Thread: Is there a better scope in MBA correspondence in IT and Marketing? Reply to Thread

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2nd June 2013 09:39 AM
Re: Is there a better scope in MBA correspondence in IT and Marketing?

Hello ,

I have the similar situation as you.

I have done B.Tech and nearly 2+ years Exp. in HCL.
Meanwhile, I am doing MBA Distant in IT.

Please revert me back about your current career performance.

Thanks ,
Nipun Jain | +91-9910333171
17th February 2012 12:25 AM
Re: Is there a better scope in MBA correspondence in IT and Marketing?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
is there any benefit of doing mba (marketing)through correspondence beside the fact that i dont have any work experience???
Dear Riya,

If getting a management job is your objective (you are saying that you don't have any work experience) by doing correspondence course, my sincere advice will be NO.

Nobody wants a correspondence mgt degree. The correspondence MBA could be handy if you are already employed and you want to get some increments, or earn promotions or move laterally within the organisation, but not shift to a new employer.

You should do a full time degree in a reasonably good college.

All the best.
16th February 2012 10:16 PM
Re: Is there a better scope in MBA correspondence in IT and Marketing?

is there any benefit of doing mba (marketing)through correspondence beside the fact that i dont have any work experience???
10th November 2011 08:01 PM
Re: Is there a better scope in MBA correspondence in IT and Marketing?

You can choose for any stream from IT or marketing for MBA. Both the streams are having ample scope. You can choose the stream as per your interest. But since, you have already completed your MCA it is better for you get in to a job in that area itself. Because your work experience in that area will also help you to get in to higher job positions. An MBA will help you to build your career in the management field. If you are choosing an MBA correspondence it should be chosen from an accredited university.
30th June 2011 01:27 PM
Is there a better scope in MBA correspondence in IT and Marketing?

Would MBA correspondence in IT and Marketing a better scope.I have completed my MCA and a working experience of 2years at HCL as Network Engineer..Now willing to do MBA. What stream i should go for.

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