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20th April 2012 09:18 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Hi dear,

For Quant, u can refer Quantitative Aptitude for competitive exams from ABHIJIT GUHA

or u can Refer RS Agarwal book

For GK, u can refer monthly time magazine

here is the link for the section GENERAL KNOWLEDGE

Books For Indian Banks PO Exam Preparation:

Several students buy the R. S. Agarwal series on arithmetic, reasoning and basic English and follow it stringently.

Go through the BSC series of reasoning and English.

Bank PO Exam Preparation by Aditya Publications.

Quantitative Aptitude for competitive exams from Abhijit Guha.

Best of luck.
19th April 2012 03:17 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

plz tell me how to prepare for bank po 2012 from intial stage and which good books should i consult for it
1st April 2012 01:30 AM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Objective examination will consist of:
i.Reasoning Ability Test
ii.Quantitative Aptitude
iii.General Awareness/Computer Knowledge/social economic
iv.English Language
v. clerical aptitude(sometime comes but not always.)
7th January 2012 09:35 AM
[email protected]
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

I urgently need someone to help me with a few doubts I have in the reasoning section....any help in this direction is much appreciated.
7th January 2012 09:34 AM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

I urgently need someone to help me with a few doubts I have in the reasoning section....any help in this direction is much appreciated.
15th July 2011 01:50 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

I want to know how to solve numerical and reasoning in quickly....
10th May 2011 06:05 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

which level of questions asked in po exams whether 10th level or 12th level?
10th May 2011 05:34 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

hi, iam new in preparing for P.O bank exams, i have two questions - whether it is necessary to have bank P.O coaching for the preparation, if not, then how i should prepare for the exam, what are the important books which i should consider for thorough prepartion and cracking up the exam. please guide.
1st May 2011 12:35 AM
Rohit Vashisht
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

To prepare for Bank's probationary Officers Examination, you can refer following books of 'Pratiyogita Sahitya' publications.....

Bank's PO Examination Solved Question papers

SBI PO Recruitment Examination

Pratiyogita Sahitya series Quantitative Aptitude Book

Pratiyogita Sahitya Series General Intelligence And Test of Reasoning (Verbal and Non-Verbal)

General Mental Ability and Reasoning (Verbal and Non-Verbal)

Along with this you can prepare functional english from the book 'Wren and Martinl'
30th April 2011 10:50 PM
dreksha chaudhary
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Dear friend,

The selection pattern of PO is mostly on the basis of written exam & interview. The bank conducts PO exam & Clerical cadre exam at basic levels. For higher grades, there are other exams also.

If anybody is interested in bank PO exam, then they can go through the following steps and refer the PO exam Syllabus.

The written exam will have 4 sections in which questions will be on the basis of following fields:

1. Reasoning ability – In this reasoning capability of the candidate is asked. The questions will be of types like no. series, alphabet series, blood relations, age calculation problems etc.
2. Quantitative aptitude – In this maths of class X is asked. So applicant must thorough with all this. The topics like algebra, profit loss, percentage, time & distance, ratio & proportions etc.
3. General awareness – The outside world is equally important for you to prepare for bank exam. For this, you must go through news paper, magazines etc daily. Also you must have the knowledge of current affairs.
4. English – This subject is also equally important. Grammar is main target.

The books are available easily in market. You must go through them.
The written test is of 2 – 2.5 hrs. So you must try previous year’s papers. This will help you to manage time properly & also you will get an idea of the pattern of written exam.

I hope this will help you.

Upkar`s SBI PO Examination (Solved Papers)

Ramesh`s Bank PO. Previous year Solved Papers

Test of Reasoning/Reasoning Ability by R.S.Agarwal (Verbal & Non-verbal)

Quantitative Aptitude by R.S.Agarwal

Guides by Kiran publications.

All the best............................
30th April 2011 07:07 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

For Bank PO jobs you have to appear for these two exams Written test &
.Once you clear your written exam then you will be called for interview and
based on your score in both exams they will make merit and select students

1. Written Test :

It consists of

Reasoning 75 Questions
Quantitative Aptitude 50 Questions
General Awareness 50 Questions
computer literacy and English language 50.

