Thread: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut? Reply to Thread

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4th April 2020 03:11 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir please provide me previous paper of foundation course- Sanskrit e- mail id is [email protected]
8th February 2019 04:48 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir please ask to me that I can get previous and model question paper for ma 2nd year for political science for CCS university
12th December 2018 02:16 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Dear Sir/Mam, Please tell me syllabus of B.A. 2nd English year Syllabus of CCSU Meerut.
19th April 2018 03:11 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Kindly provide last year paper and syllabus of group dynamic and personality development mcom 2 year private on [email protected]
19th April 2018 01:45 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir please send B. Com 3rd last paper c 306 today
As I need it because tomorrow is my examination of this paper and I have no idea about it
8th March 2018 08:38 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

M.a enlish questions paper all paper .these are code as 112 . I want to need for prepation. Session 2017 question paper as a practice
6th February 2018 12:41 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

In an attempt to plot a dose response curve (Drc) a biossay was performed with the following result: calculate using the above data the value of correlation coefficient . NOTE: Take log dose as the x-data
4th March 2017 04:08 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir please provide me the previous years question papers till 2012 for ug 1st year of foundational course .
28th February 2017 04:08 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir please tell me M.COM 2nd year syllabus( group dynamics and personality development) for c.c.s university,Meerut and private form
7th October 2016 02:59 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Please provide me last year M.A English Private question paper and Syllabus of English M.A o this Year.
4th June 2016 02:11 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

I want ccs university meerut previous exam papers of ll.b 3year 2nd sem urgently
11th May 2016 10:51 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Kindly sent all sample questions papers of 2nd semester ccs university in r/o BALLB at my mail I. E. [email protected]
11th May 2016 07:36 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir I want question paper of bsc biotech 2nd year of RDT (206) of this year
8th February 2016 08:56 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir please show the previous year question papers of first semester
4th January 2016 08:54 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir i want previous year question paper of enviromental studies of 1st year at my mailing address [email protected]
16th May 2015 01:51 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir I want the previous year question paper of economic last year of b.a final my email is tomer.rohit952@
12th May 2015 03:31 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir i need business statistics exam paper for BBA 2nd semester(ccs university,meerut)...
Pls help me out from this problem .
Mail me at: [email protected]
9th April 2015 07:56 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

may i have previous year ques.paper of M.A POLITICAL SCINCE 2SEM regular of ccs university
pls send me my mail ID [email protected]

7th April 2015 09:57 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Please send me question paper of B.Sc. 3year of 2013 of physics, maths and chemirtry of CCS University
7th April 2015 02:19 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

plsss sir or mam provide me a previous year of sample paper of bcom1st year CCS as soon as possible in my email [email protected] (thnkyou)
25th February 2015 04:50 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Dear Sir,
I m join 1 (Private ). what are the syllabus for 2014-2015.
31st January 2015 02:53 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

I want syllabus of M.A Economics 2nd year syllabus of C.C.S university.
My email id is [email protected].
please send us as soon as possible.
13th December 2014 12:58 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sample papers of M.Sc. Coputer Science 3rd and 4th sem .please sir send to me at
[email protected]
9th December 2014 06:15 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir i want to know about M.A english private syllabus of 2014-2015.plz plz tellme.My email ID is ramthakur225588 @gmail. Com..
5th December 2014 10:25 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

sir plz send me previous year question papers of all subject 1st year at this e-mail id "[email protected]"
2nd December 2014 02:04 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir, i required immidiately 1st semester previous question papers of BA,LLB exams of CCSUNIVERSITY meerut.if ANY ONE have,or have information about from where it shold be available. kindly inform me on my email id:[email protected]
Thanks for your this kindness act.
27th September 2014 04:35 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

I need 2011 question papers of physiology and biochemistry and dental anatomy,dental histology.....plz tell hw can i get these papers of BDS 1st year
21st August 2014 01:48 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

From where can i get the previous year question paper for bba 1st sem Ccsu?
6th August 2014 01:59 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

plzz sir tell me if a student passes in all the main exam of B.Sc 2nd year but fails in sanskrit with 6 marks only. is there any back paper of sanskrit. shall i be promoted in B.Sc 3rd year. plzz do reply soon sir. I ll be waiting for ypur reply. my contact no is08439205041. thank u.
22nd May 2014 12:13 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

can you send me the previous year sanskrit question paper of 2nd year?
17th May 2014 08:15 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

What is the syllabus of foundation course-English for B.Com 2nd year?
8th May 2014 05:49 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Sir plz send the Syllabus Of M.A. English Private IInd year
[email protected]
15th March 2014 05:50 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

MA maths last 1yrs questions paper old send my email [email protected]
12th March 2014 04:16 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

previous years question papers of M.A. 1st year sanskrit private of ccs university
27th February 2014 11:59 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

can anyone give me previous year exam papers? or plz help from where can i get the same?
26th February 2014 01:58 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

please tell me the syllabus of llb 3rd year of ccs university
26th February 2014 01:51 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

please send me the llb3rd year syllabus of ccs university and also last year question papers of all subjects
19th February 2014 10:46 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Plz tell me the previous year objective question paper of physics chemistry and mathematics of c.c.s university meerut bsc final year
16th February 2014 04:01 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

i want to know that the recently salabus and patern of previous year for exam 2014 for a private student....
10th February 2014 12:22 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

My name is Shubham Bansal. I am a student of Bsc. 2year(PCM) CCS university. I want previous year paper of Physics Chemistry Maths. My e-mail ID is [email protected] . Contact No. 9015150990 .
8th February 2014 03:51 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

please tell me how to download sample papers of bsc 2nd year maths,chemistry, physics????
27th January 2014 04:19 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

sir i am the student of 1 year .i want to know the syallabus of 1year .
24th January 2014 05:23 AM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

environment exam paper of last three sem
19th January 2014 03:33 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
please give me some sample paper relatively mine course ( BBA (1st sem) ) ......
14th January 2014 01:03 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

please send me updated Syllabus of physics, chemistry and mathematics of B.Sc 3rd year as soon as possible
8th January 2014 05:26 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

sir,please tell me the date sheet of BBA 1st semester 2014 of ccs university meerut?
28th December 2013 11:25 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

Can u tell me plg which book i prefer to preparation of Botany Exam for Bsc 3rd year
plllg sir
11th December 2013 10:39 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

7th December 2013 02:58 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

bsc ist year sample papers for maths of ccs university
29th November 2013 08:31 PM
Re: Syllabus and previous year papers of CCS University, Meerut?

sir plz tell me 1 year private syllabus
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