Thread: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student? Reply to Thread

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28th August 2012 03:47 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

details of narayanamma college about placements of ECE department
21st February 2012 10:12 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

Re: I had completed B.E ECE in 2009 with 8.4 CGPA, due to less percentile in 12 could not be selected for various companies in campus and due to financial problem joint in sectors which were of no relevance to my core, want to go into core electronics side, i.e embedded/ analog / vlsi etc , I do not have any certification or relevant experience. Pl suggest me what to do in this scenario, please help
14th October 2011 02:00 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

Hi sir.. I am a student of electronics and communication engineering ( 3rd year) .As of now i feel i do not have a proper grip on the subject and i would like to get into a good job after my ... so i would request you to suugest me a stream (like networking or embedded systems ) which i have to choose to obtain a job through electronics and communication engineering
10th August 2011 02:46 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

i have done my for electronics and communication and now want to pursue from abroad. Can anyone suggest which course should i pursue for
18th July 2011 08:37 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

Career guide for B- tech (Electronics & Communication Engineering))
1. IEC GROUP Career Guide for Electronics &OFINSTITUTIONS Communications Engineering Career Guide for Electronics & Communications | IEC College
2. B.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering)Electronic engineering, is an engineering discipline where non-linear and active electricalcomponents such as electron tubes, and semiconductor devices,especially transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, are utilized to design electroniccircuits, devicesand systems, typically also including passive electrical components and basedon printed circuit boards. The term denotes a broad engineering field that covers importantsubfields such as analog electronics, digital electronics, consumer electronics, embeddedsystems and power electronics. Electronics engineering deals with implementation ofapplications, principles and algorithms developed within many related fields.DIFFERENT PROFILES FOR ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONENGINEERING STUDENTSIndia is amongst the fastest growing telecom markets, which has been adding over nine millionnew subscribers each month in the immediate past. This creates a strong opportunity space forelectronics and telecommunication engineers. Graduates also have bright placementopportunities even in the IT industry, both in the software and hardware space.India is emerging as a world class VLSI/Embedded systems hub. Electronics andCommunication engineers of a high caliber can find jobs with entry level packages of Rs. 3.5 –Rs. 4.0 lakhs per annum ( with added specialization with large number of MultinationalCorporations operating in India.A large number of electronics and communication engineers can get jobs in governmentorganizations like MTNL, BSNL, Civil Aviation, NPL, AIR, Posts and Telegraph Department,Railways, Bharat Electronics Limited and DRDO, among many others.As an Electronic Engineer, entry level positions in Government departments are by directrecruitment through advertisements in newspapers. Selection to Gazetted posts is throughcompetitive examinations conducted by Union and State Public Service Commission.In the Defense services, young engineers start as Second Lieutenants. For selection into theDefense Services – Indian Army, Indian Air force and the Indian Navy, applications are invitedthrough National Dailies..Opportunities are multifold for Electronics and Telecommunication engineers. They are onlylimited by one’s aptitude, training, and determination. Beginning with a minimum of Rs. 2.4lakhs to Rs. 3.5 lakhs per annum at the entry level, bright students are able to secure even higherpackages with specialized training in specialized areas like Mobile computing and VLSI Design.IEC Group Of Institutions, Greater Noida
3. There are many private companies in India which offer excellent career opportunities forgraduates from B.Tech in Electronics and Communications. Communication, media andentertainment industry is the biggest employer for electronics and communication engineers. InIndia, the media industry and communication sector has grown rapidly after privatization andthere are many private firms including some multi national giants like Vodafone, Star networketc who provide good career opportunities for electronics andcommunication engineering graduates. Other few sectors where B.Tech Electronics andCommunication graduates can find jobs are: Telecommunication Software Engineering/IT Power sector Hardware Manufacturing Home Appliance and VLSI design, etc Television Industry Research & mmunication__wireless__radio/   DevelopmentThe job profile of these engineers will generally involve setting up networks and equipments,process and maintenance of electronics gears and systems etc. Hardware firms like IBM as wellas communication network firms like Nokia Siemens also take in EC graduates in plenty. Topnotch IT firms also prefer EC graduates for software engineering jobs.LINKS FOR JOB SEARCH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERINGFIELD &select=Electronics %20and%20CommunicationIEC Group Of Institutions, Greater Noida
4. IEC Group Of Institutions, Greater Noida
29th June 2011 05:14 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

hi friends i have completed my btech in ece branch. so can u tell me which course will be the better option for getting job & not very difficult one. & can u tel me the best institutes which are available in delhi
26th August 2010 10:07 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

sir i m a avrage student of ece. my agregate precente after 1st year 60.
23rd August 2010 10:13 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

dear friend,
being a ECE engineer a bright future is waiting for you.
you can join in any colleges as a professor.
you can try in a companies.
you can try in any rail way companies.
you can try in some communication company
i'm giving you some company name:
a> Datamation Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
b>Koenig Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
c>Kale Consultants Limited
d>Datamation Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
for more : p%20Program
best of luck
21st August 2010 03:02 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

if two candidate are taken interview simultaneously one belongs to and the other one is from Msc(electronics) then who will get the first priority . Is gapping of years matters in interviews.
18th August 2010 05:33 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