There will be negative marks for the wrong answers.


It is a test of English language of 45 minutes.
There is no negative marks

2. Interview:

Consists of a group discussion and interview only for those candidates who have cleared
the written examination

Tips For PO exam .

1.Try to solve previous year question papers .
2.Try to make proper notes of everything you study
3.Give time to each subject.
4.Do not leave any subject for end .
5.Read news papers and magazines.

You have to attempt 225 questions in 135 minutes so make proper arrangement before
the exam
30th April 2011 06:18 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Originally Posted by narendra66 View Post
how to prepare for bank po exams? can you please provide me the details

you can prepare from available in the market
30th April 2011 05:59 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Originally Posted by narendra66 View Post
how to prepare for bank po exams? can you please provide me the details

you can take help of any coaching institute like mahendra. purchase previes papers books from market and study the pattern of exam .solve atleast one set daily .work hard to increase your speed ,it will pay you in the last
30th April 2011 05:06 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

generally bank PO(Probationary Officer) examination consists of
General ability test
General awareness
numerical aptitude
English language
compute knowledge

to crack easily the bank PO examination you must be strong enough in every section of bank PO examination. for aptitude part you have to practice aptitude a lot. to practice aptitude by the book Reasoning by R S Agarwal. this book is very good for preparation of bank PO examination.

for english language part you should have basic knowledge in english literature and in english grammer. also you should have sound knowledge in computer to clear the bank PO examination.

to be prepare for overall part of the examination buy some good books for preparation of bank PO examination. solve some model question paper. also go through the previous years question papers and solve them for particular bank PO examination for which you are appearing.

after that i think you will easily clear the bank PO examination with this much little effort.

best of luck.
30th April 2011 04:49 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

you to purchase a book for the purpose like that of R.S Agarwal. You will get a detailed syllabus. Also the book has basic problems to the difficult ones. There will be solved papers too.

This is again a important point to follow that is to know the pattern and syllabus of the exam and prepare the questions accordingly.

all the best
30th April 2011 03:48 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

There is much competition for bank PO exams these days.

Preparing for the exam with proper planning makes you to get success in the exam.

For bank PO jobs, the selection procedure will be by
-Written test

The written test consists of questions from the following categories
-Quantitative aptitude
-General awareness
-General English
-Computer/ Marketing knowledge

Focus more on general awareness. Because this is the section which most of the candidates feel a bit difficult.

Be good enough in current affairs of last 6 months prior to the exam.

Be good enough in Grammatical points

Practice previous papers so that you may know the kind of question to be asked.

Practice aptitude problems in the early morning session so that you can understand them easily.
26th April 2011 11:56 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

For preparation of Bank PO exam you need to have good problem solving skills. As the paper consists of general ability and English portions. You can practice some study materials and journals available in market.
You can purchase the GK publications book for preparation. This book contains the all matters for the Bank PO exam.
26th April 2011 10:12 PM
rajesh mishra
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

It will be advisable for you to purchase a book for the purpose like that of R.S Agarwal. You will get a detailed syllabus. Also the book has basic problems to the difficult ones. There will be solved papers too. You need to cover all the areas in this book.

26th April 2011 07:31 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

1)PRACTICE : This is one of the important thing which you have to make as your habit that is to Practice to study and prepare for the questions daily

2) REFER GOOD BOOKS : There are N number of books available in the market which helps you to prepare for bank PO exam and other bank exam
3) KNOW THE PATTERN : This is again a important point to follow that is to know the pattern and syllabus of the exam and prepare the questions accordingly.

if you have followed these above points then you can prepare well for Bank PO exams
26th April 2011 03:51 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Bank PO exams

The Selection Procedure is Based on the Written test & Interview

1. Written Test :

o Objective/Syllabus:

1. Test of Reasoning ( 75 Questions and time suggested is 50 minutes)
2. Quantitative Aptitude (50 Questions and time suggested is 30 minutes),
3. General Awareness (50 Questions and time suggested is 25 minutes),
4. Test of computer literacy and English language (50 Questions and time suggested is 30 minutes).

