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28th June 2013 12:52 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

SBI Clerical Exam Books:-

SBI State Bank of India Associate Banks Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam Study Guide
G.K. Publications Pvt Ltd.

State Bank of India & Associates Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam
Arihant Publications

State Bank Of India Clerical Recruitment
by Sanjay Kumar
Unique Publishers

State Bank of India and Associate Bank Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam Guide
by R. Gupat's
Ramesh Publishing House

Question Pattern :

Also check the question papers in the attachments below...
4th March 2013 09:03 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?


Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam

1.Ramesh's Bank PO book

2.Newspaper and Magazines like pratiyogita Darpan

3.Upkar's Bank examination books

4.Quantitative Aptitude by R.S Agarwal

5.R.S. Aggarwal for English

6.Reasoning By Arun Sharma

7.G.K. &G.S N.C.E.R.T.Books

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26th February 2013 09:05 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Dear There,

The acronym for SBI is State Bank of India.

The best books for preparation for SBI Clerical examination are prescribed as below:-







Hope the above mentioned will help you to get the information you were searching for.
26th February 2013 03:44 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

The following books will be useful if you are preparing for SBI Bank Clerical Examination:

-Target IBPS- CWE bank clerk practice work book- Disha expert

-General english for bank clerk exam by S.C Gupta

-Complete study packege for SBI (clerical grade exam)- Sanjeev joon

-Bank clerk exam practice work book by kiran prakashan

-Solved paperes bank clerk exam of expert compilation publisher-Arihant publications

-CWE guide for clerk grade by Sachchida Nand Jha

-Quantitative Aptitude: R S Agarwal Quantitative Aptitude Book

-Reasoning: M K Pandey Analytical Reasoning

-English Language: Wren and Martin

-General Awareness: Mahindra Current Affairs,Pratiyogita Darpan
26th February 2013 10:05 AM
mustafa tahasildar
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Dear sir/madam,
plaese give me suggetion for refrance book for preparation of SBI clerical Exam.

books to be referred for sbi clerk exam

26th February 2013 02:03 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

SBI Clerk Exam Books--

26th February 2013 01:37 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Dear Friend,

The Best Books for SBI Clerical Exam preparation are :

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.
25th February 2013 11:11 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Dear sir/madam,
plaese give me suggetion for refrance book for preparation of SBI clerical Exam.
SBI Clerk Exam Eligibility Criteria:-
  • At 10+2 level you need to secure minimum 60% of marks in aggregate. There is percentage relaxation for the reserved category candidates.
  • Those who had opted to do diploma degree can also sit for this exam if it has not been in correspondence. In this case the percentage of marks to secure is 60 percent.
  • If you have completed your graduation in any discipline from a recognized university and have got the pass marks then also you can apply.
  • The minimum age limit for giving this exam is 18 years. The upper age limit for general category candidates is 28 years.

## Selection procedure for this exam basically includes: 1) Written Examination and 2) Personal Interview.

Questions will be of class XII standard basically. So if you are well accustomed with the syllabus of class XII then you will face little hindrance when preparing for this exam. It will be a objective type test mainly.

You have to answer five sections and each section contains 40 questions. While for every right answer you will get one point but for each wrong answer 1/4th marks will be deducted from your score. You have to finish the paper in two and a half hours time.

List Of SBI Clerk Exam Books:-

State Bank Of India Clerical Recruitment
by Sanjay Kumar
Publisher: Unique Publishers

SBI State Bank of India Associate Banks Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam Study Guide
Publisher: G.K. Publications Pvt Ltd.

State Bank of India & Associates Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam
Publisher: Arihant Publications

State Bank of India and Associate Bank Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam Guide
by R. Gupat's
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House

Hope this helps
31st January 2013 04:56 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?


Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam

1.Newspaper and Magazines like pratiyogita Darpan and i succeed
2.Wren and Martin for elementary English
3.R.S. Aggarwal for English
4.Ramesh's Bank PO book
5.Quantitative Aptitude by R.S Agarwal
6.Reasoning Ability by R.S. Agarwal
7.Upkar's Bank examination books
8.SBI & SBI Associates Clerk Exam PWB by Kiran Prakashan.

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16th August 2012 02:55 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

please suggest, me that i have cleared ibps exam2011 with 158 marks so can i apply for sbi clerical post
15th April 2012 11:59 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

how can we get success in SBI bank??
16th March 2012 08:39 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

how much time will it take to cover for an average student?
15th March 2012 03:37 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

please send me a model question paper to get an idea about the examination....... my e_mail id is [email protected]
please send it as early as possible.
15th March 2012 01:12 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Hi dear.......
The list of books from where you can prepare for bank clerical exam.......

The exam patten are as follows.........

