Thread: How to prepare for IAS exams? Reply to Thread

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28th November 2013 11:27 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

hi friend,
you give more time in study you think i say that but no my thought are diffrent you waste less time in useless things join any institute or practice at your home
24th April 2012 11:17 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

so check details from below ...
study more time to spend time 6 hours per day.

Paper I :the Indian languages to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of 300 marks

Paper II : English of 300 marks

Paper III : Essay of 200 marks

Papers IV and V : General Studies. 300 marks for each paper

Papers VI, VII, VIII and IX: choose Any two subjects to be selected from the list of the optional subjects. Each subject will have two papers of 300 marks for each paper.

Interview test contains : 300 marks.
total marks 1400,try to get 740-800marks out of 1400
24th April 2012 01:40 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

my daughter is in 1st standard. in what age i will start preparation for IAS/IPS. what kind?

mehul doshi
13th April 2012 07:09 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Civil services is conducted by upsc for 28 services . Ias exam has three stages-
1. Pre now known as csat -questions are of general sciences , gk, enviornmental sciences , reasoning and analytical questions.
2. Mains exam- it has 9 subjective paper -4 of mains subjects taken (2 each),1 of essay , 1 of english , 1 of indian language, 2 of gk
3. Interview

eligiblity is a degree of graduation from a recognised university and the mains subjects are choosen according to the need and inetrest of students.
Only subjects prescribed by the upsc can be taken in mains exam like zoology, botany, chemistry, anthropology, anatomy etc.
8th April 2012 11:57 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

i am a 14 year girl. I want to become a IAS.... Plz help me how to Prearing for it..?? and wat should i do after my boards.?
13th March 2012 12:43 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Can anyone tell me how to prepare for IAS?? I have completed my B.Tech from computer science.
7th March 2012 07:33 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

25th December 2011 01:19 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

am i eligible for IAS exams after 12th ?
9th December 2011 06:33 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

sir Me too want to prepare for Civil services IAS, I thought of having interest in Writing the optional Subjects like Sociology and public administration.. so how to prepare and what type of books should i learn sir?
14th October 2011 09:33 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

dear sir/mam
im b tech second year eee branch ,im intrested in ias exam
how should i prepare for this exam
11th September 2011 07:58 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Wnich is the best way to prepare for the prelims such that we can answer all the questions in stipulated time?
22nd July 2011 07:05 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

i am in 10th class i wanted to become a IAS officer what i do please tell me
22nd July 2011 06:20 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

I wanted to become a IAS officer? how to prepare because i am in 10th class please help me.
10th July 2011 04:38 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

hi dear,
IAS exams are conducted by UPSC. And you have to appear in the two exams, One is Mains and another is Premils. And you have to clear both the exams.

So, the prelims exams consists of 2 papers of general studies and optional subjects. So, please read the newspapers, current affairs and Magzines, to make update yourself, only then you will able to clear this exams. And the optional subject, you have choosed according to your interest.

But, in mains exams, you have to select four optional subjects and the exams of this papers was descriptive means you have to eloborate your answers.

So, please work hard for that because this exams was not easy as compared to other exams, Please join some good coaching centre and try to solve the model question papers of this exams.

Only then you will ble to qualify this exams. So please work hard and always try to solve previous year papers. This willl increase your writing skills.

Main Exams Pattern -

Paper I - One of the Indian languages to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of 300 marks

Paper II - English of 300 marks

Paper III - Essay of 200 marks

Papers IV and V - General Studies. 300 marks for each paper

Papers VI, VII, VIII and IX: Any two subjects to be selected from the list of the optional subjects. Each subject will have two papers of 300 marks for each paper.

Interview test contains - 300 marks.

So, please prepare yourself according to the syllabus. So, please prepare yourself accordiing to the syllabus, only then you will crack this exams.