The total Number of questions asked is 225 and 135 minutes allotted for the Objective Test. Beware as there will be negative marks for the wrong answers.

o Descriptive:

It is a test of English language.
Time: 45 minutes.

Objective: To test the person’s higher order cognitive abilities such as comprehension and analysis of situations, generation of unique ideas or situations as well as language ability.

Approach: Three out of four questions have to be answered on a given situation with answers to be restricted to the space provided in the question-cum-answer sheet.

Note: no negative marks

2. Interview:

Consists of a group discussion and interview only for those candidates who have cleared the written examination

Strategy and Tips For Probationary Officer Recruitment Exam:

- The written sections of Reasoning, Verbal and Aptitude can be prepared for by solving the previous papers. Try and attempt those questions that you are hundred percent sure of.

- Do not leave anything for the last minute. Work on a little bit of everything every day. Last minute studying will not help you.

- For the General Awareness section try and read the newspapers and general knowledge books regularly. Try and make a scrap book on the latest banking news, mergers, acquisitions and agreements.

- Go through acquaint yourself booklet that you usually get when you apply for the exam. It has several helpful tips.

- You have to attempt 225 questions in 135 minutes. Try and keep your goal at around 185 questions correct with no negative marking and you are safe at 90%.

- Brush up on your fundamental concepts of Mathematics and English.

- Try and read up on Banks and pertaining information. This will help you in the General awareness section and the interview.

All the Best....
26th April 2011 02:51 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

[QUOTE=narendra66;462920]how to prepare for bank po exams? can you please provide me the details

join india no 1 institute of banking MAHENDRA institute and u will get all preparatry material from there
paper pattern
Objective examination will consist of:
i.Reasoning Ability Test
ii.Quantitative Aptitude
iii.General Awareness/Computer Knowledge/social economic
iv.English Language
v. clerical aptitude(sometime comes but not always.)
26th April 2011 12:21 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

For preparation of Bank PO exams, prepare following subjects are as follows: -

1.Current Affairs
3.Social Economics
6.General Knowledge
7.Reasoning Section
10.Banking Awarness
11.English Section

26th April 2011 11:33 AM
[email protected]
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Bank Probationary officer or Bank PO is a post which is Just one step short of a Bank Manager.Its your entry point to your Mangerial Life where the highest posting can be a bank's General Manager.

Bank PO Exam Pattern:

All most all Banks have a similar pattern for Bank Exams. Generally there is an Objective test followed by an Descriptive test.

Bank Po Objective test Pattern:

Reasoning Section
Quantitative Aptitude
Test of English
General Awarenenss
26th April 2011 10:55 AM
amlendu shekhar
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Hi dear,
The bank's exam pattern consists of 4 or 5 topics. It differs from bank to bank.

but they are mainly:

reasoning ability

numerical ability

clerical aptitude test

computer basics

general English

you should start the preparation for the exam 3 to 4 months before...

the best way to prepare for the exam is to buy one or two books from the market, the name for which is given below, and start practicing.

the more you practice the more you will be able to complete the paper in that limited time which is very short to solve all the questions.

so practice is everything to prepare for bank's exam.

the books which you can follow to prepare are given below(buy one or two):

Upkar`s SBI PO Examination (Solved Papers)

Ramesh`s Bank PO. Previous year Solved Papers

Test of Reasoning/Reasoning Ability by R.S.Agarwal (Verbal & Non-verbal)

Quantitative Aptitude by R.S.Agarwal

Guides by Kiran publications.
26th April 2011 04:32 AM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

PO Previous year Papers.
  • For P.O vacancies are 450, pay scale goes from 14500 to 25700 & Requred qualification should be Graduate with any discipline but from recognized university.
  • For Clerk vacancies are 1k, with a pay grade goes from 7200 to 19300 & with same qualification. Both should be first class in graduation.
  • Contact address:

Andhra Bank, (A Govt. of India Undertaking),
H.O.: Dr. Pattabhi Bhavan,
5-9-11, Saifabad,
Hyderabad – 500 004

See the attachments for Papers....
25th April 2011 04:50 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Sir i wna know how 2 prepare 4 socio,economis,general awarenes 4 bank p.o? M very confused.. Plz zhelp me out
22nd March 2011 11:59 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?