Good luck..........
15th March 2012 12:50 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Books for Bank Clerical examination :

Ramesh Bank clerical practice work book by RPH editorial board Rs.190

Ramesh Bank clerical exam solved papers by RPH editorial board Rs.110

Ramesh Bank clerical test guide (big) by Anjani A Gupta Rs.195

Ramesh Bank clerks exam guide (small) by saurabh sharma , karan dev Rs.140

Upkars Banks recruitment tests by Khanna & verma Rs.130

Upkars Bank competitions by T.S Jain Rs.205

Upkars New Banks recruitment tests by Dr.M.B Lal & Bhaatnagar Rs.140

Upkars Quicker numerical test for bank clerical cadre by Dr.M.B. Lal & Jain Rs145

15th March 2012 12:49 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Books for Bank Clerical examination :

Ramesh Bank clerical practice work book by RPH editorial board Rs.190

Ramesh Bank clerical exam solved papers by RPH editorial board Rs.110

Ramesh Bank clerical test guide (big) by Anjani A Gupta Rs.195

Ramesh Bank clerks exam guide (small) by saurabh sharma , karan dev Rs.140

Upkars Banks recruitment tests by Khanna & verma Rs.130

Upkars Bank competitions by T.S Jain Rs.205

Upkars New Banks recruitment tests by Dr.M.B Lal & Bhaatnagar Rs.140

Upkars Quicker numerical test for bank clerical cadre by Dr.M.B. Lal & Jain Rs145

15th March 2012 12:16 PM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Here there is a list of books, which students should prefer during the preparation of the exam:

Mathematics by

O.P. Agarwal


R.S.Agarwal and Jain

Reasoning By

Arun Sharma

R.S.Agarwal [Verbal and Non-Verbal]

Reasoning [Arihant Publication]

English By

Oxford Publications

Wren & Martin

G.K. &G.S

Khanna and Verma


Pratiyogita Darpan


These book should be consulted that will eventually lead to proper preparation of the exam and thus the candidates can perform ideally in the exam. Besides these books, the candidates should also consult different newspaper, recent tabloids, journals to get updated with the latest news and thus provide them the edge in the entrance exam.

Thank you and all luck.
15th March 2012 11:30 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Books to prepare for the SBI clerk exam:
For reasoning R.S.Agarwal,

SBI Clerk Exam

published by disha publications,

SBI & SBI Associates Clerk Exam PWB
by Kiran Prakashan.
all the best.
15th March 2012 09:12 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

There are many books available in the market for the preparation of bank exam. Some of good books are:
Upkar's Bank examination books
Reasoning Ability by R.S. Agarwal
Quantitative Aptitude by R.S Agarwal
Ramesh's Bank PO book
R.S. Aggarwal for English
Wren and Martin for elementary English
Newspaper and Magazines like pratiyogita Darpan and i succeed
15th March 2012 06:03 AM
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Generally many Bank Clerks exams to test the candidate aptitude ability and analytically ability and General awareness, computer awareness also.
First you have to know paper pattern of Bank Clerks Exams
Generally Paper Pattern of Bank clerks Exam:

1. Quantitative Aptitude/Numerical Ability/Arithmetical Ability
2. Logical Reasoning (Verbal And Non Verbal)
3. English Language
4. General Awareness
5. Business Terminology and Computer Terminology

Reference Books:

Quantitative Aptitude:
Tables Book,You have to remember upto 20 Tables
Quantitative Aptitude Book-R.S. Aggarwal
Quicker Maths-M Tyra
Previous model papers book

Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning-R.S Agarwal
Sudoku puzzles daily in news paper
Solve many puzzles

General Awareness:
You have to read more magazines those are as follows
Banking Service Chronicle(B.S.C)
Pratiyogita Kiran
Daily News paper

English Language:
You have to read more English Novel for fast solving of your Reading Comprehension
Vocabulary-Word power Made Easy(Norman Lewis)
Grammar-Wren martin
Business terminology:
You have to read daily news paper(business column)
15th March 2012 03:50 AM
4G Solutions
Re: Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Dear sir/madam,
plaese give me suggetion for refrance book for preparation of SBI clerical Exam.
Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam

SBI and Associate Bank Clerks Grade Exam

Publisher: Arihant Publications

ISBN: 8183482090

SBI & SBI Associates Clerk Exam PWB

Publisher: Kiran Prakashan

SBI Clerk Exam

Publisher: Disha Publication

ISBN: 5111102610

Lakshya Clerk Exam SBI And Associate Banks

Publisher: Disha Publication

ISBN: 9381250976

Pattern of SBI Clerk Examination

14th March 2012 06:04 PM
Books to be referred to prepare for SBI clerical exam?

Dear sir/madam,
plaese give me suggetion for refrance book for preparation of SBI clerical Exam.

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