There are lots of opportunities for (EC) candidates. You can find jobs with both private and public Telecommunication companies. Software companies also employ students with Electronics & Communication background. Power sector, steel plants petroleum and chemical industry also offers jobs to Btech (EC) candidates. The candidates can also take up teaching and research in one of the many engineering colleges in India or abroad and opt for research work
18th August 2010 03:17 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

Hello Friend
An electronics engineer can get a job in Central Government, State Governments and their sponsored corporations in public enterprises and

They can also apply for the private organizations like All India Radio, Indian Telephone Industries, MTNL, National Physical Laboratories......
18th August 2010 12:38 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

dear friend,

as u r an student of btech ece .. therefore u not need to worry..

ECE is a stream from where u can go in any stream.

u can go in private sectors as well as in govt. jobs.

there are lots of exam in which u can sit for govt. jobs like,

1. bsnl

2. ntpc

3. bel


keep reading employment newspaper..

all the best.
14th August 2010 10:46 AM
ravi k
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

u can join various companies like







embedded system design has a good scope in future.

all d best.
13th August 2010 05:38 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

Dear friend,

You have really huge opportunities after doing in Electronics and communication engg.

There are chances of joining in the core field of your branch or the software field..

So it is up to you which way you should choose after B.Tech..

You can join even the telecommunication industries after by giving the exams like JTO and at the job profiles of network engineers.

If you think that you will go for further studies you can do the M.Tech cracking the GATE exam.

All the best!
11th August 2010 09:08 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

ECE is not going to decreasing in the coming years and it has many opportunities but you should do your best to show your capability so that companies may hire you,lots of career option after completing your graduationyou can go for the higher study and give GRE and GATE exam
22nd July 2010 05:51 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

i am a intelligent student i want to write ias after which branch is best for me?.is ese easy/dead easy/hard.tell me please............................................ ...............................
11th July 2010 12:50 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

Dear Friend
I think there is a bright future for the COMMUNICATION sector. It has lot of opportunities in many of the core companies like WIPRO , PHILIPS , SONY ..........
The real opportunities of ECE is not going to decreasing in the coming years and it has many opportunities but you should do your best to show your capability so that companies may hire you .All the best.
3rd June 2010 02:26 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

MCSE, LINUX, SOLARIS are OS and Redhat is a Company Name which is supporting Linux(Redhat)
CCNA is a base level Corse to get into Networking.
Career Path: -
CCDP etc..
30th May 2010 02:12 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

which is the best among m.s or
27th May 2010 02:29 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

hi,im ece fresher.i want to move into networking field.which course is best to join in networking.
given below
17th May 2010 02:53 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

there are many options for you :

1. get into research through ISRO entrance exam which held in march.
2. go for higher studies like or MBA.
I preffer you to do MBA in HR
3. go for either embeeded system or VLSI course for real time working .This helps you a lot in finding job.
4. join NDA
15th May 2010 05:29 PM
sonal goel
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

You can go for GATE exam if want to go for further studies or can do MBA which will be a good pack to enhance your career growth
Or you can go for job
14th May 2010 04:50 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

dear frnd,
lots of carrer oppurtunities for electronics and communication
they can either prefer job in both software or core company
or can opt. for higher studies like
good luck
13th May 2010 10:53 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

you have lots of career option after completing your graduation :-

you can go for the higher study and give GRE and GATE exam.....

if you wish to do some job then post your resume to some good telecoms companies.....
13th May 2010 08:03 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

technologies in embedded system are:

Processor technology
IC technology(covers VLSI)
Design technology

embedded system consist of:

Operating systems
12th May 2010 09:30 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

dear friend
there are lots of job in this field:
Polaris Software Lab Limited
Netmumbai Datum Technologys (India) Limited
SDI Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Binary Semantics Ltd.
iBilt Technologies Limited.
Cybersol Technologies Private Limited
KPIT Infosystems Limited
Gateway WebSystems Pvt. Ltd
all the best.
17th April 2010 08:23 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

there is many opportunity available for an electronics student in India ,
you can try to find job both in software or core
also you can go for setting up your own company if you are financially strong in chip making or designing
you can also give coaching to students in different coarse
you can also open your own service center for different electronic goods
all the best
16th April 2010 12:14 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

there are many companies which you can join i will advice you to got o america and study ms in embedded systems because there is an great future there for an electronics students
all the best
14th April 2010 02:42 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

IIT delhi provides various courses in embedded can download the PDF file from the following link :-

if you are interested in doing any of the course mentioned in this file then contact the IIT Delhi univeristy in charge for further query..........
14th April 2010 01:02 AM
[email protected]
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

Degree / Course College / Institute State Eligibility Course Duration
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Guru Nanak Engineering College, Ludhiana. Punjab Class X 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Engineering, Dharwai. Karnataka Class X 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bapatala Engineering College, Bapatala. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dr. S George Institute of Engineering, Prakasam. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Osmania University, University College of Engineering, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SV Engineering College, Nalgonda. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Kakinada Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Nagarjuna Sagar Engineering College, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Deccan College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering JNTU College of Engineering, Kukatpatty, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shri Venkateshwara Hindi College of Engineering, Machilipatnam. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering NBKR Institute of Science and Technology, Vidyanagar, Nellore. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Adams Engineering College, Khammam Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Intell Engineering College, Anantapur Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Madanpalli Institute of Technology, Madanpalli. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering QIS College of Engineering and Technology, Ongole. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shadan College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SK Institute of Technology, Chittoor Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SS Engineering College, Ongole Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dr VRK College of Engineering, Karimnagar. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vignam Institute of Technologym, Nalgonda Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kottagudem School of Mines, Kottagudem Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Waltair. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SV College of Engineering, Tirupati. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering CR- Reddy College of Engineering, Eluru. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rajeev College of Engineering, Nandyal. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vazir Sultan College of Engineering, Khammam. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Annamcharya Institute of Technology, Rajampet, Chddapah. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dr. Paulraj's Engineering College, Khammam. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajahmundry. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering GRR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Miyapur. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Krishna District. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering JB Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering JPN College of Engineering, Mahabubnagar. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kamala Institute of Technology, Karimnagar. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering LB College of Engineering, Krishna District. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Madina Engineering College, Cuddapah. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Narasaropeta Engineering College, Narasaropeta. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Naryana Engineering College, Nellore. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PRR Memorial Engineering College, Mahboobnagar. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dr BVR Institute of Technology, Vishnupur, Nasarpur. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PBV Institute of Technology and Science, Nellore. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SN Institute of Technology, Old Airport Road, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SVN College of Engineering, Chitoor. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SCR Engineering College, Guntur. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Srinivasa Institute of Technology, Nellore. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SH College of Science and Technology, Siddipet. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Warangal. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering, Bollaram. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vignan Engineering College, Guntur. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering GMR Institute of Technology, Srikakulam. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Swami Ramananda Tirtha Institute of Technology, Nalgonda. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering ISS College of Engineering, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MV College of Engineering, Vizianagram. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Nagarjuna Institute of Technology, Vijayawada. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Gayatri Parishad College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Gandhipet, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering RVR College of Engineering, Guntur. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering GP Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, Visakhapatnam. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering G Narayanamma Institute of Technology, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jyotismathi Institute of Technology, Karimnagar. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MVS Engineering College, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kakatiya University, Warangal. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Nagarjuna University, Guntur. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Aizza College of Engineering and Technology, Adilabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Visakhapatnam. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Karshak Engineering College, Nizamabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Lenora College of Engineering, Godavari (East). Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering ML Engineering College, Prakasam. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Mother Teresa College of Engineering, Karimnagar. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MG Institute of Technology, Gandipet. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Noor College of Engineering and Technology, Mahboobnagar. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jatipita College of Engineering, Adilabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Warangal Andhra Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Silchar Assam Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering IIT Guwahati Assam Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vinoba Bhave Institute of Technology, Dhanbad. Bihar Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering RP Sharma Institute of Technology, New Bailey Road, Patna Bihar Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Magadh University, Maulana Azad Engineering College. Bihar Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Jamshedpur Bihar Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Chattrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Durg. Chhattisgarh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rungta College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai. Chhattisgarh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Madhya Pradesh Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Durg. Chhattisgarh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology, Sector-3, Dwarka. Delhi Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Guru Premsukh Memorial College of Engineering, Rohini, New Delhi. Delhi Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Sultanpuri, Delhi. Delhi Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bharti Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi Delhi Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Guru Teg Bahadur Institute of Technology, GHPS Premises, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi Delhi Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Amity College of Technology, Amity Campus, Saket, New Delhi. Delhi Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering IIT Delhi Delhi Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Pedre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna. Goa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Farmagudi Goa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dharanging Desai Institute of Technology, Nadiad. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Government Engineering College, Modasa. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shri SAD Vidya Mandir's College of Engineering and Technology, Bharuch Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering CK Pithwada College, Surat Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering LD College of Engineering, Ahmedabad Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Charotar Institute of Technology, Anand. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Surendranagar. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Saurashtra University, Rajkot. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MS University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Vadodara. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dharmsingh Desai Institute of Technology, District Kaira. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sarvajanik College of Engineering, Surat. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering GH Patel College of Engineering, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SV Patel Institute of Technology, Valsad. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Santilal Shah Engineering College, Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering UV Patel Engineering College, Mehsana. Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Surat Gujarat Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering AL Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kotbilla, Panchkula. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering YMCA Institute of Engineering, Sector-6, Faridabad. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Baba Mastnath Engineering College, Rohtak. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vaish Engineering College, Rohtak. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Haryana Engineering College, Court Road, Jagadhari. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Al-Falah School of Engineering and Technology, Faridabad. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management Education, Kanehi, Gurgaon. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering New Engineering College, Hisar. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Lingaya's Institute of Technology, Ashok Enclave, Sector-37, Faridabad. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Apeejay College of Engineering, Sohna, Gurgaon. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MM Engineering College, Ambala. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Haryana College of Technology, Kaithal. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Hindu College of Engineering, Sonepat. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Swami Dayanand University, Choturam State College of Engineering, Murthal. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Career Institute of Technology, Sainik Colony, Faridabad. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Technology, Palam Vihar, Gurgaon. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shri Krishna Institute of Engineering, Kurukshetra. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PD Memorial College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh. Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Kurukshetra Haryana Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering IITT College of Engineering, District Sirmaur. Himachal Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SSM College of Engineering, District Baramulla. Jammu and Kashmir Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kashmir University, Masterpro College of Engineering, Srinagar. Jammu and Kashmir Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jamwal Engineering College, Jammu. Jammu and Kashmir Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Model Institute of Education and Technology, Jammu Jammu and Kashmir Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MBS College of Engineering and Technology, Jammu Tawi. Jammu and Kashmir Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bokaro Institute of Technology, Bokaro Steel City. Jharkhand Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dhavalgiri, Dharwad. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering and Technology, Chandrapura, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PDA College of Engineering, Gulbarga. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering STJ Institute of Technology, Ranebennur Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sri Jayachamarajen College of Engineering, Mysore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering K Venkataramana Gowda College of Engineering, Kurungi Bhag, Sullia. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti, Dharwad District. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering KS Institute of Technology, Kanakapura, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering HMS Institute of Technology, Tumkur. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Nehru Samaraka Vidya Kendra Trust, Jayanagar, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bangalore Technological Foundation Trust, Jayanagar, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rural Engineering College, Tarihal, Hubli. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bahubali College of Engineering, Shravanabelagola. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bangalore College of Engineering, Malur, Kolar. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Engineering College, Ballary University, Sanjay Gandhi Nagar, Bellary. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SNJPSNM Rural Engineering College, Belgaum. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Maratha Engineering College, Karnataka University, Belgaum. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering HKS Engineering College, Gulbarga. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Guru Nanak Engineering College, Bidar. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Engineering, Mysore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, Shimoga. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Adi Chunchanagari Institute of Technology, Chikmagalur. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bapuji Institute of Engineering Technology, Devangere. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering KLE Engineering College, Belgaum. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering BLDEA College of Engineering and Technology, Bijapur. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Government BDT College of Engineering, Devangere. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MVJ College of Engineering, Kadugodi, Bangalore Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SIC Institute of Technology, Chickballapur, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Bangalore Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bapuji Institute of Engineering Technology, Devangere. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rural Engineering College, Bhalki Bidar. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Coorg Institute of Technology, Kodagu District. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Oxford College of Engineering, Hosur Road, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering AMC College of Engineering, Kalkere Village, Bangalore Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering and Technology, Chandrapura, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Golden Valley Institute of Technology, Oorgaum. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SLN Engineering College, Raichur. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology, Mysore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rural College of Engineering, Somanahalli, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vemana Institute of Technology, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sri M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sri Siddartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Ghousia College of Engineering, Ramnagaram, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering and Technology, Chandrapura, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rural College of Engineering, Somanahalli, Bangalore South. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bangalore College of Engineering and Technology, Kolar District. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering HKBK College of Engineering, Station Road, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PES Institute of Technology, Hosakerehalli, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering VV College of Engineering, Gokulum III Stage, Mysore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering BTL Institute of Technology, Hosur Road, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Near Jnana Bharati, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering JMM Institute of Technology, Chitradurga, Bangalore. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Basavalayan Engineering College, Gulbarga University, Bidar. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vijaynagar Engineering College, Bellary. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Gogte Institute of Technology, Udyambagh, Belgaum. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering NMA Institute of Technology, Karkala Taluk, Dakshina Kannada. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering BV Bhraddi College of Engineering and Technology, Vidyanagar, Hubli. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Suratkal. Karnataka Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi Univerisity, Kottamanagalam Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kannur Univerisity, Government College of Engineering, Kannur Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Chengannur. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Model Engineering College, Kochi Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Adoor. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kerala College of Engineering and Technology, Ernakulam. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Technology, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Faculty of Technology, Cochin University. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Thangal Kunju Musaitar College of Engineering. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Marath Nasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MES College of Engineering, Malappuram. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering LBS College of Engineering, Kasergode. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Perumod, Kumadra, Kollam. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Government College of Engineering, PO Vallor, Kottayam. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Karugapally, Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Kannur. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Munnar. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Poonjar. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Kasargode. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering University College of Engineering, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Kaduthuruthi, Kottayam. Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Calicut Kerala Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Technology, Gandhi Road, Gwalior. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Indira Gandhi Government Engineering College, HS Gaur University, Sagar. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Guru Ghasidas University, Government Engineering College, Bilaspur Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering RKDF Institute of Science and Technology, Raisen. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sri Satya Sai Institute of Science and Technology, Bhopal. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Guru Ramdas Khalsa Institute of Technology, Jabalpur. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Hitkari College of Engineering, Jabalpur. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Engineering and Science, IPS Academy, Rajendra Nagar, Indore. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Government Engineering College, Barkatullah University, Bhopal. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Laxmi Narayan College of Technology, Raisen Road, Bhopal. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sri Vaishava Institute of Technology, PO Palia, Indore. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Engineering and Technology, RNT Marg, Indore. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bansal Institute of Science and Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Technical University. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rustamji Institute of Technology, BSF Academy, Gwalior. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Technology, Bilaspur. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Devi Ahilya University, Indore. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rani Durgavati University, Government Engineering College, Jabalpur. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shri Shankaracharya College of Engineering, Bhilai. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Technocrats Institute of Technology, Anand Nagar, Bhopal. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Mandsaur Institute of Technology, Mandsaur. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Medi-Caps Institute of Technology, Indore. Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Bhopal Madya Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering and Technology, Akola Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering RD Kamala Nehru Engineering College, Nagpur Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering DN Patel College of Engineering, Dhule Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Karad. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SSP Mandal College of Engineering and Technology, Amravati. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SNDT Women's University, Mumbai Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MB Education Society's College of Engineering, District Beed. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Terna Engineering College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Father C Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SS Jain College of Engineering, Jalgaon Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Progressive Education Society's College of Engineering, Shivajinagar. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Manjara Charitable Trust College of Engineering, Mumbai Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PRE Socs College of Engineering, Ahmednagar. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Anjuman College of Engineering, Nagpur. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Osmanabad. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering and Technology, Laxmi Nagar, Nagpur. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Walchand Institute of Technology, Shivaji University, Sholapur. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Parvara College of Engineering, Loni, Ahmednagar. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Mahatma Gandhi College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering VPK Mandal College of Engineering, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering BR Ambedkar Technological University, Raigarh. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bharti Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Mumbai University, Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jondhale College of Engineering, Thane. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering JLD Institute of Engineering, Yavatmal. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering BSN College of Engineering, Pusad. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SSVP Sanstha College of Engineering, Dhule Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Tulja Bhavani Engineering College, Tuljapur, Osmanabad. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering St. Francis Institute of Technology, Borivli (West), Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Atharva College of Engineering, Andheri (West), Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PC Trust College of Engineering, Thane. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering KD College of Engineering, Raigad. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering VD Patil College of Engineering, Sion, Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shah and Anchor Kutchi Engineering College, Chembur, Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering KJ Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyavihar, Mumbai. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Amrawati University, Shegaon. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering BR Ambedkar Marathwada University, College of Engineering, Osmanabad. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Ankush College of Engineering, Nagpur. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vidyavardhini Society College of Engineering, Thane. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Gangami College of Engineering, Dhule. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering VYW Society College of Engineering, Amravati Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering M Gandhi College of Engineering, Nanded. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SVP Mandal's Institute of Engineering and Technology, Malegaon, Pune. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Faizpur, Jalgaon. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Visvesvarayya, Nagpur. Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering IIT Mumbai Maharashtra Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Government Engineering College, Manipur University, Imphal Manipur Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Mizoram Engineering College, North Eastern Hill University, Maunual, Aizawl. Mizoram Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering and Technology, IEM, Raniput, Gaurahari, Vihar, Jeypore. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering CMC College of Engineering and Technology, Cuttak Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dhaneshwar Rath Institute of Engineering and Management, Cuttack. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Ajay Binay Institute of Technology, Badambadi, Cuttack Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bhadrak Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bhadrak Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Krupajala Engineering College, Bhubaneshwar. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Majhighariani Institute of Technology and Science, Rayagada Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jagannath Institute of Engineering and Technology, Cuttack Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Satyasai Engineering College, Bangana, Balasore Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sanjay Memorial Institute of Technology, Ankushpur, Ganjam. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology, Pular Hills, Behrampur. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Ghanshyam Hemla Institute of Technology, Puri. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Technology, Gyan Vihar, Bhubaneshwar. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Synergy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dhankanal Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Pathara Gadia, Bhubaneshwar. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering CV Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneshwar. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Behrampur University, Gandhi Institute of Technology, Gunupur, Rayagad. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jagannath Institute of Technology, Parlakhemundi, Gajapati Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kalinga Institue of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneshwar. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Purshottam Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sundergarh. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Padmanava College of Engineering, Sundergarh. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Seemanta Engineering College, Mayurbhanj. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Rourkela. Orissa Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regency Institute of Technology, Yanam, Pondicherry Pondicherry Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kirumambakkam, Pondicherry. Pondicherry Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bharathihar College of Engineering, Truvettakudi, Pondicherry. Pondicherry Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Beant Singh College of Engineering, Pathankot Road, Amritsar. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering IITT College of Engineering, Pojewal District, Nawanshahar. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Giani Zail Singh College of Engineering and Technology, Bhatinda. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Guru Nanak Dev University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Amritsar. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering GTB Institute of Engineering, Chhapiamwali., Muktsar. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ropar. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Lala Lajpat Rai Institute of Engineering and Technology, GT Road, Moga. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shri Sukhmani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dera Bassi. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shaheed Udham Singh College of Engineering, Mohali. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Adesh Institute of Engineering, Sadiq Road, Faridkot. Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Jalandhar Punjab Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shri Balaji College of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Stani Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Engineering College, Bikaner. Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Maharishi Arvind Institute of Engineering, Jaipur Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur. Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kishengarh, Alwar. Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jaipur Engineering College, Jaipur. Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur. Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sobhasaria Engineering College, Sikar. Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Swami Keshavanand Institute of Technology and Management, Jaipur. Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Engineering College, University of Rajasthan, Kota. Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Engineering College, Ajmer. Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Mody College of Engineering, Laxmangarh. Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Jaipur Rajasthan Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim Manipal University, Rangpo, Gangtok. Sikkim Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering ES Engineering College, Erode. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Government College of Engineering, Salem. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering AC College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai Kamaraj University, Karaikudi. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Raja College of Engineering, Madurai Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Balaji College of Engineering, Sri CV Mahabidyalaya, Kancheepuram. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bharatisadan University College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchchirappali. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Mookambigal College of Engineering, Kalamavur. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering JJ College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchchirappalli. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MNM Jain Engineering College, Thorappakkam, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Government College of Engineering, Krishnagri. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering GKM College of Engineering and Technology, Thiruvencherry. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering JA Institute of Technology, Cheyyar, Chengai, MGR District. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering NITS, Karapakkam, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering AMS College of Engineering, Thiruvallur. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering GT Engineering College, Vellore Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MAM College of Engineering, Tiruchchirappalli Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dr. Paul's Engineering College, Villaypuram. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jaya Engineering College, Thiruninvarur. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering RM Engineering College, Chettinad. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SR College of Engineering, Tirunelveli. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Karapagam College of Engineering, Othakalmandapam, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Oxford Engineering College, Tiruchchirappalli. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Tiruchchirappalli Engineering College, Tiruchchirappalli. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jayaram College of Engineering, Tiruchchirappalli. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Government College of Technology, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Thyagaraju College of Engineering, Madurai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Guindi, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Karunya Institute of Technology, Siruvam, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Chunkankadi. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering VLB Janaki Ammal College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Hindustan College of Engineering, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering St Peters College of Engineering, Avadi, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering St Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Thangavelu Engineering College, Karapakkam. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sethu Institute of Technology, Anna Nagar Main Road, Madurai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering AA Mahalingam Engineering College, Thiruvarur. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MGR Engineering College, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Satyabama Engineering College, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Venkatesha College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bharathihar University, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shanmugha College of Engineering, Tanjavar. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering AM Amman College of Engineering, University of Madras, Namandi. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SRM College of Engineering, Kattankulathur. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering T Periyar Government Institute of Technology, Vellore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PM Collge of Technology for Women,Tanjavur. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kanyakumari. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sivanthi College of Engineering, Tiruchendur. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering VMKV Engineering College, Salem. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Jayamatha Engineering College, Kanyakumari. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SR Krishna Engineering College, NGGO Colony, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Maharaja Engineering College, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering EVP College of Engineering, Thiruvallur. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sona College of Engineering, Salem. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SM Institute of Technology, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vel Technology, Vallanur, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vellamal Engineering College, Ambattur, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Madha Engineering College, Kunrathur, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Sun College of Engineering and Technology, Sun Nagar, Erachakulam. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Anand Institute of Technology, Chengleput. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering DM College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PGP College of Engineering and Technology, Namakkal. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SA Engineering College, Thiruverkadu, Chengai, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SSM College of Engineering, Koramapalayam. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Tagore Engineering College, Kanchipuram. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Priyadarshini College, Vellore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Crescent Engineering College, GST Road, Chennai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Amrita Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering RS College of Engineering, Dindigul. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Mohammad Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kamraj College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PSR Engineering College, Sevalpathy. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul. Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Tiruchchirappalli Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering IIT Chennai Tamil Nadu Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Benaras Hindu Univeristy, Varanasi. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Engineering, Chatrapati Sahuji University, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Engineering, Raja balwant College, Agra. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Modi Institute of Engineering, Modinagar. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Avadh University, Kamala Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Azad Institute of Engineering and Technology, Natkar Bangla Road, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Maharana Pratap Engineering College, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Moradabad Institute of Technology, Deen Dayal Nagar, Moradabad. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Ideal Institute of Technology, NH-24, Hapur By-pass, Ghaziabad. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Agra College, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Agra. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Priyadarshini College of Computer Science, Noida. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Charan Singh University, Faculty of Engineering, Meerut. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering BSA Engineering College, BR Ambedkar University, Mathura. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Engineering and Technology, Khandari, Agra Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Maharishi Institute of Technology, Maharishi Nagar, Noida - Dadri, Gautam Buddha Nagar. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Engineering and Technology, Aliganj, Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of Electronics and Communication, JK Institute of Applied Physics, Allahabad. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Choudhury Charan Singh University, Gaziabad. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Hindustan College of Technology, Agra-Mathura Road, District Mathura. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering JSS Academy of Technology Education, B-40, Sector-58, Noida. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Anand Engineering College, Agra-Delhi Highway, Agra. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vishveshwarya Institute of Engineering and Technology, GT Road, Dadri, Gautam Buddha Nagar. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bapu Mohan Lal Arya Smarak Engineering College, Agra. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering GLA Institute of Technology and Management, Delhi-Mathura Road, Mathura. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Galgotia's College of Engineering and Technology, 1 Institutional Area, Phase-II, Greater Noida. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering IEC College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sitapur Road, Lucknow University, Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering SD College of Engineering, Muzaffarnagar. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering National School of Engineering and Technology, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Bhagwantpuram, Muzaffarnagar. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Integral Technology, Dasauli Kursi Road, Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MGM College of Engineering and Technology, D-46, Sector-59, Noida. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Radha Govind Engineering College, Meerut. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Northern Indian Engineering College, Chinhut, Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Shivdan Singh Institute of Technology and Management, Aligarh. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Allahabad Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering IIT Kanpur. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly. Uttar Pradesh Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Kumaon Engineering College, Kumaon University. Almora. Uttaranchal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Hemwati Nandan Garhwal University, GB Pant Engineering College, Garhwal. Uttaranchal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Birla Institute of Applied Sciences, Bhimtal, Nainital. Uttaranchal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Roorkee- Haridwar Road, Haridwar. Uttaranchal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dehra Dun Institute of Technology, Dehra Dun Uttaranchal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering IIT Roorkee Uttaranchal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bengal Engineering College, Howrah, Kolkata. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jadavpur University, Jadavpur. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering BP Poddar Institute of Technology, VIP Road, Kolkata. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bengal Institute of Technology, Kolkata. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Murshidabad College of Engineering and Technology, District Murshidabad. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering St Thomas College of Engineering, Harbour Road, Kolkata. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Burdwan University, Asansol, Burdwan. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Dr BC Roy Engineering College, Durgapur. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Vidyasagar University, Haldia Institute of Technology, Midnapur. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Bankura Unayani Institute of Engineering, District Bankura. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Siliguri Institute of Technology, C/o Women's Polytechnic, Siliguri. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering University of Kalyani, Institute of Engineering, Salt Lake, Kolkata. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering MCKV Institute of Engineering, Howrah. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering University Institute of Technology, Burdwan. West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Regional Engineering College (REC) Durgapur West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering IIT Kharagpur West Bengal Class XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent 4 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering, Anantpur. Andhra Pradesh Class XII. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / BSc. / Diploma in Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Maintenance Engineering 2 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering University College of Engineering, Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh Class XII. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / BSc. / Diploma in Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Maintenance Engineering 2 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering NSS College of Engineering, Palghat. Kerala Class XII. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / BSc. / Diploma in Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Maintenance Engineering 2 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering Engineering College, CV Palace, Industrial Area, Kota. Rajasthan Class XII. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / BSc. / Diploma in Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Maintenance Engineering 2 years
BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur. Rajasthan Class XII. with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / BSc. / Diploma in Mechanical / Aeronautical Engineering / Aircraft Maintenance Engineering 2 years

