Thread: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year? Reply to Thread

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22nd February 2014 11:33 PM
Gopikishan jangir
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i am btech(ece) 3rd year student .I want to do my summer training in bel,chandigarh. What is the procedure for it.
29th May 2013 08:34 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

yess u can ,,, here is the best anwer i can give it to u.

What's the best way to find a job? Create it!
Today, because knowledge is available on every Internet-connected device, what you know matters far less than what you can do with what you know. The capacity to innovate - the ability to solve problems creatively or bring new possibilities to life - and skills like critical thinking, communication and collaboration are far more important than academic knowledge. In today's educational systems, one can teach the content, but they don't teach how to think - to ask the right questions - and to take initiative.
By bringing together the very best of learning, design, tools and technology we create learning experiences that are faster, less risky and more focused. We create R&D experiences to help spawn your creative abilities.
A creative experience is a moment in our personal or work life when we experience something that forever changes the way we look at the world and how we act.
By learning to create, you invent and innovate opportunities for yourself and the society!

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Xinoe R & D Centre , a VLSI-ASIC/FPGA and Embedded technology company, is jointly operated by Binary Semantics and Inxee, leading IT and Embedded companies. Xinoe R&D Centre's R&D programs are now being offered for the first time in the following areas: System Verilog Verification using UVM 1.1 and FPGA Design and Development, where participants will be learning and experiencing the tools and techniques of successful innovators in the real world. We have tailored our R&D programs specific to the need of our global clients and the industry.
We aspire to be VLSI- ASIC/FPGA and Embedded training industry leaders by placing our participants with our diverse and global clients including the Fortune 500, and creating scientific and entrepreneurial opportunities for our participants.
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• 3 months of learning experience and 3 months of direct deployment on real world projects of multinational companies
• Placement assistance and ability to continue real world project training for a maximum period of 2 years.

PHONE - 0124 - 4787360
15th April 2013 08:43 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i am btech(ece) 3rd year student .I want to do my summer training in bel,chandigarh. What is the procedure for it.
7th April 2013 11:32 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i am student of ece btech.. have done training in telecom specialization from bsnl now pls tell me which traing i should do now n from where send me ph with address , i am in 6th sem my email id
19th March 2013 12:46 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i m a student of btech(ece) 3rd yr ,I want to know about summer training in bhel haridwar hoow to apply for the same..???
6th March 2013 01:20 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i akhil shukla electronics and communication 3rd year student. what process is done to apply the traning please tell me 8699152877
31st December 2012 10:58 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

I m Arun, I wanna do summer training related to plc or embedded system from a good company.
Mind suggesting me about companies and places where i can apply.......
my email is
15th December 2012 06:32 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

there are many ways to increase your knowledge in your subjects

for this you have

certificate courses
technical seminars conducted by professionals
workshops conducted during national technical festivals
and many more

these are few opportunities where one should utilize them properly to increase their knowledge.

and specially coming to summer training there are some government recognised organisations which provides internships to the prefinal year students..

after completing the internships they will provide you the certificates which will be useful in your future.

this is the available stuff with me

If you have any further queries

feel free to ask
7th June 2012 01:05 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i m 3rd year student will you plz tell me that u r providing summer training for students or not???? if yes how can i get it???? what r the requirements??? plz ans me on or phn num 8688932632
27th May 2012 02:19 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

can an ece student do 6 weeks training at airport?
plz rply me at
16th May 2012 08:46 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i am a student of E.C.E engineering,3rd sem pls send me the best traning companies with address
send me on
3rd May 2012 10:35 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i am a student of Electronics & instrumentation engineering,4th sem.I
wnt to undergo summer training at a good company,plz let me know names
of govt as well as private companies also the time & procedure to apply.Plz
also let me know which one will be better,doing a certification course at CTTC
or doing summer training at companies?Plz,Plz help...........
3rd May 2012 12:33 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

hello sir,i m 3rd year it branch student.i want to summer trainig.please suggest me which course is better for me...........
11th April 2012 03:16 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

sir, i m a 3rd year student of ec branch and i want to do summer training in please tell me where i do????
29th March 2012 12:36 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

There are many ECE core companies like bsnl,barathi airtel,hp,hcl infosystems,reliance,bhel,cisco,intel,aricent,sony ,philips,tata communications etc.
All what you need to do is find the opportunities available in these companies and apply for each company separately.

