Thread: Salary package of Company Secretary? Reply to Thread

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27th May 2013 02:22 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Can I do BBA and CS side by side will it be hectic or easy?
21st May 2013 02:18 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

sir, I m 29years old and 12th pass from nios board.can I get marchant nevy job?
31st March 2013 11:27 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Introduction for Company Secretary :

C.S stands for Company Secretary . Company secretary play an important role in reputed companies . he is the only man co- ordinate the all activity of the managing director , share holder and company staffs . the main decision are taken after consulting the company secretary .

Job Prospectus for the Company Secretary :

there is good job opportunity for the company secretary for both the public and private sector so don't worry you can pursue in the following field like ,

>>managing director

>>banking sectors

>>insurance sectors

>>financial institutions

>>supervisor in companies

>> company secretary etc......

Salary for the Company Secretary :

you can get starting salary is approximately 25,000 to 50,000 and the salary will increase according to the experience and intelligence it will be increase .
23rd March 2013 08:59 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Hii...want to know maximum remuneration of company secretary
If student is rank holder.....
28th February 2013 11:53 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

16th December 2012 04:54 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Dere r around 100000 students in imdia dong cs an i am one of them so os it possible to get job in such a competitve era?
16th November 2012 05:14 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Hi Friend.......

Salary for Company Secretary in India

In 2008 the starting of a CS was anything in the range of 25000-50000 p.m. and the graph was continuously increasing. The profession was taking a shape to become arguably the best profession ( in commercial field ) in India by overtaking the other professions in the field. The salaries of the Company Secretaries were increasing like anything and in spite of good payment the Comapnies were finding it difficult to get a good Company Secretary.

Suddenly the Global economy crased down which has adversely affected all professions including the profession of Company Secretaries. So for the time being the Company Secretaries might have to compromise in terms of salary but it is the pich time to show the entire world that ignoring the Corporate Governance Professionals and the Good corporate practice can create such type of massacre that adversely affect everybody from big corporates to a poor person. So in spite salary compromise or the job insecurity for the time being the Company Secretaries should never compromise their standard and ethics to anybody including the board and CFO.

The government should also give more legal protection to the Company Secretaries to ensure their independence so that they can take some decision even if the same is not liked by some Directors or CFO.

15th November 2012 10:23 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

I have completed hons from D.U. and i scored 67%.. now as per the new announcement of icai, i can skip cpt and appear for ipcc. however i'm confused,, should i go for mba or ca.As per our financial conditions i can choose only one. Could anybody help me to come out of this dilemma ?
3rd November 2012 03:49 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

i am studying in c1 or in 11th i have decided to complte cs. how much money is needed to complete cs?????????????????????????????????
25th October 2012 03:03 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

what is the salary package in training period of 15months????
13th September 2012 03:48 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

is there any free online coaching for cs.please tell me
28th July 2012 08:58 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

i want to know about expected salary package after completing comppany secretary course from icsi
20th July 2012 02:37 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

is cs is a graduation degree or post graduation degree....please reply....
10th July 2012 02:14 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

What is the salary package in traing after completion of Executive?
28th May 2012 07:03 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

how much stepend i can get in period of training?
21st May 2012 08:45 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

CS is the best course available today.The salary package is also too good.CS rocks
20th May 2012 09:28 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

after completing cs executive what is the stipend amount we get in training period.
1st May 2012 08:59 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

hi i completed my graduation in commerce, i want to do cs .to do cs is there marks percent is nedded and how many months during for
training can u erxplain me
16th April 2012 10:36 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

after completing 2com what i will do for cs
5th April 2012 03:39 AM
nagendra vijayasree
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Hi friend,

C.S stands for Company Secretary . Company secretary play an important

role in reputed companies . he is the only man co- ordinate the all activity of

the managing director , share holder and company staffs . the main decision

are taken after consulting the company secretary .

Job Prospectus for the Company Secretary :-

there is good job opportunity for the company secretary for both the public

and private sector so don't worry you can pursue in the following field like ,

>>managing director

>>banking sectors

>>insurance sectors

>>financial institutions

>>supervisor in companies

>> company secretary etc......

Salary for the Company Secretary :

you can get starting salary is approximately 25,000 to 50,000 and the salary will increase according to the experience and intelligence it will be increase .

4th April 2012 09:29 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

what is the duration of the cs course??
3rd April 2012 05:47 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

IF we failed in any stage ie in foundation,executive,final so it gng to be affect my package or what?
28th February 2012 05:40 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

after cs which course is best
30th December 2011 08:33 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

iam doing my cs what can be my package
29th December 2011 09:55 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

you can get starting salary is approximately 25,000 to 50,000 and the salary will increase according to the experience and intelligence it will be increase .
22nd December 2011 07:30 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

How much salary they will provide us in tranning ????????? or they will provide 25000 per in tranning
13th December 2011 05:35 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

is there any job after passing CS Foundation programme and wat will be its minimum salary??
30th November 2011 05:47 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

i want to enroll myself for the company Secretary course at earliest as possible.please advise the admission date for the following year.
15th November 2011 01:27 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

HI dear,

Introduction for Company Secretary :

C.S stands for Company Secretary . Company secretary play an important role in reputed companies . he is the only man co- ordinate the all activity of the managing director , share holder and company staffs . the main decision are taken after consulting the company secretary .