Please note that the list of BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering degree colleges in India above is correct from our best knowledge. If you see any error in BE / Btech. - Electronics and Communication Engineering degree or the address of the college or institute, please do let us know. This list is provided only for personal use.
14th April 2010 12:41 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

you take coaching in any private institutes ....
and you apply different companies (embedded system)...
there are many companies i give you the list...........
Sadhanasoft Click Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Nihar Infoway Ltd.
Infobahn (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Vision Comptech Integrators Limited
Optimal Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Convergent Communications (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Datamation Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Koenig Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Kale Consultants Limited
Datamation Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Compucom Software Ltd.
Surya Soft-Tech Limited
Surya Soft-Tech Limited
Mphasis-BFL Limited
Kale Consultants Limited
Mphasis-BFL Limited
MindEdge Solutions
Java Softech Pvt. Ltd.
Global Automation (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Parsec Technologies (India) Ltd.
Karishma Software Ltd. Binary Semantics Ltd.
Virgosys Software Pvt. Ltd.
Polaris Software Lab Limited
Netmumbai Datum Technologys (India) Limited
SDI Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
IQura Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Binary Semantics Ltd.
iBilt Technologies Limited
KPIT Infosystems Limited
Datum Technologys (India) Limited
Gateway WebSystems Pvt. Ltd.
Cybersol Technologies Private Limited
SolutionNet India Pvt. Ltd.
Java Softech Pvt. Ltd.
Webspectrum Software Pvt. Ltd.
Intrepid Solutions Private Limited
Learnet India Ltd.
Worldwide Infotech Inc. Perfect E Com Solution Pvt Ltd.
Software Techniques Global Software Initiatives Pvt. Ltd.
this is good field so you go for it ,,
good luck
12th April 2010 11:40 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

