Thread: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET? Reply to Thread

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15th January 2013 12:50 AM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

sir i belongs to obc from patna and intrusted in taking admission in lady hardinge medical college,can i get admission??
6th February 2012 06:48 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

sir there is reservation for st catergory candidate of other state also. and what would be the fees structure.
3rd February 2012 11:57 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

Please let me know those who are not domicile of delhi whether they can appear for Lady Hardinge Medical College,
Delhi,If can what is the procedure.
4th December 2011 01:31 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

pls give info about adm. of bse nursing nd date of apply..
11th September 2011 03:37 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

i have done B.Sc mlt and wish to pusue M.SC in pathology from lady haedeing medical college can i????
30th July 2011 10:31 AM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

sir, i m an outsider n i have even appeared my 10 n 12th from central school KV-Assam so i m lil bit in confusion sir can i be able to appear for DUMET?
23rd July 2011 05:23 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

can i have a chance of getting seat in Lady Hardinge medical college for an outside delhi ST female candidate through DUMET ?

i got 23 rank in ST candidate..... can i get admission in Lady Harding for counselling.
8th June 2011 09:12 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

i got 99 rank.can i get admission in lady harding for counselling
6th June 2011 01:45 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

i m a general women candidate and i ve done 11 and 12 from ncr am i eligible to get addmission in lady hardinge
31st May 2011 12:28 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

my air iniit jee is 1749 iam getting four year mechanical and five year electrical in roorkee and also choice of engennering physics in delhi what should i take
23rd May 2011 07:16 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

what was the DUMET score of last SC girl admitted to Lady Hardinge?
14th April 2011 10:12 AM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

cut off sc lady harding 2010
13th March 2011 12:34 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

how we can get admisson in delhi university medical collages..??/
28th June 2010 07:59 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

While going through the website of Vardhman medical college (Safdarjung Hospital), procedure of admisions, I was pleasanthly surprised to note that Lady Hardinge Medical College offers admissions to S/C S/T lady students from outside Delhi without DUMET scores. They just have to contact the college. But on inquiring from the Principal's office, Lady Hardinge Med College, they showed their ignorance in the matter!! How very strange!!!!
23rd June 2010 03:36 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

What is cut off for sc student in DUMET
17th June 2010 08:51 PM
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

Not sure about the cutoff since they have not published any info about the cutoffs of DUMET.

But with you rank i am pretty doubtful since there are few seats for SC students.But dont worry you will come to know during counseling.

And i dont think there is separate seat. For outside delhi students also same seat admission
17th June 2010 02:59 PM
Amritansu subh
Re: Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

Dear i think there is only reservation for sc which is 9% but no reservation for women,
16th June 2010 01:39 AM
Seat in lady hardinge medical college for an outside delhi sc female candidate through DUMET?

sir i am an outside delhi sc female candidate this makes me eligible only for lady hardinge medical college my sc category rank in dumet is 265. did i have any chance of getting a seat in lady hardinge medical college.also please tell me that did there is any seperate seat for outside delhi sc candidate or did they compete for the same seat with delhi sc candidate

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