Job Prospectus for the Company Secretary :

there is good job opportunity for the company secretary for both the public and private sector so don't worry you can pursue in the following field like ,

>>managing director

>>banking sectors

>>insurance sectors

>>financial institutions

>>supervisor in companies

>> company secretary etc......

Salary for the Company Secretary :

you can get starting salary is approximately 25,000 to 50,000 and the salary will increase according to the experience and intelligence it will be increase .
14th November 2011 05:32 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

[It will based on your ability.and come sum where aroung 25000per month]
16th October 2011 12:57 PM
Ashok pipalwa
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Is cs is difficult as CA
To the extent i know its not as difficult as ca its mostly theory oriented course. if ur able to tackle with theory den u can get on
14th October 2011 11:11 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

you can get starting salary is approximately 25,000 to 50,000 and the salary will increase according to the experience and intelligence it will be increase .

Good luck
14th October 2011 11:08 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

is it important to do computer course in executive level.....
12th October 2011 02:48 PM

[QUOTE=gauri2011;1145026]Dear Friend,

The salary package of company secretary is not fixed and will vary with the company hiring company secretary.The salary may starts from 20000 per month and can go up to 200000 per month or more.It totally depends on the hiring company.
12th October 2011 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by infoysis View Post
introduction for company secretary :

c.s stands for company secretary . Company secretary play an important role in reputed companies . He is the only man co- ordinate the all activity of the managing director , share holder and company staffs . The main decision are taken after consulting the company secretary .

job prospectus for the company secretary :

there is good job opportunity for the company secretary for both the public and private sector so don't worry you can pursue in the following field like ,

>>managing director

>>banking sectors

>>insurance sectors

>>financial institutions

>>supervisor in companies

>> company secretary etc......

salary for the company secretary :

you can get starting salary is approximately 25,000 to 50,000 and the salary will increase according to the experience and intelligence it will be increase .
and how much
3rd October 2011 02:36 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is the salary package of company seceratry . Per month package after do cs course.
50 laks per laks
26th September 2011 09:33 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

which one is better mtech or C.S.?
24th September 2011 02:19 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

from where i should complete my 15months training. For company secretary
16th September 2011 11:12 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

is there any age limit for cs course??
16th September 2011 05:43 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

computer training is it compulsay for cs executive programme
14th September 2011 01:09 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Is cs is difficult as CA
13th September 2011 02:54 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

i did bcom prof..nw doing cs..should i go with llb?wat abt placement aftr completion..plz do reply
11th September 2011 10:03 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is the salary package of company seceratry . Per month package after do cs course.
Dear Friend,

The salary package of company secretary is not fixed and will vary with the company hiring company secretary.The salary may starts from 20000 per month and can go up to 200000 per month or more.It totally depends on the hiring company.

Best Wishes....
10th September 2011 05:47 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

8th September 2011 12:39 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Currently i am at the final level of cs exam & i wanted to do icwa is it advisable to do that ? or i should go for llb ? plz give replay soon
2nd September 2011 02:08 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

i have done graduation in arts and also doing job in pharma sector getting 3 lakh anual package. i am also intrested to do CS. so pls suggest me would it be right decision to do CS as an carrer option . and as per my salary packge can i get 4 to 5 lakh anual package in starting stage after completing CS.
pls pls pls pls pls help me and give me your valuable suggestion......!!
31st August 2011 12:11 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Salary for the Company Secretary :

you can get starting salary is approximately 25,000 to 50,000 and the salary will increase according to the experience and intelligence it will be increase .
30th August 2011 03:18 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

After complition of final, how much can we get in training of 15months.plz inform
22nd August 2011 01:11 AM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
after completed company secretary, i will get job immdiately & what would be minimum salary package please tell me

Introduction for Company Secretary :

C.S stands for Company Secretary . Company secretary play an important role in reputed companies . he is the only man co- ordinate the all activity of the managing director , share holder and company staffs . the main decision are taken after consulting the company secretary .

Job Prospectus for the Company Secretary :

there is good job opportunity for the company secretary for both the public and private sector so don't worry you can pursue in the following field like ,

>>managing director

>>banking sectors

>>insurance sectors

>>financial institutions

>>supervisor in companies

>> company secretary etc......

Salary for the Company Secretary :

you can get starting salary is approximately 25,000 to 50,000 and the salary will increase according to the experience and intelligence it will be increase .
21st August 2011 10:37 PM
Re: Salary package of Company Secretary?

after completed company secretary, i will get job immdiately & what would be minimum salary package please tell me
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