot apply for this........
6th March 2010 02:58 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

dear friend.
you can not apply for this.
because minimum qualification for this is
and you have no msc.
so sorry you can not..
o k
all the best
6th March 2010 02:42 PM
rahul k
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

i dont know the eligiblity for this entrance exams, i think, you can visit the officail sites for more detail regarding this entrance exams-

if any one know about this exams, so please post there answer there.
6th March 2010 02:39 AM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

dear friend
i am very happy to say that you are eligible for the exam
just visit the official website for other eligibility details
good luck
5th March 2010 09:21 PM
Re: Can Btech biotech student appear in csir-ugc net/ jrf?

well dear Megha, here are the eligibility and educational qualification required fo rthe exam ::--
M.Sc or equivalent degree under the subjects Chemical Science, Earth Atmospheric Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences, with minimum 55% marks for General and OBC candidates; 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D. degree holders who had passed Master’s degree prior to 19th September 1991.

A candidate can also apply for the Test under RA (Result Awaited) category, if he/she is appearing or has appeared in his/her final year (III/IV Semester where Semester system is there) of M.Sc. or equivalent degree examination in subjects mentioned in above during the academic session 2009-2010. Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (given at the reverse of the application form) duly certified by the Head of the Deptt./Institute over his/her signature and rubber stamp (with address and name) from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared in the final year M.SC or equivalent degree examination. However, such candidates shall be admitted to the Test provisionally. They shall only be considered eligible for JRF-(NET)/LS-(NET), if they are able to produce the proof of having passed the Master’s Degree examination in the relevant or related subject with the requisite percentage of marks and within the stipulated time frame.

so you can be eligible for the exam only after you do MSc in life science as biotech comes under the life science section..
hope you got my point..bbye take care..
good luck..
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