Thread: Past years question papers for Pharmacist in ESI? Reply to Thread

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30th January 2014 07:36 AM
sarika pharma
Re: Past years question papers for Pharmacist in ESI?

i want old ques papers for aiims pharmacist exam
19th January 2013 02:10 PM
Re: Past years question papers for Pharmacist in ESI?

Dear all,

I have exam for Pharmacist post in esi.
plz provide me syllabus for this post and sorce for syllabus.
kindly provide me the previous Q papers n study material for the same as soon as possible.

plz do the needful.!

thanking u.


preeti rawat
[email protected]
17th December 2012 07:58 PM
Re: Past years question papers for Pharmacist in ESI?

plz send me ongc pharmacist previous paper on my [email protected]
30th November 2012 12:23 PM
Re: Past years question papers for Pharmacist in ESI?

[QUOTE=resmi vinod;1326872]previous question paper for pharmacist in esi....could u please send to me the papers
14th June 2012 12:07 PM
Re: Past years question papers for Pharmacist in ESI?

send me sir pharmacist model paper plz on [email protected]
19th February 2012 10:29 PM
Re: Past years question papers for Pharmacist in ESI?

hiiiiiiiii , I AM ANKIT GOYAL and i am doing prepration for ASI (PHARMACIST) in CRPF .so please provide me some question paper
1st February 2012 01:22 PM
Re: Past years question papers for Pharmacist in ESI?

What is the syllabus for Railway exams for the post of Pharmacist?

Dear all,

I have exam on 12-02-12 for Pharmacist post in Railway in allhabad.
plz provide me syllabus for this post and sorce for syllabus.
kindly provide me the previous Q papers for the same as soon as possible.

plz do the needful.!

thanking u.


Govind bijalwan
[email protected]
17th December 2011 09:33 PM
[email protected]
Re: Past years question papers for Pharmacy

Originally Posted by resmi vinod View Post
previous question paper for pharmacist in esi....could u please send to me the papers
please send me past year esi pharmacy question papers for reference purpose,,,
9th December 2011 08:58 AM
Re: Past years question papers for Pharmacist in ESI?

will u plz send previous paper of esic pharmacist . plzzzzzz
30th October 2011 11:43 AM
resmi vinod
Past years question papers for Pharmacist in ESI?

previous question paper for pharmacist in esi....could u please send to me the papers

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