Bank PO Exam Pattern & Selection Procedure:

The Selection Procedure is Based on the Written test & Interview. Written Test will Comprise both Objective & Descriptive Type Tests.

Objective Test Pattern: (300 Marks,150 Minutes,250 Questions)

1. Test of Reasoning (50 Questions)

2. Test of English Language (50 Questions)

3. Test of Quantitative Aptitude (50 Questions)

4. Test of General Awareness on Banking (50 Questions)

5. Test of Computer Knowledge. (50 Questions)

There will be 0.25 Negative marking for each wrong answer in Objective Type test.

Descriptive Test Pattern:

There will be one paper carrying 100 Marks for 60 Minutes duration with 5 compulsory questions with internal options, on Higher order cognitive abilities to assess knowledge on Socio-Economic Developments and Communication skills.

Candidates who scored high in Both Objective & Descriptive Test are called for Interview Depending on the No.of Vacancies.

Final Selection based on the Merit in Both Written Test & Interview.

Recommended Books:

Mathematics by

->O.P. Tandon

->O.P. Agarwal


->N.C.E.R.T.Books [From Class 6 to Class 10]

Reasoning by

->R.S.Agarwal [Verbal and nonverval ]

->A Text book on Data Interpretation and Logical reasoning by Arun Sharma

->Marksman Reasoning

English Grammar by

->Wrein and Martin

->Essential of Grammar by Oxford Publication

->Upkars Publications Bank Probationay Oficer by Khanna

->Ever Ltest General Knowledge by Verma and khanna

Chapter wise solution book:

Oswall Books

These books should be consulted in a thorough manner. Apart from these, the candidates are also advised to go through English newspapers along with different types of journals and tabloids.

Good Luck!!
22nd March 2011 06:58 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Originally Posted by narendra66 View Post
how to prepare for bank po exams? can you please provide me the details


To prepare for bank PO exam, you have to follow 3 important steps as given below..!!!

-> PRACTICE : This is one of the important thing which you have to make as your habit that is to Practice to study and prepare for the questions daily by spending some valubale time without any distraction..

-> REFER GOOD BOOKS : There are N number of books available in the market which helps you to prepare for bank PO exam and other bank exam.. If you want to know more information about bank recommended books and to buy online CLICK HERE...!!!

-> KNOW THE PATTERN : This is again a important point to follow that is to know the pattern and syllabus of the exam and prepare the questions accordingly. I have attached some of the common question pattern papers of PO exam in this post. Just go through and prepare the questions accordingly.

These are some of the important steps which you have to follow to get good marks in the Bank PO exam
22nd March 2011 04:46 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

It will be advisable for you to purchase a book for the purpose like that of R.S Agarwal. You will get a detailed syllabus. Also the book has basic problems to the difficult ones. There will be solved papers too. You need to cover all the areas in this book.
22nd March 2011 02:25 PM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?


For preparation of Bank PO exams, prepare following subjects are as follows: -

a. Current Affairs
b. Insurance
c. Social Economics
d. Aptitude
e. Finance
f. General Knowledge
g. Reasoning Section
h. Mathematics
i. Marketing
j. Banking Awarness
k. English Section

Good Luck & All the Best
22nd March 2011 09:52 AM
Re: How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

Hello Friend

Selection Criteria:
Examination will be held in two terms.
First term(1st objective paper,discriptive paper).
Second term-interview.

Objective examination will consist of:
i.Reasoning Ability Test
ii.Quantitative Aptitude
iii.General Awareness/Computer Knowledge/social economic
iv.English Language
v. clerical aptitude(sometime comes but not always.)

In discriptive paper you will have to give the answers of 5 different questions on different topic(based on social economic and some social issues).
For better prepration you must solved previous solved paper of PO of different bank and the same one also whom you want to appear.

And focus on the current events held in your country and related to social economic also.
21st March 2011 09:14 PM
How to prepare for Bank PO exams?

how to prepare for bank po exams? can you please provide me the details


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