And regarding Certifications it is always better to do Certifications.. because they add up value to your profile so do certifications like ccna. All the best
27th March 2012 12:03 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

sir, training form lagane k bad kya process hota h.
20th March 2012 01:31 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

Re: Summer training after B.Tech 3rd year?

please give the address & email of HR Bhel to apply for the summer training imediately.
20th March 2012 01:26 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

sir, please send me the e-mail ID of HR to apply for the summer training.

please reply at
18th March 2012 03:09 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

please give the address & email of bhel for send a traning form imediatly please on my email
14th March 2012 03:18 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i am a electronics and communication 3rd year student. i want to know that from where i should do the summer training ?

anjali singh
29th February 2012 12:51 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

What is the criteria for industrial training for Electronics & communication in Tata Steel ?
25th February 2012 12:13 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

what is the criteria & fee for summer training for ET students.
23rd February 2012 10:51 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i m a student of btech(ece) 3rd yr ,i want to know about summer training in bhel haridwar or chennai.hoow to apply for the same..???
22nd February 2012 03:34 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

can an ece student do 6 weeks training at airport?
21st February 2012 10:49 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

How to apply samsung banglor summer training ece 3rd year?
20th February 2012 09:12 PM
vishwajeet katariya
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i m a student of btech(ece);
college=baldev rammirdha institute of technology(east campous),jaipur(raj.)
30th January 2012 07:58 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

when the summer trainning for 3rd year btech etc will start?
30th January 2012 02:47 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

In IT companies there ECE core branches like Networks engineering , Telecom and signals , Embedded systems are available for your branches. So then no worry that you must do an programming itself. So be good in your line you will be get your dream job
29th January 2012 02:49 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

there are many ways to increase your knowledge in your subjects

for this you have

certificate courses
technical seminars conducted by professionals
workshops conducted during national technical festivals
and many more

these are few opportunities where one should utilize them properly to increase their knowledge.

and specially coming to summer training there are some government recognised organisations which provides internships to the prefinal year students..

after completing the internships they will provide you the certificates which will be useful in your future.

this is the available stuff with me

If you have any further queries

feel free to ask

all the best
29th January 2012 10:22 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

hlo! Sir/mam
i am a ECE 3rd yr student, want to know that from where do my summer training! Plz guide me and tell me from where i do my summer training and which caurse have large scope???
Plz call me on-09760085398
or mail on-
28th January 2012 07:48 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

m a student of ece 3rd year, n want 2 know about training procedure in bel ghaziabad. so plz provide it to me on my email,
thank u
10th January 2012 03:52 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m a student of btech(ece 3rd yr). i want to know frm where i vl do my summer training so that it vl help me in future.
As you are ECE student you have many job offers in private and govt fields.

IF you interested towards software then you go with the C




If govt jobs to get into ISRO, go with GATE coaching.

All the very best.....
7th January 2012 01:36 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i m a ECE student doing my 3rd yr. i want to do a 1 month summer training after my 6th semester exam in please help me and give me suggestion. is my email id.
23rd December 2011 03:13 PM
monika sood
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i m a student of btech(ece 4rth yr). plz suggest me for the 6month industrial training
in ECE department
23rd December 2011 03:07 PM
monika sood
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i m a student of btech(ece 4rth yr). plz suggest me for the 6month industrial training
13th November 2011 12:45 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

when the summer trainning for 3rd year btech etc will start?
6th October 2011 04:39 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i wanna know abt the training offered in DRDO.......
7th September 2011 12:39 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

along with the answers if you people can also post the links it , it will b really beneficial an so helpful..
9th August 2011 03:51 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

ntpc summer traning ppt
4th August 2011 12:54 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

I will do traning
29th June 2011 11:43 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

for summer training in any industry you should have any source in that particular company.
29th June 2011 12:47 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

I am B.E. ECE student. i want to major training in TATA INDICOm company please tell me which department is good for major taining in communication field... so that it will help me in the furute job.
26th June 2011 03:17 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

I am B.TECH 4th year student from IT branch.......i wanna go for summer training for minimun 4 weeks......I really dont have any clue as which one is best and of future scope among networking,android, dotnet, java, PHP etc........sir plz help me out .........i am in a great dismay
17th May 2011 09:17 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

im a ece student just completed 2nd year need the names of few companies which provide training in chennai or bangalore
9th May 2011 08:51 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i am a B.E electronics and communication 3rd year student. what process is done to apply the traning please tell me 9993231319
6th May 2011 09:29 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

You can do internship in following companies:
6th May 2011 02:11 AM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i am a electronics and communication 3rd year student. i want to know that from where i should do the summer training ??......which will be beneficial for me in future
25th April 2011 04:57 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am a electronics and communication 3rd year student. i want to know that from where i should do the summer training ?
hii, you will get good chance in the BSNL(RTTC), surely they will alow you will have a good exposure of company and you will get experience.
18th April 2011 07:18 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i am the student of 3rd year ece. i want to know for doing training in ntpc is suitable or not for 6 month taining and what is the scope there for us.
15th April 2011 09:45 PM
Re: Summer training after B.Tech (ECE) 3rd year?

i want to join summer training of 45 days ECE...plz guide me on 9414332415.......with regards..Urvashi Purohit,B.Tech 3rd year ECE,SIKAR
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