18th May 2016 05:39 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB WISH TO DO B.TECH IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AFTER 10 2 WITH PCB. WHICH I CAN JION IN INDIA |
15th May 2016 01:26 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB My age is 14 yrs & my 12th result is coming now . I have pcb stream .i wanna be ias . What can i do now till being 21yrs old. Eihter bsc or 5yr law. |
8th May 2016 11:45 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB i am also a student of PCB n wanted to do B.sc in Microbiology i wanted to know about the career options in this field and also wanted to write IA..S exam so what will be the optional subject with microbiology in prepration of I.A.S |
10th April 2016 10:14 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB what is the exact procedure for entrance exams of mbbs? and also what are the various entrance exams for addmission in mbbs? |
1st August 2015 12:55 AM | ||
sandeepsaini.saini522 |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB Following are career option after 12th PCB candidates: Graduation in the following: Agriculture Veterinary Dental Homeopathy Biotechnology Pharmacy Biochemistry Genetics Bio Informatics Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology |
31st July 2015 01:32 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB sir, I have passed 10 2{PCB}.Can I get admission in B.Tech.(Agriculture) Coures |
9th November 2014 12:13 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB i wish to do genetic engineering! but i have PCB combination in 12th ! can u tel me what shoud i do!? |
16th July 2014 11:43 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB which are the best coaching institute in ahmedabad for AIPMT ?... can i get the comparision list of same institutes? |
28th May 2014 08:46 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB Can i do engineering corse after passing 12th with PCB? i am a student of 12th PCB |
6th May 2014 12:21 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB I have passed 12th only pcb becoz i have alredy 12 in arts can i do pharmacy |
9th July 2013 09:12 PM | ||
Saikiranreddy47475 |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB Hai Dude As you mentioned that you have completed 12th in PCB(Medical) in Science Stream.There are many options to choose a course after 12th like: -->MBBS -->B.Pharmacy -->D.Pharmacy -->M.Pharmacy -->BDS(Dental Science) -->BAMS(Ayurvedic) -->BHMS(Homeopathy) -->BUMS -->Veterinary Course -->B.SC -->Nursing -->Biotechnology The mentioned courses are related to medical field.So,it is best to choose the course of your interest in which medical field you are interested. Thank You |
6th July 2013 03:20 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB Hi, sir i am anurodh shinde student of sy b.sc my sub pcb How can i will joind merchent navy |
25th June 2013 08:30 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB In b.sc i tuk pcb as a subject so wht job wl b avilable aftr dng MBA? |
9th June 2013 11:14 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB what can i do after passing my 12th iam a student of pcme |
14th December 2012 09:27 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB In BSC NURSING which entrance exam student shuold b given in maharastra pls tell me sir. |
6th December 2012 08:41 PM | ||
ashis.career |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB You can join any of the following courses -Medicine -Veterinary -BDS etc. You have the chance to join various Pharmacy related courses like -D.Pharmacy -B.Pharmacy You can also join Graduation in B.Sc with any of the following life science subjects as specialization in your B.Sc course -Biotechnology -Biochemistry -Zoology -Botany -Chemistry -Genetic Engineering -Genetics -Bio Info |
7th October 2012 07:32 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB sir,i passed my 12th in2011 with PCB 45.37% can i give NEET 2013? |
10th August 2012 07:47 PM | ||
vidh |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB hello, HI! After passing 12th you have many option like:- > M.B.B.S > B.D.S > B.H.M.S > B.SC Biotechnology > B.SC Biology > B.SC Microbiology > B.SC Nursing > B.Pharma etc GOOD LUCK! Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/what-can-i-do-after-passing-12th-pcb-i-am-student-12th-pcb-702015.html#ixzz239IF3jwL |
10th August 2012 07:43 PM | ||
07vidhi |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB PCB in 12th class menas you have gone through the subjects of -Physics -Chemistry -Biology in your 12th class. Its a Science stream. So, Its better to opt for the Science related courses at your Graduation level. You can join any of the following courses -Medicine -Veterinary -BDS etc. You have the chance to join various Pharmacy related courses like -D.Pharmacy -B.Pharmacy You can also join Graduation in B.Sc with any of the following life science subjects as specialization in your B.Sc course -Biotechnology -Biochemistry -Zoology -Botany -Chemistry -Genetic Engineering -Genetics -Bio Info |
10th August 2012 07:09 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB What is the neccesary requirement for passing these NEET Exam? |
23rd June 2012 07:27 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB You can do nothing dear...!! Just chill & enjoy ur lyf..... |
13th June 2012 03:37 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB I have passed 12th with pcb. Can i apply for b.sc(computer science) |
4th June 2012 01:02 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB Sir, i am student of 12th with PCB. Tell me how many and name of degree college in lucknow. |
30th May 2012 03:14 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB I want to become doctor but i dont want to do mbbs n i got 65 marks in biology |