dear friend
various carrier opportunities for electronics and communication student are given below:
1 job in bsnl as j.t.o.
2 jobs in ntpc and nhpc
3 jobs in telecom sector like nokia siemens
4 in software sector
all the best
11th April 2010 07:25 PM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

the branch electronics and communication is the combination of many you can opt for electronics systems,telecom networks,software developer, embedded systems, and many more.........

so in short there are many career opportunities for electronics and communication engineer.....

as you are interested in embedde is very important for you to get updated with the latest technologies in embedded systems for which many part time and internship courses are organised..........

when you join then thay will give you all the theory and the industrial look of the embedded systems in around 3 months........

recently IIT mumbai announced a summer internship course for students in may , june and will be organized by TRI......the fees for the course is Rs.10000.

you can visit the following website of TRI for more details.....

for becoming eligible for the course you will have to appear for a online exam when you apply for the will be informed by them by mail or call.......... p%20Program

best of luck
11th April 2010 03:56 AM
Re: Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

well there are two options you have got, can join any software company and go for an job
or you can also join any company which deals with chip designing and deals with electronics can go for higher studies like mtech or ms which will give you an real advantage in the future
all th best
10th April 2010 11:00 PM
vidya nambiar
Various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student?

Can i know about the various career opportunities available for a btech electronics and communication student? I have got interest in embedded system so it would be really helpful if u can list out courses in that particular field.

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