Thread: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry? Reply to Thread

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1st January 2022 01:42 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

After completing bsc botany which course should I take to get job fast? I am interested inmsc biochemistry and msc microbiology. Which course is better and which one will help me to get job fast after post graduation
16th September 2019 09:23 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

I am in final year of bsc biological science(zoology,botany,chemistry) , now i am confuse which subject i choose for my msc . my main focus to get the job in research field after my msc so, c i choose several course ex msc in forensic science,msc in biotechnology, msc in microbiology,msc in biomedical.
so, kindly help me to solve my confusion.
4th October 2018 10:11 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

I've done Bsc Biochemistry. I don't know what should I opt for after this. Will oncology from foreign country serve me with good salary jobs in India?
4th October 2018 10:09 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

I don't know what I should opt for after BSc Biochemistry. Will oncology from foreign country serve me with good salary jobs in India?
9th December 2015 10:07 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

I'm doing my final year bsc's .
My subjects are chemistry, zoology, botany.
So ...what do u people suggest me to take up in my masters???
Please do help me out experts
9th December 2015 10:02 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

I am a final year bsc student with subjects- chemistry, zoology and what do u people sugest me to take up in my masters????...
Please do help me out experts
8th August 2015 12:45 AM
Career advisor
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

Microbiology can be classified into pure and applied sciences.
If you are interested in syudying Mycogy-the study of fungi
Bacteriology-the study of bacteria
Virology -the study of viruses
Phycology-the study of algae
the you go for MSc in microbiology.
Biochemistry is also known as Biological chemistry.
It deals with the study of chemical process within the living organisms. If you are intersted in it,then you must go for it. This will go you more benefit to you as you have biochemistry background.
6th August 2015 04:59 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

Hi sir/madam,

i m completed BSc (Botany zoology and psychology and and again with botany zoology and chemistry combination). now i m interst to go higher studies. which one is best for my job oriented career Msc microbiology or MSc Biochemistry. chemistry, zoology or psychology. i m waiting for ur reply....
30th October 2014 01:36 AM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

which department have higher degree medical microbiology or clinical biochemistry ???
24th May 2013 02:49 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

can i do medical biochemistry after biochemistry?
21st May 2013 05:12 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

Which is better between a Microbiology and a Biochemistry in terms of job opptunity
18th May 2013 07:48 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

can u please send me PGT syallabus for biochemistry 2013.. please.
9th March 2013 11:24 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

Sir/madam i would like to ask a bout that Biochemist after Msc can i get in pharmacy service that is my question
9th January 2013 10:35 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

which course is the best between agriculture and microbiology
11th July 2012 06:42 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

I want to know job scope after hving biochemistry from punjab agricultural univetsity??
18th May 2012 02:13 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

I did Msc Bio Chemistry in 2006 and have 3 years of teaching experience. Now i am going to start my career with SAS application. How will be the oppurtunities with this?
16th April 2012 01:30 AM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

Hello sir,

Iam doing bsc mlt final year.can i go for higher studies in Msc bio-chemistry,if yes do i have to appear for any entrance exam plz guide me.
10th April 2012 01:21 PM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

Hi Sir,
i completed Bsc in BIOTECHNOLOGY, what is the scope for me if i do Msc in MICROBIOLOGY ?
31st January 2012 11:19 AM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

Hi Dear

After complete your B.Sc (Bio chemistry ) if you do M.Sc Biochemistry
Then it is good for your study.

If you do M.Sc Microbiology then you are go for also this .........
31st January 2012 10:12 AM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

Originally Posted by vinothkannan100 View Post
Hi sir/madam,

i m completed BSc biochemistry. now i m interst to go higher studies. which one is best for my job oriented career Msc microbiology or MSc Biochemistry. i m interest in both. i m waiting for ur reply....
You better to do the higher studies in M.Sc biochemistry for your job oriented career is very useful one.
31st January 2012 09:46 AM
Re: Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

Soon after the completion of B.Sc in Biochemistry, it is a better choice to go for M.Sc in Biochemistry. I am telling this from the point of Job Opportunities.

Mostly, soon after the completion of M.Sc in Microbiology or Biochemistry, you will be given job opportunities in Pharmaceutical companies or Biotech Companies.

The departments in which you people will be recruited are
-Quality Control
-Research & Development
-Quality System

-For many of the job opportunities in Production and Quality Control, the preference will be given to the candidates of M.Sc in Biochemistry than the candidates M.Sc in Microbiology.

-If you complete M.Sc in Microbiology, there is a more scope for you to get job in R& D Department and less scope for you to get Job in Production and Quality control departments.

At the same time, there are openings in R & D Department for the candidates of M.Sc in Biochemistry too.

So, if you want to join in job soon after the completion of your Post Graduation, then its better to opt for M.Sc in Biochemistry rather than M.Sc in Microbiology.

In contrast to this, if you have profound interest to pursue M.Sc in Microbiology and want to get job in same domain, you can opt for the same.

You did not mention whether you have Microbiology as one of the subject in yoru Graduation. If you are having Microbiology as one of the subject in your Graduation, then you can enjoy the course of M.Sc in Microbiology.

Otherwise, you have to put extra efforts to complete the course as you were not familiar with the terminology of Microbiology in your previous academic levels.
31st January 2012 03:10 AM
Which course is better for me between M.Sc in Microbiology and M.Sc in Biochemistry having completed B.Sc in Biochemistry?

Hi sir/madam,

i m completed BSc biochemistry. now i m interst to go higher studies. which one is best for my job oriented career Msc microbiology or MSc Biochemistry. i m interest in both. i m waiting for ur reply....

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