Thread: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee? Reply to Thread

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26th February 2017 07:22 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

I want to study in class 11th with subject mathematics and I want to know the total fee including hostel in a year
10th June 2015 02:59 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

I want to study in class 11th with subject bio
I want to know fee structure and hostel fee
28th April 2014 07:08 PM
[email protected]
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

i wont to know the our college free structure for 11th and 12th standard ...and knowing about girls hostel....
16th April 2013 05:33 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

I want to study art subject from Bansthli vidyapith.How may I get fee structure andhostel fee.
1st July 2012 11:22 AM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

i wanna know about the fee structure including hostel fee of amu for class 11 science
13th March 2012 11:01 AM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

For which school you want to know the fee structure for the 11th class.
Fee structure is not same for all school. It deffer from one school to another school. So i advise you to give me the school name then i try to help you.

I think the fee structure of 11th std. is around 1000/month where as the
hostel fee is around 2500/month. If you want to know the fee structure
of any school then please contact the principle of the school. They will help you.
10th March 2012 02:34 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

I want to know about admission procedure in 11th and what is fee structure including hostel fee.
Pl. inform me [email protected]
10th March 2012 02:24 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

I want to know about the admission procedure fee(with hostel fee ) for class 11 in vanasthali school..

pl.inform me on [email protected]
11th February 2012 07:36 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

I want to know about the forms for class 11 for Bits pilani school would available when?And i also want to know the admission procedure for class 11 in bhu school..
23rd January 2012 01:04 AM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

to know the school fees for 11th standard you have to the school name first.
but the addmission fees of school is aroun 2000per month.
nowdays for private school the fees varies from school to school but for avg 900/month.
but for govt school like KVs and all the fees for them is aroun d 350/month
23rd December 2011 11:40 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

how to apply for bits pilani school for class 11th and what is the fee structure
27th November 2011 08:10 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

How and when can I apply for XI th standard for my daughter in BIT pILLANI ? sHE IS NOW IN CLASS x and what is the fee structure for hostel and school.
thank you
23rd July 2011 01:10 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

is hostels are available near matunga for 11th &12th standard students?pls ans my queries as early as possible.
8th July 2011 03:33 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

want to know the fee structure of banas thali vidhya peeth for 11 std and can i get admission herein future i want to do fine arts related to this course is there any course or classes which i can do
27th June 2011 12:46 AM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

we want admission in 10 th class at bansthali vidhyapith . kindly confirm admission is possible in 10 th class.
24th June 2011 02:22 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

to know the school fees for 11th standard you have to the school name first.
but the addmission fees of school is aroun 2000per month.
nowdays for private school the fees varies from school to school but for avg 900/month.
but for govt school like KVs and all the fees for them is aroun d 350/month
good luck
23rd June 2011 08:54 AM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

what is the fees for 11th std in renga matriculation,trichy?
12th June 2011 01:02 PM
Re: Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the fee for 11th class student in and separately hostel fee

Fee structure for the 11th class including hostel fee

For which school you want to know the fee structure for the 11th class.
Fee structure is not same for all school. It deffer from one school to another school. So i advise you to give me the school name then i try to help you.

I think the fee structure of 11th std. is around 1000/month where as the
hostel fee is around 2500/month. If you want to know the fee structure
of any school then please contact the principle of the school. They will help you.

So, contact the school in which you want to get admission in the 11th std.

19th April 2011 02:42 PM
Fee structure for 11th standard including hostel fee?

what is the fee for 11th class student in and separately hostel fee

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