10th May 2012 12:00 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB Hi i m 2 student plz tell me what i can do and which entrance test can i give now |
3rd April 2012 07:45 PM | ||
vikasjha39 |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB Quote:
After passing 12th you have many option like:- > M.B.B.S > B.D.S > B.H.M.S > B.SC Biotechnology > B.SC Biology > B.SC Microbiology > B.SC Nursing > B.Pharma etc GOOD LUCK! |
3rd April 2012 02:17 PM | ||
rounak_online |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB Dear friend There a variety of option for your careers in basis of PCB. I am writing below. 1. Bio-technology 2. Bio-informatics 3. M.B.B.S 4.Microbiology 5. B.Pharma/D.pharma 6. Dietician 7. health councellor 8. Bio teaccher after doing B.sc Zoology/ Botany/Genetics 9. Nanotechnology 10. Vetinary doctor. 11.B.D.D.S 12. Homoepathy 13. Nursing 14. MBA in health management after doing graduation |
3rd April 2012 12:14 PM | ||
vikassaini1993 |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB hi if u r a science student then u can go for graduation if u r interested in engineering after 10+2 then you can get addmission in good colleges or university by the entrance exams of IIT or AIEEE which r engineering entrance exam or if don't want to go for engineering then you can do B.SC for extra knowqledge abiout each suject of science thank u |
3rd April 2012 11:01 AM | ||
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB you can do b.sc in -Biotechnology -Biochemistry -Zoology -Botany -Chemistry If you are a girl you can do nursing you can apply as adoctr degree in defence academy you can do M.B.B.S, B.D.S |
3rd April 2012 10:22 AM | ||
Ishita1505 |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB Hello Dear, PCB in 12th class menas you have gone through the subjects of -Physics -Chemistry -Biology in your 12th class. Its a Science stream. So, Its better to opt for the Science related courses at your Graduation level. You can join any of the following courses -Medicine -Veterinary -BDS etc. You have the chance to join various Pharmacy related courses like -D.Pharmacy -B.Pharmacy You can also join Graduation in B.Sc with any of the following life science subjects as specialization in your B.Sc course -Biotechnology -Biochemistry -Zoology -Botany -Chemistry -Genetic Engineering -Genetics -Bio Informatics etc. You may also join -B.Sc in Nursing -B.Sc in Agriculture -B.Sc in Physiotherapy. Decide upon the course which you are interested and start preparation for the respective entrance exam. As per B.Sc course with the life science subjects, direct admission will be given for this course in many of the colleges. Whichever the course you join, try to join that course in a college where there is experienced faculty and good lab facility. All the best. |
3rd April 2012 09:45 AM | ||
dhirajen18 |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB There are lot of career options after completion of 12th with PCB i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Biology. First of all you should appear for the various Medical entrance exams to become a MBBS Doctor such as:- AIPMT-ALL INDIA PRE MEDICAL TEST AFMC- ARMED FORCE MEDICAL COLLEGE, PUNE AIIMS-ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCE You may apply for under Graduate course like:- Agriculture Veterinary Dental Homeopathy Biotechnology Pharmacy Biochemistry Genetics Bio Informatics Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology After 12th PCB you may also join:- Nursing Physiotherapy etc. If you are interested for Defence sector then you may apply for NDA(National Defence Academy) to join Indian Defence forces which is only meant for male candidate. So according depending upon your interest and efficiency you can apply for one of the above mentioned career options. |
3rd April 2012 08:50 AM | ||
sunilpati |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB Hi dear.......... After +2 in Science stream you can go for Medical , Engineering , Pharmacist , Etc..... For more details i am providing you a carrier chart from where you can get details information about your carrier & you can choose for your carrier. ![]() In this chart below you can see many Govt. exam details which you can also apply after graduation or Post graduate degree . Good luck......... |
3rd April 2012 08:40 AM | ||
lvnareshsunrise |
Re: What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB PCB in 12th class menas you have gone through the subjects of -Physics -Chemistry -Biology in your 12th class. Its a Science stream. So, Its better to opt for the Science related courses at your Graduation level. You can join any of the following courses -Medicine -Veterinary -BDS etc. You have the chance to join various Pharmacy related courses like -D.Pharmacy -B.Pharmacy You can also join Graduation in B.Sc with any of the following life science subjects as specialization in your B.Sc course -Biotechnology -Biochemistry -Zoology -Botany -Chemistry -Genetic Engineering -Genetics -Bio Informatics etc. You may also join -B.Sc in Nursing -B.Sc in Agriculture -B.Sc in Physiotherapy. Decide upon the course which you are interested and start preparation for the respective entrance exam. As per B.Sc course with the life science subjects, direct admission will be given for this course in many of the colleges. Whichever the course you join, try to join that course in a college where there is experienced faculty and good lab facility. Try to gain practical knowledge apart from subject knowledge. Wish you all the best. |
2nd April 2012 04:19 PM | ||
Dilip Borkar |
What can I do after passing 12th with PCB? I am a student of 12th PCB I am a student of 12 th PCB. What I can do after my 12 th with PCB. |