9th July 2011 01:36 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

dear sir\mam
i am the student of BBA IInd year please tell me about the IAS prepration exam and which subject will be suitable for me.......
4th July 2011 01:44 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

I WANT TO GIVE PRELIMS 2012 PLZ TEL ME HOW CAN I PREPAre & then which book i have to refer
4th July 2011 01:40 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

22nd June 2011 05:12 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

i am in 2nd can i start prepration for ips exam.suggest me some books for it
21st June 2011 10:43 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Iam a student in colledge studying first year course- Master In Devolepment Administration(5 yrs int) I want to help the people towards development ,so the best way is to become IAS officer How can i start preparation.I have already choosen my selective subjects
10th June 2011 01:20 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

I am doing my second year B.Tech (IT) .I haven't started IAS preparation yet.I just don't know where to start and when to start.
Will you please suggest me some useful study materials,journals to excel in both CSAT and mains separately ? I am eager to work hard and sincerely towards success.I am also a high-spirited person.Please help me.
31st May 2011 06:03 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

can I take maths in main exam? Is it corrrect for me because I like matgs most and I want to become an IAS officer.
6th February 2011 09:13 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

i am 1st year engineering student of cse department,i want to become an ias officer , when shall i start for preparing to write entrance exam, which optional subject will suit me?
4th February 2011 02:18 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

yes,will i prepare after completed my degree or from now?but in this preparetion iam very confusing which subjects i will selcet?
and etc.
18th January 2011 11:35 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

I want to know how to prepare for english, for that which meterial I have to follow for new pattern of I.A.S exam.
3rd January 2011 11:31 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Hi all,
I have sen that this exam is very easy if we make a proper time management.
28th December 2010 07:42 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

how can we prepare for ias from class 10?
14th December 2010 07:51 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

hello friend

its appreciable that your interested in civils services examination

and the preparation plan varies from person to person

a person IQ will not be same with all the candidates so my suggestion that you have to prepare according to you

i will give some tips according to me if i give exam like this then i would keep rules like this

->atleast 10 hrs a day i will be with books

-> you should not do more and more friendships

-> we should do healthy discussions with friends

->and i would take suggestions from the other successful aspirants which i will get in you tube

->and we should follow some blogs and visit some sites regularly so that

we will get updated regularly

and for concentration meditate for at least 5 min a day

all the best

14th December 2010 12:40 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

you can get all the information about civils exams in
13th December 2010 02:51 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

my aim is to become an eminent I.A.S officer.but i have just started to prepare for IAS.i need to clesr prelims 2011.this is my first come i do that? what are all the basic things to be followed to achive this?.pl. advise me.
3rd December 2010 08:59 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

As you know the UPSC conducts this exam i.e CSAT which replaces the Civil service test conducted by the UPSC from the next year.

The CSAt manly consists of three stages i.e Preliminary test,Mains and personal interview.
The Preliminary test is conducted in the selected 53 cities of the UPSC.

Preliminary test mainly consists of two papers i.e the first paper consists of General studies like Geography,History,Current events and General science.
The second paper consists mainly of English i.e aptitude test,comprehension and Mental ability test.

If qualified in the prelims and mains then you have to attend the personal interview.

all the best
1st December 2010 06:06 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

dear IAS aspirant!
IAS exams are conducted by UPSC. And you have to appear in the two exams, One is Mains and another is Premils. And you have to clear both the exams.

So, the prelims exams consists of 2 papers of general studies and optional subjects. So, please read the newspapers, current affairs and Magzines, to make update yourself, only then you will able to clear this exams. And the optional subject, you have choosed according to your interest.

But, in mains exams, you have to select four optional subjects and the exams of this papers was descriptive means you have to eloborate your answers.

So, please work hard for that because this exams was not easy as compared to other exams, Please join some good coaching centre and try to solve the model question papers of this exams.

Only then you will ble to qualify this exams. So please work hard and always try to solve previous year papers. This willl increase your writing skills.

