Thread: WIPRO aptitude question papers? Reply to Thread

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11th October 2012 02:16 AM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

plz send last five years wipro appitude and verbal questions
9th February 2012 09:26 PM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

I am giving the name of website which has placement papers and interview questions of all the companies including wipro.I could not attach the papers or provide the link so must visit . Thank you
9th February 2012 09:24 PM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

I am giving the name of website which has placement papers and interview questions of all the companies including wipro.I could not attach the papers or provide the link so must visit . Thank you
9th February 2012 09:00 PM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

dear friend,

See my friend Wipro is undoubtedly a very good company.This is like a giant company compared to others.



I. Graduation/Post Graduation : at least have 65% of marks
II. 10+2th standard : at least have 70% of marks
III. 10 th standard : at least have 70% of marks

2. AGE :

age of a candidate should be between 22 to 35 years. Experienced candidate are preferred more than the freshers. But fresher candidates also hired by this company.

3. There should not be more than 2 years educational gaps in the candidate's carrier.

4. There should not be any backlogs.

I have attached some documents below ::

good luck.
9th February 2012 08:38 PM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?


i have attached some papers for your reference
just go through them
hope this will help you

best of luck!!!
9th February 2012 06:25 PM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

Dear friend,
Here are some Wipro sample papers.
I think you should go through these sample papers for practice.

Sample papers :
9th February 2012 03:40 PM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i need wipro aptitude question papers...could u please send to me the papers of it
hi, i need wipro aptitude question papers.pls send me
23rd January 2012 03:21 AM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

I have attached wipro paper.Hope all these paper provide help for your prepration.
22nd January 2012 08:31 PM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

Dear Friends,
I need the updated pattern of Wipro.Please help me.
11th October 2011 07:20 PM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i need wipro aptitude question papers...could u please send to me the papers of it
Dear friend,

Those candidate have 50 % above marks in through out are eligible for WIPRO.

I have attached some file please check it out.
11th October 2011 02:08 AM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

Below are the attachments for WIPRO aptitude question papers
11th October 2011 01:06 AM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?


Here i attached the some of previous year model question paper set or aptitude sample
11th October 2011 12:37 AM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i need wipro aptitude question papers...could u please send to me the papers of it

Past Papers of WIPRO

I have attached a few past papers of WIPRO along with this reply..

Just go through them and i hope they help you out in getting a good job..

All the best..

With Warm Regards
11th October 2011 12:25 AM
Re: WIPRO aptitude question papers?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i need wipro aptitude question papers...could u please send to me the papers of it


I have attached some of the previous year model papers of Wipro aptitude tst in this post for your reference... kindly check it over.. hope it helps for your preparation...


-> To attend a online mock test for wipro CLICK HERE!!!

-> I have attached some of the other files in support of your preparation.. check it over if needed....

-> Try to find out the pattern followed in the test by referring the previous year papers and prepare for it by referring some books like R.S.Agarwal...

"Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top."
1st October 2011 07:05 PM
WIPRO aptitude question papers?

i need wipro aptitude question papers...could u please send to me the papers of it

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