Thread: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE? Reply to Thread

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25th April 2013 07:29 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

Sir/madam i wanted to get admission in mechanical gate score is 27.33 marks having 313 score and belong to OBC. plz suggest me any nit or gov.. Collge for admission.plz help me for this prob.. And notify me on [email protected]

17th March 2013 11:59 AM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

Sir i am a civil engg student and i have got 32.33 marks in gate2013
suggest me govt college and nit for admission in mtech
9th March 2013 09:30 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

Sir, I am expecting 32 marks gate2013 from EC is there any chance of getting nit SC catagiri
23rd February 2013 06:24 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

sir, i am expecting 41 in gate 2013 from EC is there any chance of getting nit or or govt college in west bengal ?
14th June 2012 09:10 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

Sirf question kyon dikhate ho inke answer bhi bta do.
Answer to ek ka bhi ni pta aur puchte hain do u have any question.
14th May 2012 12:56 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

i got 30.33 out of 100 in civil and my gate score is 277. which NIT can i get in structure and transpotation
11th April 2012 04:55 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

i got 30.67 in gate 2012 can i get any nit or government college
19th March 2012 01:04 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

my gate marks 29.33(i am sc condidate) in gate2011
can i get admission in nit or govt. college.
which type of college i can get.........
17th March 2012 04:33 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

i will get 30.67 marks in gate 2012 mechanical, which colleges can i expect under OBC category?
16th March 2012 12:47 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

sir,my mark is 30.33 in gate 2012(OBC).do i hav any chance of getting NIT trichy?
16th March 2012 12:08 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

i have scored in gate 2012 27.33 out of 100 can i get any nit admission for M.TECH
15th March 2012 08:03 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

sir,my marks in gate 2012in EC branch is 28.33 and gate score is 464,i m frm sc categeory. will i get admission in iit,nit or govt.collages????
15th March 2012 02:56 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

Can I (OBC)get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 311 marks (cs ) in GATE?
15th March 2012 12:58 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

sir,my score in gate 2012 is 23.67 and i belong to sc,where will i get admission?
28th February 2012 04:54 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

i m expecting 26.333 in gate2012 belonging to obc of csit what type of college can i expect will it be iit,iisc,nit or any other govt college or private college list is
17th February 2012 05:00 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

u will get the NIT like itanagar or assam engineering college

There are many institute where you can get admission-

PES Institutions Bangalore, India
IIT Madras - Indian Institute of Technology Chennai, India
Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT) Manipal, India
Karunya School of Engineering Coimbatore, India
Sardar Patel College of Engineering Mumbai, India
Institute of Technology-Varanasi (IT-BHU) Varanasi, India
National Institute of Technology, Warangal (NIT-W) Warangal, India
PEC University of Technology (Formerly PEC) Chandigarh, India
17th February 2012 03:51 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

i will get 35 marks in gate 2012 csit, which colleges can i expect under OBC category?
10th July 2011 05:04 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

61 marks in aieee and 105 marke in art. do any college for nit or govt
22nd June 2011 04:11 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

Originally Posted by saurabhsemantak View Post
sir my gate marks 30 (i am general condidate) in gate2011
can i get admission in nit or govt. college.
which type of college i can get.........

its difficult for nit's...but you can surely get some government colleges...but they are not worthy..
1st May 2011 01:16 AM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

you surely get goverment colleges ,but NIT has less prioirty.
30th April 2011 09:24 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

i am BC.b candidate studying ECE many marks should i get in gate for getting seat in NIT?
29th April 2011 04:24 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

What are the top govt colleges of engnrng in india?
20th April 2011 06:54 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

i have got 30 marks in gate-2011 and belong to sc candidate and want to complete engg.) from nit allahabad......give detail braj kishor ahirwar ghuraiya
13th April 2011 10:08 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

my mark is 23.67 (general) in gate.Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 23.67 marks in GATE?
13th April 2011 07:00 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

hii, NIT s not possible but surely in govt. colleges and in bangalore university
7th April 2011 10:34 PM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

yes you gate nit and iit also .if you try your best you gate chance in iise also.
4th April 2011 10:43 AM
Re: Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

You have bright chance for getting seat in govt college. its tough to say about nit's.
31st March 2011 07:12 PM
Can I get admission in NIT or government college after scoring 30 marks in GATE?

sir my gate marks 30 (i am general condidate) in gate2011
can i get admission in nit or govt. college.
which type of college i can get.........

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