Main Exams Pattern -

Paper I - One of the Indian languages to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of 300 marks

Paper II - English of 300 marks

Paper III - Essay of 200 marks

Papers IV and V - General Studies. 300 marks for each paper

Papers VI, VII, VIII and IX: Any two subjects to be selected from the list of the optional subjects. Each subject will have two papers of 300 marks for each paper.

Interview test contains - 300 marks.

So, please prepare yourself according to the syllabus. So, please prepare yourself accordiing to the syllabus, only then you will crack this exams.
1st December 2010 03:47 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

You have to apply for UPSC (Union Public Services Commission) exam.

This time UPSC pattern is changed and it is called as CSAT which is expected to come into effect from Civil Services Examination, 2011.

It consits of two paper and each paper of Two hrs..

(Paper 1) (200 marks) consists of
Current events.
Indian Polity and governance
Economic and social development
and General science.

(Paper II) (200 marks)
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision making and problem solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy(Class X level)
English language comprehension skills (Class X level)

Based on the overall ranking and your choice of cadre, you will be provided IFS (Indian Foreign Service), IAS or IPS. The higher your rank, the choice is with you.

In case you have not not got a good rank and got into IFS, IAS or IPS, you may still become a Group A or B officer in the Central Govt.
1st December 2010 02:03 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Preparing for IAS is very easy if you plan it.
It will be based on time management.
It will be based on choosing the subjects for attempting I.A.S Exams.
Prelims will be held around may-june,it contains 2 papers ,duration of each paper is 2hrs.
If you choose history,maths,geography it will be easy to score more marks,but is based on your interest.
Reading newspapers,watching tv channels like discovery,national geography,animal planet,news channels ,sports etc. and preparing old question papers ,it will be available in all books stationary
if you reach interview stage book knowledge is not enough,your mental ability will also plays a major role
positive thinking improvement is necessary
communication skills and soft skills are necessary
you must be medically fit
1st December 2010 12:22 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

To start preparing for IAS one should incorporate habit of learning newspaper's editorial pages, know about the current affairs through news, internet. You should take appropriate subjects for mains these days as in prelims no subject is required.
You should plan for each day's task. For your benefit one can join coaching institutes.
1st December 2010 11:24 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

hi you should b in touch with current affairs for 4-5 years using news papers.
1st December 2010 10:32 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

hey hi
IAS is one of the toughest exam to clear so therefore you need to use a systematic approach to go ahead with your preparation.
there are many books and materials available,so pls do refer them and also have a keen insight on the latest happenings in different fields and have a power packed GK knowledge.
all the best
1st December 2010 12:55 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?


to prepare for IAS exams
IAS is very standard exam. so its preparation is not simple. you need to work hard so either you join any coaching or prepare from study materials. but you should prefer coaching.

good luck.
1st December 2010 12:48 AM
mini rani
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?


To become an IAS you need to pass the civil services exam. It consists of 3 stages:
mains exam

So at first you should have to prepare for CSAT exam. In csat you will have to appear in 2 papers of equal marks namely general awareness & aptitude. You should start your preparation by selecting the right books & study materials. Then study according to the syllabus. Try to solve model papers based on latest exam pattern.
Analyze result, find out the weak areas & try to overcome those weak areas.

Regular practice is the only key to success in any exam.
1st December 2010 12:38 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Namastey, I want to know how should one can start preparing for IAS exams?
well friend,

these are the steps to followed by one candidate who gonna write any exam like IAS.
1.BOOKS should be referred from best authors
3.hard work
5.late night study,
6.discussion with coaching teachers if you have taken coaching.

good luck.
1st December 2010 12:33 AM
rahul k
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Dear friend

IAS exams are conducted by UPSC. And you have to appear in the two exams, One is Mains and another is Premils. And you have to clear both the exams.

So, the prelims exams consists of 2 papers of general studies and optional subjects. So, please read the newspapers, current affairs and Magzines, to make update yourself, only then you will able to clear this exams. And the optional subject, you have choosed according to your interest.

But, in mains exams, you have to select four optional subjects and the exams of this papers was descriptive means you have to eloborate your answers.

So, please work hard for that because this exams was not easy as compared to other exams, Please join some good coaching centre and try to solve the model question papers of this exams.

Only then you will ble to qualify this exams. So please work hard and always try to solve previous year papers. This willl increase your writing skills.

Main Exams Pattern -

Paper I - One of the Indian languages to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of 300 marks

Paper II - English of 300 marks

Paper III - Essay of 200 marks

Papers IV and V - General Studies. 300 marks for each paper

Papers VI, VII, VIII and IX: Any two subjects to be selected from the list of the optional subjects. Each subject will have two papers of 300 marks for each paper.

Interview test contains - 300 marks.

So, please prepare yourself according to the syllabus. So, please prepare yourself accordiing to the syllabus, only then you will crack this exams.
30th November 2010 11:55 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Top class officers in IAS IPS IFS & alloyed services are selected via the exam conducted by UPSC.exam conducts in 3 stages-
3.interview(after mains selection)
the initiation of preparation starts from whole syllabus coverage,but at the exam time focus on the important section of the core area.repetitve revision will be beneficial,of selected regularly hindi or english daily newspaper to keep yourself update in general studies & essays for mains.for more information you can logon
22nd November 2010 04:33 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

can i perpare for ias with doing job
15th November 2010 11:54 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Dear friend

it is very good that your life goal is clear to qualify in the exam of IAS,you have to face PT exam in wich there is compulsory paper named general studies so first you prepare for it. You can do your preparation by reading following books:

1.Upkar Guide for GK
2.Pratiyogita darpan etc

You should also read news paper where you should go through editorial of the paper .

friend as you have not told any thing about your educational qualification so i am unable to suggest you about your main paper.So,post your qualification.

Thank you
8th November 2010 06:58 PM
malini k
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

Dear friend,
I am very much happy to see that you are an IAS aspirant.IAS is not an oridanary exam which measures our mugging up skills only.
Its an exam which measures our personality,intelligence and ability to handle situations .
So preparations for IAS should begin from our graduation period (if you are willing you can start from 8th standard onwards,actually its the right time to begin preparations)
Base knowledge is very much essential,so should start by reading NCERT text books of subjects which you are taken as electives.Then you should be updated to recent happenings in the world.So read two news papers at least a day.
Spent around 6 hours in a day to prepare for IAS and utilize it maximum.
good luck friend
8th November 2010 03:29 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

how to prepare ias examinations
8th November 2010 10:28 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

well for one thing preparation for the IAS should ideally begin since childhood. why do i say that ? well its because there is a certain "x-factor" about the IAS exams that one can study 24*7 and still not make it.. well through personal experience i've put it down to the amount of intensive reading you put in.. and since there is no limit for reading stuff(books, magazines, journals, novels ..whatever) the best time to start would be as early as possible. then you dont have to mug up G.K books the night before your exam ! then apart from reading a lot stay abreast of new findings, research, etc. and improve logical reasoning..even in your daily life solve simple problems with applying a lot of logic in your will help tune your mind to think logically when the aptitude questions come...
8th November 2010 09:27 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

IAS is very standard exam. so its preparation is not simple. you need to work hard so either you join any coaching or prepare from study materials. but you should prefer coaching.
8th November 2010 09:17 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS exams?

A minimum of 55% in graduation is a must to appear for the IAS exam. In order to clear the exam you need to be well focussed and well aware in GK area. Also the test will involve areas of mathematics. There a lot of materials available in the market for your reference. To need to very meticulous for clear the IAS exam.
7th November 2010 11:55 PM
How to prepare for IAS exams?

Namastey, I want to know how should one can start preparing for IAS exams?

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